1、Module 5 Problems适用年级初中二年级所需时间课内共用5课时,每周5课时;课外共用1课时主题单元学习概述(说明:简述主题单元在课程中的地位和作用、单元的组成情况,单元的学习重点和难点、 解释专题的划分和专题之间的关系,单元的主要学习方式和预期的学习成果,字数 300-500。)本单元话题取材于义务教育英语课程标准话题项目表,因与学生生活息息相关,他们有 深刻的生活体验,易于接受,有话可说,乐于表达。本模块的话题是“问题”,围绕着这个话题,通过不同的形式呈现并讨论了一些与学生生活 密切相关的问题,以及这个年龄阶段的学生可能遇到的一些烦恼。问题来源于学生生活中会可能遇到的问题。由于所
2、有的内容都与学生密切相关,所以学生会有兴趣深入展开讨论,教师可以组织学生进行讨论,从而达到语言训练的目的。本模块的语法内容是if引导的条件状语从句,这是本册教材的一个重要语法项目,教材内容为学生理解, 运用这一语法项目提供了充分的语言材料。单元的学习重点和难点(1) if引导的条件状语从句主从句的时态。(2)理解对话中人物的问题。(3)谈论自己生活中的一些问题。专题一内容为对话一一主要谈论萨利如何设法解决萨利的朋友与家长之间出现的问题,这些内容和学生生活密切相关,是这一年龄段学生会遇到的,因此语言实践活动也比较好开展。专题二在阅读课文中,Steve写信给杂志社寻求解决问题的方法,编辑Diana
3、回信给他提出解决问题的方法。专题三是语言运用活动, 用以巩固本模块所学内容,还有一个介绍世界文化知识的专栏,以及运用任务。 本单元的预期学习成果:通过本单元学习,能掌握本单元单词、短语和句型;能够听懂对问题的陈述;能够复述对问题的描述;能够读懂有关描述问题的文章,掌握文章的大意;要求学生能够用含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句来描述问题以及提供解决问题的建议;能够结合例文进行对problems和advice的写作:通过本模块的学习来教育学生要做一个诚实的人。三看融启F .千看3加401Hle若忡比3肝W6 加¥照削31稿* .HU一¥,Q西腹 filll小格H TT4酎
4、m门等斛“石亮鲁台花中性必力货,旭.巴呜r标H J旧中用IfrJJi «We. iriRfe事l*修* Mlfl ,叫MfiL K *a- dHWU.MMI蜒MT任之*MH. 31* 问,安二 后 d立证司iHl . »主题单元规划思维导图("uve qoc ar. piqmhm m >xir re1: /latharEl at pirmm dn >nu lm jifri nMpi iriuii 1立/|Hfa p-fnani'1 P n m, 'hjw a i rrn 卡 she*, r.wnnp' U f d d '
5、ftn- da yvaisi-d f vqTY轲I依可修 i 网ipFciravwrik .*«小qMsunml主题单元学习目标知识与技能:1 .知识目标1)正确理解并使用以下词汇及短语:名词:chance, shame, pity, practice, exam, truth, pocket money, virus, shelf, 动词:beat, refuse, warn, prove, realise, mend, steal形容词:able, final, terrible,短语:be able to , all together, at the end of , take
6、 off, after all, hurry up, he lp sb. with sth.2)语法:掌握if引导的条件状语从句:如:If Sally plays well, she will play the solo at the end of the Starsearch con cert.3)正确理解并运用下列习惯用语:Tell me about .You mean-.Rather you than me.That' a shame!That' such a pity!2 .技能目标能够听懂有关叙事内容的对话,并能叙述简单的事情。能够读懂有关反映问题及给予建议的书信,能
7、够用条件状语从句进行口头和笔头的表达。情感态度与价值观:1) 了解外国年龄孩子的生活和烦恼,了解一些外国报刊,杂志上有关读者问题 并提出建议的书信。能够就自己生活中的一些问题进行讨论,和别人交流看法和意见。2)运用习惯用语表达自己的感情,能够运用表情和肢体语言表达情绪。过程与方法:教学策略:主要采用交际法,情境教学法和任务型教学法等几种教学手段。在活动策略上主 要采用自主学习策略和小组活动策略两种方法。让学生有效的跟随真实的语言情 境一步一步的完成各个环节的教学任务,特别在阅读和写作环节上能提高自主学 习的意识和小组合作意识。学习策略:让学生学会在学习中思考,能够自主查阅资料及工具书解决问题;
8、能够表达个人意见, 参与讨论,并注意倾听他人的意见,用欣赏的眼光看待别人的意见和观点。小组成员互助学习,以好带差,培养学生学习的自信心及团结互助的精神。对应课标(说明:学科课程标准对本单元学习的要求)1 .能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点;2 .能有效地询问信息和请求帮助;3 .在日常生活中恰当理解和表达问候、告别、感谢、介绍等交际功能;4 .能在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感;5 .遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教,取得帮助;6 .交际中遇到困难时,有效地寻求帮助;主题单元问题设计Have you got any problems in your life?What kin
