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1、七年级英语补全对话题(下册)(2)完成对话A. You are I ucky. B. Rea I I y? C. I can 5 t go out on schoo I n i ghts.D. I have to stay at home.E It , s too bad.A: Can you go to the movies tonight, Emi Iy?B: No, I1A: 0ht I can J t. either. I want to go out, but 2B: 3. I have too many ruIes in my fami ly.A; Fami Iy rules? L

2、ike what?C: I can J t play with my fr iends after schooI.A:4?B:Yeah, I have to go home by 5:30 and do my homeworkA: 0hf I do, too. And I have to practice playing the piano every day.B: Do you have to wash your clothes?A: Yes, I do. I think 5二、完成对话Woman: Hello, Hamburger Express.Boy: Oh, he I Io. I w

3、ant to order a hamburger, pI ease.Woman: Sure. (1)?Boy: I ' d I i ke a med i um hamburger.Woman:(2)on it?Boy: T omatoes and mushrooms.A. What wouId you I i ke?B. What's your phone number?C What1s your address?D. What s i ze hamburger wouId youWoman: Okay Anythi ng eI se?Boy: No, thanksWoman:

4、(3),pI ease?Boy: 65 Zhongshan Street.Woman: And (4)?Boy: It's 272-8656.Woman: Tha tTI be 2 dol I ars. And we'll del i ver your hamburger in 20 mi nu tes.三、口语运用A. My s i ster has one of those.B. I can 5 t stand those scarves.C. What do you think of them?D. Yeah, I I i ke them.E I want to ask

5、you some questions.Mar i a:Hey, guys.Caro 1:He 1 1 o, Mar i a.PauI: Hi. Whats up?Maria:Whatwr iting the OK?Cool?articIe for the schooI magaz i ne, andCarol: Sure.Pau I: Uh-huh.Marta: Well, Iook at these things.2Carol: OK. Um, welI Hum. I Iove the watch.Pau I: Oh, I don ? t mind the watch. 3Mar i a:

6、What do you th i nk of the sung I asses?Caro I: I Ii ke them.Pau I : Hmm I do, too 4Mar i a: And how about the scarf?PauI: Oh, I don ' t I ike the scarf.Carol : I don 5 t, either. 5 My mom wears scarves I ike that.Mar ia: What do you think of the waI Iet?Pau I: I Ii ke the waI Iet. It, s reaIly

7、coo I.CaroI: I love it !1-5完成对话A. I did my homework and stud ied for the math test.B and I pIayed beach voI IeybaI I.C how about youD What d i d you do I ast weekend, T i na?E. What do you do?F. How was the mov i e?G. I didn , t mind it.Teacher: So, d id everyone have a good weekend?Tina: Yeah! Sure

8、, Ms Clark.Teacher:71Tina: I went to movies with my fr iends.Teacher:72Tina: It was not bad.Teacher: Good, 73f Emma?Emma: I v i s i ted my grandmother.Teacher: Great. And how about you, Ben?Ben: It was so boring74Teacher: Uh-huh Carol, what did you do?CaroI: I went to the beach, 75Teacher:Sounds I i

9、 ke you had fun.五、完成对话Alice根据上下文选择方框中的句子将对话补充完整。I have a photo of my cous i n Lucy .61AllanAliceYes , you can AllanEn , she i s pretty 62AliceA. What is she?Allanshefrom Amer ica ?B. Of course sheAliceAllanNo63shepoI ite and he IpfuI ?C. I s she ta I I and slim?64Alice65AllanAliceShe i sa nurse.Alla

10、nAliceAllanShe Iooks very happy i nYes , a I I the pat i entsRea I Iy ? I look forwardthe photo (病人)I i ke her very much .to meeting her soon.六、完成对话A:He I Io, David.B:H i, iohn 51A:No, my Engli sh teacher i s Mrs Brown.B:52A:She i s ta I I had heavy.B:53A:Yes, she has short curly blonde hai r.B:54A:

11、Yes. She wears glasses.B:55A: Of course She i s my favor ite teacher.A. Does she have bIonde ha i r?B. Is Mr. Smith your Engl i sh teacher?C. Do you Ii ke her?D. What does she Iook I i ke?E. Does she wear glasses?七.完成对话A: Is that your new pen pa I, Lucy?B: .11A: Oh, what 's her name?C: Her name

