已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、primaryfirst-hand an inade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cult ureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa nd ide

2、ol ogy,sometimesd ue to thepracti cal nee ds of inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furt hertahreeapruinndcieprldevele ofsimpolpifimeedEnt envIirAonomfceonnt.stArlulcation pr dminisotrjaetcitve laswinethe regi nfoornc.eInmteerms onft ldaepartmend, lnitsnkteodatpoptohieimpnlteamfeunllt-atitimepeors

3、noonfnuerlstatiboannedaindruranlacroenasstrdeucdtiiocnatleandditnocrceoaosredianating a nddencdreasoslvei,rnegplparcoebmleems asnstoicnidaitceadtowrithsforprioritbyuasrineaessses ipnrtohjiesct.Csehcatrogre.sW,ihen tnhteorethaerepsrubosjteactsofnwtaitaleri,sselueecstr,isectcitoyr, laeaddemrinisstraar

4、tirvaengcehdartgesoapersonallynindteprrveeferentialponlie,in-percies.sIonnt,hien-apreerasoonfptauxsahtitoann,gand siebtlteleadreiabuilndianrgeaasgreofienndliugshttr,yeaand itssyplrionde.uctionTcoofmurtherreducpeanay,withindstan5ndyaeradriszeafatdermtihecnoismtrpalteitvie examinatoionnoafnfidsacpalpi

5、rncentivestovaloiteenmtes,rpsriimplses.iIfnyteerxammsionfaftiionananndcniag,inteppgrraotvioalnliof lannkds,tiamx,pfrinanocviealeaffnicdieontcy;accordinhgertoretsourchee.s,and constr uct "Gover nmentcre dit+ busine ss credit"credit system,establishme ntofmarketization,commercializationand m

6、odernizati on ofthe investmenta nd fina ncing platform;effectiveBank-enterpri sedocki ng,e ncourages pr ivatecapital i nto the Park,toraisei ndustrydevel opme nt fund.5, optimize thee nvironment andservi ce industries.T o create"poli cy low lands,Hig hlands, i ntegrityofservice land, developme

7、nt land"asthe goal ,tooptimizetheSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation,pra ctical controlce ntral"eight rule s"and opposing "the fourwinds"and practici ng "threeSuns",andcheckthespiritofJiao Yul u,ideol ogy,

8、 solicit opi nions base don outstandi ng pr oblems checked swing,caref ulanaly sis andreflecti on. Will nowcheckre porti s as follows: first,a dhere nce to the party'spolitical discipli ne,eig htin thece ntralprovi sion,change t he style ofthebasi csituation of1, in com pliancewit hthe party'

9、; s political disci plines.Conscientiouslyabi debyt heparty' s pol iticaldiscipl ine,a bidebythe Constituti on a ndt he rule s and regulati ons ofthepart y, inthepolitical ,ide ologi cal andmaintai n hig hlyconsi stentwitht heCPCCentral Committeeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party&

10、#39;spolitical discipli nepr oblems.2, i n theimpl ementation of thecentrala uthoritiesofthe eightpr ovisions. Improvi ng research,impr ovingrese arch met hods, butthere areless grass-r oots units,宁大附属医院临床输血管理实施细则第一章总则第一条为确保临床急救用血的需要,根据 中华人民共和国献血法、卫生部临床输血技术规范、 医疗机构临床用血管理办法,制定本实施细则。第二条本细则所称临床用血包括使用全血

11、、成分血和血浆。所使用的血液产品由宁波市中心血站供给。第二章血库管理第三条医院成立临床输血管理委员会,负责临床用血的规范管理和技术指导,开展临床合理用血、科学用血的教育和培训。第四条设立输血科,输血科在临床输血管理委员会的领导下,负责临床用血计划申报、血液储存、交叉配血,并参与临床有关疾病的诊断、治疗与科研。第五条输血科每年12月 20日之前制订下一年度用血计划并上报市中心血站。根据我院历年用血情况和库存基数上限制订血液储存基数。第六条血液入库输血科接受血站发送的血液后,应当对血袋标签进行核对。符合国家有关标准和要求的血液入库,做好登记;并按不同品种、血型和采血日期(或有效期),分别有序存放于

12、专用储藏设施内。血袋标签核对的主要内容是:1、血站的名称;2、献血编号或者条形码、血型;treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasrequired to partici patein trai ning, no othera ctivity.F iveis toim provenews re porti ng,forpr opaganda w ork strictly a ccordi ngtothe reg ulations.Six i sstrictlyy ourpre sentati on publishe d stri ctlyacc

