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1、.第20课时分层训练Unit 2&Unit 3.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1My mother cooks d_ food for us every day.2It's i_ for us to learn English well.3My mother likes chicken s_ a lot.4_ 记住 to eat healthy food.5Ice cream is my favourite _ 甜的 food.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空tooth, tired, stay, eye, lunch, breakfast, child1It's 12

2、 o'clock now. It's time to have _. 2Having a good _ is good for your health.3After six classes课 a day, I'm very _4There are some _ in the room. They are playing chess正在下国际象棋5Watching看 TV too much is bad for our _6Milk, cheese and fish are good for your _. 7Do you know how to _ healthy?.用

3、have got的适当形式填空1He _ some oranges and apples.2_ she _ any beef? No, she hasn't.3They _ some chicken.4_ you _ any cola, Lily? 5I _ any meat or chocolate at home.用所给词的适当形式填空1How many _ tomato are there in the box?2Coke is _ health drink, so we can't drink it too much.3My friend Peter sings ver

4、y _ good4It's bad for us _ watch TV too much.5She likes eating _ chicken a lot.6How many _ child has Mr Wang got?7The boy's _ tooth are very white.8Remember _ close your book after school, Tony! .根据汉语意思完成句子1胡萝卜、鸡蛋和红薯对你们的眼睛有益。Carrots, eggs and sweet _ _ _ _ your _2水果和蔬菜是安康的食品,但汉堡包和糖果是不安康的食品。

5、Fruit and _ are _ _, but _ and candy are _ food.3巧克力是美味的,但是吃太多的巧克力对你有害。Chocolate is _, _ _ _ chocolate is _ _ you. 4走了很长一段路后,我有点儿累了。After a long walk, I'm _ _ tired.5每天早上吃一顿丰富的早餐。Have a_ _ every morning.用and, but 或or 填空1Noodles are healthy food _ candy is unhealthy food.2Fruit is healthy food, _

6、 rice is healthy food, too.3I want to buy a new computer _ I haven't got enough money.4Have you got any milk _ juice?5Jack has got some books _ Jim hasn't got any. .单项填空1.Have you got _ orange juice or _ carrot?A. a; a Bany; aCan; a Dany; some2. _ is important to stay healthy.A. There BThat

7、CIt DThis3.Eat some fruit, not candy _ ice cream.A. and Bor Cso Dwith4. We have rice and vegetables _ lunch _ home.A. of; at Bfor; onCfor; at Dwith; in 5.Tommy, _ play basketball in the street next time.You may get hit by a car.A. do Bdon'tCmust Dmustn't .补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项A: Kate, have you got

8、 any bananas? B: 1._ But I have some apples.A: Have you got any juice?B: Yes, I have got some orange juice.A: 2._B: Cola.A: 3._B: I see.I try试图 to drink some juice and milk now.What about you? A: 4._ It's good for our health.B: You're right.Let's get some milk.A: 5._ A. I like milk.BI ha

9、ve got some healthy food.CYes, I have.DGood idea.EBut cola isn't healthy drink.FNo, I haven't.GWhat's your favourite drink?.按要求完成以下各题1They have got some apples.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定答复_ they got _ apples?Yes, _ _2Beef is healthy food. Rice is healthy food, too. 合并为一句Beef_ rice_ healthy food. 3I ha

10、ve got a potato. 改为复数句_ _ got some _4She has got two hamburgers. 对画线部分提问 _ _ hamburgers has she got?5has, any, fish, got, Mr Green, not. 连词成句_6Meat is healthy. Too much meat isn't good for us.合并为一句Meat is healthy, _ too much meat is _ for us.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式完成短文A healthy breakfast is 1._ in the m

11、orning and it's my favourite meal! There is 2._ fruit and vegetables for lunch at school but there isn't 3._ cola or candy. Cola and candy are sweet food so they are bad for our 4._. At home my grandma cooks for us and then we have dinner together. Please remember, it's really important

12、to 5._ healthy. .完形填空I'm Kate.I have got a sister and a _1_My sister's name is Susan._2_ is ten years old.She can play _3_ piano.She likes eating fruit like 例如 apples and _4_She also likes eating _5_She likes tomatoes _6_ she doesn't like carrots.For drinks, she likes water and _7_Susan

13、never eats hamburgers.She says they are not _8_ for her health.My brother Alan is eight years old.He often eats unhealthy food like _9_ and French fries.He often eats _10_So Alan's teeth are not good.1.A. sister BmotherCuncle Dbrother2.A. He BShe CThey DWe3.A. a Ban Cthe D/4.A. water BbeefCmeat

14、Dbananas5.A. fruit BmeatCvegetables Drice6.A. but Bor Cand Dso7.A. fish BjuiceChamburger Dmeat8.A. nice BgoodCfavourite Dbad9.A. hamburgers BriceCnoodles Dfruit10.A. apples Bcandy Crice Deggs.阅读理解The food in America is different from our Chinese food. For example, they eat potatoes. They like to eat

15、 them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and they eat their bread with butter黄油, maybe cheese or jam果酱. Cheese and butter are made from由制成 milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk in hot or cold, and they also put it in their tea. Also, they like drinking coffee. They like meat

16、or fish with potatoes and other vegetables. After the meal they always have something sweet. They call that dessert甜点1.The American food is _ Chinese food.A. the same as Bdifferent fromCas well as Dbetter than2.Cheese is made from _A. milk Bbutter Cjam Dcandy3.In America they usually eat bread with_

17、A. butter BjamCcheese Dall above4.They don't drink _ in America.A. milk BteaCcoffee Dporridge粥5.After the meal they like to have _A. apples BpizzasCdessert Doranges.书面表达假设Betty是你的同学,请你根据表格中Betty的三餐食谱,以“Betty's favourite food为题写一篇短文。不少于40词。MealsFavourite foodbreakfastcoffee, chickenlunchhambu

18、rgers, noodlessupperrice, beef详解详析【课时分层训练】课内根底自测.1.delicious2.important3.soup4Remember5.sweet.1.lunch2.breakfast3.tired4children5.eyes6.teeth7.stay.1.has got2.Has; got3.have got4Have; got5.haven't got .1.tomatoes2.unhealthy3.well4to watch5.chicken6.children7teeth8.to close.1.potatoes are good for; eyes2vegetables; healthy food; hamburgers; unhealthy3delicious; but too much; bad for4a bit/little5.good/big br


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