牛津译林版七年级下册7Bunit1Dream homes巩固检测_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级下册7Bunit1Dream homes巩固检测_第4页




1、. Unit 1 Dream homesUnit1 Comic stripWelcome to the unit ,自主完成以下各题。 I.用括号内汉语提示拼写单词。1Tokyo is the_首都of Japan2They want to learn about homes in different_国家3My_理想的 home is big and bright near the sea4Who lives in a _宫殿?5Therere many _饭店on Qingguo RoadLets go there to have a dinnerII.单项选择。 1.Whats on t

2、he wall? There are_ pictures on the wall.A. lot of B. a lot C. much D. many 2. What city is in Washington D. C? _.A. Mount Fuji B. the White HouseC. Red Square D. Big Ben 3. Is Moscow the capital of_? Yes, it is.A. Russia B. India C. France D. the USA 4. _? I like orange best.A. What colour is it B.

3、 Which is your favourite colourC. What fruit do you like best D. What is this 5. Would you like to have some juice? _.A. Yes, Id like to B. No, I dont C. Yes, I do D. No, thanksIII.根据提示词翻译句子。1我想住在一座大大的宫殿里。palace _2我最喜欢的餐馆是最大的那个。restaurant _3我们知道英国的首都是伦敦。London _4这个购物中心在我们学校的隔壁。 center _5我们城市有许多公园,你最

4、喜欢哪一个?best _unit 1 Reading1,自主完成以下各题。I.翻译以下词组。 1听音乐_ 2在七楼_3在苏州市中心_ 4向外看看海滩和大海_ 5与朋友交谈_6和我妹妹合用一个卧室_II.单项选择。 1. Do you have _ car, Mr Green? Yes, I do.A. own B. your own C. own your D. yours own 2. There are_ five people in my family.A. many than B. much than C. more than D. more 3. I live_ a small fl

5、at _ the ground floor_ my parents.A. on; in; at B. in; on; with C on; in; with D. in; in; with 4. Where is Daniel? Look, he_ with his friends there. A. chats B. is chat C is chating D. is chatting 5. He often_ TV in the evening.A. watch B. is watching C. watches D. watchs 6. Dont look _ the window.

6、Look _ the picture.A. out of; B. out at; at C. out of; at D. out; atUnit 1 Reading2,ID:558837自主完成以下各题。I. 根据汉语完成句子。1. You must keep_安静 in the reading room. 2. There are a lot of beautiful _ 海滩 in Hong Kong.3. In China, _大多数的people like to exercise in the morning. 4. Do you live in a_公寓 or a house?5.

7、The cat often eats_它的 meals near the door. 6. My father often reads newspapers on the _ 阳台.II. 根据所给提示翻译句子。1. 我喜欢和朋友在阳台上聊天。chat with_2. 我的叔叔和婶婶住在伦敦的市中心。the centre of_3. 不要在床上看书,这对你的眼睛有害。be bad for_4. 你愿意和你的父母一起住在一幢木头房子里吗? Would you like_Unit1 Study skill& Task,ID: 559547 自主完成以下各题。 I. 根据括号中要求完成句子。

8、1. She plays table tennis every afternoon.对画线部分提问_ _ she _ every afternoon?2. Tom is watching TV with his friends.对画线部分提问_ _ Tom watching TV _?3. I like the third one best. 对画线部分提问_ _ _ you like best?4. My new friends are friendly.对画线部分提问_ _ _ new friends?5. Id like to travel with my parents.改为一般疑问句

9、,并作肯定答复_ _ _ _travel with _ parents?Yes, _ _ _.II.用括号中词的适当形式填空。1. _ hundred of people are in the shopping centre.2. My father is _ forty years old, and this is the _ forty birthday party.3. _ close your eyes, please.4. Mike likes _ play basketball, but his brother _ do.5. That box is full of _ apple

