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1、Unitl1.2.3.d567.&910.11.1213.Leave it lt Carlos (3 tn n eff a;n) in gen tm eoluuon tc our most ami ;uk pDDlem!:Your answerCo rrect nserggest obstml::_ to becomirg an stronaut is rry poor math shills.Your answerCorrect answercbstaclcobstac IcI hove no idea hew much time 旳咛dsince sie lefti tell asleep

2、YourCorrect snswier# elapsedelapwdAller cu lece I Ira veiled Ih rough Europe and the rntsl r i i /-Ping I saiT lirasme Eirei Twer n PansYour aniwarCorrKt ancwr7itripressivEimpressiveC runotogica iy .翊icn onne 1010*109 events rappend rirsr?Your infiwarco rroei nsmr丿atinonoiicaiiycnronoiogicailySteve

3、is or ot tne most arrb-io. - people i ktow: ne wants to own is own Dusncrss ty the trne hes 药V cur answerCorr&cl answer# ambtiQueamoitiousjack sti) acts like a;n) xoand thinks everything is a gameYour answerCorrect answer# adoiescerrtadoiesceniA newspaper reader canectwhat he 尽 interested in and 也wt

4、iat he tli nks isboringYour answerCorrect answerv*slops*dt)Aftei t】i、pziie Idiidtfd trie prirnt砂)mi iifii speech dbout globalWdiir ingYour answercorrect/prod netveproductiveFrnie is a realy decent guy he would never try to impose his beliefs on someone elseYour answerCorrect answer7imposeimposeWc do

5、n*t have tne buoget to co everytniog so I m afraid your plan wli nave to go on tne back burner.Your ansv/erCorrect answer7ononAil I need is some peace ard quiet and ni be able to figure out a solutionYour ansv/erCorrect answer7outoutBrace youeir Tor some oad news, tnis doesm look goodYour ansv/erCor

6、rect answer7forfor irs ail down to you! Dorn let us aown!Your ansv/erCorrect answer7tOtOTfte new eviaence creates a lot of uncertainty aocir wno really reached Amenca first.Your ansv/erCorrect answer7aooutaboutIm only a law scnooi stuaenti*m narciy inany position d neip you witn your legalproblemsYo

7、ur ansv/ercorrect answerv/ininin tne oacK or my mina, I nave my doutxs atx)ut wnetner he*s ngnt for tne |odYour answerCorrect answer28. He is naving a snot at cooKing ms own ainneYour answercorrect answer/atat29. Jessica naa ner lire mapped out s-nce sne was a lime girt college, mamage.cmraren. care

8、erYour answerCorrect answeroutout30 Quick cramtne bag undertne bed!Your answerCorrect answerunderunderYour answerCorrect answer7 (31)promotionpromotion7 (32)transitiontransition7 (33)sidelinessidelines7 (34)lengthylengthy7 (35)rearrear“dwellersdwellers(37)canyonmortgage7 (38)finitefinite“buddingbudd

9、ing7 (40)coastalcoastal41. Which of the follow ing is s rte ofbi at helped the writer tc become less shy?A. Attending high sctiool.B. R&aiing many bcoka.v a C. Attending collegeD. Plannkig a great adventure.42. In which paragraph does the author compare tiis desire to red to tiunge r?A, Prgrapti 1.単

10、 B. PatAgrapn 2.C. Paragrapti 4,D. Paragraph 5.43. Which of the fc-llowin ajld make the best title for this passageA. A Painfutty Shy ChifdB. My CoJ/efifff Life-C. Trgvts ivrttr Grep* D.ng Out of My Sheil44 It woukJ be an understatement to say tha11 was n erva us I wa$ terrifiedWhat does the w riter

11、 mAn by the slaternent?A. He wasnt nervous st all.B. He was mikJly n ervaus.C. was as nervous usualb * D. He was extraordinarily nervous.45. Which of the fo llo kig statements can you infer from the passage7b * A. Jack London wrote sxcrtinj stcries.B. Jfld Lendn wrote duN Btcrie壁C. Jaok London wasnt

