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1、墨西哥 蒙特雷零零零摩洛哥 卡萨布兰卡意大利 焦亚陶罗我会定期给你寄钱I'll send you money regularly.你说什么呢What are you talking about?你会衣食无忧的You won't want for anything.你为什么这么说Why do you say this?我不会再见你了I'll never see you again.为什么Why?为了她的安全 不是么It's for her safety. Isn't it?不是么Isn't it?别走 留下来Please don't go.

2、 Stay with us.嘘Shh.求你了 留下来吧Please, stay.留下吧Listen. stay.拜托了Please.忘了我吧 我不是个好人You should forget me. I'm not a good person.你为什么这么说Why are you saying this?因为我杀了你丈夫I killed your husband.- 怎么样 - 是个女孩-Well? -A girl.头儿 我们准备好了Commander Manuel, your Vampires are ready.头儿 我们准备好了Commander Manuel, your Vamp

3、ires are ready!冲啊 跑起来Let's go. Let's go, run!冲啊 兄弟们Come on, go! Move, all of you!跑起来Run, Vampires! Move it!上啊 所有人 快点Come on, everybody in! Get in, fast!各就各位Take your positions.另一个Leyra也进来了The other Leyra is getting inside.厨房♥安全The kitchen's clear.准备好了没Ready?走开 别进来Get away from

4、 there!滚开 混♥蛋♥Get away from there! No, asshole!别开枪 求你了Don't hurt us, please!- 过来 狗东西 - 别伤害我们 求你了- Move, asshole. - Don't hurt us, please.- 不要伤害我们 求你了 - 闭嘴- Don't hurt us, please! - Shut up.不要 不要伤害我们Don't hurt us, don't hurt us.- 闭嘴 - Jacinto Jacinto- Shut up

5、. - Jacinto! Jacinto!- 求你了 - 别伤害我们- Please, no. - Don't hurt us.把他们带出去Get them outta here.不要啊Please, no!等等 不要Wait, please.放开她Let go of her!快走 闭嘴 吵死了C'mon, let's go! Shut up.我可以让你的客人们走I'll let your guests go.跟你讲话呢听到没I'm talking to you.但你的家人得留下But your family stays.如果你合作 你就没事了If yo

6、u collaborate, nothing will happen to you.我可以马上给你3200万 我可以打个电♥话♥I can give you 32 million immediately. I'll make a call.钱就是你的了It'll be yours today.但是请别伤害我们But don't hurt us.赶紧的Call.开免提Put it on speaker.- 喂 - 喂- Hey. - Hey.电♥话♥来的正好 我刚下飞机 我们在哪见Pe

7、rfect timing. I just landed. Where are we going to meet?郁金山 383号♥Sierra de Tulipanes, 383.科隆 加西亚Colonia Garcia.好 等会见Okay, see you soon.干的不错 谢谢You did good. Thanks.把他弄出去Get him outta here.- 把这儿整干净 - 是 头儿- Clean up this mess. - Yes, boss.- 嘿 - 我自己进去- Hey. - I'll go in alone.把和你爷爷的见面安排好A

8、rrange that meeting with your grandfather.你好Hey.来一块香肠吗Want a slice of salami?要酒吗Some wine?好主意 最好在杀你爷爷之前别喝酒Good idea, better not to drink before killing grandpa.Don MinuDon Minu.Don MinuDon Minu.您孙子回来了Your grandson is back.他想见您He wants to see you.去接Stefano 把他带过来Go get Stefano and bring him here.- 爸爸

9、- 小子- Dad! - My little guy!别担心 好吗 没事的Don't worry, okay? Don't worry.StefanoStefano!他们对你做了什么Ste'. What did they do to you?爸爸Dad!别担心 我们会照顾他们的Don't worry, we'll look after them.StefanoStefano!Stefano 别走啊Stefano, don't go!船已经装载好了 在你动手之前 代我向他问好It's already loaded. Send my rega

10、rds to grandpa before you kill him.StefanoStefano!- 我自己走 别碰我 - 快走- I'll go by myself, don't touch me. - Get going, move it!我们走吧 还有五分钟船就开了Let's go. The ship leaves in five minutes.ChrisChris?ChrisChris?ChrisChris?ChrisChris?我弟弟呢Where is my brother?我弟弟在哪Where's my brother?- 被他们带走了 - 他们

11、是谁- They took him away. - Who took him?是意大利人 他们想要船上的货Italians. They want the shipment.- 求你了 帮我解开绳子吧 - 他们把他带去哪了-They. Please, untie me. - Where did they take him?求你了 帮我解开吧 求求你Please, untie me, please, untie me.没事 他们把他带去哪了It's all right. Where did they take him?Chris告诉他们货在我们的仓库里 求你了 放我走吧Chris told

12、 them it was in our warehouse. Please! Untie me.在这等着Wait here.你最好就在这儿等着 就在这里等It's better if you wait here. Just wait here.Chris ChrisChris! Chris!妈的Fuck!欢迎 女士Welcome, ma'am.你好Hello.你孙子杀了我弟弟Your grandson killed my brother.他还试图阻止货船And he tried to stop the cargo.如果你是我 你会怎么做If you were in my pos

13、ition, what would you do?我孙子一小时之内过来My grandson is coming in an hour.他没有背叛我He didn't betray me.他背叛了He did.我父亲告诉我你总是事业第一My father told me that you always put business first.如果我说How about.你孙子给我处置you give me your grandson我就给你集装号♥ 如何and I'll give you the container number.没有集装号&hear

14、ts;你永远也找不到货物Without that you won't be able to find the cargo.跟我来Walk with me.Emma 过来 这边Emma, come. This way.我们会解决好的We will sort it out.相信我Trust me.- 坐下吧 - 谢谢- Sit down. - Thanks.- 在这等着 - 好- Wait here. - Yeah.好的I got it.过来Walk!记得Emma吗Remember Emma?放过我家人Spare my family.原谅我Forgive me.我会把钱转到你父亲的账户 好

15、吗I'll transfer the money to your father's account, okay?- 把这些文件拿着 快点 - 我全拿了- Grab those papers, quick. - I got nearly all of it.接着这些 销毁它们Take this and make it disappear.喂Yeah?好 我们正准备走<Okay, we're leaving!妈的Fuck it!GianpieroGianpiero!干什么What are you doing?我们来看看你对Don Minu而言值多少钱We'll

16、 see what you're worth to Don Minu.你敢碰我儿子小心我扇你I'll smash your face in if you touch my son!- 走 - 他妈往哪走 杂种- Move! - Where are we going? You bastard!快走Let's go!快上车Get in the car!很高兴见到你 Don Minu<It's a pleasure to see you, Don Minu.Don Minu 我随时听候您的差遣Don Minu. Always at your disposal.-

17、 一切还好吗 - 是的 Don Minu 恭喜您- Everything okay? - Yes, Don Minu. My congratulations.- 喂 - 喂- Hey. -Hey.电&hearts;话&hearts;来的正好 我刚下飞机 我们在哪见Perfect timing. I just landed. Where are we going to meet?郁金山 383号&hearts; 科隆 加西亚>Sierra de Tulipanes, 383. Colonia Garcia.好 等会见Okay, see you soon.我们就快到了 Lynwood女士We're almost there, Miss Lynwood.谢谢 RobertoThank you, Roberto.我们头儿想见您The boss wants to see you.你好Hello.把钱给我 谢谢The money, please.我通常知道和我打交道的人的名字的I usually know the names of people I deal with.你可以叫我ManuelYou can call me Manuel.Manuel 这是3200万美元Here's 32 million do


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