1、 Confessions of a Miseducated Man的教学说课稿 By 杨新如 一、An Introduction to the Text:In this article, in order to emphasize the importance of understanding the similarities among peoples, the author deliberately played down the importance of understanding their differences. This really was not necessary. In
2、 fact mutual understanding of these differences is absolutely vital for mutual respect. Only by a clear understanding of such differences can we learn to put them in proper context and benefit from each others accomplishments. Differences do not divide us. Its the wrong attitude toward the differenc
3、es that divides us. The authors condemnation of tribalism in all its forms as the cause of our misconception is very eloquent. The danger of doing terrible wrongs in the name of nationalism or patriotism cannot be underestimated. But there is also the danger of using globalization as an excuse to en
4、croach upon other countries' sovereign rights. The existence of modern nations is a historical fact. It has to be redefined, yes. But in a world where many nations are still fighting for their basic rights, and indeed, where many peoples still do not have their own nations, to talk about limitin
5、g national sovereignty is risky.二、文章结构与内容简介:全文可以分为三个部分。第一部分(第1-2段)主要是点题。作者指出他所受的教育已经不能适应有着30亿人口的世界了。第二部分(3-10段)是文章的主体。 在这一部分中,作者对自己所受的传统教育进行了反思,分析了它的长处和不足经过这一反思和分析,他开始意识到自己所受的教育的问题,感到传统教育不能使自己顺利地进行跨文化交流。 在作者看来,传统教育强调各种文化之间的差异。这一点尽管能帮助人们面对纷繁复杂的文化冲突,但是过分强调文化差异性或个性就忽略了各色人种-不论其宗教、信仰、习俗、行为的差异-都是人类这个大家庭的成
7、在此呼吁各国的领导人应从人类的共性出发,以全人类的生存和共同发展为己任,带领全人类走向繁荣。三、教学思想:作为教师不但要传授给学生知识, 更重要的是教学思想。 通过本课的学习使学生明白自己应该以全人类的生存和共同发展为己任,理解、尊重文化差异在跨文化交际中是至关重要的。全球一体化并不意味着以一种文化去同化或消灭另一种文化。在人类大家庭里,每一种文化都是相对独立的个体,其差异性是不能忽略或抹煞的。有不同文化背景的人完全可以互相理解,互相尊重,互相欣赏,互相学习。四、 Teaching objectives: (教学目标)1. 基础知识目标: 通过本课的学习, 力求使学生了解课文的篇章结构及主要思
8、想, 掌握语言知识点, 培养学生的阅读理解能力。2. 能力目标:To develop students listening, reading, speaking, writing and translating skills through the whole teaching activity. (通过本课的学习,培养和提高学生的听说读写译的基本技能。)3. 认知目标: 通过本课的学习使学生明白自己应该以全人类的生存和共同发展为己任,理解、尊重文化差异在跨文化交际中是至关重要的。全球一体化并不意味着以一种文化去同化或消灭另一种文化。在人类大家庭里,每一种文化都是相对独立的个体,其差异性是不能
9、忽略或抹煞的。有不同文化背景的人完全可以互相理解,互相尊重,互相欣赏,互相学习。4. 情感目标:通过本课的学习,使学生认清在自己生活的这个大家庭里同样要能够理解、尊重同学之间的文化差异,培养同学间的互相理解,互相尊重,互相欣赏,互相学习。五、 教学重点、难点、关键 (The important and difficult points)1本节课的重点是贯穿全文让学生掌握全文的主要内容,建构总起框架,为教学思想的渗透, 语言知识的理解、掌握作好必要的准备。2本节课的教学难点是学生对文章编章结构的理解与划分以及作者的写作意图。3. 教学的关键是教会学生以全人类的生存和共同发展为己任,理解、尊重文化
10、差异在跨文化交际中是至关重要的。全球一体化并不意味着以一种文化去同化或消灭另一种文化。在人类大家庭里,每一种文化都是相对独立的个体,其差异性是不能忽略或抹煞的。有不同文化背景的人完全可以互相理解,互相尊重,互相欣赏,互相学习。 为了讲清教学的重点、难点,使学生能达到本节课设定的教学目标, 我再来谈谈本节课的教法以及学法。六、教法 语言教学是一门培养学生获得交际工具的课程,因此,在教学中,要突出交际的功能。结合综合英语这一课程的特点,突出以任务为引领,以学生为中心的交际教学法原则,本人进行了这样的教法设计:在教师的引领下,创设情景, 层层设问来启发学生思考,寻求问题的答案,体会作者的思想,从而理
11、解全文的主要内容, 获得语言知识所需的综合技能。笔者把教学分为以下几个步骤:(1)布置任务。教师根据课文内容设计出形式多样的任务,并把任务的主题、内容及要求介绍给全体学生,任务要明确、具体、可操作性强。鉴于课上时间有限,任务前期准备工作一般要求学生在课前完成。(2)排除障碍。由学生提出(教师补充)阻碍其完成任务的困难,如生词的读音、语法结构、难句及篇章的理解等,然后由教师或学生讲解(视问题多少而定)。(3)完成任务。根据任务的不同要求,学生单人、成对或以小组、大组等形式在全班学生面前实施任务。此期间学生成了整个课堂的主宰,实施任务的学生把注意力放在语言的意念方面,力争准确地表达课文的思想内容,
12、同时充分利用课文中的词语使自己的表达语句连贯、生动有趣;其他学生则获得了听的机会;教师此时也不能放松,要时刻注意学生的语音是否正确、对课文的理解是否准确、用词是否得当、语言是否得体,并把出现的问题记录下来。(4)总结。教师针对学生在完成任务的过程中所出现的问题进行讲解、更正,并布置适量的练习。最后对任务的完成情况做出评价,指出应注意的问题,同时给予适当的表扬,以增强学生完成下一个任务的信心。 七、学法传统的语言教学模式是讲授,练习,使用(即presentation ,practice, production,PPP模式)。首先,老师讲授关于语言的条条框框知识点。然后学生以口头和书面两种形式进行
14、, 从而达到语言学习的目的, 顺利完成教学目标。 接下来, 我再具体谈谈这堂课的教学过程:八、Teaching procedure (教学程序及安排)第一节课1. Pre-class activities: (热身) 1) Students discuss in groups: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)2) Ss presentation on the topic: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)3) Listening lab: Globalization: Threat o
15、r Opportunity? (While listening, students should fill in the blanks.)(5分钟)2. Ts leading in to the text: 1) Introduction of the text: (2分钟) 2)Students discuss the following questions in pairs: (8分钟)a. How do you understand the word “miseducated”? b. Whats the difference between “miseducated” and “une
16、ducated”? c. Could you please show some other examples? 3)Text appreciation (15分钟) a. The theme of the text b. Global reading of Text A 第二节课1) The structure of the text. Students work in pairs to give the main idea of each part.15分钟)2) Students skim and scan the text and try to retell the text.(20分钟
17、)3) Background information. ( 3分钟)4) Home assignments: (2分钟 ) (1) Topics of the oral practice: (2) Questions for the students reading comprehension.(3) Writing下面是课堂教学实录第一节课1. Pre-class activities: 1) Students discuss in groups: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)教师活动:教师导入问题: Today everybody
