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1、地道口语里最常用的连接词类别内容用法说明与例句 因果 so so that because therefore说明:therefore 在地道口语交谈中用得并不多,如果IELTS口试里使用的话,最多也就是用12次,过多则会让对方有压迫感。 让步 Although , Even though ,Even if , as long as 说明:注意Even if ,是“即使”,是对还没有发生的情况让步;而even though ,是“尽管”,对已经存在的情况让步。例句:1. Even if you take a taxi, you will still miss the train2. Even

2、though he knew the experiment was dangerous, Ethan went ahead with it.3. My parents dont really care what job I get, as long as Im happy. 转折 But However , ,though说明:前两个词不必赘述,但 , though.这个词在地道口语里经常会被放在句子结尾处,听起来很轻巧,意义上则是等于放在句中的but例句:Its hard work, I enjoy it, though. 递进Apart from , Besides , 例句:1. Apa

3、rt from being used as a cafeteria, that building is often used for weddings and parties.2. Besides camping, I often ride horses on Sundays.说明:这两个词国内考生用得不多,但其实真的不妨多尝试一下。而写作里面各位很爱用的 In addition to 在美英生活里虽然也能听到有人用,但是不如这两个表达使用得频繁。 修饰 that who , which 说明:定语从句在IELTS口语里还是挺常用的,不过that 有时会被省略,而which , who , w

4、hen和where则一般不被省略: when where 例句:1. I cant find the books (that) I got from the library.2. These are principles which we all believe in.3. A skilled workforce is crucial, which is why the training programme is so important.4. Managers who want to apply present knowledge tend to start off by going to

5、an expert.5. For most of us, therere some days when everything seems to go wrong.6. I have reached the point where I just want to get the project finished. 对比On the other hand, while/whereas In/By contrast while/whereas 这两个连词表示两种人或物之间的对比,美英生活里用得并不算太多,但在口试中,特别是在Part3 里面使用12次效果是相当自然的:例:I do every sing

6、le bit of housework while Phoebe just does the dishes now and then. In /By contrast在口语里出现地不算太多,但偶用一下也无妨,表示两种人或物之间的对比例:They need a house whereas we would rather live a flat.例:The coastal areas have mild winters. By contrast, the central areas are extremely cold in winter. 举例和 泛指 Like Such as Take for

7、 example. In some cases, . and stuff like that举例和泛指同样可以帮你比较自然地说出更长一些的句子。举例除了for instance/for example/such as这些常用说法,其实“like + n.”是日常口语里最常听到的一个:Im into fantasy novels like Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia.and things like that. or something like that.写作里司空见惯的such as 在口语里同样是native speakers谈话时举例

8、常用的“例器”: Lewis enjoys team sports such as basketball and cricket(板球,这是英格兰人相当迷的一项运动). In some/most cases, 属于泛指,不必具体说明例子但可以让考官觉得你有举例的意识 其它 as well. as well as In terms of As far as ( is concerned )instead of / rather thanin particular说明:在地道英文中把 as well.放在句子结尾是一种相当常见的用法,比句尾的 too.语气缓和一些:例:I need a ticke

9、t for Thor, and one for Transformer III as well. 当用在句子中部,一般会使用 as well as 的形式,同样也是英文口语里超级常用的连接方式:例:Zoe likes the bookstore as well as the reading club. In terms of 在方面,就而言,在意义上很像talking about / speaking of ,但那两个词组多数时候出现在句首,而 in terms of 在句子里的位置更加灵活:例:Larry was better off in his last job in terms of

10、salary.例:The experiment didnt find any differences in terms of what students could learn. 国内一些同学一般比较熟悉As far as Im concerned,但其实这个词组里的第二个as后面可以填入任何事物,而且在生活中还经常省略后面的is concerned或者把is concerned换成go(es). 例:As far as spelling , Alex has never been a good student. But he gets excellent grades in math.例:A

11、s far as unemployment goes , the UK economy is recovering (恢复).rather than 和 instead of都表示“而不是”的意思,这两个地道词组大家都耳熟能详,但却很少听到各位在口语里面用:例:Support was offered by the government rather than private companies.例:We can deal with this chapter now instead of waiting until tomorrow.例:people are mainly worried abo

12、ut traffic in the area, and, in particular, the increasing speed of cars near schools. 不是连词却胜似连词的表达 tend to basicallyactually get说明:前三个在美英生活里极为常用的口语表达其实都不是连词,但仔细分析它们在句子里面又实在没起到什么实际的作用,主要功能还是让native speakers把自己的句子更自然地“串”起来。它们不应该再被无视了:例句:1. The gym tends to(一般会怎样,多半会怎样) get very busy after 6 pm.2. We

13、tend to get freezing winters and dry summers in this part of the country.3. Basically, the car is in good condition, but the paintwork needs a bit of attention.4. Harrison is actually very helpful.5. Tylers gone to the corner shop to get (=obtain) some milk.6. I get (= receive) junk mail from this company daily.7. Things are getting (= becomi


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