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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除小学英语语法练习题2.写出下列单数名词的复数形式1.knife _2.orange3.box 4. cap 5. woman _6. tomato 7. bus 8. hero 9. boy _10. baby _11.roof12.watch13. photo_14.class15. foot_16.house17.pen18.car19.horse20.shelf21.radio_22.fox.23.dish24.half25.deer _26.child27.fish 3.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式1. wolves 2.doctors_

2、 3.cities_4. Chinese 5.pianos_6.thieves_7. ears 8.churches_ 9.ladies10. leaves_11.teeth12 .zoos13.brushes 14.wives15.ropes_16.men 17.pears 18.monkeys4.请从括号里选出正确的答案1. Please give me ( two /two cups of ) coffee.2. There are a lot of (sheep /sheeps ) on the farm.3. I d like some (bread / breads ) and (

3、potato /potatoes).4. Look! There is a (mouse /mice) in the corner.5. He bought (a piece of /a piece ) paper.6. “ Where is (Woman s / Women s) Room? ” asked Susan.7. (The girl s/The girls )hobby is drawing.8. Aunt Lucy sent (a child s /a children s ) book to me.冠词练习1 . 在空格内填上a 或 an只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如

4、有侵权请联系网站删除1. ear2.actor 3. hen4. toy 5. university6. _elephant 7. _hat8.umbrella 9.rabbit10.idea11._hour12_honest boy 13.interesting book 14._easy question15._orange dress16apple pie 17X-ray machine18._ice cream2 .用 a,an,the或"/"填空1 .Washington is capital of United States of America.2 .Ther

5、e is ” A” on his paper.3. I ate apple .It s red apple.4.tall man over there is my boss.5.earth moves aroundsun.6.No news is good news.7.Have you visitedGreat Wall?8 .They often playfootball after school.9 .Children needlove andattention.10.Are there any birds insky?11 .student in the third row istal

6、lest in our class.12 .Did you havebreakfast this morning? 13.Mr.White will go toTokyo byair.13 .Byway,do you knowold woman in glasses?3.选择填空1. Mom tells her little daughterold story every night. A. a B. / C. an D. the2. computer on the table is Susan s. A. A B. An C. The D. /3. There ismap of the wo

7、rld onwall.map is mine.A. a, a, A B. a, the, The C. the, the, The D. the, the, A4. Whites live onfloor. A. /, three B. A, third C. The, third D.The, the third5. Spring comes afterwinter. A. /, / B.The, / C.The, the D.A, the5.1 boughtshoes yesterday.shoes are very beautiful.D. a pair, The pairA. a, T

8、he B. a pair of, The C. the, The 只供学习与交流7 .He wassoldier in the Second World War. A. a B. an C. the D. /8 .She can playand.A. the tennis, the guitar B. tennis, guitar C. the tennis, guitar D. tennis, the guitar9.1 can seemoon andclouds in the sky. A. the, a B. a, a C. the, / D. the, the10. “ c” is i

9、n “ cat. ”“ s” is in “ As.aAt.n,”AnB. An, A C. A, A D. A, An11. Tian anmen Square is in Beijing. A. /, / B. A, / C. The, / D. /, the12. Can you tell me nearest bookshop? Go straight and turn right atthird crossing, and you will see it.A. the, a B. the, the C. a, theD. the, /4.从方框中选出适当的形容词加在下面的名词之前。如

10、有需要,把a换成an或把an换成a。每个词只能用一次。biggreenemptyEnglishdifficultchocolatesharpsilverhonestusefulredsmall an apple green a green apple 1. a box2. a flag3.a song _ 4. an elephant 5.a tool 5. a room 6.a medal 7. an ice cream 7. a boy 8. a knife 9. a question 5.根据中文,写出下列固定搭配的英文。1.拉小提琴 2.总而言之 3.看一看 4.在早上 5.顺便说一下

11、 6.在左边 7.吃晚餐 8.下棋 9.在家 10.开始时 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除数词练习1. 写出与下列词相应地数序数词或基数词。1. one7. eighty-eight10. four hundred2. two8. sixty-two11. sixth3. three4. nine5. twelve9. fifty-four12. thirteenth13. eleventh6. twenty14. hundredth15. ninety-sixth16. one hundred and third2.选择填空1. of the visitors are fore

