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1、.Module 1 Unit 2综合默写 I. 单词默写#:第 9 页1. 几乎2. 从不3. 另外、其他的4. 友好的5. 有帮助的6. 淘气的7. 谎话8. 8:海洋、大海9. 尚、还、仍然10. 刚刚、方才11. 已经12. 地球13. 环境14. 污染vn15. 陆地、大地16. 保持17. 到里面18. 留下19. 承诺、保证20. 讨论21. 再利用II短语默写1. 喜欢玩2. 和她谈话3. 一点也不,根本不4. 几乎每天5. 晚上外出6. 步行去上学 7. 和某人分享某物8. 互相帮助9. 帮助别人10. 努力工作11. 上学迟到12. 变得生气13. 对别人友好的14. 扯谎1

2、5. 住在美国16. 第一次17. 在周六18. 去过那里-19. 去过某地20. 怎么样?21. 地球之友22. 保护环境23. 污染环境24. 空气污染25. 帮助保持环境整洁26. 捡起垃圾27. 把垃圾扔到垃圾箱28. 告诉人们不要丢垃圾29. 与同学讨论某事30. 承诺循环使用购物袋31. 承诺不污染空气III句子默写1. Alice上学从不迟到。2. Kitty总是帮助别人。3. 我们喜欢在一起。4. 你去过海洋公园吗?是的,我已经去过那里。不,我还没去过那里。5. 我保证不扔垃圾。. 词性转换默写请根据提示完成下面表格 原 词词性中文 英 文 词性中文 英 文1. friend

3、n.adj友好的n.友谊adj有帮助的adj无用的2. help n.n.帮手 近义词友好的反义词不友善的3kind adj.n.仁慈 4. pollute vn.污染 5discussv.n.讨论 v.再利用adj有用的6use vadj无用的 7. lien.v.说谎 n.说谎者动词-ing形式 名师点拨1 notat all意为“一点也不,完全不,用于否认句。如:But she doesn't talk at all. 但是她什么也不说。I don't like this book at all.我一点也不喜欢这本书。注意notat all和Not at all不用谢;没

4、关系的区别。如:A:Thank you very much.非常感谢。B:Not at all.不用谢。2 others用于指代前文中提到过的复数名词,表示“其他的,如:Some animals are gentle; others are fierce一些动物很温顺,还有些动物很凶猛。这里的others指代some animals.3 have been to sp意为“去过某地,并且如今已经返回。 have gone to sp意为“去了某地,并且如今还未返回。如:I have been to the USA twice.我去过美国两次。,一Where is your father?你的爸

5、爸在哪里?一He has gone to the hospital.他去了医院。have been to后面接homeherethere等词后,to要省略。如:We have been there many times我去过那里很屡次。4 What about?相当于How about?用于提出建议,表示“怎么样?后面可接名词或动词的-ing形式。e.g. What How about a picnic in Century park?去世纪公园野餐怎么样? What How about going on a trip to Hainan Island?去海南岛旅行怎么样?根底必备I Writ

6、e the words according to phonetic symbols根据音标写出单词1. Such is not good for children. /nvarnmnt/2. This train at 8:30 every morning. /livz/3. Many tourists like to go to Park for fun when they visit Hong Kong. /'n/4. What a boy! /'nt/ 5. Can we this problem later? /d'sks/II. Choose the

7、 best answer选择最恰当的答案1. Does the dog go out at night?- No. She at night.A. isn't go out B. never goes outC. don't go out D. doesn't goes out2. I like Alice because she is always A. friend and help B. friend and helpfulC. naughty and kindly D. kind to others 3. He said almost nothing at ye

8、sterday's meeting. The underlined part means .A. almost anything B. hardly anything C. hardly any D. almost something4. Our class teacher tells us late for school. A. don't be B. not be C. not to be D. doesn't be5. - Who helps the Earth clean?-Friends of the Earth.A. keeping B. keeps C.

