1、Chapter OneEngine许亚平2Unit 1 Engine Mechanical3 3ContentsPre-questionsImportant Words &PhrasesTasksThe Text ExplanationExercisesChassis 底盘Automobile Structure of An AutomobileEngine 发动机Body 车身Electrical Equipment 电气设备5Pre-questionsEngine Whats the heart of an automobile?What does the engine consi
2、st of?7Important Words & Phrasescylinder block 汽缸体汽缸体 cylinder silind n.n. 汽汽缸缸 cylinder wall汽缸壁汽缸壁8Important Words & Phrasescylindercylinder head head 汽缸盖汽缸盖cylinder liner汽缸套汽缸套9Important Words &Phrases10Important Words & Phrases crankshaft曲轴曲轴crankshaft assembly 曲轴曲轴总成camshaft凸轮轴凸轮
3、轴1111Important Words &Phraseslubricate lu:brikeit vt. 润滑润滑,加润滑油加润滑油,注注(上上,涂涂)油油lubrication n. 润滑润滑lubricant n. 润滑剂润滑剂,润滑油润滑油,机油机油 coolant n.冷却液冷却液1212Important Words & Phrases valve guide 气门座气门座 valve seat 气门调整垫片气门调整垫片 valve oil seal 气门杆气门杆 valve stem 气门传动机构气门传动机构 valve adjusting shim 气门油封气门
4、油封 valve drive mechanism 气门导管气门导管 valve n. 气门;阀气门;阀(门门)meknizm 13Important Words & Phrases exhaust n. 排气,排气装置排气,排气装置 intake n. 进气,吸气进气,吸气 manifold mnifuld n. 歧管歧管exhaust valve/stroke/manifold 排气门排气门/行程行程/歧管歧管intake valve/stroke/manifold 进气门进气门/行程行程/歧管歧管 14Task: Giving the Chinese Names crankcase
5、gasketcylinder headcylindercooling passagesoil pancylinder blockcylinder head cover机体组15Important Words &Phrases injector n.n. 喷油器喷油器inject v.v. 喷射,喷油,喷射,喷油, 注射,注入注射,注入injection n.n. indekt16Important Words & Phrases gasket n. 衬垫,垫圈衬垫,垫圈e.g. 进气歧管垫进气歧管垫 intake manifold gasket排气歧管垫排气歧管垫exhaust
6、 manifold gasket汽缸盖垫汽缸盖垫cylinder head gasket汽缸盖罩垫汽缸盖罩垫cylinder head cover gasketcylinder gasket:汽缸垫汽缸垫功用是保证气缸盖与气缸功用是保证气缸盖与气缸体接触面的密封,防止漏气,漏水和漏油。体接触面的密封,防止漏气,漏水和漏油。cylinder headcylinder head covergasketCylinder Head Cover & Cylinder GasketCylinder Head Cover & Cylinder Gasket18Important Words
7、& Phrases gear n 齿轮;传动装置;挡位 timing gear 正时齿轮 gear ratio 传动比 first/second gear 一/二挡gear box 变速箱(器)19Important Words & Phrases piston 活塞活塞piston rings 活塞环活塞环compression ring 气环气环oil control ring 油环油环 piston pin 活塞销活塞销20Important Words & Phrases pushrod 推杆推杆connecting rod连杆连杆21compression r
8、ingoil control ringpiston pinpistonconnecting rodconnecting rod boltconnecting rod bearingconnecting rod capTask: Giving the Chinese Names 活塞连杆组22Important Words & Phrases connecting rod bearing 连杆轴承连杆轴承23Important Words & Phrasesvalve stemcamshaftvalve clearanceklirns 24Important Words &
9、; Phrases valve lifter液力的,液压的液力的,液压的 hydraulic lifter气门挺柱气门挺柱液力液力(压压)挺柱挺柱挺柱挺柱卡环卡环阀架阀架支承支承座座单向单向阀阀柱塞柱塞弹簧弹簧碟形碟形弹簧弹簧挺杆挺杆体体柱塞柱塞推杆推杆haidr:lik 25Important Words & Phrases valve spring 气门弹簧弹簧valve retainer 气门座圈座圈ritein 26Important Words &Phrasesvalve springvalve springvalve spring retainervalve spr
10、ing retainerkeeperkeeper 锁片锁片27Important Words &Phrasesintake valve(bigger)exhaust valve(smaller) Why are the exhaust valves usually smaller than the intakes ones?28Task: Giving the Chinese Names camshaftcamshaftlifterlifterpushrodpushrodrocker armrocker armcamshaftcamshafttiming timing geargear
11、rocker arm shaftrocker arm shaft气门传动组29Important Words & Phrases摇臂摇臂rocker arm3031l valve train l crank- connecting rodenginel coolingl lubricatingl startingl ignitionl fuel supplyTwo mechanisms:Five systems:32The Text Explanationu The engine block is the main supporting structure (to which all
12、other engine parts are attached).汽缸体汽缸体发动机发动机汽缸体汽缸体是是发动机的主要支撑装置,发动发动机的主要支撑装置,发动机的所有其它件都机的所有其它件都装装在气缸体上。在气缸体上。定语从句定语从句33The Text Explanationattach to : fasten in position; fix or connect 固定,连接,附着固定,连接,附着e.g. He attached these parts to the machine.他把这些零件固定在机器上。34The Text ExplanationuThe crankcase sect