9、d of problems do you usually have?Who helps you when you have this problem?专题划分专题一:听与说谈论如何设法解决朋友与家长之间出现的问题(2课时)专题二:读与写寻求解决问题的方法(2 课时)专题三:应用语言运用活动,用以巩固本模块所学内容(1 课时)专题一专题一:听与说谈论如何设法解决朋友与家长之间出现的问题所需课时2课时专题学习目标1 .知识目标正确使用一下单词和词组:单 tffj: able, beat, shame, punish, such词组:play a solo, refuse to do, warn a
10、bout, send away, be proud of, at the end of, in the background,during our final practice, all together语法:掌握if引导的条件状语从句的时态:若主句是一般将来时,从要用一般现在时。即“主将从现”2 .技能目标听:能听懂对问题的陈述。说:能叙述对问题的描述。读:能读懂有关描述问题的相关对话。写:能把课堂口语练习的内容落实到书面文字。3 .情感目标让学生乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法。专题问题设计Do you have any problems?What is your probl
11、em?所需教学环境和教学资源1 .教师教学资源:主要包括教材提供的资源、多媒体教学设备和PPT教学课件。2 .学生学习资源和工具:多媒体教室、教材、PPT教学课件。学习活动设计(任务)I . Engage 感知体验Step 1 Warming upT: Do you have any problems?S: Yes.T: What is your problem?S: My mother doesn ' t think I study hard, but I try my best.My best friend doesn't like to play games with m
12、e.,T: Good! Today we are going to learn something about problems.Module 5 Problems Unit1 If she goes to a different school, I won' t see my best friend.(设计意图)用学生熟悉的话题导入新课,引起学生的兴趣。Step 2 Listening (Activity 2)T: Do you want to know Tony's problems?S: Yes.T: Listen to the dialogue and find the
13、 answer what Tony' s problem is.What is Tony ' s problem?A) Tony will refuse to go to the guitar class.B) Tony spends too much time playing the guitar.S: B(设计意图)让学生感知与问题相关的话题,训练学生听的能力,熟悉词汇,为学习对话做准备。另外,在听力训练中让学生带着任务去听,注意学生听力技巧的培养。n . Practice ( 模仿操练)Step 3 Listening (Activity 3)1 Lead-inT: To
14、ny s hobby is playing the guitar and Sally s hobby is playing the violin. Shealways plays the solo, but she doesn t want to play at the concert, do you know why?S: Maybe she is ill; Maybe she is on holiday; Maybe she must look after her mother( 设计意图) 给出学生情景,让学生预测Sally. 没参加演出的原因,用预测法导入新课,引起学生的兴趣。2 Li
15、steningT: Now let s listen to the tape and check your answer.Why doesn t Sally want to play at the concert?A) She doesn t want to be a star.B) She has been ill recently.C) She wants to keep her best friend.S: C( 设计意图) 听力训练,可以训练学生听懂主旨大意的能力。核对答案看看学生的预测是否正确,让学生有成就感。初步感知课文。Step 4 Reading1. Read and imit
16、ateT: Please open your books and turn to page 34 read the dialogue following the tape and imitate. Please, pay more attention to the stress.( 设计意图) 培养学生的朗读和模仿能力,把握正确的语音、语调,享受语言的美感。2. Read aloud and emotionally in groupsT: Let ' s read aloud the dialogue again in groups of three emotionally, and
17、then I will ask some groups to read it.提高了学生练习的(设计意图)让学生小组合作, 有感情的大声朗读课文,然后分角色朗读对话,积极性。而且使每个学生都有了参与的机会,并且能够相互帮助,相互合作,最终达到人人都张嘴,人人都敢说的效果。帮让学生进一步熟悉课文3. Read the text, answer the questions and learn Everyday English.T: Read the text quietly, and then answer the questions.Does Ling ling mean alone in fr
