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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语常见中医术语 绪论introduction中医学traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)中医学理论体系theory system of TCM中医基础理论basic theory of TCM整体观念holism concept五脏一体观holism of five ogans形神一体观holism of body and spirit天人一体观holism of human beings and universe医学模式medical pattern辨证syndrome differentiation论治treatment varia

2、tion疾病disease证候syndrome症状symptom体征physical sign辨病disease diagnosing同病异治different treament for the same disease异病同治the same treatment for the different disease第一章 中医学的哲学基础Ancient philosophic basis of TCM精jing(as the world origin in ancient philosophy)气qi(as the world origin in the ancient philosophy)

3、精气学说theory of jingqi生命life中介medium气机 qi activity气化qi transformation感应induction水地说hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth云气说hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air气一元论monism of qi元气一元论monism of qi阴阳yinyang; yin and yang阴阳学说theory of yinyang阴阳对立inter-opposition between yin and yang

4、阴阳互根inter-dependence between yin and yang阴阳消长wane and wax between yin and yang阴阳交感inter-induction between yin and yang阴阳互藏inter-containing between yin and yang阴阳转化inter-transformation between yin and yang阴阳自和reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium阴阳平衡both yin and yang in equilibrium五行five elements五行

5、学说theory of five elements五行相生inter-promotion of five elements五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements五行制化relationship of promotion and restriction of five elements五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements母病及子mother-organ diorder invo

6、lving its child-organ子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金reinforcing earth to generate metal益火补土tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土治水cultivating earth to

7、control water佐金平木assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water)宏观观察obsevation on macroscopic level中和golden mean类比analogy第二章 藏象Viscera state藏象viscera state藏象学说doctrine of viscera state脏腑viscera; zangfu organs五脏five zang organs心heart肺lung脾spleen肝liver肾kid

8、ney六腑six fu organs胆gall baldder胃stomach小肠small intestin大肠large intestine三焦tri-jiao; sanjiao膀胱urinary blader奇恒之腑extraordinary fu organs脑brain髓marrow骨bone脉vessel女子胞uterus满而不实full of essence without foodstuff 实而不满full of foodstuff without essence心主神明heart controlling mental activities心主血脉heart controll

9、ing blood circulation心藏神heart storing spirit肺主气lun governing qi肺主呼吸之气lung governing respiratory qi肺主一身之气lung governing physical qi肺朝百脉convergence of vessels in the lung肺主行水lung governing water metabolism肺主治节lung governing coordinative activities of viscera肺为华盖lung being the canopy肺为娇脏lung being the

10、delicate organ肺主宣发肃降lung controlling dispersing outward and inwards气门pore后天之本source of acquired constitution脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation脾气主升spleen governing ascending脾主统血spleen governing blood脾喜燥恶湿spleen preferring dryness to dampness肝主疏泄liver govering regulating肝主藏血liver s

11、toring blood肝体因而用阳liver of yin nature with yang functioning肝为刚脏liver being the resolute viscera罢极之本source of endurance先天之本congenital foundation肾藏精kidney storing essence肾阴kidney yin肾阳kidney yang肾精kidney essence肾气kidney qi天癸tiangui肾主水液kidney governing water肾主纳气kidney receiving respiratory qi命门vital ga

12、te七冲门seven important portals胆主决断gallbladder governing deciding胃主通降stomach managing downward transportation of food喜润恶燥preferring moisture to dryness受盛化物containing and digesting泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid上焦如雾upper-jiao resembling mist中焦如沤middle-jiao resembling fermenter下焦如渎lower-jiao rez

13、embling drainage元神之府mentality house脑为髓海brain being the marrow sea心肾相交coordination between heart and kidney水火相济regulation between water and fire肺为气之主lung being the governor of qi肾为气之根kidney being the root of qi肝肾同源liver and kidney sharing the same origin乙癸同源Yi and Gui sharing the same origin (liver a