13、ion is used to house the crankshaft ,oil pan. 曲轴箱曲轴箱用于安装用于安装曲轴曲轴,机油盘机油盘。曲轴箱曲轴箱机油盘机油盘35The Text Explanationhouse v.: provide with a place to live 给给房子住,给房子住,给提供住房提供住房e.g. This new building will house the training center. 实训中心将设在这幢新楼里。36The Text ExplanationuThey allow coolant to circulate throughout t
14、he cylinder area to keep the engine cool.它们可以使它们可以使冷却液冷却液在气缸周围循环流动以在气缸周围循环流动以冷却发动机。冷却发动机。冷却液冷却液气缸气缸37The Text Explanationallowto: to let sb. do sth., permit 允许,允许, 容许,准许容许,准许e.g. We are not allowed to stay out after 10 oclock. (学校)不允许我们在10点以 后待在外面。38Task: Giving the Chinese Names crankcasegasketcyli
15、nder headcylindercooling passagesoil pancylinder blockcylinder head cover机体组39The Text Explanationu The purpose of using a liner is that , if the cylinder is damaged, the liner can be removed and replaced rather easily.的目的的目的(作用作用)是是使用汽缸套使用汽缸套目的目的是在气缸损坏是在气缸损坏时时缸套缸套可以很容易地拆卸和更可以很容易地拆卸和更换。换。汽缸套汽缸套40The
16、 Text Explanation the purpose of (doing) sth. is to do that-clause的目的(作用)是的目的(作用)是e.g. The purpose of conducting a business is to make money.做生意的目的是赚钱。41The Text Explanation replace v. l take the place of 代替,取代代替,取代 e.g. Can anything replace a mothers love?42地点状语The Text Explanationu seals must be u
17、sed bottom of the wet sleeve in order to keep the coolant from leaking out of the cooling system.目的状语目的状语为了为了防止冷却系统内的冷却液泄露,在湿防止冷却系统内的冷却液泄露,在湿式缸套的上端和下端均装有水封。式缸套的上端和下端均装有水封。The Text Explanationkeep oneself (sb.) from sth/doing sth. 使自己使自己(某人某人)不能做某事不能做某事 Ill call the roll every week in order to keep y
18、ou from being absent from the class.e.g. 为了使大家不旷课,我每周都会点名。44The Text ExplanationuAfter the cylinder head has been cast, some areas must be machined so that intake and exhaust manifolds can be attached, valves can be seated, spark plugs and injectors can be installed, and a good seal can be provided
19、to the block.时间状语时间状语气缸盖气缸盖喷油器喷油器进排气歧管进排气歧管火花塞火花塞目目的的状状语语铸造铸造45The Text Explanation machine v.用机器制造,加工用机器制造,加工 n. 机器 e.g. He machined these parts of the machine. 他用机器加工这些机器零件。attach, seat, install 这三个动词在句子中 的含义基本相同,都做“安装安装”讲。46The Text ExplanationTranslation: 气缸盖被气缸盖被铸造铸造以后,其上以后,其上的某些部位必须被的某些部位必须被加工
20、加工以以安装安装进排气歧进排气歧管、气门、火花塞及喷油器,并可使气管、气门、火花塞及喷油器,并可使气缸可靠密封。缸可靠密封。47The Text ExplanationuThe piston and connecting rod assembly transmits the power from combustion to the crankshaft. 活塞连杆总成活塞连杆总成燃烧燃烧transmit (fromto): to send or pass from one to another 传送,传递传送,传递48The Text Explanatione.g. The optimism
21、soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd. 这种乐观情绪很快感染了人群 中所有的人。ptimizm It mainly consists of piston, compression rings, oil control rings, piston pin connecting rod.气环气环油环油环50The Text Explanatione.g. 水由氢和氧组成. is composed of Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. consists ofconsist of
22、be made up ofbe composed of由由组成组成51The Text ExplanationTranslation: 活塞和连杆总成将燃料活塞和连杆总成将燃料燃烧产生的动力传递给曲轴。如图燃烧产生的动力传递给曲轴。如图1-1-3所示,活塞和连杆总成主要包括所示,活塞和连杆总成主要包括活塞、气环、油环、活塞、气环、油环、活塞销和连杆。活塞销和连杆。52Revision:Translating the following phrases气门杆气门杆凸轮轴凸轮轴气门间隙气门间隙valve clearancecamshaftvalve stem53Revision:Translati
23、ng the following phrases气门弹簧气门弹簧气门弹簧座圈气门弹簧座圈锁片锁片valve spring retainerkeepervalve spring 54气环气环油环油环活塞销活塞销活塞活塞连杆连杆连杆连杆螺栓螺栓连杆连杆轴承轴承连杆盖连杆盖Revision:Translating the following phrases活塞连杆组compression ringoil control ringpistonpiston pinconnecting rodconnecting rod boltconnecting rod bearingconnecting rod c
24、ap55Revision:Translating the following phrases凸轮轴凸轮轴挺柱挺柱推杆推杆摇臂摇臂凸轮轴正凸轮轴正时齿轮时齿轮摇臂轴摇臂轴气门传动组camshaftcamshaft timing gearrocker armrocker arm shaftpushrodlifteruIt is used to connect piston to crankshaft and change the reciprocating motion to the rotary motion.The Text Explanation旋转运动旋转运动把把与与连接连接往复运动往复运