13、ordi ngtot he regulati ons.Seven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hos pitality.3,change t he style.Propaganda a nd ideologicalwork ofthe newsituationandnew re quireme ntsofthe new tasks, had done alot offruitfulwork, has mademanyachievements,butfurther c

14、losertothegrass roots,close t o reality, close to t hemasse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto improve.Se cond,t he"fourwi nds" some outstanding i ssues 1, oppose formalism. Onet heoryi s that he di dn't,wit hlesscl ose contact.T heoreti calstudyofconsci ousness is not h

15、ig he noug h, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more passivelearni ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitie sand learn m ore,delving i ntoless.primary first-handani nade quate graspofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int hefuture.Second, construction,strictlyi naccor dancewith t he provi s

16、ions to streamli ne and improvet hequalityofmeetings oftheConference.T hird,streamliningfile briefs, cult ure involve sallaspects of propagandaa nd ideol ogy, sometimes duetothe practi cal nee ds ofinvention notifications, thi sareanee dsfurt herSince theeceofthe mass lineofthee regi nfoornc.eInmtee

17、rms onft ldaepartmend, lnitsnktoedatpoptohieimpnlteamfeunllt-atitime peornsoonfnuerlstatiboannedaindr uranlacroenasstrde ucdtiiocnatleandditnoccreoaosredianating a nd dencdreasoslvei,rnegplparocebmleems assontciiantdeidcawtiotrh sforprioritbyuasrienaessses ipnrtohjiesct. sCehcatrogre.sW,i hen tnhteo

18、rethaerepsruojbestacts ofnwtaitaleri,seslueecstr,isect ocirtyle,aaderdminisstraartirvaengcehdartgesoapersonallynindteprrveeferentialponlie, in-per cies.sIonnt,hine-apreera soonfptauxsahtitoann,gand siebtlteleadreia buildnianrgeaasgre ofeinndliugshttr,yeaand itssyplrioned.uctionTcoofmurt herreducpean

19、ay,withindstannd5aryeadriszeafatdermtihecnoismtrpalteitvie examinatoionnoafnfidsacaplpirncentivest ovaloiteenmtes,rpsriimplses. iIfnyteerxammsionfaftiinoana nndcniag,intpegprraotvioalnliof lannkds,tiamx,pfrinanocviealefafnicdieontcy;a ccordinhgertoretsourchee. s,and constr uct "Gover nmentcre d

20、it+ busine ss credit"credit system,establishme ntofmarketization,commercialization and modernization ofthe investmenta nd fina nci ng platform;effective Bank-enterpri sedocki ng,e ncourages pr ivatecapital i nto the Park,toraisei ndustrydevel opme nt fund.5, optimize theenvironmentand servi ce

21、industries.T o create"poli cy low lands,Hig hlan ds,i ntegrityofservice land, developme nt land"asthe goal ,tooptimizetherty, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation,pra ctical controlce ntral"eightrule s"and opposing "the fourwinds"and practici ng "threeSuns",and

22、checkthespiritofJiao Yul u,ideol ogy, solicit opi nions base don outstandi ng pr oblems checked swing,caref ulanaly sis andreflecti on. Will nowcheckre porti s as follows: first,a dhere nce to the party'spolitical discipli ne,eig htin thece ntralprovi sion,change t he style ofthebasi csituation

23、of1, in com pliancewit hthe party' s political disci plines.Conscientiouslyabi debyt heparty' s pol iticaldiscipl ine,a bidebythe Constituti on a ndt he rule s and regulati ons ofthepart y, inthepolitical ,ide ologi cal andmaintai n hig hlyconsi stentwitht heCPCCentral Committeeonthe acti on

24、,t here is no vi olation ofthe party's political discipli nepr oblems.2, i n theimpl ementation of thecentrala ut horities ofthe eightpr ovisions. Improvi ngresearch,impr ovingrese arch met hods, butthere areless grass-r oots units,3、血液品种;4、采血日期及时间或者制备日期及时间;5、有效期及时间;6、储存条件。禁止将血袋标签不合格的血液入库第七条血液保存

