



1、牛津六年级下册英语单词拼写专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1She_(watch) a movie once a week.2He_(have) an English class every day.3The health club is_(open) at 7 a.m.4I''m_(go) swimming tomorrow.5We_(play) tennis twice a week.2. 补全单词。1. I want to send this l_ (信) to my mother. 2. How many p_ (明信

2、片) are there?3. This is an e_ (电子邮件).3. 补全单词。(1)  .boug _t   buy的过去式,买(2)  at_   eat 的过去式,吃(3)  _aw   see的过去式,看见(4)  we_ t go 的过去式,走; 离开; 去做(5)  t _ught   teach 的过去式,教,教授4. 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. addr   ss _ 2. c

3、h psticks _ 3. kn   fe  _ 4. A stralia _ 5. ple   sed_5. 根据中文及句意写单词。1. Edison _(发明)about l,000 inventions during his life.2. Li Zhonghua is one of the greatest _(飞行员)in China.3. Yao Ming has played basketball well in the

4、 NBA. He is the _(骄傲)of China.4. Everyone is here. No one is _(缺席的).5. Having too many cooks _(搞糟)the broth.6. Everyone can be _(成功)someday.6. 看图写单词。1.What''s the matter? My finger h_.2.I c_ my room yesterday.3.Look! She''s s_.4.Look at the_. It is lovely.

5、60;7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. December is _ (twelve) month in a year.2. My father can _ (swim)and he often _ (swim)with me on hot days.3. She is a _ (beautiful) girl an

6、d she can dance _ (beautiful).4. Look! Mary _ (dance)in the classroom.5. These flowers are for _ (they). _ (they) all like the flowers.8. 按要求写出单词或短语。  (1)bring(过去式)_ 

7、0; (2)dry (反义词)_  (3)禁止吸烟(英语)._   (4)危险(英语)_  (5)clean(反义词)_9. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Wow! Its_ (sun).2. I dont like_ (rain) days! Its too wet outside.3. _ (be) you a teacher?No, I_ (be) not.4.

8、 Where_ (be) you yesterday evening?5. My young sister_ (do) her homework by herself.10. 排列顺序。(1) The lion caught the mouse.(2) The lion and the mouse became good friends.

9、(3) The lion could not get out from the net.(4) The mouse woke the lion up.(5) The lion let the mouse go.(6) The mouse helped the lion get out._11. 按要求写出下列单词的适当

10、形式。1. sea (同音词)  _ 2. bring(反义词) _ 3. yes(反义词)_ 4. country(复数形式)_5. does(动词原形)  _ 6. take(现在分词)  _7. bus(复数形式)  _8. has(动词原形)_9. 和平(英语)  _10. UN(汉语意思)  _12. 按要求

11、写单词 。(1)Tina (所有格)_  (2)finish(三单)_  (3)easy(副词)_   (4)safe (名词)_  (5)left (反义词)_13. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。My grandma _ (watch) TV every day.2. Jims parents are doctors. My parents are _ (farm).3. Please help _ (they) do some

12、housework.4. Can you speak _ (Japan)?  No, I cant.5. How many _ (child) can you see in the picture?6. I live on the _ floor in this building. (one)7. Lucy is tall and _, She must eat less. (fat)8. Many _ doctors wear glasses, too. (woman)9. 

13、;Your room is between mine and the _. (twin) Theyre the same age, but they have different _. (hobby)10. The boy sits there and reads a comic book _. (happy)14. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. I can see a film at the c_.2. I''m hungry. Is there a r_ near here?3. When you are ill, you should

14、see a d_.4. I like science. I want to be a s_.5. How do you come here?By p_.6. Jack''s pen pal likes p_ football.7. How can I get there?Go s_, then turn left.8. My little sister is a_ of the dog.9. He is doing word p_.10. My father works in a f_. He''s a worker.15. 根据首字母提示写

15、单词,补全句子或对话。(1)We can borrow some books from the school l    .(2)Do you have a c   ? I want to look it up on the Internet.(3)I''m going to v   my grandparents next weekend.16. 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。(   )1.t_vel(旅行)   A. re  

16、 B.ea   C. ra(   )2.Chi_(中国)     A. na   B. ne   C. nese(   )3.Fr_ce(法国)  A. en  B. an   C. ae(   )4. Brit_n(英国)  A. ae  B. ei    C. ai(   )5.Ameri_(美

17、国)     A. an   B. can C. ca17. 根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。(1)_ are you going to _ this afternoon ?   going to   my grandparents.(2)   is your father   to the cinema ?He   the cinema at 5:00 this af

18、ternoon.(3)   are  you   ?Im going to the science museum.(4)   Sarah going to   ?She   buy a comic book.(5) , is there a bookstore near here ?  Yes, .18. 写出下面单词的复数形式。1. glass _     2. hamburger _3. noodle _    4. drink _5. knife _    6. chopstick _7. fork _ 


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