14、nd kidney sharing the same origin)精血同源essence and blood sharing the ame origin藏泄互用interdependence between storing and discharging纳运相得inter-promotion between containing and digestion升降相因inerdependence between ascending and descending燥湿相济interdependence between drying and moistening胃润喜恶燥stomach prefer

15、ring moisture to dryness第三章 精气血津液神Essence, qi, blood, body fluid and,spirit气qi元气primordial qi元阴primordial yin元阳primordial yang气机qi activity气化qi transformation气海qi sea卫气defensive qi宗气thoracic qi营气nutrient qi原气primordial qi气能生血qi promoting blood production气为血之帅qi being the governor of blood 气主升之qi pro

16、moting气能生津qi promoting body fluid production气能行血qi promtoting blood circulation血为气之母blood being t he mother of qi血主濡之blood nourishing气能行津qi promoting body fluid circulation 气能摄血qi governing blood 津能载气body fluid conveying qi血能载气blood conveying qi气能摄津qi governing body fluid 津停气滞body fluid retention ca

17、using qi stagnation血blood精essence神spirit精能化气essence transforming into qi先天之精congenital essence后天之精acquired essence水谷之精foodstuff essence气能生精qi promoting esssence production津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same source血汗同源bloood and sweat sharing the same source膻中danzhong虚里heart apex津液body fluid第四章

18、 经络Meridians and collaterals经络meridians and collaterals 经络学说theory of meridian and collateral; meridian doctrine经气meridian qi经脉meridian; channel络脉collateral十二经脉twelve meridians十二正经twelve regular channels手太阴肺经lung channel of hand taiyin(L)手阳明大肠经large intestine channel of hand yangming(LI)足阳明胃经stomach

19、 channel of foot yangming(St)足太阴脾经spleen channel of foot tayin(Sp)手少阴心经heart channel of hand shaoyin(H)手太阳小肠经small intestine channel of hand taiyang(SI)足太阳膀胱经urinary bladder channel of foot taiyang(U足少阴肾经kidney channel of foot shaoyin(K)手厥阴心包经pericadium channel of hand jueyin(P)手少阳三焦经tri-jiao channe

20、l of hand shaoyang(TJ)足少阳胆经gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang(G足厥阴肝经liver channel of foot jueyin(Liv)奇经八脉eight extra channels督脉governor vesesl; Du meridian任脉conception vessel; Ren meridian冲脉flush vessel; Chong meridian带脉belt vessel; Dai meridian阴跷脉yinqiao meridian阳跷脉yangqiao meridian阴维脉yinwei mer

21、idian阳维脉yangwei meridan十二经别twelve divergent channels 十五别络fifteen large collaterals孙络minute collateral浮络superficial collateral十二经筋twelve meridian musculatures十二皮部twelve cutaneous areas阳脉之海sea of yang meridian (governor vessel)阴脉之海sea of yin meridian (conception vessel)任主胞胎conception vessel govening u

22、terus and gestation十二经脉之海sea of the twelve meridians (flush vessel)血海blood sea (flush vessel) 第四章 体质Body constitution体质body constitution形神合一harmonization between soma and spirit体格physique体型body type人格personality气质temperament性格character素质heredity理想体质ideal body constitutions病势disease tendency质化(从化)pro

23、perty transformation第六章 病因Pathogeny病因pathogeny病因学说etiology辨症求因pathogeny differentiation from symptoms and signs六淫six exopathogens六气six climates六邪six exopathogen*伤寒*ogenous febrile disease中寒cold stroke 风性轻扬wind tending to drift善行数变migrant and variab le风性主动wind tending to migrate百病之长guide of various d

24、isease寒性凝滞cold tending to coagulate and stagnate寒性收引cold tending to contract寒则气收cold retarding qi circulation暑性升散summer heat tending to ascend and disperse炅则气泄heat causing qi exhaustion暑多夹湿summer heat usually accompanied with dampness湿性重浊dampness being heavy and turbid湿性黏滞dampneee being viscous and