12、 a famous writer.D. London v/a& the writers favourrt* v/mer.Unit21. When was the last tine you were mwth your childhood friends?(& A. context74 B. contact C. controlD. content2. Like a boat at sea. his mind started towhen he wasnt inte-ested D. drift3. Mrs Jones didnt trust Jack, so she was veryto l

13、et him cut her grasss A. reluctant B. reluctantly C. enthusiastic0 D. enthusiastically4. My house seems to be in astate of disrepairsomething is always broken! A. perpetualyw d B. perpetual C. perpetuityD. perpetuate5. The problem needs to be loo ked at from a h istorical.I A. prospectiveO B. direct

14、ivev o C. perspectrveQ D. executive6. Dr. Carter has writtenabout the brain and its in flue nee on our emotio ns.u A. extensively B. intensively C. extensiveD. intensive7. The accident of last weeka review of school safety policy.7 A. prompted B. prompt C promptingD. prompts& I am easiyby ice cream,

15、 so iTs probably the best if I don*t took at the dessert menu.A. tempt B. temptsC. tempting D. tempted9. WouldnT it beif we didnl need to worry about money96 A. predictableJ 心 B. marvelousC. astonshmg D. depressing1Q Researchers claim that there is ahnk between caffeine and headachesv A. definiteB.

16、definitely C. definitiondefined11. rs incredible to see how newborn babies are completelyon other people for everyth ng. A. dependingB. dependencws 电 C. dependentD. dependents12. The crimrial deYsed anplan to escape from prisonC* A. intrinsic * 0. ntncateO C. intrepidD. intrusive13. The court brough

17、t aagainst the escaped prisoner.A. persecution匸,0. persecute# C. prosecution已 D. prosecute14. Thank you for the offer io stay for dinner, but we dont want to A. pose B composeC. proposev D. impose1;. Pedro s rrienas organized a men aryto neip nn deal witn rts aiconoi abuse. A. contravention0 inventi

18、on* C. ntervention D. prevention16. rs impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal andat its beautyO A. respectO B. flauntw 费 C. marvel D. admire17. We should hire anreviewer who snl based one way or the other.O A. internal& B. outdoor C. indoors 中 D. external18. Tm so excited for the new movie

19、that waiting all year for it has been takeAA. torturesB. torturingC tortuousv eD. torture19. Dylan likes to wrteduring hrs free time on the weekend.s A. poetryC B. poet C. poetic4 D. poem20. The waterfall provided asource of soothing background noise# 4 A. continualO B. continue1 C. continuingO D. c

20、ontinuity21.Last weekend, I fel overand broke my toe.Your answerCorrect answer22.Phil will come o2S.0.overoverhis own once his boss recognizes how valuable he rs.Your answerCorrect answerintointoKevin has been riding a motorcycle fromYour answera very young age.Correct answerfromf

21、romAmong the group members, there was a strong desire foran afternoon of shopping.Your answerCorrect answerforforI usually dnft offto sleep while watching television.Your answerCorrect answerThe teacher told me offYour answerofffor talking in class again today.Correct answerfree wi?Do you befeveYour

22、 answerinJuKe received an award in appreciation ofYour answerofDont try to reason withOffCorrect answerinher service to the comm unityCorrect answerofa chidyou wont get very far.Your answerCorrect answerwrthwithOnce again. Greg was left outYour answerofthe decisionCorrect answeroutYour answerCorrans

23、wer7 (31)vilarvilain7 (32)largelylargely7 (33)bizarrebizarre7 (34)resemblanceresemblance7 (35)barrenbarren7 (36)giggledgiggled7 (37)helplesshelplessWinkwhirled7 (39)WazeWaze7 (40)twilighttwight41 Which of the foliating sentences is tne main idea of this passage7A. I is a harsh truth ttiat humans alw