18、agrees that the world is getting smaller and smaller. International community, world village, global integration, globalization, world market, etc. have become some of the most frequently used words in the English language. Some view it as a process that is beneficiala key to future world economic d
19、evelopmentand also inevitable and irreversible ,iri'v:sbl不可逆的; Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards and thwarts 阻碍social progress. In your opinion, “Globalization: Threat or Opport
20、unity?”(教师给出关键词,并把学生分成6个小组,每个小组一个主题进行讨论。)学生活动设计:学生根据老师给出的任务进行小组讨论。 2) Ss presentation on the topic: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)学生活动设计: 学生根据小组讨论的结果给出相应的答案。 教师活动:教师对学生的答案给出点评。T: Globalization offers extensive opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenl
21、y. Some countries are becoming integrated into the global economy more quickly than others. Countries that have been able to integrate are seeing faster growth and reduced poverty. Outward-oriented policies brought dynamism and greater prosperity to much of East Asia, transforming it from one of the
22、 poorest areas of the world 40 years ago. And as living standards rose, it became possible to make progress on democracy and economic issues such as the environment and work standards. Ok, lets listen to the following material and try to make sure of it. Whiling listening , try your best to fill in
23、the blanks.3) Listening lab: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (While listening, students should fill in the blanks.)(5分钟)教师活动:教师给出与听力内容相应的材料,播放听力材料,让学生带着任务去听。学生活动设计: 学生带着任务边听给出相应的答案。 (导入课文主题的同时,训练学生的听力)2. Ts leading in to the text: 1) Introduction of the text: (2分钟) 教师:1. What kind of impact wi
24、ll all this have on us? 2. What must we do to adapt ourselves to these changed conditions? This essay attempts to address this issue.The authors central idea is that, to prepare ourselves for this new world, we must all be re-educated so that we will be able to understand that there are more similar
25、ities than differences among peoples. The differences are superficial and insignificant whereas the similarities are essential and fundamental. These similarities enable all of us to be equal members in this global village and to live happily with mutual respect.First, life is a rare occurrence and
26、human existence even more so. Therefore we should have the greatest respect for all humanity; Second, however different peoples may be in little details, they are united in their humanness, in their basic human faculties and gifts;Third, they are also united in their needs, because today none of the
27、 most important problems we are faced with can be resolved without global cooperation. What do you think the fast developing world brings to us? What do you think are the main trends that affect us today? What do we have to process in order to survive the new age? What kind of education do you think
28、 is proper for college students especially English majors to receive?Discuss all these questions in groups after class, and then write down your own opinion.(课堂活动的拓展:学生借助网络协作完成书面的写作作业。)2)Students discuss the following questions in pairs: (8分钟)学生活动设计: 学生小组讨论问题: a. How do you understand the word “mise
29、ducated”? b. Whats the difference between “miseducated” and “uneducated”? c. Could you please show some other examples?教师活动:教师检查学生的任务完成情况。3)Text appreciation (15分钟) a. The theme of the text b. Global reading of Text A (朗读课文)第二节课4) The structure of the text. Students work in pairs to give the main id
30、ea of each part.(15分钟)学生活动设计: 学生小组讨论,分析文章结构,概括每个段落的主旨大意。 教师活动:教师检查学生的任务完成情况。5) Students skim and scan the text and try to retell the text.(20分钟)教师设计任务: (给出相应的线索要求学生给出关键词完成文章概要)The author is making an open admission here that he is _. He is well educated in the _sense. But traditional education in hi
31、s opinion is _, because it mainly talks about differences- differences in _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ and _ etc. between different regions, nations and races. This education is useful for _ because it can prepare them against culture _ and rouse their curiosity. But it is useless today.The _ tradit
32、ional education has emphasized are not important today. Today it is the _ that we ought to know. But our education has failed to teach us these.The reason why the similarities should also be emphasized is simple. The world has become one _. We are no longer so _ from each other. We have more and more in common. If we do not understand this, we will not be able to deal with _, and we will not be able to _. Our greatest threat today is _ i
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