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1、实用标准文档Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (1)I . Read and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):Tom brush clock get up wash your hands what time is it its a quarter past twelven . Look and write(看一看,写一写,写出下列词组,每线一词) time is it?1. It , s. 2. It , s3. It ' s. 4. It ' sm . Chooseth

2、e best answer (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)()1. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. I can hear a.A. birdB. o ' clockC. clock()2. Let ' s breakfast together.A. haveB. hasC. having()3. Are you doing homework now?A. youB. yourC. you ' re()4. It ' s a quarter twelve in the morning.A. pastB. toC. at()5. Look,

3、 my little brother is his face.A. washingB. washC. washes()6. There are many sharp.A. toothB. toothsC. teeth()7. Oh, it ' s eight. I am late.文案大全实用标准文档A. clockB. o ' clockC. clocks()8. Eddie often breakfast at six in the morning.A. eatB. haveC. hasIV. Look and write(看图,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线一词)1. -

4、What time is it?It ' s.- -he his hands?-No, he.- -What is he doing?- -He ' s his face.2. - Is it four?Yes, it is.- -What he?- -He ' s.Is he?- -Yes, he ' s very busy.3. - What time is it?It ' s a-Is she?- -Yes, she is.- -Where is she?- -She ' s on the sofa.V. Answer the questi

5、ons(可以发挥你的想象来回答下列问题,每线词数不限):1. What time is it?What are you doing now?2. What time is it?What is your father doing?3. What time is it?文案大全实用标准文档What are your friends doing?Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (2)I. Look and write (根据图意,写出相应的单词,首字母已给,每线一词)1. - What t is it?- It 's a q to eight.2.

6、 - What is he doing?- He's g u3. - Does he b his t?- Yes, he does.4. Look at the clock. It ' s h p one.5. The boy is w his f at six every morning.6. - W can Supergil d? - She can fly.n . Read and circle (读一读,圈出下列各组中在意义上属于不同类的单词,2. - What you(do)?- I (swim).3. You(be) hungry. Please(have) bre

7、akfast now.4. I brush my(tooth) every morning. They(be) white.5. This is(I) face. Please touch(you) face.IV. Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写下列句子,每线一词)1. I am playing cards in the living room.(根据划线提问)you in the living room?2. It ' s half past nine. (改为一般疑问句) it?3. Please look at the clock.(改为否定句)Plea

8、se at4. It ' s half past three.(根据划线部分提问)?5. It ' s four forty-five.(换种说法,但意思不变)It,s.6. What are you doing?(根据实际情况回答)V. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):There are four people in the Chen family. They are Mr Chen, Mrs Chen, their two children. They are Chen Fangfang and Chen Ganggang. Chen Fangfa

9、ng is a girl of nine and Chen Ganggang is a boy of eleven.It ' s Sunday today. It ' s a quarter to ten in the morning. The wind is soft and the sun is shining. The Chens are having a holiday on the beach in Sanya.Now they are at the beach. What a beautiful beach! The sea and the sky are both

10、 blue. The sand is yellow, small and soft. Look! There are many shells in the sand. They're very beautiful.Mr Chen is swimming in the sea. Mrs Chen is watching him. Chen Ganggangis playing with the sand and Chen Fangfang is flying the kites.How happy they are!Part 1 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用 T或

11、F表示)()1. Chen Fangfang and Chen Ganggang are both students.()2. It ' s ten fifteen in the morning.()3. The Chens are on Hainan Island(岛屿).()4. The beach and the sky are blue.()5. Mrs Chen is swimming in the sea.Part 2 Answer the questions (根据短文,回答问题,每线词数不限):1. What day is it today?2. How old is

12、Chen Ganggang?3. Is it a cold day?4. What is Chen Fangfang doing?5. Is Chen Ganggang playing with the shells?Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (3)I . Read and write (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小 写和标点符号):Tim breakfast quarter do my homework two sharp teeth is it half past eleven no it isnt its eleveno

13、clockn . Read and draw (读一读,画出相应的时针和分针)1. - What time is it?-It ' s ten o' clock.文案大全2. - What time is it?-It ' s half past six.4. - What time is it?-It ' s a quarter past two.-It ' s a quarter to three.3.What time is it?m. Read and judge (读一读,判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用或表示):每词限用一次):clockp

14、ast time to half quarter o'clock实用标准文档1. - Is it twelve ?- Yes, it is.2. It s five. I am doing my homework.3. - What is it?- It s a past. Tick-tock! Tick-tock!one,(读一读,应答配对,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)4. Listen theV . Read and match( ) 1. What are you doing?( ) 2. What am I doing?( ) 3. What is your father do

15、ing?( ) 4. What is your mother doing?( ) 5. What is your pet doing?A. He s cooking dinner.B. It s playing with a doll.C. I am washing my face.D. She s brushing her teeth.E. You are playing basketball.文案大全VI . Read and choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):Tom is a boy. He likes reading b

16、ooks and playing table tennis. Its half past eight. His mother lets him put a new battery in the clock. But Tom The next morning, Tomwakes up and looks at his clock. It is ten thirty. School starts at eight.Tomis afraid. “ Mum,I mgoing to school now. I amlate. ” He leaves home quickly. He does not e

17、at breakfast at all.Tomruns all the way to school. It is only six thirty. Heis not late for school. His clock stopped at ten thirty last night.“ Oh, my god!( ) 1. Tom likes .A. booksB. play table tennisC. playingtennis( ) 2. His mother lets him put a new battery .A. in the watchB. in the boxC. in th