18、ont of everyone?.What have Kylie ' s parents warned her about?.What does Sally refuse to do?Everyday EnglishRather you than me! You mean帮助学生进一步理解课文。(设计意图)通过问题的设置,考查学生对对话细节问题的理解程度,在问答的过程中插入一些小问题,引出本课的Everyday English.目的是使学生了解其在较为真实的口语环境中的使用。4. Read and fill in the tableT: Now read the text again
19、and fill in the table.f1.Sally plays well,2.Kylie beats Sally,3.Kylie spends too much time with the orchestra,4.Kylie goes to a different school,5.Sally refuses to play,'6.The teacher chooses Kylie,7.Kylie becomes a star,(设计意图)通过这一任务的设置,帮助学生彻底理清对话脉络,充分理解课文,并引出重难点条件状语从句。5. According to the table,
20、 retell the text.T: According to the table, retell the text.fSally can lose her best friend1.Sally playsplay2.Kylie spendspunish and send3.Kylie goesseeSally can keep her best friend4.Sally refuses'choose5.the teacher choosesplay6.Kylie becomesbe proud of and send(设计意图)在学生对课文充分理解的基础上,根据重点词来复述课文。
21、检测学生对对话内容的理解程度,以及对知识点的掌握和运用,为下一步的话题的开展做出铺垫。III Use ( 交际运用)Step 5 ActivityT: You have known Sally ' s problem, do you want to talk about your problem with your partners?S: Yes.T: Work in pairs.Talk about the problem you have.Describe the problem and talk about solutions.S: If I get up late, I wil
22、l be late for school.So I will get up early.(设计意图)此环节训练了学生口头谈论问题和解决问题的能力。教师设置的情境,贴近学生的生活,让学生有话可说,并能让学生将本单元所学的知识进行迁移,不仅使学生再次运用本单元所学知识,也再次操练本课语法重点一一if引导的条件状语从句。同时也培养了学生的自主学习意识和小组合作意识。Step 6 SummaryT: Let ' s summarize the key vocabulary and structures in this unit.Sum up动词词组Play a solo send awaybe
23、 proud of warn, aboutrefuse to do介词词组at the end ofin the backgroundduring our final practice副词词组all togetherIf引导的条件状语从句的结构:若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。即“主将从现(设计意图)引导学生就重难点进行梳理归纳,让其在学生的头脑中初步形成简单的条理,为下一步强化练习做铺垫。Step 7 Exercises(操作方式)让学生完成习题。T: Let ' s do some exercises and check the answers.1. That is a p
24、ity!A so B such C how D what2. I will sing a song in front of many people.A Thank you B Rather you than meC How can you do that D What a shame3. the concert, the entire musicians say goodbye to the audience.A At the beginning ofB In the middle ofC During the final practice D At the end of 4.If she(花
25、了太长时间)with the orchestra, they will punish her and send her to a different school.5.If she becomes a star, her parents will(以她为骄傲),and they won't(送她走).6.If( 我拒绝演奏 ),our teacher won't choose me .(设计意图)通过习题的反馈,了解学生是否掌握了本课的重点和难点。Step 8 HomeworkHomework: 1.Write a report about your problems and
26、give the solutions;2. Do Exercise book and (2).(设计意图)通过作业的反馈,了解学生是否巩固掌握了本课的重点和难点。Step 9 Addition(操作方式)教师自编了一段与本课重点相关的话,通过让学生大声朗读屏幕上出现的句子,总 结升华本课主题。(句子见课件) (设计意图)通过教师引导,师生共同总结提升本单元所学知识,指导学生用不同的方式体会英语语言运用的乐趣。评价要点1. 仿编对话、自编对话:新词汇、新语法使用频率高;句法、词法使用准确;发音标准、语言流畅;仪态大方;面对面真实交流。2. 文段复述:有效利用语篇结构图及相关提示;结构合理,要点齐
