牛津译林版8上unit1 reading 同步练习(无答案)_第1页
牛津译林版8上unit1 reading 同步练习(无答案)_第2页
牛津译林版8上unit1 reading 同步练习(无答案)_第3页




1、.8AUnit1 Friends Reading姓名: 一、短语翻译1.我最好的朋友之一 _ 2.乐于做某事 _ 3.帮助我做作业 _4.在公交车上给需要的人让座_ 5.想成为一名歌手 _6.一些喝的东西 _ 7.使我大笑 _ 8.使他看起来聪明 _ 9.再要一些食物 _ 10.感到厌烦、无聊 _ 11.在乎,关心 _12.很有幽默感 _ 13.把某物撞到地上_ 14.说笑话 _15.说某人的坏话 _16.一个真诚/正的朋友_ 二.词汇 . 根据句意、首字母或中英文提示写出单词1.Are you _ will to sing an English song for us?2.Lei Feng

2、is always ready _ help others during his life.3.Tai Mountain is one of the _ high mountains in China.4.He tells jokes and makes us _ laugh.5.Max is humorous. He is good at _tell you funny jokes.6.Kitty practises dancing even harder, so she becomes _slim than before.7.The_高度of the Yellow Mountain is

3、1,868 metres .8.The weather is even w_ today than yesterday.9. He is_大方的and he shares things with us.10. She doesnt has curly 卷曲 hair. She has s_hair.11. He often tells us funny jokes and makes us _feel happy.12.The man's face is not round but s_. 13.Can I have some _ many food, too?14.I feel _w

4、hen I see the _ movie. bore15.Tom has a good sense of _. He is a _ boy. humour三、单项选择 1.The students have problems _ the top of the mountain. A. in getting to B. with C. get to D. arriving 2. _ your teacher _?-She is friendly and helpful. A. How is ; like B. What is ; like C. How does ; like D. What

5、does ; like 3.Could you say about it, please? Id like to know . A. nothing else; more B. anything else; most C. anything other; more D. something else; more 4.Our monitor always helps other students _their lessons and he never says any bad words_others. A. in; with B. to; about C. with; about D. wit

6、h; to 5. The film Bolt is very interesting. _. I like it very much. A. Yes, I quite agree. B. I don't think so. C. A good idea. D. That's OK. 6.His father is ill. It makes him _.A. worry B. worry about C. worried D. worried about 7. He is very generous _ the poor and he often buys things for

7、 them. A. on B. with C. to D. on 8.China hosted one of _ Olympic Games in 2019.A. the good B. the better C. best D. the best 9. Im very _ .Could you please get me some water? A. hungryB. happyC. illD. thirsty 10. She is _ honest girl. A. aB. /C. anD. the 11. Li Lei is one of _ in our class. A. best

8、studentsB. a good student C. the best studentsD. good students 12. _ is your height? 180 cm. A. HowB. WhatC. How longD. How far 13. Jack is as _ as his best friend. A. more hard-workingB. hard work C. most hard-workingD. hard-working四、翻译句子1.我可以和他讲任何事情,因为他总会替我保密。 _2.你刚刚说的话让她很伤心。_3.喝点咖啡怎么样?_4.当有什么事令我担

9、忧时,我总是能向她求助。 _5.我们是真正的朋友,我经常和他分享我的快乐。_6.当我难过的时候,她总会关心我。 _7.安娜是班里最优秀的女生之一。_8.当我长大了,我想帮助穷人。_五、阅读理解There was a big garden in front of Jeff's house. So on weekends, many children came to play soccer from morning to late night. They made a lot of noise, so Jeff couldn't do anything. He thought ha

10、rd and had an idea. One Saturday evening, he went out and said to them, "It is my happy time when I see and hear you playing here. So I will give you fifty yuan a week if you play in the garden here," They felt very happy and on Saturday evening they came to Jeff's house and asked for

11、the money. He did so, The second week, Jeff said he didn't have enough money and only gave them twenty yuan. The third week Jeff said he lost his work, but he gave them only 10 yuan. And the boys were very disappointed. The fourth week Jeff said he was looking for his job. He gave them only five

12、 yuan. And said he couldn't pay them fifty yuan a week. But he would give them two yuan each week. After that, the boys never played in the garden again. 1. The group of children liked playing soccer in front of Jeff's house because_ A. there was a big garden there B. Jeff liked to see and h

13、ear them playing games C. Jeff gave them some money D. they could make a lot of noise 2. Jeff gave the children money to_. A. let them play soccer there B. make friends with them C. make them become famous players D. stop them from playing soccer there 3. Children felt very happy at first because_. A. Jeff was very kind and friendly to them B. they could get money and do something they enjoyed C. they could play soccer from morning to late nig


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