25、lingering湿性趋下sampness tending to descend燥性干涩dryness tending to desiccate火性趋上fire tending to flare up 火易生风动血fire causing wind and bleeding疠气epidemic pathogens瘟疫pestilence七情seven emotions七情内伤inernal injuries caused by seven emotions怒则气上rage causing qi to flow upwards喜则气缓joy causing qi slack悲则气消grief c

26、ausing qi depression思则气结contemplation causing qi stagnation惊则气乱terror causing qi disorder恐则气下fear causing qi collapse饮食不节improper diet饮食不洁dirty diet饮食偏嗜diet preference形劳physical overstrain劳则气耗overstrain causing qi exhausetion心劳heart overstrain神劳psychological ovrestrain肾劳kidney overstrain房劳*ual overs

27、train有形之痰visible phlegm无形之痰invisible phlegm瘀血blood stasis结石calculus药邪medicine abuse医过therapist fault胎弱congenital deficiency胎毒fetus toxin第七章 发病Invasion正气healthy qi邪气pathogenic factors遗传病genetic disease感邪即发acute onset after affected徐发chronic onset伏而后发latent onset继发secondary onset合病simultaneous onset并病

28、following onset复病recurrence后遗症sequela重感致复re-affected causing recurrence食复diet recurrence劳复overstrain recurrence药复medicine recurrence情志致复emotion recurrence第八章 病机Pathogenesis病机pathogenesis病机学pathology病机层次pathological level基本病机basic pathogenesis实sthenia实证sthenic syndrome虚asthenia虚证asthenia syndrome虚实错杂

29、mixture of asthenia and sthenia虚中夹实asthenia with sthenia实中夹虚sthenia with asthenia虚实转化inter-transformation between asthenia and sthenia由实转虚sthenia transforming into asthenia因虚致实sthenia symptoms caused by asthenia虚实真假pseudo or true manifestation of asthenia and sthenia真实假虚sthenia with pseudo asthenia大

30、实有羸状excessive sthenia manifesting a* *cessive asthenia真虚假实asthenia with pseudo sthenia至虚有盛候excessive asthenia manifesting a* *cessive sthenia正胜邪退healthy qi expelling pathogen邪去正虚pathogen retreating with asthenia healthy qi邪盛正衰prosperous pathogen with asthenia healthy qi邪正相持struggle between healthy q

31、i and pathogen正虚邪恋asthenic healthy qi with pathogen lingering阴阳失调imbalance between yin and yang阴阳偏盛exce ss of yin or yang阳偏盛yang excess阳盛yang excess阴偏盛yin excess阴盛yin excess阴阳偏衰deficiency of yin or yang阳偏衰yang deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阴偏衰yin dificiency阴虚yin deficiency阴阳互损inter-impairment between y

32、in and yang阴损及阳yin impairment involving yang阳损及阴yang impairment involving yin阴阳格拒repellence between yin and yang阴盛格阳predominant yin rejecting yang格阳rejecting yang阳盛格阴predominant yang rejecting yin格阴rejecting yin阴阳亡失exhaustion of yin or yang亡阴yin exhaustion 亡阳阳yang exhaustion精虚essence asthenia精瘀essen

33、ce stasis气虚qi asthenia气机失调disorder of qi activity气滞qi stagnation气逆qi adverseness气陷qi collapse上气不足qi failing to transport upward中气下陷qi failing to lift气闭qi blockage气脱qi exhaustion血虚blood asthenia血瘀blood stasis出血haemorrhage血寒blood cold血热blood heat精气两虚asthenia of essence and qi精血不足asthenia of essence an

34、d blood气滞精瘀qi stagnation and essence stasis血瘀精阻blood stasis and essence obstruction气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis气虚血瘀qi asthenia causing blood stasis气不摄血qi failing to control blood气随血脱qi exhaustion resulting from hemorrhage气血两虚asthenia of qi and blood津液不足body fluid asthenia伤津body fluid impairmen