27、全;语音、语调准确、流畅。专题二专题二:读与写寻求解决问题的方法所需课时2课时专题学习目标1 .知识目标正确使用一下单词和词组:词?匚:truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend hurry up, dishonest,shelf, steal语法:掌握if引导的条件状语从句的时态:若主句是一般将来时,从要用一般现在时。即“主将从现”2 .技能目标听:能听懂对问题的陈述。说:能叙述对问题的描述。读:读懂描述问题的文章,掌握文章的大意。学习如何呈现问题以及针对问题所提出的解决问题的建议,为下一节写作课做好铺垫。写:能把课堂
28、口语练习的内容落实到书面文字。3 .情感目标让学生乐于参与运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法。专题问题设 计Did you have a good time yesterday eveningWhat did you do yesterday eveningHave you finished your English homework?所需教学环境和教学资源1 .教师教学资源:主要包括教材提供的资源、多媒体教学设备和PPT教学课件。2 .学生学习资源和工具:多媒体教室、教材、PPT教学课件。学习活动设计(任务)Period 1教学内容:Unit 2 Activities 1,2&3
29、Step 1 Revision1 GreetingsDid you have a good time yesterday evening ?What did you do yesterday evening ?Have you finished your English homework ?2 TalkAsk students to talk about the problems they have with their parents, friends, schoolwork, sportsor hobbies with their partners. Then complete the f
30、ollowing questionnaire.-Do you have a problem with your teacher?-Yes, I do. My teacher says that if I dont work harder, I wont do well in my exams.(这一环节既检查了上一堂课布置的作业,又是一个热身活动。也可以通过师生间对话的方式进行此项活动,并在活动时导入本单元的词汇。)Step 2 Pre-readingDo you work hard at your lessons ? Do you like computer games ? What do
31、your parents sayabout computer games?Ask the students to work in groups of four and discuss these questions.Then report.Step 3 Reading (Activities 1,2&3)1. Global readingStudents read the letter and the answer. Choose the problem and the advice. They can alsodiscuss with their partners. They mus
32、t try to give the reasons.(要求学生说明选择的依据,目的是帮助学生分析细节与整体的差别,关注学生阅读策略的培养。)2. Detailed readingStudents read the letter and the answer again and finish Activity 2&3. (First students do themby themselves, then share the answers with their partners.)(本环节所涉及的不只是细节的理解与判断,同时还有归纳、推理和逻辑。因此,在次此环节中,要求学生先独立思考,完
33、成练习;然后分享讨论结果,总结阅读技巧和规律。)3. Problem solvingStudents work in groups of four again, try to find difficulties and discuss together. If there areany problems, they may ask the teacher for help. At last share their work with the whole class. (课件)(这个环节是为了帮助学生提高学习的主动性,学会自主学习的方法,逐渐形成比较完善的阅读学习策略。)Step 4 Discu
34、ssionIf the computer game doesn t leave a virus on the computer, what do you think Steve will do? Doyou think he is right?(通过这一环节的讨论,培养学生诚实做人,勇于承认错误,有错就改的优良品质。)HomeworkFinish Workbook Exx10&11Period 2教学内容:Unit 2 Writing; Unit 3 Activity 6,7,10,11&12Step 1 Revision (Activity 4)Steve has a pro