12、igners. A. Three five B. Three-fifth C. Three-fifths D. third five2. There are people on the square. A. hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. five hundreds3. The teacher asked us to write a composition in one hour.A. three-hundred-words B. three hundreds of words C. three-hundreds-words D. three-

13、hundred-word4. What is Charlie in?He is in A. row, row Four B. row, Row Four C. rows, four row D. rows, rows Four5. How much is five six?-Eleven.A. plus B. minus C. times D. divided3.写出下列数字的英语读法1.4/代词练习1 . 根据括号中的要求给出下列代词的适当形式。1.it (形容词性物主代词)(形容词性物主代词)2.my_(名词性物主代词)3.hers

14、elf_(复数形式)4.we_(宾格形式)5.you(形容词性物主代词)6.her(名词性物主代词)7.ourselves_(单数形式)8.you(宾格形式)9.he(宾格形式)10.their(形容词性物主代词)2 .根据下列句子的说法.从方框中选出恰当的代词填空。(注意大小写)只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除Iheshe it1.skates well.3.are my parents.3.根据下列句子说法.从方框中选出恰当的MyherweitsMinehersouritthey2.is a kangaroo.4. is clever.9 个代词填空。(注意大小写

15、)him theiryours them只供学习与交流1 , Andy and I are making a model plane. f are making a model plane.2 .Does the blank bike belong to you ? f Is the black bike?3 .The big house among the mountains belongs to them.f big house lies among the mountains.4 .It is her computer. fThe computer is.1.1 can ' t

16、find my glasses. f The glasses are not.Where is glasses?6 .The tail belongs to the white dog. fThe white dog is waging (摆动)tail happily.7 .Mom and Dad bought a birthday gift for him. f bought a birthday gift for him. fThe birthday gift was 4.从括号中选择正确地词填空。1 .( This/These) are my letters and (that /th

17、ose)is my brother s.2 .(This/These)shoes are Ms.Jones. 3.How (many/much)apples do you have?4 .-Is there (some/any )water in the fridge? yes. there is (some/any).5 .(Everybody/Nobody)needs friends.6 .We have a vacation (假期)for two months (every/each)summer.7 .My mother bought two skirts for my sister

18、 and me. But (either/neither)of us likes the skirts.8 .Hurry up !There are (a few /few )minutes left.9 .(What/Which)do you like better ?Surfing or skating?10 . What s in the letter? It s (anything /nothing)important.11 .-So you are James Cotton!(It s/That s)right.nMamy e is James.12 .What did you sa

19、y just now?-(Nothing/Everything).5.选择填空1 .Are they raincoats or ?A. their, oursB. their, ourC. theirs, ousD. their, us2 .Help to some chicken .children.A. themselfB. themC. yourselfD. yourselvesB.3. of my parents can take care of my little sister , so I will stay at home to take care of her. A. AllB

20、othC. NoneD. Neither4. do you like best, football., volleyball or baseball?A. WhoB. WhichC. WhatD. Why5. Teacher Zhang, wants to see you.Who?A. someoneB. anyoneC.ID. he6. What time is ? s eight o clock am.A. this, ThisB. that, ThisC. it, ItD. it, This7. May I have some socks. please? Can I give you

21、socks on the shelf? No. thank you. I ike _d_l _socks there. They look comfortable.A. that, thisB. this, thatC. those, these D. these, those8. Three bottles of water .two cakes and a knife. please.Is all? A. itB. this C. thatD. these9. Would you like wine?No. thanks.A. someB. anyC. noD. the10 .Hello.

22、is Susan speaking .Can I speak to Andy. please?Hold on, please. A. sheB. this C. that11 .There are eggs in the bottle. I have to buy .A. no, littleB. a little, little12 .Don t worry .can finish the job.A. MyselfB. Me形容词练习D. itC. few, some D. a few, few1. 写出下列形容词的比较级及最高级形式。1 .nice2. hot3. slow7.heavy

23、8.thin9.far13.bad/ill14.much/many15.clever2.将下列各组单词重新排序.使构成有意义地词组。1. fat, the, cat, white2. Olympics, green, a, great3. expensive, that, jacket, brown4. an, book., interesting, thick5. round, three, plates, yellow3.根据括号中的形容词C. ImyselfD .Myself I4. late5. happy6.fat10.wide11.good/well12.beautiful16.i