35、t脱液body fluid exhausetion津液输布障碍dysfunction of body fluid distribution津液排泄障碍dysfuncion of body fluid excretion水停气阻water retention causing qi stagnation气随津脱qi exhaustion resulting from body fluid loss津枯血燥body fluid depletion causing blood stasis津亏血瘀body fluid depletion causing blood stasis血瘀水停blood st

36、asis causing water retention内风endogenous wind风气内动disturbance of endogenous wind肝风liver wind 肝阳化风liver yang causing wind热极生风extreme heat causing wind 阴虚风动yin asthenia causing wind血虚生风blood asthenia causing wind 寒从中生cold originating from interior内寒endogenous cold 湿浊内生dampness originating from interior

37、内湿endogenous dampness津伤化燥body fluid impairment causing dryness内燥endogenous dryness火热内生heat or fire originatin from interior内热endogenous heat内火endogenous fire少火junior fire壮火excessive fire阳亢化火excessive yang causing fire气有余便是火excessive qi causing fire邪郁化火pathogen accumulation causing fire五志化火five emoti

38、ons causing fire阴虚火旺yin asthenia causing fire疾病传变pathogenesis transmission病位传变focus transmission表里传变transmission between interior and exterior表病入里exogenous disease invading interior里病出表endogenous disease retreating to exterior半表半里semi-interior and semi-exterior直中direct attack 六经传变six merdians transm

39、ission三焦传变tri-jiao transmission卫气营血传变transmission of wei, qi, ying and xue顺传sequential transmission逆传adverse transmission脏腑传变viscera transmission脏与脏的传变transmission among zang organs脏与腑的传变transmission among zang organs and fu organs腑与腑的传变transmission among fu organs形脏内外传变transmission between interior

40、 and exterior寒热转化inter-transformation between cold and heat寒化热cold transforming into heat热化寒heat transforming into cold第九章 防治原则Principle of prevention and therapy预防prevention养生health promotion未病先防prevention before disease onset既病防变preventing disease from exacerbating治则therapeutic principle治法therapeu

41、tic method治病求本treating disease from the root标本branch and root正治routine treatment反治contrary treatment 寒者热之cold treated with warm热者寒之heat treated with cool虚则补之asthenia requiring tonification实则泻之sthenia requiring purgation热因热用heat treated with warm 寒因寒用cold treated with cool通因通用diarrhea treated with pu

42、rgation塞因塞用obstruction treated with tonification扶正strengthening healthy qi祛邪eliminating pathogens因时制宜climate-concerned treatment因地制宜environment-concerned treatment因人制宜individuality-concerned treatment中医诊断英语阴阳五行1 五行 fie phases2 阴阳 yin and yang;yin-yang 3 五志 fie minds4 五味 fie flaors5 辨证论治 syndrome dif

43、ferentiation and treatment;identify patterns and determine treatment脏腑6 脏腑 zang-fu organs; bowels and iscera7 心藏神 The heart stores the spirit.8 神明 spirit; mind; mental actiity 9 肺主宣发 The lung goerns diffusion.10 肺主肃降 The lung goerns descent.The lung goerns purification and descent.11 通调水道 regulate t

44、he waterways 12 肺主行水 The lung goerns the moement of water 13 脾主运化 The spleen goerns transportation and transformation.14 脾为后天之本 The spleen is the root of acquired constitution.15 脾主升清 The spleen goerns ascent of the clear.16 脾统血 The spleen controls the blood.17 脾恶湿 The spleen is aerse to dampness.18

45、 肝主疏泄 The lier goerns free coursing.19 肝主升发 The lier goerns ascent and dispersion20 肝主身之筋膜 The lier goerns the bodys sinews.21 命门 ming men; life gate ming men (DU 4) 22 肾精 kidney essence23 天癸 tian gui24 肾为先天之本 The kidney is the root of congenital constitution.25 泌别清浊 separation of the clear and turb