25、动Translation: (连杆连杆)用于用于连接连接活塞活塞和曲轴并将活塞的和曲轴并将活塞的往复运动往复运动转变为转变为曲轴的曲轴的旋转运动旋转运动。risiprkeit rutri 57The Text ExplanationuThe exhaust valves are usually smaller in diameter than the intake ones, because on the exhaust stroke the gases move more easily for the pressure of the piston forcing them out.排气门排气
26、门直径直径排气行程排气行程during在在时候时候intake valve(bigger)exhaust valve(smaller)Translation: 通常,排气门的直径小于进气门的直通常,排气门的直径小于进气门的直径,这样便于排气行程中,在活塞压力的作用下废径,这样便于排气行程中,在活塞压力的作用下废气更容易排出。气更容易排出。uThey are pressed into the cylinder head and ground to the correct angle.The Text Explanation将将压入压入l grind (ground, ground) v. 磨(碎
27、);碾(碎);磨成 e.g. The flour was ground from wheat . graind graund Translation: 它被它被压装压装到汽缸盖内并到汽缸盖内并研磨研磨成特成特定的角度。定的角度。61Exercises: Answering the questions1. Whats the purpose of using a cylinder liner?The purpose of using a liner is that, if the cylinder is damaged, the liner can be removed and replaced
28、 rather easily.62Exercises: Answering the questions2. What components does the piston and connecting rod assembly consist of?It consists of piston, compression rings, oil control rings, piston pin and connecting rod.63Exercises: Answering the questions3. What components does crankshaft assembly cons
29、ist of?It includes the crankshaft, bearing, flywheel, harmonic balancer, timing gear, and front and rear seals.64Exercises: Answering the questions4. How does the piston reciprocating motion change to the crankshaft rotary motion?Connecting rod is used to connect piston to crankshaft and change the
30、reciprocating motion to the rotary motion.65Exercises: Answering the questions5. Whats the function of the valve drive mechanism?Its used to transfer the camshaft lift to the valve assembly.66Exercises: Answering the questions6. How does the rotary motion of the camshaft change to reciprocating moti
31、on?Lifters change the rotary motion of the camshaft to reciprocating motion to open and close the valve.67Exercises: Translating the following into English1.曲轴主轴颈2. 缸盖螺栓3. 活塞环4. 连杆轴颈crankshaft (main) journalcylinder head boltpiston ringconnecting-rod journal68Exercises: Translating the following int
32、o English7. 摇臂轴8. 液力挺柱6. 连杆螺栓5. 汽缸盖垫cylinder head gasketconnecting-rod boltrocker arm shafthydraulic lifter69Exercises: Translating the sentences into Chinese The problem can often be associated with a crack in the cylinder head or possible warp of the cylinder head. A crack in the block may also ca
33、use coolant to the combustion chamber and cause white exhaust smoke.与有关裂缝裂缝汽缸盖汽缸盖燃烧室燃烧室弯曲弯曲汽缸体汽缸体70Exercises: Translating the following into English Translation: 该故障通常由缸盖内的该故障通常由缸盖内的裂缝或缸盖变形而引起。缸体内的裂缝裂缝或缸盖变形而引起。缸体内的裂缝也可能使冷却液渗入燃烧室,从而导致也可能使冷却液渗入燃烧室,从而导致冒白烟。冒白烟。71Exercises: Translating the following int
34、o English2. When installing an exchange cylinder head (with camshaft installed), the contact surfaces between the hydraulic lifters and the cam must be oiled before installing the cylinder head cover.接触面时间状语时间状语从句72Exercises: Translating the following into EnglishTranslation: 当更换缸盖当更换缸盖(已安装凸轮轴已安装凸轮轴
35、)时,液力挺柱与凸轮之间的接触面要先上时,液力挺柱与凸轮之间的接触面要先上机油,再安装汽缸盖罩。机油,再安装汽缸盖罩。73in addition to 除除之外之外Exercises: Translating the following into English3. Metal shavings or large quantities of small metal particles found in the engine oil during repairs can be caused. If such particles are found, apart from thoroughly c
36、leaning the oil passages, it is necessary to replace the oil cooler.屑片屑片大量的大量的颗粒颗粒,微粒微粒彻底地彻底地机油冷却器机油冷却器74Exercises: Translating the following into EnglishTranslation: 维修过程中会使发动机机油维修过程中会使发动机机油里有金属屑或大量细小的金属微粒。如果有里有金属屑或大量细小的金属微粒。如果有金属颗粒,除了彻底清洁油道,还有必要金属颗粒,除了彻底清洁油道,还有必要更换机油冷却器。更换机油冷却器。75Exercises: Translating the followi
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