



1、On the Translation of Euphemisms Between T wo Different CulturesEuphemism is an effective language expression that is created when people are intent to realize the expecting results in the social communication. It is widely used in all walks of life. The utility of euphemism not only meets the need

2、of people in communication, but also plays an important role in coordinating human relationship with social relationship in the procedure of language communication. The functions of euphemism make people express idea more easily and make communication go more smoothly. This paper begins with the def

3、inition of euphemism, and points out that it has come in need of the life of social communication, and then uses substantial English language examples to analyze the five functions of English euphemism including functions of taboo, politeness, concealing, positive and praising. From the observation,

4、 it is understood that euphemism, especially English euphemism, can bring people to the successful process of social communication, and can beautify languages, which will ease people tense relationship with the indirect and concealing expressions. However, when it comes to its translation, there are

5、 several points that we should pay attention to.First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, slang euphemism in proportion is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occ

6、asion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and emotions. This expression is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus

7、making Translation, may be the same translationSecond, the English slang spell on gambling translation in English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to pray for the expression of stress, evil monks, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy th

8、at swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different cultural backgrounds, according to foreign customs and langua

9、ge, translation adjustments; it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.Third, the English language translation of vulgar slang phrase generally refers to the so-called vulgar insulting, rude words unbea

10、rablehuman ear, and its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, surprise and contempt, and so intense emotional protest. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.Euphemism i

11、s a kind of linguistic phenomena. Since different societies, different histories and cultures produce different euphemisms, euphemisms can reflect history, culture and customs of a nation from a unique angle. There are certain realistic meanings to the correct understanding the translation of euphem

12、ism and its usages. More figures of speech are used in English reports in order to enhance the literariness of sports games, like metaphor, euphemism, personification and exaggeration. Modern society, the original euphemism still in use, and because of new social problems continue to increase, the n

13、ew euphemism is constantly generated. We should also notice the usage in them.关于两种文化委婉语中的翻译问题委婉语是人们在社会交际过程中,为了实现预期的交际效果而创造出的一种有效的言语表达方式。委婉语的使用是一种普遍存在的现象,它广泛应用于社会各阶层以及各个领域,它不仅是人们在社交的需要,更是言语交际中协调人际关系和社会关系的重要手段。它具有的社交功能使人们更能自如地表达思想,使交流轻松愉快的进行。本文先从委婉语的定义出发,指出委婉语是适应社会交际生活需要而产生的,然后应用了大量的实例,结合特定的英语语境深入分析英语

14、委婉语的五种社交功能,即:禁忌避讳功能,礼貌功能,掩饰功能,积极功能,褒扬功能。通过分析, 我们进一步理解了委婉语, 尤其是英语委婉语,它用婉转含蓄的表达美化了语言,使人们的社交生活更为和谐。但当谈到其翻译时,有几点我我们需要注意。第一,英语俚语中关于委婉语的翻译,委婉语在俚语中所占的比重是比较大的。委婉语的出现,往往是生活中人们交往时,出现使人难堪、令人难以启齿或易伤感情的场合,人们有意识回避直接触及,而是采用比较温和、文雅而又形象的语词,曲折地表达出自己的观点、看法和情感。这种表达方式,在汉语中也是经常碰到的,而且有时中英文对于同一语义有着极相同或相似的表达方式。因而在进行英汉互译时,可作同等的翻译第二,英语俚语中关于赌咒语的翻译在英汉两种语言中,都有用赌咒、发誓、祈誓来表达强调、僧恶、不满、希望等情绪的词语。但是,值得注意的是,赌咒词语所表达的含义,往往不是其字面意思。因此,在翻译时应采用意译的方式。在翻译的过程中,既要保留其原来的意思,也要很据中外不同的文化背景和语言习惯,进行翻译上的调整,使其更符合本国人的习惯。从以下实例中,可以窥其翻译中对原俚语的调整。第三,英语俚语中粗俗语的翻译所谓粗俗语一般是指侮辱性的、不堪人耳的粗暴词语,它的实际意思并不是其字面所表达的意思。它的目的是用粗俗的词语来发


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