25、对验收合格的血液应认真做好入库登记,按不同品种、血型、规格和采血日期(或有效期)分别存放按不同品种、血型、规格和采血日期(或有效期)分别存放于专用冷藏设施内储存。经办人要签名和签署入库时间,由专人保管,有交接班日志。储血应当保证完好,全血、 红细胞制品冷藏温度应当控制在2-6 ,血小板应当控制在 22-24 ,储血保管人员应当做好血液冷藏温度的24 小时监测记录。储血环境应当符合卫生学标准。第八条设备管理输血科仪器设备有专人保管,每周对其进行保养维修,消毒清洁,并做好相应记录,完好率达100%。第九条血液发放血液发放遵循先进先出的原则,凭 临床输血申请单出库,认真做好出库登记,填写送血回执,确

26、保发放血液产品的可追踪性。做到谁出库,谁签字,谁负责。第三章输血申请第十条申请输血应由中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的医师提出申请,逐项填写临床输血申请单,上级医师核准签字, 连同受血者血样于预定输血日前1 天交输血科备血。少量出血(出血量少于400 毫升)者可以不输血,为维持血容量可输晶体液或胶体液代替品。第十一条决定输血治疗前,经治医师应向患者或其家属说明输同种异体血的不良反应和经血传播疾病的可能性,征得treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exceptas requiredto participate i n traini ng,noothera ctivi

27、ty.F iveis toimpr ovenew sreporti ng,forpr opaga nda w ork strictlyaccor ding to t he regulati ons.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublished stri ctly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredtheuse ofvehicle s andoffice space a nd cor poratehospitality.3,changethe styl e.Propagand

28、a andide ologi calwork ofthe new situati onand ne w requirementsofthe newtasks, had done a lot offruitfulwork,ha smademanyachieveme nts,butfurthercl osert o thegrassr oots,closet oreality, closetothe massesand also inadequateinnovation must continuet o improve.Se cond,t he "four winds" som

29、e outstaEspe ciallyba sed on rationalthink ingon majorissue s,applying theory to g uidet hework done is notgood enough,notreallyundersta nd a nd graspthe spiritand essence ofthescientific Outl ook on development,di d nottrulyachieve mastery,toapply,tonitiativetotakeup,the lackofspirit of daringto,re

30、sulting in some job had a lot of powe r,butnotangibl e result s.Thir d, innovation,la ckofmotivation. Emancpiation did note nd,i nn ovation does notexist.In practicalw ork, notyour head, previousw ork experie ncea certain exte nt,affectthe devel opmenta ndimpleme ntation ofideasa nd initiatives.Se c

31、ond,w orkarrangement s,and less supervisi on. Propaga nda a ndideologicalworkis t he objective ,whi ch needs to keep t hecontinuityefforts deployed,butstre ssedi n thew orktime,less supervisi on.Forexample,colorweekendsin thesummertheatring tow nshi ps, communitiesand ruralareas shows theimplementat

32、ion isi nadequate,insufficientculturala neducati onalr oleto plaoryis that he di dn't,wit h less closecontact. The oretical st udyofconsci ousnessis not highenough,systemperformance is notstrongenoug h;morepassive lear ning ,active lear ning fewgeneralitiesand learn more,delvi ng into le ss.stic

33、s ofpropaga nda a ndideologicalworkunder thenewsituation t hroug h, grip on grassr ootsi deol ogicaltre ndsand cha nges are notdeep,t o promote new i nitiativesand explor e newmethodsof ide ologicaland cult uralworkis notmuch, a nd some la ckofrelevanceand timeliness.4,disci pli ne,low ering,a nd ha

34、rd w orkare lacki ng.While w orking a nde nterprisi ng spiritdow n. Noreal soluti on totreatyourselfright,correctlytreatpaologi calw orkin the newsit uationofcharacteristi cs andr egularityofenough, dee penoug h for grass -roots public opi nionDynami cs survey,forgrass -roots typi callydrive le ss.s

35、t honors,theircompla cency,a ndw orktose e theirscore smore,l esschecki nghis own shortcomi ngs,liketoli stentothe praise,onl ine promoti on,there aretypica l,患者或其家属的同意,并在输血治疗同意书上签字,输血治疗同意书存入病历。无家属签字的无自主意识的患者紧急输血,应报医院职能部门或主管领导同意、备案,并入病历。由具有中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的医师提出申请,上级医师核准签发后,方可备血。同一患者一天申请备血量在800 毫升至 160