46、id26 三焦 triple burner27 心肾不交 failure of the heart and kidney to communicate形体官窍28 筋 sinew29 脉 essel;pulse30 七窍 seen orifices气血津液精神31 气机 qi dynamic32 正气 right qi33 邪气 eil qi34 气分 qi leel35 原气 source qi36 元气 original qi37 宗气 gathering qi38 中气 middle qi 39 卫气 defensie qi40 营气 nutritie qi41 营血 nutrient-

47、blood42 津液 fluid43 精 essence semen44 精气 essential qi45 神 spirit46 气为血帅 qi as commander of blood经络47 经络 channels and collaterals 48 经脉 channel49 穴位 acupuncture point; point 50 背俞穴 back-shu point 51 耳穴 ear point; auricular point 52 手太阴肺经 The hand greater yin lung channel; LU (WHO) 53 手阳明大肠经 The hand y

48、ang brightness large intestine channel; LI (WHO) 54 足阳明胃经 The foot yang brightness stomach channel; ST (WHO) 55 足太阴脾经 The foot greater yin spleen channel; SP (WHO) 56 手少阴心经 The hand lesser yin heart channel; HT (WHO) 57 手太阳小肠经 The hand greater yang small intestine channel; SI (WHO) 58 足太阳膀胱经 The foo

49、t greater yang bladder channel; BL (WHO) 59 足少阴肾经 The foot lesser yin kidney channel; KI (WHO)60 手厥阴心包经 The hand reerting yin pericardium channel; PC (WHO) 61 手少阳三焦经 The hand lesser yang triple burner channel; TB (WHO) 62 足少阳胆经 The foot lesser yang gallbladder channel; GB (WHO) 63 足厥阴肝经 The foot ree

50、rting yin lier channel; L (WHO) 病因64 病因 etiology;etiologic factor;cause of disease65 实邪 excess eil66 表邪 exterior eil67 外感 external contraction68 七情 seen affects69 痰 phlegm70 饮 rheum ; fluid retention drink decoction71 瘀血 static blood72 血瘀 blood stasis 病机73 病机 pathomechanism74 虚 deficiency75 实 excess

51、76 亏虚,亏损 depletion77 不足 insufficient78 阴虚火旺 hyperactiity of fire due to yin deficiency79 气滞 qi stagnation80 气郁 qi constraint81 气逆 qi counterflow82 气陷 sinking of qi83 气闭 qi blockage84 气滞血瘀 qi stagnation and blood stasis85 内风 internal wind86 寒凝气滞 qi stagnation due to congealing cold87 心火上扰 flaring up

52、of heart fire88 痰火扰心 phlegm-fire disturbing the heart 89 痰蒙心包 phlegm clouding the pericardium90 痰浊阻肺 turbid phlegm obstructing the lung91 脾虚湿困 spleen deficiency leading to damp encumbrance ;damp encumbrance due to spleen deficiency92 脾失健运 spleen failing to transform and transport;failure of the sple

53、en to transform and transport93 肝阳上亢 ascendant hyperactiity of lier yang94 肝郁 lier constraint95 肝气郁结 binding constraint of lier qi96 肝风内动 lier wind stirring internally 97 肾不纳气 kidney failing to grasp qi98 胃纳呆滞 poor appetite and digestion99 热入心包 heat entering the pericardium诊法100 四诊 four examinations

54、101 舌象 tongue manifestation; tongue appearance102 舌神 tongue spirit103 舌色 tongue color104 淡红舌 light red tongue105 淡白舌 pale tongue106 红舌 red tong ue107 绛舌 crimson tongue108 紫舌 purple tongue109 青舌 blue tongue110 舌形 tongue shape111 舌质 tongue body112 胖大舌 enlarged tongue 113 齿痕舌 tooth-marked tongue114 肿胀舌 swollen tongue115 瘦薄舌 thin tongue116 点刺舌 spotted tongue117 芒刺舌 prickly tongue118 裂纹舌 cracked tongue119 (舌上)瘀斑 stasis maculae120 (舌上)瘀点 stas


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