24、mportant.用asas或than写出表示比较的句子。1. I weigh 48 kilograms( 公斤 )and my brother weighs 52 kilograms.(heavy)2. My ring costs 100 yuan and your ring costs 2000 yuan.(expensive)3. This pool is 20 meters long and that pool is 30 meters long.(long)4. There are twenty-one boys and sixteen girls in our class.(lar

25、ge)5. Andy s mother and father are both 36 years old.(old)6. 选词填空1. My sister is getting .A. fater and faterB. fatter and fatter C. more fatter and fatter D. more and more fatter2. They are to us than before. A. friend B. friendly C. more friendly D. friendier3. Jack is the boy our class. A. tallest

26、. in B. taller. in C. most tall. of D. more tall. of4. It is not warm yesterday. Put on more clothes.A. so . onB. so. inC. as .atD. as. as5. Hamgzhou is one of cities I have visited.A. beautifulB. beauitifulierC. more beautiful D. the most beautiful副词练习1. 把下列形容词变成副词1.good2. bad3. easy4.happy5.loud6.

27、slow7.deep8.careful9.sad10.quiet11.angry12.real13.correct14.honest15.clear16.quick17.lucky18.heavy2.写出下列副词的反义词1.late2.after3.less4.always5.better6.fast7.dangerously8.weakly3.根据中文意思.连词成句.注意副词的位置和顺序1 .莉莉每天七点起床。( at. every day. Lily. gets up. seven o clock )2 .刚才他飞快地跑上楼去了。( he. ran. just now. fast. ups

28、tairs)3 .我妹妹每天早上都会在花园里愉快的唱歌。( sings. in the garden. my sister. every morning. happily )4 . 这个女孩来自美国华盛顿。( the. Washington. comes from. USA. girl )5 .他们星期天在公园玩的很开心。( on Sunday. played. they. in the park. happily )4.选择填空1. How was the weather yesterday?It was terrible. It snowed .He could come back in

29、time.A. hard. hardB. heavy. hardly C. heavily. hardD. hard. hardly2. Do you wash clothes by hands? . I usually wash clothes by washing machine.A. MuchB. OftenC. SeldomD. Little3. Jane is a dancer and she dances.A. good. wellB. well. wellC. earlier than D. later than4. My mother had to work last nigh

30、t. so she went to bed me.A. as earlier asB. as early as C. earlier than D. later than5. Both Andy and I drive slowly. Tom drives fast. So Tom drives of all.A. slowerB. the slowest C. fasterD. the fastest介词练习1. 请从括号里选择恰当的介词填空。2. When did you arrive (at /on) the railway station?3. The first astronaut

31、( 宇航员 )landed on the moon(in /on )1968.4. My uncle is going to Paris (on /by )air.5. The dog is jumping (on /over )the fence.6. The train is driving (through/ across)the tunnel.7. Let s talk (with /in )Chinese.2.选择填空1. ,Please come here time. Don t be late again. A. at B. in C. onD. by2. Class finis

32、hes half past nine.A. atB. inC. on D. to3. He goes skating winter and goes swimming summer.A. at. atB. in. inC. on. onD. from. to4. We have classes 8 am3 pm every day.A. from. toB. at. atC. until. toD. at. to5. It s raining outside .Take an umbrella _ you. A. forB. onC.inD.with6.Seven is the number

33、_six and eight.A. inB. betweenC.amongD.at7. Walk down the street and walk the bridge. you will see the church.A. crossB. atC. throughD. across连词练习 1. 请用括号里的连词连接下列句子。1. He is rich. he is unhappy.(but)2. He broke his left leg. He couldn t attend the meeting yesterday.(because )3. Bob entered the room.

