



1、精选文档名词复数练习题 1).填入所给名词的正确形式 1. I have two_ (knife) 2. There are many _ here. (box) 3. There are many _ on the road. (bus) 4. A few _ are drawing on the wall. (boy) 5. The _ are playing football now. (child) 2)选择填空 1. They come from different _ A. country B. countries C. a country D. countrys 2. How m

2、any _ do you see in the picture? A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomato D. the tomato3. There are some _ in these _. A.knifespencil-boxes B.knivespencils-box C.knivespencil-box D.knivespencils-boxes 4. There is no _ in the plate. A. apples B. oranges C. rice D. eggs 5. _ are good for our health . A. Tomat

3、os B. Tomatoes C. Tomato 6. I like to eat cake with _. A. cherries B. cherry C.cherrys 7. _ and _ are not friends. A. Foxswolfs B. Foxeswolfs C. Foxeswolves 8. Do you want to drink _ much ? A、a milk B、milk C、milks 9. This is room. Its very big. A、Lily and Lucys B、Lilys and Lucys C、Lilys and Lucy 10.

4、 Do you want some _ for supper? A、a potato B、potatoes C、potatos 11. In autumn,you can see a lot of_ on the ground. A、leaf B、leafs C、leaves 12. My sister has two _ . One is old,the other is new. A、a watch B、watchs C、watches 13.There _ on the wall .They are very beautiful. A. are photoes B. are photos

5、 C. is a photo D. is photos 14. Thata _ art book. A. an B. a C. the D are 15. There _ two_ in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches 3)请用括号中名词的复数形式填空 1 Look at those _. (child)2 I can see a _ standing near the door. (policeman) 3 Do you want some _ for dinner? (potato)4 In au

6、tumn, you can see a lot of _ on the ground.(leaf) 5 He has two _.One is blue , the other is yellow.( box)6 Two _ live in this building .( family ) 4)选择正确的词形 1 How many (radioes, radios) can you see? 2 There are 36 (boys, boies) in my class. 3 Look at those (sheeps, sheep). 4 I dont want (a, an) old

7、cup. 5 Give me that (box, boxes), please. 6)写出下列单词的复数 1. I _ 2.him _ 3.this _ 4.her _ 5.watch _ 6.child _ 7.photo _8.diary _ 9.day_ 10.foot_ 11.book_12. dress _13.tooth_ 14.sheep _ 15.box_ 16.strawberry _ 17.thief_ 18.peach_ 19.sandwich _ 20.man_ 21.woman_ 22.paper_ 23.juice_ 24.water_ 25.milk_ 26.r

8、ice_27.tea_28.leaf_ 29. puppy_30. box_31. knife_32. fly_ 33.fox_ 34. bus_35. bench_ 36. brush_ 37.church_ 38.dish_ 39.ruler_ 40.peach_41. glass_ 42.pencil_ 43.boy_ 44.zoo_ 45.man_46. roof_ 47.sheep_48. knife_ 49.lady_ 50.key_ 51.story_ 52.watch_ 53.bamboo_ 54.city_ 55.family_ 56.apple_ 57.eraser_ 58

9、.speech_59.mouse_ 60.fish_ 61.goose_62. people _ 63.ox_ 64.Chinese _ 65.deer _ 66.foot_ 67.child_ 68.tooth_ 69.hero_ 70.boss_ 71.monkey_ 72.radio _73. horse _74. dog _ 用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空: 1 >There are so many_(wolf)in the forest. 2>There are three _(chair) in the classroom. 3>These _(tomato)

10、are red. 4>_(hero) are great. 5>My brother looks after two _(baby) 6>There are some _(deer) eating the grass. 7>My father likes to eat _(potato). 8>Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles. 9>I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom. 10>I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen. 11&g

11、t;I have two _(pencil-box). 12>There are some _(bus)in the street. 13>Peter has eight _(foot). 14>Linda has three _(tooth). 15>There are some _(child) in the garden. 16>Michael likes the _(mouse). 17>There are some _(goose)in the river. 18>My uncle and father are _(man). 19>T

12、om and King are _(boy). 20>Linda has three _(tooth).How和what的区别 how是个疑问副词,what是个疑问代词。在它们引起的句式中,有时可以互相换用,来表达相同或相似的意思。 一、问天气:How?=Whatlike? 如: How was the weather yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样? What was the weather like yesterday? 二、征求意见或建议:How about?=What about?如: How about going skating? What about going skating?去滑冰怎么样? 三、问年龄:How old?=Whatthe age?你


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