已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 3 words and expressions1. annual adj. an annual meeting/event/report/income/sports meetingn. adv. The exhibition is held annually.2. witness vt (1) 目击意外事故2)见证证明过去的几年见证了我们家乡的巨变。3) n 证明 目击者 见证人be (a) witness to sthHe has been a witness to a terrible murder.give witness to sthI can give witness to

2、 his innocence.3. pause v & n. He for a moment and then continued.The woman spoke for an hour without pausing/pause.She paused the video and went to answer the phone.雨不停地下。 她回答问题之前停顿了很长时间。There was a long she answered.press the pause (button) to stop the tapegive sb pause for thoughtmake a pause

3、pause to do sth/for sth(dragged, dragged) vt. 我把椅子拖到窗户边。I to the window.他们把他从床上拽了起来。I managed to drag myself out of bed.drag sb./sth. in/into sth把毫无必要的扯到某人/ 某事;硬把某人/ 某物拉进去Don t drag the children into our argument.vt urge sb to do/ into doing sthurge that sb (should) dourge sth. on/upon sb.她催我赶紧去学校。S

4、he to school at once.She to school at once.have an urge to do sth 假期快到了,我有去旅游的冲动。vt. abandon one s post/ hope/ plan/ ideaabandon smoking那个婴儿被她母亲遗弃了。我们不应该抛弃处于危险之中的朋友。abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于He abandoned himself to computer games.n. 放纵,放任with abandon他们在聚会上尽情地跳舞。abandoned adj an abandoned carThe baby

5、was found abandoned but unharmed.out (help sb out) 他总是乐于助人。If you are in trouble, I will help you out.帮助某人做某事 -情不自禁做某事 不能帮助做某事 不得不做某事 n. set a target meet /achieve a target aim at a target hit/miss the target Railway stations are prime targets for bombs.v.面向;把对准target sth. on/ at stb./ sth.The progr

6、amme is targeted at improving the health of women of all ages.The campaign is targeted on the young.9. reflect (1) vt 反射(声,光,热),映出(影像),显示,表明reflect sb/sth in sth =sb./ sth. be reflected in sth.His face was reflected in the mirror.树木倒映在水中。镜子反射光线Our newspaper aims to reflect the view of the local comm

7、unity.( 2) vi 认真思考,沉思reflect on/upon sth我坐在这个小院里,思考着这个计划。n. reflection cn 映像,表达,显示回忆,记录un (声,光,热的)反射,沉思,深思adj. 知道的,意识到的be aware of (+ 名词、代词、动名词 )be aware that + 从句He was well aware of the problem.I我意识到他在撒谎。据我所知 as far as I know=as far as I am awaren. awareness意识raise one s awareness of sth. 11. neat

8、 adj. That is a really neat idea.他保持书桌整洁。She has a neat handwriting.down 颠倒,翻转The boat floated upside down on the river.你把书拿反了。* turn sth. upside down(1)把翻的乱七八糟(2) 给(某人生活)造成很大变化小偷把房子翻的乱七八糟。His sudden death turned her world upside down.13. scare vt vi scare sb scare sb/sth. away/off scare sb into doi

9、ng/ out of doingYou scared me. It scared me to think I was alone in the building.他们设法把小狗吓唬走了。他被威胁着付了帐。n. 恐慌,恐惧a bomb/ health scare 炸弹 / 健康恐慌give sb. a scare 吓人一跳adj. 害怕,担心be scared of sb/sth/ be scared to do sth/ of doing sth be scared that be scared to death 她害怕单独一个人出去。他怕高。 我担心自己快掉下去了。1. make accommodation for 2. opposite adj. adv. n. be opposite to oppose opposed


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