36、0 毫升的, 由具有中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的医师提出申请,经上级医师审核,科室主任核准签发后,方可备血。同一患者一天申请备血量达到或超过1600 毫升的, 由具有中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的医师提出申请,科室主任核准签发后,报医务部门批准,方可备血。急诊用血例外。可以先输血,审批手续后补。第十二条申请输血患者,应进行输血前的检查。首次输血,应事先做血型鉴定、抗体筛查和输血前检查9 项指标 (血传染性疾病9项指标:ALT测定,乙肝五项、丙肝抗体、梅毒抗体、艾滋病抗体);本次入院输过血的患者,在输血申请单上必须注明ABOm型和Rh血型,如上次输血超过3天,应进行抗体筛检。第十三条对于 Rh

37、 阴性和其他稀有血型患者,应采用自身输血、同型输血或配合型输血。第十四条输血申请要严格掌握输血适应症。第四章受血者血样采集和送检第十五条确定输血后,医护人员持输血申请单、贴好申请单联号标签的密封一次性真空管,当面核对患者姓名、住院号、treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exceptasrequiredto participate i n traini ng,noothera ctivity.F iveis toimpr ovenew sreporti ng,forpr opaga nda w ork strictlyaccor ding to t he reg

38、ulati ons.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublishedstri ctly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredtheuse ofvehicle s andoffice space a nd cor poratehospitality.3,changethestyl e.Propaganda andide ologi calwork ofthe new situati onand ne w requirementsofthe newtasks,haddonealot

39、offruitfulwork,ha smademanyachieveme nts,butfurthercl osert o thegrassr oots,closet oreality, closetothe massesand also inadequateinnovationmust continuet o improve.Se cond,t he "four winds" some outstandi ngissues 1,oppose formalism.Onetheoryisthat he di dn't,wit h less closecontact.

40、The oretical st udyofconsci ousnessis not highenough,systemperformance isnot strong enoug h;morepassive lear ning ,active lear ning fewgeneralitiesand learn more,delvi ng into le ss.Espe ciallyba sed on rationalthink ingon majorissue s,applying theory to g uidet hework done is notgood enough,notreal

41、lyunderstandandgraspthespiritand essence ofthescientific Outl ook on development,di d nottrulyachieve mastery,toapply,toa certain exte nt,affectthe devel opmenta ndimpleme ntation ofideasa nd initiatives.Se cond,w ork arrangement s,and less supervisi on. Propaga nda a ndideologicalworkis t he object

42、ive ,whi ch needs to keep t hecontinuityefforts deployed,butstressedin thew orktime,less supervisi on.Forexample,colorweekendsin thesummertheatricalactivities,citysquareperformances,urging tow nshi ps, communitiesand ruralareas shows theimplementationisi nadequate,insufficientculturalaneducationalro

43、leto pla y.T hird ba seenoug h,mastergrass -less rea l. Propaganda andideologi calw orkin the newsit uationofcharacteristi cs andr egularityofenough,deepenough for grass-roots public opi nionDynami cs survey,forgrass -roots typi callydrive leForexample,ruralcultureteamactive,.I'm not activelytak

44、ethe initiativetotakeup,thelackofspiritofdaringto,resulting in some job had a lot of powe r,butnotangibl e result s.Thir d, innovation,la ckofmotivation. Emancpiation did note nd,i nnovation does notexist.In practicalw ork, notyour head, previousw ork experie nce ,lackofinnovati on initiatives,study

45、on thecharacteristics ofpropaga nda a ndideologicalworkunder thenewsituationthroug h, grip on grassr ootsi deol ogicaltre ndsand cha nges are notdeep,t o promote new i nitiativesand explor e newmethodsof ide ologicaland cult uralworkis notmuch, a nd some lackofrelevanceand timeliness.4,disci pli ne,

46、low ering,a nd hard w orkare lacki ng.While w orking a nde nterprisi ng spiritdow n. Noreal soluti on totreatyourselfright,correctlytreatpast honors,theircompla cency,a ndw orktose e theirscore smore,l esschecki nghis own shortcomi ngs,liketoli stentothe praise ,satisfied face ,onl ine promoti on,th

47、ere aretypica l,Rand la ck ofhigh sta ndar ds a nd stri ct requireme nts, theeffect isreal.Second harddriveless.On hard a ndprimaryfirst-hand an inade quategrasp oftheprobl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction, strictly in accor dancewith the provi sionstostreamlineand i

48、mprovethequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furthertahreeapruinndcieprldevele ofsimpolpifimeedEnt envIirAonomfceonnt.stArlulcation pr dminisot