10、.6. There are six _ hundred trees in our school.Unit 1 Integrated skills自主完成以下各题。 I.单项选择。1. Helen has _ lovely pet dog. _ dog is clever enough to bring her newspapers every evening.A. a; A B. the; TheC. a; The D. the; A2.Hello, may I speak to John, please?_. He is doing his homework in the bedroom.A

11、. This is Mary speakingB. Hold on, pleaseC. Im MaryD. He is working3. Lu Jialei, 14, from _ Hangzhou Foreign Language School, won _ first place in the CCTV Chinese Character Spelling Contest.A. /; the B. a; theC. a; a D. /; a4. _are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy?To learn about diff

12、erent styles of school uniforms.A. What B. Where C. Why D. Which5. The 2019 Tournament Chess国际象棋锦标赛took place in Xinghua _ March 11.A. in B. atC. on D. / II. 用括号中词的适当形式填空。1. We use _ knife to cut things.2. Dinosaur Park is a good place _ have fun.3. She invites me _ go to her home for lunch.4. Whos

13、_ speak, please?5. I have _ many apples than you.6. Your garden looks _ beautiful.7. I also have a bathroom of _ me own.8. I hope _ visit the Great Wall someday.9. Can you _ take a message for me?10. The square of three is _ ninth. III.根据要求完成以下各题。1. He has his own mobile phone.改为否认句_2. Nick is from

14、Canada.对画线部分提问_3. Jack stands behind me.改为一般疑问句_4. 你能叫Simon给我回个 吗? Can you ask Simon _ _ _ _?5. 总有一天我可以买一辆汽车。I can buy a car _ _.Unit 1 Self-assessment&Summary I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.那张书桌在床的前面。That desk is_ _ _the bed.2.你家的房子确实与上海的公寓不一样。Your house is_ _ _the flats in Shanghai.3.他的花园很小,但看起来很漂亮。His_is ve

15、ry small, but_ _ very beautiful.4.看!这个盒子里满是书。Look! The box_ _ _books.5.阳台是种植物最好的地方。A balcony is the best place_ _plantsII. 单项选择。1. There are students in our school.A. one thousand, nine hundred and forty-fiveB. one thousand, nine hundred and fourty-fiveC. one thousand and nine hundred, fourty-fiveD.

16、 one thousand and nine hundreds and forty-five2. Eleven and one is .A. twelfthB. twelve C. thirteen D. second3.Football is so exciting令人兴奋的that people in the world play it.A. million ofB. millions of C. two millions of D. two millions4. Your home is really different mine.A. toB. fromC. withD. of5. G

17、inas birthday is the first of June.A.inB. onC. atD. for参考答案: 学习微课I. 1capital 2countries 3dream 4palace 5. restaurantsII. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A当堂小测1. I want to live in a big palace.2. My favorite restaurant is the biggest one.3. We know the capital of England is London.4. The shopping center next

18、door in our school.5. Our city has many parks, which one do you like best?学习微课I. 1listen to music 2on the seventh floor 3in Suzhou city center 4look out at the beach and the sea 5talk with friends 6share a bedroom with my sisterII. 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C当堂小测1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 参考答案: 学习微课I. 1. quiet 2.

19、beaches 3. most 4. apartment 5. its 6. balconyII. 1. I like to chat with friends on the balcony. 2. My uncle and my aunt live in the centre of London. 3. Dont read in the bed. Its bad for your eyes. 4. Would you like to live with your parents in a wooden house?当堂小测1. years 2. exciting 3. beach 4. ta

20、lking 5. Amazing 6. PE 7. boring8. Hating 9. attracted 10. more参考答案: 学习微课I. 1. What does; do 2. Who is; with 3. Which one do 4. How are your 5. Would you like to; your; Id like toII. 1. Hundreds 2. forty; fortieth 3. Close 4. playing; doesn't 5.apples 6. hundred当堂小测 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B参考答案: 学习微课I. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C II. 1. knives 2. to have 3. to go 4. speaking 5. more 6. beautiful 7. My 8. to visit 9. take 10. nine当堂小测1. He doesn


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