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1、广附实验学校4 月线上检测试卷(初三英语)一、语法选择 (共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)The meaning of the word “ volunteerma”y be a little different in different countries, but it usually means“ onewho offers his or her services ” .There_1_many different ways in which people_2volunteer,suchas taking care of sick people, working in ho

2、mes for homeless children and_3_up rubbish from beaches and parks.oVlunteers may work in their own countries or in 4_countries.They are often people_5_a strong wish to help those who are less lucky than themselves. Volunteers don't expect any kind of pay.At the root of volunteering is the idea t

3、hat one person may have the ability 6_ services that can help other people. Tracy, a good friend of 7_ , however,came back from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means. She_8_ for two and a half weeks in one of Mother Teresa's homes in Calcutta.The following is her story.“ I first

4、heard about Mother Teresa in my high school. We watched 9 video about her work in India and all over the world. I was 10 moved by her spirit to help others and her endless love for every human being that after I graduated from high school, I also wanted to try her kind of work. So with two friends I

5、 flew to Calcutta for a few weeks."“ I 11to work in a home for sick people.I helped wash clothesand sheets, and pass out lunch.I also fed the people 12 were tooweak to feed themselves and tried to cheer them up. I felt it was 13to share with them than to think that I have helped them.To be hone

6、st, I don't think I was helping very much. It was then that I realized hat I had not really come to help,_14_ to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve my own understanding of 15and theworld." pickD.pic

7、king4.A.otherB.anotherC.the offerD.offered7.A.mineB.myC.ID.myself8.A.workB.have working9.A.aB.anC.theD./10.A.veryB.soC.suchD.rather11.A.askedB.haveC.was askedD.was asking12.A.whichB.whatC.whoD.where13.A.goodB.betterC.worseD.

8、bad14.A.thoughB.andC.butD.because15.A.liveB.aliveC.lifeD.living二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)For many students, summer is a time for playing outside. However, for Liam Hannon.,he summer of 2017 was a bit 16That year, he joined an online learning program, which 17him to give back to the community (

9、社区 ).He was given a task to help homeless people.Liam _18to his dad that there were a lot of homeless peoplejust outside their home. These people were hungry and they could use something to lift their 19.Liam and his dad began to makesandwiches and handed them out to the homeless people.In order to

10、help more homeless people, Liam created an online page to help raise money. 20 ,a lot of people supported hisidea.Donations (捐赠 ) that were received through the website GoFundMe have made it possible for Liam to 21 a better cart and makethousands of more lunches. “ I have seen people who are feeling

11、 really 22 on themselves. But when we hand them a lunch,their faces just light up. ” says Liam.Now, Liam has another 23called Legos of Love. People sendin their old Lego blocks,which are then sorted(分类)and given to homeless children.This now 12-year-old boy 24 knows how to pay it forward.What he has

12、 done is an example of how even something as25as a sandwich can change the world.C .silentC .accepted16.A.fashionable B.annoying17.A.challenged B.treated18.A . made a mess B . told a joke C . pointed out19.A. weightsB .spirits20.A .Humorously B . Confidently21.A.buy22.A.down23.A.homework24 .A.surely

13、25.A.delicious三、 阅读B . serveB .surprisedB. victoryB.thankfullyB.necessaryC . handsC .CrazilyC .considerC .nervousC .advantageC .carefullyC . simpleD.differentD .orderedD . held onD .voiceD .LuckilyD . shareD .excitedD. projectD.strictlyD.expensive第一节 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)AEven though she'

14、;s quite young,Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend(传奇).She was born on February 22, 1975, in California.Being from a family that produced great actors, she quickly found her way into the spotlight (聚光灯).When she was I1 months old, she made her first advertisement on TV. She made her first movie

15、 at the age of 2.Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg s famous film E.T. (1982).However, it wasn at ll roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up.She once went to the dark side and became a big problem.Most kid stars in Hollywood fail to become stars as adults. And most ofthe

16、 time, once they're out of the spotlight, they stay out. But DrewBarrymore doesn't. As she was growing older,Barrymore started to realizethat life is more meaningful than dangerous actions in the films. Shestarted to build a career in 1997. She has made a series of successful filmssince then

17、,including Charlie's Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates(200)4 .“ In my life, there is darkness and drama, and I have yet to exploresome of that in my work life. I just want to challenge myself and provethat I can do more."Actually, anyone who's not familiar with her disordered childhoodmi

18、ght find it hard to believe she s such a sweet person now.Like many ofthe characters she plays in her comedy.Drew is easy-going and laughs a lot. In 2007,she was on the cover ofPeople magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue.“ Lifeis very interesting in the end, some of your greatest pains, be

19、come your greatest strengths, ” Drew said.26 .Drew Barrymore made her first movie inA .1975B.1977 C .1979D.198227 .Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend mainly becauseA . she always has roses and sunshine in her lifeB . she used to be a famous kid star in HollywoodC . she didn't give up even

