五年级上英语教案-Unit2 Things in the kitchen_深港朗文版_第1页
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1、.= 课 时 计 划 =课题 Unit 2 Things in the kitchen1st period教 学目 标1. Mastering the new words and expressions.2. Using the intensifiers.教材分析重点New words and expressions.难点Learning the new words by heart.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards.教学过程教学过程A. Orga

2、nization1.Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1. Ask some questions How many rooms are there in your flat?Whats in your kitchen?What do you do in the kitchen?C. Presentation1. Bring in a bag with some screwed up paper to put in the bin, an old and a new book

3、and various other things to put on my desk.2. Write something on the board. Point to the board. Tell the students Now the board is dirty. Then clean the board.3. Go to the rubbish bin. Show the students the rubbish bin. Ask Is empty or is it full? 4. Show the students the old and the new books. Make

4、 sentences and write the words on the board.5. Put the other things on my desk untidily. Teach tidy and messy, make sentences and write the words on the board.6. Ask the students to come out and rearrange the things so that they are messy, tidy, full, empty, dirty or clean and to make sentences.7. S

5、how Transparency. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after me.D. Consolidation1. Show Transparency. Show the students the clean and dirty kitchen. Explain that a dirty kitchen is not good. We might get sick if we cook in a dirty kitchen. 2. Ask

6、the students to take turns to make sentences about the fridge and the bin.E. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences.2.  Prepare for Part 2.3. Get ready for the dictation.板书  Unit 2 Things in the kitchena dirty kitchen a clean kitchen a mess

7、y cupboard a tidy cupboard 后记1. empty是不爆破音,有部分学生容易读错.2. 复习以前学过的反义词.课题 Unit 22nd period教 学目 标1. Grasping past tense.2. Mastering the new words.教材分析重点The past tense难点The past tense.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards.教学过程教学过程A. Organization1.Sing

8、songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the new words. 2. Ask some questionsWhat can you see?Can you see a _?Whats in the kitchen? Hows the 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Revise left and right with the students by telling them Put up your right hand. Raise

9、 my right hand as I check how many have their right hand raised. Then raise my left hand and ask them Which hand is this?2. Take an object that can be easily seen from the back of the class, like a book. Place it on the students left hand side of my desk. Ask the students Is the book on the left or

10、on the right? When the students answer confirm their guess by repeating the statement Yes, the book is on the left. Then remove the book and say The book is now on the right. It was on the left. Now it is on the right.3. Repeat the procedure, using different objects and different sides of the desk.

11、Write both a past sentence and a present one with Now it is on the board, e.g. The book was on the left. Get the students to come out and then move the book and make the corresponding sentences correctly.D. Consolidation1. Show Transparency. Point to Tim and his mother and his mother are tired. Tell

12、 the students The kitchen was messy. Now its clean.2. Show the small pictures and boxes for writing numbers in. Tell the students to listen and write the correct numbers in the boxes. Play the Pupils Book Cassette.3. Check the answers with the students.E. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.Listen to th

13、e tape and try to recite Part B1.2.  Prepare for Part B2.3. WB. EX.板书  Unit 2 Things in the kitchenIt was full. Now it is empty.后记  要重点强调过去时和一般如今时的区别,老师要求把时间副词框好,以加深学生的印象.课题 Unit 23rd period教 学目 标1. Grasping the past tense.2. Some adjectives.3. New word “yesterday教

14、材分析重点The past tense.难点The differences between past and present tense.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards.教学过程教学过程A. Organization1.Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the words. 2.T says : Today is Wednesday. Ye

15、sterday it was Tuesday. Make some sentences using yesterday and today.e.g. Yesterday I was at home. Today I am at school. 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Show Transparency. Ask the students to work in pairs and to talk about and circle the differences in the two pictures.2. Check the answers with

16、the students. Ask them to complete the note from Mrs Simpson to Mr Simpson.3. Ask the students to listen and check their answers. Play the Pupils Book Cassette.D. Consolidation1. Finish B3.Read the rubric to the students. Ask them to take time to read the sentences before I play the tape. Remind the

17、m that they should familiarize themselves with the words and the picture on the page in the time they before listening. Play the Pupils Book Cassette. 2. Play a game.E. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences.2.  Prepare for Part C.3. WB. EX.板书3.