12、i s Mar i a.A: Uh-huh.12B: Um, she 5 sfrom CanadaA: Uh-huh.13B: She I ives inT oronto.A: Does she have any brothers and s i sters ?B:1_4 She has two brothers and two s i sters.A:15B: Yes. She speaks Engl i sh and Span i sh.A. Yes, she does.B. Where does she I i ve?C Yes, she i s.D. Does she speak En

13、gli sh?E Yes. it is.F. Where does she come from?G Can he speak Engli sh?八.完成对话A、根据对话及方框中的选项补全对话。(5分)A. We can watch a v i deo.B. Our house i s across from thesupermarket.C What are you doing?D. It ' s on Br idge Street.E There 5 s a new hote I on thecor ner.Michael: Hey, John.John: Hi, MichaeI.M

14、ichael:1John: Read i ng a book.Michael: Do you want to come over to my house?2John: 0K Where i s your house?Michael:3 丨七, s a qui et street off Fifth Avenue.John: Oh, OK. I know where that is. 4Michael: Yes. Theres a smaI I supermarket on the street.John: OK, II I see you at two-th i rty.九完成对话oA:Hi,

15、 can I help you?B:Yes, pI easeA:What cIub do you want to join?B:(2)A:Can you draw?B:No, I can , tA:(3)B:Yes. And I can pI ay them well.A:(4)B:Great! Then I can know much about mus i c.A: Here i s a card.(5)B: OK. Thanks.十、完成对话A. 610 Schoo I house Road.B. Yes. I J d like some noodles, please.C What k

16、ind of noodIes wouId you I i ke?D. A smaI I one, pI easeE. No, thanks.A: Can I he Ip you?BABABAB5152I d like beef and potato noodIesOK. And what s i ze bowl of noodles wouId you I i ke?53Whats your address?54A:What eIse wouId you I ike?C: 55A. You can join the sports cIub.B. I think you can join the

17、 music cIub.C Please wr ite your name and phone number.D. I want to join a cIub.E What can you do?F. Can you pI ay the drums?G. I don ? t know.完成对话A: Hey, Ben! How's your new school?B: It's awfuI. 1A: Yeah? What ruIes? Do you have to wear a uniform?B: 2_A: Oh, can you go home for Iunch?B:A:

18、What do you have to study?B: Math, sc ienee, h i story, geography and computer scienee. 4 . But I want to study Japanese, too.A:Can1t you learn it at school?c:5 .A.And we have to eat in the cafeteriaB.No, we can, t. and we can, t eat outside eitherC.No, we can, t.D.No, we don 5 t But we can 5 t wear

19、 Tsh i rts.E.And we have to study Engli sh.F. I can , t stand the rules!十二.完成对话W:He 1 Io? Thi s i s Jenny.M:Hi. Jennv. It ' s Alex. (1)W: I am playing with my s i ster i n the snow.M:In the snow? (2)w:Yes. It s cold here.丨? m going to skate thi s afternoon.M:(3)W:Yes, I can skate well. How '

20、 s the weather in your city?M:(4)I ? m playing soccer with mv fr iends.W: Do you pI ay soccer every day?M: Yes, I pI ay it after schooI every day.W: I see. (5)M: Thank you.A. Have a good time.B. What are you doing now?C. It, s coo I and cIoudy.D. Is it snowy in your city?E. Can you skate?十三完成对话A: I

21、am a I itt le hungry (饥饿的).What about you, Er i c?B: I, m hungryT too.A: (1)B: Yes, there i s one across the streetA: (2)B: Sounds great.(In the restaurant )C: (3)A: Yes. We 5 d like some dump I i ngs.C: (4)A: Id I i ke beef and onion dump Ii ngs What about you?B:d I i ke mutton dump I ings.c:(5)B:Large. Two 1arge bowls, p1 ease.C:Wou1d you 1i ke something to dr i nk?B:Two cups of green tea.C:OK.A.What s i ze bowl wouId you 1i ke?B.What kind of dump 1 ings would you 1i ke?C.Ma


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