20、when she met difficultiesD .she was born from a family that produced great actors28 . Which is the correct order of Drew Barrymore' s life? She made the film Charlie's Angels. She went to the dark side and became a big problem. She acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg' s famous film E.T. She

21、 is on the cover of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue.A.B.C.D.29 . Which of the following chart (图表)can best describe Drew Barrymore's career (till 2007)? D30 . Which of the following words can be used to describe Drew Barrymore according to the passage?A .Interesting. B.Stro

22、ng-minded. C.Beautiful. D.Clever.BHannah Herbst, a 15-year-old teenager from Florida, US, has just become America's Top Young Scientist. She was given this award for her invention which turns ocean energy into electricity for the developing world.In fact, Hannah was just a middle school student

23、before that. She came up with this idea because of a letter from Africa. Shortly after the school began in 2014, she received a letter from her -9year-old pen friend, Rose, in Africa.In the letter, she told Hannah that her family didn't have enough fresh water or electricity. Hannah realized tha

24、t Rose ssituation was bad and in some developing countries some people were in the same situation.She really wanted to help them,so she decided to do something useful.Hannah began to work on her invention called “ BEACON” to produce electricity from ocean power.Luckily, her idea won the attention of

25、 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge.She got the opportunity to work with a scientist to improve her invention.Thank to this project,she won a prize of S25,000. She offered to donate half of the prize to people in need of energy in developing countries and planned to keep working on BEA

26、CON to improve the real life situation.Bill Goodwyn,the CEO of Discovery Education said, “ Itis always encouraging to see young people like Hannah use their skills to solve problems and make changes for the better life of people. ” Millionosf American students have a “ scientist dream ” , but Hannah

27、 was the few ones who could realize their goals.She wrote in her blog,“ It was so greatsee my ideas come to life. I knew that it was hard to begin with, but I keptworking and never give up. After successfully creating BEACON, my love for science was discovered.I hope others will find their interests

28、 and make their dreams come true.31.1 n the letter,Rose told Hannah thatA. her situation was really goodB. she decided to do something usefulC. she got the award for her inventionD. her family didn't have enough fresh water or electricity32 .Hannah worked on her invention called“ BEACON” toA. do

29、nate half of the prize to peopleB.receive more letters from her friendsC.produce electricity from ocean powerD become American's top young scientist33 .Hannah's scientist dream came true becauseA.she won a prize of S25,000 at last34 she wrote a lot of science articles in her blogC. she went

30、to Africa to help her good pen friendD. she kept working on inventions and never give up34. In what order did the event take place?a.Hannah made up her mind to help people like Rose.b. Hannah started her invention.c. Hannah received a letter from Rose.d. Hannah donated half of the prize to people in

31、 need.e.Hannah improved her invention.A.a-c-b-e-d B.c-a-b-e-d C.c-a-e-b-d D.c-a-b-d-e35 .What can you infer from the passage?A. Hannah worked on the“ BEACON” alone.B.All people in developing countries are in bad situation.C.All countries in Africa have water problem. D.Science makes the world better

32、.CTom walked away from the school. He would never return. He was a lonely boy. Nobody loved him. He met his best friend, Joe Harper. Joe's mother had beaten him.But Joe hadn't done anything wrong. He also wanted to leave home. The two boys began to make plans. They both agreed to become pira

33、te嗨盗).Five kilometers south of St Petersburg was an island called Jackson's island. It was close to the other shore of the river. They decided to go there. They looked for Huckleberry Finn,and he joined them at once. They decided to meet on the river bank three kilometers from the village at mid

34、night. Each would bring tools for fishing, and whatever they could steal like those bad guys.Tom arrived with a boiled ham and a corn, Joe had some bacon, andHuck had a frying pan,all stolen from home or their neighbors. They took some fire from an empty boat, and then they set off on the raft (木筱 )

35、. Atabout 2 a.m. they landed on Jackson's Island, and carried their only possessions onto the shore. They decided to sleep in the open air. That was what pirates did.They built a fire, cooked some bacon for supper, and ate half of the corn they had brought. It seemed wonderful to be eating in th

36、e wild forest of an undiscovered island.They said they would never go back.“It ' s just the life for me,“ said Tom, “You don't have to get upmornings and go to school, and wash all those foolish things.A pirate doesn't have to do anything. ”Huck asked, "What do pirates do?"“ Oh

37、t,hey take ships and burn them. They get money and bury it in places where nobody can find it. And. kill everybody on the ships, Tom.Slowly their talk stopped. Huck slept easily. Tom and Joe had more difficulty getting to sleep.Their conscience ( 良知 ) started to work. They began to fear that it was

38、wrong to run away, and they thought of the stolen meat, and worried that it was bad to steal.36 . Why did the boys want to leave?A . They were uninterested in their study.B . They felt they were not loved by others.C . Being pirates could bring them much money.D . Floating on the sea allowed them to

39、 learn more.37 . How did the boys get to Jackson's Island?A .In a boat. B .By ship. C . On a raft. D.By swimming.38 . What can we learn about the island?A . It was easy to find food on it.B .There was nobody else on it.C .There were no trees or animals on it.D . It was a good place to become pir