24、ays want what th cy can! li a1,B. Too many 也du Its seem to be m a flurry for clilldren to grow 44v o C. Ch Wren tiould be fnee to play the day away.D. Its true that play helps develop skills that ivl be usfrd later in life.42. Which of the following would tiie writer of ttiis passage licshy MOT agre

25、e with?A. Adu Its should undsrstani th at children learn wtiile they play.B. K i& important 1or children to play nd act young.C. Filany games help children appreciate potential careers.u D. Ch Wren should cotic*niralle on tn er s-choolv/ork above everything else.43,The gr制孚sgr&e ner qh the Qthur id号

26、means-a A. other situations arways- seem better tnan the ones are inB. people always lack con fide ice in themseieiC. people prefer to live m a less barren 后ndD. people always want their eliMren to grow up44. This passag e ts bes? describeti as.A. a first-ptrson memoirB. a drematiC: dia logue0 C. a

27、peuu as ie essayD. an entertainiig story45. VJhat dees the r; riter mean by ytrn esnnet put a pnea on an actr/e afid f&rtile igtnatiaFi,?A. Ttie ability to think ereative s worttitess B. TTie ability to think creatively is invaluable.C. The ability to thmk creatively helps children develop.9 D. His

28、ability tp think creatively 區 a natural part of.Unit.6.7.89.The Eiffel Tower rs such a distnctive featureof Pans that the two have becomesynonymous.Your answerCorrect answer featurefeatureI couldrft stop reading his new best-seller since I was so engagedin the characters.Your answerCorrect

29、answervengagedengagedI hope for your sake that youYe not planning to make a surprise visit.Your answerCorrect answervsakesakeDid you really just make a(n) analogybetween school and war?Your answerCorrect answer analogyanalogyPlease dont distortthe truthyou made your decision and now you have to lire

30、v/th t.Your answerCorrect answer distortdistortSettle down and stop being so theatneal ; the world is not going to endYour answerCorrect answervtheatricaltheatricalIt mustVe taken a lot of courage to proclaimindependence I ke thatYour answerCorrect answervproclamproclaimIt drives me crazyCarla alway

31、s knows exactly how to frustrateevery plan I makefor the weekend.Your answerCorrect answervfrustratefrustrateHove listening to Mexican music because the hythm is so mfeebous.Your answerCorrect answerrhythmrhythmU. rm alv/ays waryof advertisements for deals that seem too good to be trueYour answerCor

32、rect answer7warywarySection B Choose the best way to complete the sentencesNext summer, the developers plan tothe old school into a museum.9 d A. convertB. converseO C. converts D. converge12. Can you tell me what stepsa valid research proposaPA. consttutnns f* B. constituteO G. consttuentO D. consi

33、st13. The school received more money andhas been able to hire nore teachers.O A. consequence B.con sequentialC. consequents & D. consequently14. Different cultures* varying conceptions ofare visible in the types of clothes they generallywearO A. jealousyv 鼻 B. modestyC. notorietyC1 0. clarity15. Unf

34、ortunately. I d dn*t practice enough so I failed tofor the team.“ AqualityCBsucceedUCthriveD.attempt16 Her job is to gather the data and ttienthe results to determine their significanceA analysis“BanalyzeCanalyticalDanalyst17 Mycioudec my juogment ana prevented me trom acting raoonaiiy wnen I saw my

35、 gintnendwitn anotner man.0AmodestyBclaritys ocjealousyCD.notoriety18 Jim is in Thailand on vacation: he loves to travel toplacesA eroticCBrobotic0CexoticD.mitotc19 Love him or hate him. the President of the United States is one of the mostpeople in theworldy 0 a innuentiaiC B. doriesllc C instincti

36、veD. ntransigent20 in a cnange ot pace from n s recent international tocus. ine Prime Minster spoke last mgnt atx)ut issues. A. exoticB rhythmic0 C expressivey D. domesticSectK)n C. Complete each senfe*?ce n/f/ a suitable vcr d.21. unroriunateiy. I can*t tninK about anytmng ngnt now snee rm engaged