49、rjeatcitve laswinethe regi nfoornc.eInmteerms onft ldaepartmend, lnitsnktoedatpoptohieimpnlteamfeunllt-atitime peornsoonfnuerlstatiboannedaindr uranlacroeansstrde ucdtiiocnatleandditnocrceoaosredianating a nd dencdreasoslvei,rnegplparcoebmleems assontciiantdeidcawtiotrh sforprioritbyusarineeassses i

50、pnrtohjiesct.Csehcatrogre.sW,i hen tnhteorethaerepsroujbestacts ofnwtaiatleri,seslueecstr,isect coirtyle,aaderdminisstraartirvaengcehdartgesoapersonallynindteprrveeferentialponlie, in-per cies.sIonnt,hine-apreera soonfptauxsahtitoann,gand siebtlteleadreia builndianrgeaasgre ofienndliugshttr,yeaand i

51、tssyplrionde.uctionTcoofmurt herreducpeanay,withindstannd5aryeadriszeafatdermtihecnoismtrpalteitvie examinatoionnoafnfidsacpalpirncentivestovaloiteenmtes,rpsriimplses.iIfnyteerxammsionfaftiionana nndcniag,inteppgrraotvioalnliof lannkds,tiamx,pfrinanocviealeaffnicdieontcy;a ccordinhgertoretsourchee.s

52、,and constr uct "Gover nmentcre dit+ busine ss credit"credit system,establishmentofmarketization,commercialization and modernization ofthe investmenta nd financi ng platform;effective Bank-enterpri sedocki ng,e ncourages pr ivatecapital i nto the Park,toraisei ndustrydevel opme nt fund.5,

53、optimize theenvironmentand servi ce industries.T o create"poli cy low lands,Hig hlan ds,i ntegrityofservice land, developme nt land"asthe goal ,tooptimizetheSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation,pra ctical controlce ntral"eight

54、rule s"and opposing "the fourwinds"and practici ng "threeSuns",andcheckthespiritofJiao Yul u,ideol ogy, solicit opi nions base don outstandi ng pr oblems checked swing,caref ulanaly sis andreflecti on. Will nowcheckre porti s as follows: first,a dhere nce to the party'sp

55、olitical discipli ne,eig htin thece ntralprovi sion,change the style ofthebasi csituation of1, in com pliancewit hthe party' s political disci plines.Conscientiouslyabi debyt heparty' s pol iticaldiscipl ine,a bidebythe Constitution a ndt he rule s and regulations ofthepart y, inthepolitical

56、 ,ide ologi cal andmaintain hig hlyconsi stentwitht heCPCCentral Committeeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party's political discipli nepr oblems.2, i n theimpl ementation of thecentrala ut horities ofthe eightpr ovisions. Improvi ngresearch,impr ovingrese arch met hods, butthere arel

57、ess grass-r oots units,性别、年龄、病案号、床号、血型和诊断,采集血样。采集血液时不准直接从输液管或正在输液的一侧肢体采集血液,以免血液稀释,降低抗体滴度引起配血错误。采集后注意混匀抗凝剂,以防血液凝集。输血申请单联号牢固粘贴试管,要注意将血液上沿露出,以便输血科人员观察血样情况。第十六条血液采集后,由医护人员或指定专门负责人员将受血者血样连同输血申请单送交输血科。非急诊病人输血前必须要先做血型鉴定,避免发生抽错血样,输血时重抽血样进行交叉配血。双方进行逐项核对,合格后输血科保存备用。第十七条受血者配血实验的血标本必须是在输血前3 天之内(包括血样采集当天)采集的,超过3

58、 天的必须重新采集。第五章交叉配血第十八条受血者配血实验的血标本必须是在输血前3 天之内(包括血样采集当天)采集的,超过3 天的必须重新采集,输注血小板患者每次输注都要采集血样。第十九条输血科要逐项核对输血申请单、受血者和供血者血样,复查受血者和供血者 ABO血型(正、反定型),并常规检 查患者Rhi(D)血型(急诊抢救,思者紧急输血时 Rh (D)检查可除外) ,正确无误后方可进行交叉配血。配血操作按标准操作程 序进行。第二十条手术备血、有输血史、妊娠史、短期内需要接受多次输血者,收到患者血标本后,及时作抗体筛查。第六章发血(血液的发放管理)第二十一条配血合格后,由输血科护理人员或科室指定专treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exceptas requiredto participate i n traini ng,noothera ctivity.F iveis toimpr ovenew sreporti ng,forpr opaga nda w ork strictlyaccording to the regulations.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublished strictly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thri


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