40、ates.39 . How did Tom and Joe feel after they stopped talking about pirates? A.Sleepy. B.Embarrassed. C . Ashamed. D.Relaxed.40 . What might Tom most probably do the next day?A . He would go back home.B.He would become a pirate.C.He would sail to other islands.D . He would pay back what he stole.DXi

41、nhua English BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) “Weatherinwith You",a Japanese animated(动画)romantic fantasy film is set to hit Chinese theaters on Nov. 1,2019.Set in Japan, the film talks about a high school teenager Hodaka Morishima who makes living on his own in Tokyo for the first time. He works for

42、a local magazine, writing about all the things strange and supernatural but the most interesting thing happening in the unusual weather in Tokyo.It rains every day and seems never come to an end. A young girl unusual weather in Tokyo. It rains every day and seems never come to an end. A young girl n

43、amed Hina Amano who can control the weather walks into the young man ' s life.Hina has the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it.Hodaka suggests that Hina should become a sunshine girl" someonewho will clear the sky and stop the rain.Things begin looking up for them at first

44、. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a heavy price.The film,originally titled “TenkiNo Ko" is directed by Makoto Shinkai. Born in 1973,Makoto is best known for directing Your Name',“Japanesenamed as Kimi No Na Wa,a high-grossing (高票房)animated film released in 2016.

45、 Three years after Your Name"Makoto Shinkai returns with his latest work, “ Weathering with You ”“ Weatheringwith You sold more than 1.1 million tickets, grossing1.6 billion yen (about US $15.22 million) in its first three days in morethan 350 theaters. The film ranked No.1 in its opening weeke

46、nd and iscurrently the No.7 highest-earning film of all time in Japan and the highest-grossing film in Japan in 2019.“Weatheringwith You'is also Japan' submission for the Best International Feature Film category at the 92nd Academy Awards (奥斯卡金像奖 ) the first animated film that Japan has subm

47、itted (递交 ) inthe category since“ Mononoke Him"ein 1998.41 .The underlined word "hit" in paragraph one is the closest in meaningto the one in “ ”A . A big earthquake hit the city and destroyed many buildings.B .The popular game Over watch 2 may hit the market next year.C . He hit the

48、ball so hard that it flew over their heads and fell into the lake.D . Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a drop of water hit the top of his head.42 . What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence“ it is comknowledge that power always comes with a heavy price."?A .As a “ sunshin

49、e girl ” , Hina will get a good job.B.Hodaka can write a lot of strange things about Hina.C . Living on his (her) own in Tokyo is not so easy.D .Hina will pay a lot or lose something for her special ability.43 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A . Hodaka used to live with hi

50、s family before coming to Tokyo.B .The local magazine asks Hodaka to write only about the strange weather in Tokyo.C . Makoto directed the animated film “Your Name" when he was 46years old.D .People can only see the film Weatherin“g with You" in one of the 350 theaters.44 . The writer writ

51、es the passage in order toA . ask more people to go and see the filmB .let people know something about the filmC .introduce the great director Makoto ShinkaiD .tell people that the film has been submitted at the Academy A wards45 .You can find this passage in a (an)A .advertisement B.geography textb

52、ookC . web page D . fact file第二节 阅读填空 (共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5 分)Long long ago, people couldn't write and they had no books.But they had stories.People learned the stories by heart and taught new ones to one another. Sometimes it was hard to remember them all. 46The ancient Egyptians wrote their stor

53、ies on something made from papyrusg氏莎草)plants.People in other places learned to use papyrus from the Egyptians.47 So parchmen舁皮名氏)later took its place.In ancient China books looked a little different. People there used ink to write on bamboo or silk. And then they invented paper. Paper was easier an

54、d cheaper to make than papyrus and parchment. 48 Papermaking later spread to the West, but there was a big problem with these early books.Every single one had to be copied and written by hand.49 They carved雕亥ll) a page of words into a piece of woodor stone.They could then print the page by spreading

55、 ink on the wood or stone and putting it against paper. Many years later, books became faster and easier to make when a German printer invented movable, metal letters. The letters could be used to print copy after copy, and the letters put together again and again to print different pages of words.5

56、0 Once a luxury(奢侈品)only the rich could buy, they soonbecame a treasure everyone could enjoy.A.But papyrus grew mainly in Egypt.B. Finally books could be printed by the thousands.C. Its surface was smoother and better for writing on, too.D. Things grew a little easier when writing was invented.E. Th

57、e Chinese were the first to think of a way to speed things up a little.四、写作第一节单词拼写(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)51 .The Greens went to Hawaii for vacation and enjoyed t verymuch.52 .A good driver always drives carefully to a accidents.53 . She is keen on drawing different styles of pictures and she hopes to be

58、an ain the future.54 . You looked very tired. How about drinking a cup of c tomake you awake.55 .The book costs me 250 yuan but it is worth the high p.56 . Some people pto sleep on the bus in order not to offer theirseats to others.57 .You can't eyour parents to do everything for you.Be independent!58 .Have you received Tom's iof


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