18、e clockC. at 10:30C. don tC. Heisn t late.( ) 3. Tom s school starts .A. at 7:00B. at 8:00( ) 4. Tom eat his breakfast.A. doesn tB. isn t( ) 5. Is Tom late for school?A. Yes.B. No.VU. Look, read and answer(看一看,读一读,回答下列问题,每线一词)A: What is it?B: It ' s a.A: Is he TV?B: No, he.A:is he doing?C: He &#

19、39; s the dishes.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (4)I . Read and write (读一读,填上适当的单词或词组,每线词数不限): Hello, boys and girls. I am Johnson. I am from the UK. This is mydaily life. I get up at. Then(然后)I .At, I wash myface and. I have classes every day. At, I go home. I do my homework at.And at, I go t

20、o bed.n . Choosethe best answer (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)()1. It ' s half seven. It ' s time bed.A. past. toB. to. forC. past.for ()2. It says "it ' s a quarter to eleven. ”A. 10:15B. 10:45C. 11:15()3. Coo-coo! Coo-coo! I can my mother ' s clock.A. hearB. listenC. look()4. Look at

21、the bird. ItA. as owl.B. anC./()5. The tall tree has a lot of green.A. leafB. leaveC. leaves()6. Today is Friday. Tomorrow(明天)will be.A. ThursdayB. WednesdayC. Saturdaym . Rewrite the sentence(按要求改写下列句子,每线一词)实用标准文档1. Kitty is doing her homework. (将 Kitty 改成 Danny,其余作相应变化) Danny.2. I can finish watch

22、ing the cartoons.(改为般疑问句)you?3. It ,s twelve o ' clock. ?4. Alice is doing puzzles. Mary is doing the puzzles.(合并成一句)Alicethe.5. It ' s seven thirty.(换种说法,但意思不变)It,s.6. What time is it now?(根据实际情况回答)IV Read and number (读一读,填上适当的句子完成对话,每句限用一次)q 口 A. Your friend, Eddie is here now.B. Look at y

23、our desk.C. Get up, please.D. They are under the bed.E. It ' s half past eight.A: What are doing now, Danny? (1)You are late.B: Late? What time is it now, Mum?A: (2)B: Is it half past eight?A: Yes, it ' s time to go to school. (3)B: OK. Where are my shoes, Mum?A: (4)B: Buy I can ' t see

24、them.A: Oh, I put them under the desk. (5)It' s very untidy(不整洁).B: Sorry, Mum.V. Look and answer (看图,回答问题,每题词数不限)1. What time is it?What is he doing?2. What time is it?Is he playing football?3. What time is it?What is he doing?4. What time is it?Is he having breakfast?Module 3 Things around usU

25、nit 2 Time (5)I . Read and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):Jim tick-tock fifteen do a puzzle be back home from work what are you doing im talking to my grandparentsn . Look and write(看一看,写出相应的时间词组,每线词数不限)1. 2.3. 4.m . Readand write(阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给):It ' s Sunday. Peter and h

26、is mumare at home. It ' s a holiday. Peter 文案大全实用标准文档d have any classes today. It ' s half p nine. Peteris in the living room. He is not reading or w. He is watching TV. His mother is in the k. She is washing some fish. Peter likes e fish very much. Peter ' s mum can cook nice food forhi

27、m.IV. Look, read and number (看图,读一t卖,按顺序用 A D给下列图片编号)A. - What time is it?- It ' s a quarter to eight.-What is the boy doing?- He ' s getting up.B. - Is it seven o ' clock?- No, it ' s half past-He ' s on the bed. It ' s-Yes, it ' s not late.-He ' s getting up.-It 

28、9; s seven o ' clock.-No, he ' s getting up.seven.-Where is the boy?warm.C. - Is it a quarter past seven?-What is the boy doing?D. - What time is it?-Is the boy having breakfast?l. 2.3.4.V . Read and judge(阅读对话,判断正误,用 T或F表示):It is five forty-five inthe afternoon. Mum is back home from work.S

29、he looks tired. Kitty isn ' t doing her homework. She' s reading a book on the sofa in the living room.There is a nice picture on the wall. In it, you can see a pond. Some ducks are swimming there. How many ducks are there? Let ' s count. One, two, three, Five yellow ducks and four black

30、 ducks. Near the ducks, there are two fish. They are playing with a small yellow duck.()1. It ' s a quarter past five.()2. Mum and Kitty are at home.()3. Kitty is looking at the picture.( ) 4. There are nine ducks swimming in the pond.( ) 5. The fish aren t swimming now. They are playing.VI. Wri

31、te (想一想,写一写,写写你好朋友的一天生活片段)This is myfriend. His/ Her nameis H. e s/ She s years old. He/ She can .It s (_time).He/ Sheis (_d_oing)It s (_time).He/ Sheis (_d_oing)It s (_time).He/ Sheis (_d_oing)It s (_time).He/ Sheis (_d_oing)How busy he/ she is!Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (1)I . Tom brush

32、clock get up wash your hands What time is it? It s a quarter past twelve.n . 1. seven o ' clock 2. a quarter past seven 3. half past seven 4.a quarter to eightm. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. CIV. 1. six, o ' clock, Is, washing, isn ' t, washing 2. half, past, is, doing, cooking,

33、 dinner, busy/ tired 3. quarter, to, eight, watching, TV/ television, sittingV. OmittedModule 3 Things around usUnit 2 Time (2)I . 1. time, quarter 2. getting, up 3. brush, teeth 4. half, past 5. washing, face 6. What, don . 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. Bm. 1. is, o' clock 2. are, doing, am, swimming 3. are, have 4. teeth, are 5. my, your文案大全IV. 1. What, are, doing 2. Is, half, past, nine 3.don' t, look, the,clock 4. What, time, is, it 5. a, quarter, to, five 6. Omitted V. Part 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FPart 2 OmittedModule 3 Things aroun


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