37、ir*acontract dispute wrtn my arxllordYour answerCorrect answerv*inin22. Warhols is largely due to ttie fact trat he incorporated pop culturereferences into his art%/Your answerthatCorrect answerthattn atWat23 M/ parontG split upwhon I was tour)oars old, so it was vory 価cult for mo.Your answerCorrect

38、 answerup2d | think m/ love of nature derives frcmYour answerI the comping trips I tcck with my parents.Correct answer8.29.30.fromfromAfter several weeks, I fnally managed to pin Victor down shootYour ansvreidownI sawonth news ttiat soldiers hwF engagedthcountr/.Your answerwithon a specifi

39、c date for the photoCorrect aiisweicow nrebels intne soufheir partofttieCorrect answerwithDonna gives on wa/es ot energy wnene/er she enters a room.Your answerCorrect answerThe homeless shelter sentout leters to make sn appeal to Tiore money.Your answerCorrect answerforforMargarei is so shy that her

40、 eyes always shy away fromYour answerCorrect onswermine Ahen I look st her.fromhomThe Presidents new policy is soYour answerto speak, benefida for international trace.Correct answerYour answerCorrect answer7 (31)hypotheticalhypothetical7 (32)commissioncommission7 (33)mythotogicalmythological7 n 3.0.

41、 Paragraph 4C. Pflragraph 5.D. Para graph 6.43. According to the passage, which of tlie fn Hewing is TRUE?j A. All art in Botswanfl ts thoroughly unique Lo ttiM country.yB. Art in Botswa.na has been influenced by re,ghbDuring cd untnesC. Art m Bote wane is a relatively recent mvention.D. All art in

42、Botswana consists of simple dec口閃tiqris.44. Thtee be&LdescrM asA. rarrative fictionX a 9. editorial non-fictiDnC. firsbpersron tiisturyD. pers-nnal memoir45. Which of the following would nuke the bsl title fo r the pa&sflge?A. kifluential Art of the WorMB. A Critics Opinion of Art in Boiaw anda C. B

43、otswenp FJasterpieces宀 E. Art Hifchcjut HtjtorietyUnit52345678g10.11.12.by fewer thanAlmost every United States citzcn is the descendant of a(n) imrrigrant three gen erationsYour answerCorrect ansv/er immigrantimmigrantWith a(n) 5hugof her shoulders Nancy showed that she wasnt concerned withtheir pr

44、oDiems.Your answerCorrect anev/ershrugshrugTelevisions nowadays come with parental controls that help prevent young children from watening certain programmes.Your answercorrect answer parentalparentall don t Know about you. but I would never want to encounter a gnzzly bear n the woodsYour answerCorr

45、ect ansv/er encounterencounterEver since the restaurant reopened under nevr managFmerrTye found that their foodjust isnt as goodYour answerCorrect answervmanagementmanagementI hope you ii be dgeeate to tne changes I suggested in your coniract.Your answerCorrect ansv/ervagreeaoieagreeableTm and Josn

46、were in a Dig argument tnis morning out n tne end. I Know tnat cooler neads wll prevailana tr)ey wil get overit.Your answercorrect answerprevailprevailinstead of presents for his birthday. Tom asked people to make s(n) donation to his favourite chantyYour answerCorrect answerycJuiksliutiduvidliuiiDo

47、nt worry if you can! get it at first, successive attempts Wil g ve you the practice you need to get t ngntYour answerCorrect answerysuccessivesuccessiveThe poinician really took a nsK when he campaigner on p-ogressr/e reforms in such a conservative districtYour answerCorrect answeryprogressiveprogressiveThe images of the genocide that aired on the news were horrific and appa ll ng.Your answercorrect answer7appallingappaiingNo one on Earth is quite so imixniont as a six year old ooy about to go to the toy storeYour answerCorrect answer impatient13As a soldier, you never know vrhat new surpr


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