9、keep . D. kept6. Lucy is always ready to help other people. The underlined part means .A. others B. another C. the other D. other7. My class teacher got angry me . my being late for school again this morning.A. to.at B. atforC. with.about D. for.because 8. - Have you been to Garden City Zoo ?- Yes.

10、I've been to Garden City Zoo with my cousins.A. already.already B. yet.yetC. yet.just D. yet.never9. The Class Two students are talking about a trip to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. The underlined part means .A. telling B. showingC. discussing D. giving10. Can you tell me Betty?A. where are you g

11、oing B. where you are goingC. where will you go D. where you to go11. My cousin is visiting Shanghai the first time. So I will show him many interesting places.A. at.to B. for.round . C. at.for D. for.to12. The students should help A. each others B. each the otherC. one another D. another one13. -Th

12、ank you for giving me a ride.A. All right B. Not at all C. Never mind D. It's OKFill in the blanks with proper forms of the words given用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Tony is a . He tells all the time, so nobody believes him. Now he is again. lie2. How much is there on the earth? pollute3. Don't eat food. It

13、's bad for your health. pollute4. These boxes are ,and we can them next time. use5. The little boy gets easily. He always shouts at others anger6. He is very to us and he is also one of the good of the teacher. help7. You should be a little to your new classmate. friendRewrite the following sent

14、ences as required按要求改写以下句子1. He has been to North City Park, too.改写画线部分He has been to North City Park .2. Have you been to North City Park yet?肯定答复Yes, I've been .3. My uncle has never been to Hong Kong改为一般疑问句 your uncle been to Hong Kong?4. He is always hardworking.保持原意He always .5. rubbish, pr

15、omise, my, to, leave, classmates, not连词成句_进阶进步I Complete the following sentences用适当的单词完成以下句子1. Alice is always f and helpful., She n tells lies.2. We p to keep our classroom clean.3. She is good at maths because she is h 4. Tom and Mary are brother and sister. They always do homework t .5. People th

16、row r on the road. It's very dirty. That's land pollution.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We promise keep the environment clean.2. Most boys like play football. 3. you ever be to Beijing?4. Susan is a good girl. She never tell lies.5. What about

17、go swimming every Sunday evening?III. Correct the mistake找出错误并改正1. Jane never plays piano at home in the evening.A B C D 2. Mr. Smith has two sons. One lives in Australia and other studies Chinese in Shanghai.A B C D 3. If you want to be a friend of the Earth, you must be kind of the environment.A B

18、 C D IV Translate the following sentences将以下句子翻译成英文1. 在暖和的下午,我爷爷有时会去钓鱼。go fishing _2. 他上学从不迟到,总是很准时。never_3. 她和她妹妹同住一屋。share_4. 我已经做完作业了。already_5. 有时人污染环境。pollute_阅读理解Read and answer the questions阅读短文,答复以下问题 The house of l,000 mirrors Long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known a

19、s the House of l,000 mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, h

20、e found himself staring at l,000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with l,000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit

21、 it often."In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the l,000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and

22、was horrified to see l,000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."1. Which place did the little dog visit?2. What did the first little dog find through the doorway?3. Will the first little dog co

23、me to the place again?4. What did the second little dog do when he visited the house?5. The second little dog w01 go back there again, will he?Keys:综合默写I 单词默写1almost 2never 3other 4friendly/kind 5helpful 6naughty 7. lie 8ocean 9yet 10. just 11. already12. earth13. environment14. pollute/pollution15.