18、 Things in the kitchen am/ is was are were 后记1. 学生对are 的过去式were 跟where混淆,要反复操练.2. 要时刻提醒学生单复数的变化,养成条件反射的习惯就好了.课题 Unit 24th period教 学目 标1. Grasping the story.2. Mastering the sentence patterns.教材分析重点 The story.难点Reciting the story.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word

19、 cards, flash cards. 教学过程教学过程A. Organization1.Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the new words. 2. Ask some questionsWhat did you do yesterday?What are you going to tomorrow?What are you doing now? 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Ask the students

20、How was the kitchen in picture 1?2. Read the words in picture 2. Ask the students How do you think the kitchen is now?3. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.4. Stress these sentences:1 What happened?2 What a mess.3 Everything was clean

21、this morning.4 Lets clean up.D. ConsolidationAsk the students to role_ play the story in groups of three. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.E. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.Listen to the tape and try to recite the story.2.  Prepare for Part D.3. WB. Ex.板书

22、60; 2 Things in the kitchenhappenedWhat a mess.It was me.clean up后记  老师只提供图片和时间,让学生自己发挥,句子说的越多越好.课题 Unit 25th period教 学目 标1. Symbols and words.2. Say the chant.教材分析重点The symbols.难点Say the chant.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards. 教学过程教学过程A

23、. Organization1.Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the words and expressions. 2. Ask some questionsWhat can you see?How was the kitchen?What are they? Which kitchen do you like? 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Write the symbols for long and short

24、“oo on the board. Explain that they have no name, only a sound. The sound can be written in many ways. Write the words on the page under the symbols. Ask the students to tell me the other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the students to lis

25、ten to the sounds and words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the short and the long vowel sound correctly.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette again. Ask the students to listen to the chant and then join in the chant.5. Finish the ex.D. Consol

26、idationPlay a game.T says out a word. Pupil 1 stands up and says its sound.e.g. book footE. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences.2.  Prepare for Part H and I.3. WB. Ex.板书2 Things in the kitchenroom booktoo footcool lookschool good后记  让学生牢

27、记:看好书,脚煮饭 look good book foot cook是发短音.课题 Unit 26th period教 学目 标1. Mastering the new words and expressions.2. Say the chant fluently .教材分析重点New words and expressions.难点Chant fluently.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards. 教学过程教学过程A. Organization1.

28、Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the words and expressions. 2. Ask some questionsWhat can you see?Can you see a _?What are they? Which food do you like? 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Arouse interest in the passage by pointing to the picture of

29、 French toast and asking Do you like this snack? Who likes cooking? Show the students the list of things they need to cook the French toast and make sure they know what each one is by checking if they can point to them in small pictures.2. Tell the students to look at the pictures and match them wit

30、h the sentences below by writing the numbers beside the sentences.3. Check the answers with the students.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the students to listen to the chant.5. Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words. Then ask the students to get into groups.

31、 Tell them each person in their group should think of a different action they could to mine cleaning up, e.g. one could wash the dishes, another could empty the bin, etc. Ask each group to chant along to the tape whole doing the action.D. ConsolidationPlay a game.E. Summary F. Homework布置作业  1.L

32、isten to the tape and read the words and sentences.2.  Prepare for the dictation.3. WB. EX.板书3. Things in the kitchen French toast slice of bread teaspoon课题 Unit 27th period教 学目 标4. Mastering the new words and expressions.5. Do some EX. 教材分析重点New words and expressions.难点Fini

33、sh the exercises.教具 A tape recorder, slide projector, pictures, word cards, flash cards. 教学过程教学过程A. Organization1.Sing songs 2.Greetings3.Free talk A duty report and introduction B. Revision 1.Revise the words and expressions. 2. Ask some questionsWhat can you see?Can you see a _?What are they? Which food do you like? 3.Have dictationC. Presentation1. Read the invitati


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