35、blem. Do you remember what problem he has?Now please say: 1) what Steve did and when.2) what the problem is3) what happened next4) what Steve should doNow write the answers down.Then share the answers with your partner, correct the mistakes your partner has made.Ask some students to share their answ
36、ers with the whole class.Step 2 Writing (Activities 5&6)Think of one problem. Write a short letter to Diana describing the problem. Use the stages inActivity 4 to help you.Work in pairs. Read each ot her s problem letters and write a reply, giving your advice.(相互修改所写的内容,老师提供帮助。)Step 3 Reading an
37、d writing (Unit 3 Activities 6&7)Work in pairs. Read the problems, and discuss advice for each problem, then give advice.Work in pairs. Think of and write a problem.Work in groups. Read your problem to the group. Discuss advice for each problem. Decide who is going to write the advice for each p
38、roblem.本堂课的设计有两个步骤。第一步是句子的写作,第二步是语篇的写作。第一步为第二步作好准备,这种递进的方式对于英语基础不好的学生尤为有用。在基本掌握了含有if 的条件句的复合句的用法后,通过写作,能够将所学知识进一步巩固和强化。HomeworkPut the problems and the advice on a poster.(这部分的作业可以在第二天收起来后,在班里展示。)评价要 点评价指标:1、篇章结构分析:意义理解;段落大意;谋篇布局。2、语篇复述:语音、语调、语流;仪态。3、书向表达:内容要点;篇章结构;语后运用;字数及书写要求。3.综合测试:听力;语百知识运用;阅读埋解
39、;书向表达。专题三应用 语言运用活动,用以巩固本模块所学内容所需课 时1课时专题学习目标知识目标;能会读,会拼写本模块所有的单词及词组,重点是掌握 if从句;能力目标:能用if从句就日常生活中的话题进行交流,能读懂反映问题和给予建议的书 信;情感目标:使学生乐于参加运用英语的实践活动,善于同别人交流看法,对于别人遇到 的问题能给出合适的建议。Did you have a good time yesterday evening专题问题设计What did you do yesterday eveningHave you finished your English homework?所需教学环境和
40、教学资源1 .教师教学资源:主要包括教材提供的资源、多媒体教学设备和PPT教学课件2 .学生学习资源和工具:多媒体教室、教材、PPT教学课件。学习活动设计(任务)Step 1 RevisionReview the text of Module5(设计意图:复习本模块的单词及词组)Step 2 lead-inShow the picture of ShanghaiCenturyPark, to practise if-clause-If I want to take photos, I will take a cameraLanguage Practice: f川 in the blanks,
41、then read together, pay attetion to the words in the blacks.( 设计意图:由于学生明天去上海世纪公园,所以以公园的图片调动学生的积极性,并且引入if从句,从而达到复习的目的,并且处理language practice 这部分的重点。)Step 3 The procedure of the LessonListening f Activity1.2.3 Activity4.5 writing(if there is enough time)(设计意图:给出本节课的环节,使学生确定学习目标。)Step 4 Do exercises :Li
42、stening: Do listening in English Listening prehension Exerciselisten to the tape and do part1.2.3.4 on page17.Call backe answers.(设计意图:由于书本上的听力材料比较难,所以选择使用英语听力强化训练上的听力材料,降低难度,为了不让学生产生厌烦感。)Activity1. Rewrite the sentences with if.Show the example.Let Ss write sentences on their paper.Call back the answers.Read together.(设计意图:这个练习不难,但是教师必须对学生提醒or 的意思,以及第三题作为重点。)Activity2. plete the sentences. Give advice with the correct form of the words.Show the example.Let Ss write sentence
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