24、 land16. keep17. into18. leave19. promise20. discuss 21. reuseII. 短语默写1. like to play 2. talk to her 3. not at all . 4. almost every day 5. go out at night6. walk to school 7. share food with sb 8. help each other 9. help others 10. work hard 11. be late for school12. get angry13. be friendly/kind t

25、o others14. tell a lie15. live in the USA16. for the first time17. on Saturday18. have been there19. have been to sp20. What about .?21. Friends of the Earth22. look after the environment23. pollute the environment .24. air pollution25. help keep the environment clean26. pick up rubbish27. leave rub

26、bish into rubbish bins28. tell people not to leave rubbish29. discuss sth with classmates .30. promise to reuse shopping bags31. promise not to pollute the airIII句子默写 1. Alice is never late for school. 2. Kitty always helps others. 3. We like to be together. 4.- Have you been to Ocean Park yet? - Ye

27、s, I've already been there.No, I haven't been there yet. 5. I promise not to leave rubbish.IV.词性转换默写 原词 词性中文 英文 词性中文 英文1. friend n.adj友好的friendlyn友谊friendshipadj有帮助的helpfuladj无用的helpless2help n.n.帮手helper - -近义词友好的friendly反义词不友善的unkind3. kind adj.n.仁慈kindness -4. pollute v. n.污染pollution - -

28、5. discuss v.n.讨论discussion - - v再利用reuseadj.有用的useful6use v.adj.无用韵1一useless - -v说谎 lien.说谎者liar7. lien动词-ing形式1ymg -根底必备I. 1. environment 2. leaves 3. Ocean 4. naughty 5. discuss1I. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. BII【重点详解】3almost和hardly都是副词。almost的意思是“几乎,hardly的

29、意思是“几乎不,所以almost not就相当于hardly。同理,此题中almost nothing就可以理解为hardly anything。这句话的意思是:他在昨天的会上几乎什么都没说。例如:e.g. Andy always tells lies, so almost no one in his class believes him now. Andy总是说谎,所以如今班级里几乎没人相信他。 Peter is hardly ever late. Peter几乎从不迟到。7get angry with sb生某人的气get angry about sth对某事感到生气e.g. Mom wa

30、s really angry with my sister, because she broke her favourite vase.妈妈非常生妹妹的气,因为她把她最喜欢的花瓶打碎了。My teacher was angry about my mistake.老师对我的过失感到非常生气。10. tell sb sth是一个双宾构造,意思是“告诉某人某事,这句话中where you are going作为tell的宾语,所以这是一个由where引导的宾语从句。在宾语从句中应当使用陈述句的语序。e.g. Kitty is asking Winnie about where she has bee

31、n in Garden City. Kitty正在询问Winnie她去过花园城市的什么地方。I don't know which bus I should take;.我不知道该乘哪辆车。12each other意为“互相,相当于one another。e.g. We sat down at the table facing one another.我们面对面在桌前坐下来。People should respect each other.人们应该彼此尊重。III. 1. liar, lies, lying 2. pollution 3. polluted 4. useful, reus

32、e 5. angry, angrily 6. helpful, helpers 7. friendlierIII【重点详解】1. lie作为名词:tell a lie/tell lies说谎lie作为规划动词:lie-lied-lied-lying说谎,e.g. He said he'd never been there, but he was lying.他说他从没去过那儿,但他是在扯谎。She lied about her age in order to get the job:她为了得到工作而隐瞒了自己的年龄。3. pollute意为“污染,过去分词表示被动,polluted意为

33、“被污染。这句话的意思是“不要吃被污染的食物。5 be/get是系动词,系动词的后面要接形容词。生气应该写作:get angry。Shout at others 意为“对别人大声喊叫,shout 是行为动词,因此用副词angrily修饰。e.g. Tom was very angry. He left the classroom angrily. Tom非常生气。他生气地分开了教室。7a little/much/even都可以用来修饰形容词比较级。Friendly的比较级、最高级变化: friendly-friendlier-friendliestIV. 1. as well 2. alrea

34、dy, there 3. Has, ever4. works hard5. My classmates promise not to leave rubbishIV【重点详解】1too相当于as well,表示“也,用于句末。e.g. I'm going to Hong Kong and my sister is going as well. = I'm going to Hong Kong and my sister is going, too.我将要去香港,我的姐姐也是。2. never在疑问句中应改为ever。 e.g. Have you ever been to the USA?你曾经去过美国吗?进阶进步1. 1. friendly, never 2. promise 3. hardw


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