34、 Bob take off the coat. Bob sat in the sofa. (and)4. I am wrong. You are wrong.(n either nor )5. It will be fine tomorrow. I will visit my English teacher. (if)6. I like white boots. My sister likes white boots.(bothand)7. I won t buy a kite. I won t buy a ballon.(or) 2.选择填空1. , We made a pizza this

35、 morning. we didn t eat it.A. andB. soC. butD. or2. I was tired very much. I went to bed early last night.A. becauseB. soC. butD. or3. Does Rose go to school by bike by bus?A. andB. orC. butD. nor4. He will go to Pairs his aunt lives there.A. andB. soC. butD. because5.I ll call you I arrive at the a

36、irport.A. andB. butC. as soon asD. if6. Jerry I are interested in the movie .could you give me one more ticket?A. Both. andB. Either. orC. Neither. nor D. /. or7. it s raining .the match continues.A. ForB. WhenC. AlthoughD. Because8. Turn off the lights you go out.A. ifB. thoughC. afterD. before3.下面

37、每题都有一个错误.请你指出并改正。1.Because he was hungry. so he ate two bowls of rice.2. Which do you like better. singing and dancing?3. Alice is not slim but also beautiful.4. Both Mom and also Dad are angry with my brother.5. Though she is little. but she often helps others.动词练习1 . 将方框中的动词按不同类别填入下面的分类表格中.可重复归类。m

38、ightshoutgobesmilemaygivewillhavedriveneedtastedostudymakewouldworkshouldgetrisesmellshallcanfeelmustbecome look实义动词(连)系动词 助动词 情态动词2 .在表格中分别添入下列动词胡过去式.过去分词和现在分词三种形式。动词原形过去式过去分词现在分词play此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除studyrainflywriteclosegotrystopdiebeg 只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除seeruntakeliecomeswimdo3 .请

39、从括号里选择正确的动词形式填空。1 .He ( am/ is /are) from America. He and I (am/is /are) friends.2 .That cat (am/is/are)fat and lazy.3 .(Has/Have)you finished your writing?4 .We (don t / doesn t/ didn t) have classes every Friday afternoon.5 . There (be/is/are )a new bookstore nearby.1.1 t (get/gets/got)hotter and

40、hotter.7 .The soup (smell/smells)delicious.8 .(Look/Looking)! A pigeon (am/is/are)flying.9 .They are (siting/sitting) in the room and Andy is (runing/running) outside.10 . The big house (have/has)six windows.4.用括号里动词的适当形式填空1.There(be)some magazines on the sofa. 2. My grandpa always (like)sports.3.Ca

41、n you (speak )English?4. We (have)a party tomorrow .5.Judy (know)the man in black? 6.When (be)you born?7 The baby (cry) now. It (must)hungry.8 .Could you go out with me? I (dare)go out alone.动词时态练习1. 找出下列句子中的错误.并改为正确的句子。1 , Look! Your baby were crying.2. What have you done last night? 3. LiBai write

42、s many pomes.4. I was born in 1998 and I had two brothers.5. Don t worry. He comes back soon.6. I am cooking at 8:30yesterday morning.7. They are working for 9 hours.8. Light will travel faster than sound.2.选择填空1.Listen !Your dogin the yard.A. barksB. barkC. barkingD.is barking2.What_your father do

43、last night?A. doB. doesC. didD.is3. Joan sometimesswimming onweekends.A. isB .was C. goD.goes4 .Where Teacher Zhang ? I don t know. But I her just now.A. is, sawB. was, saw C. is, seeD. was, see5 .Hurry up! Everyone you.A .waits for B. wait for C. are waiting forD. is waiting for6.I the movie before

44、. A. have seen B. has seen C. sawD. see7.I the supermarket twice today. A. went to B. will go to C. have been to D. have gone to3.用括号中动词的适当形式填空。My name (be) Susan. I (be) a middle school student. I don _t (have) any brothers .but I (have) two sisters. We (be)in the same middle school .I (go)to schoo

45、l with them every day.I(be) 15 years old now and yesterday (be) my birthday. While I (watch) TV in my room at tenlast morning .My parents (enter)and (give) me a big surprise. It (be)a lovely Teddy Bear.I(like) the gift very much. I(love) my parents and I (study)harder then before.I(be)16years old ne

46、xt year and(want) to be a doctor in the future.句子练习1. 根据要求找出句子成分。2. Lisa is a dancer。主语: 表语: 3. My father works hard. 主语 谓语: 定语: 状语 4. He bought a MP3 yesterday. 主语 谓语: 宾语: 状语 5. I will give you a new dictionary.主语 谓语: 定语: 定语 6. Tim and I go to school everyday. 主语 谓语: 状语 7. Her grandma named her lil

47、y.主语 谓语: 宾语: 宾补 8. Open your month. 谓语: 宾语: 定语 2 .指出下列句子属于哪一种句型。1. The weather is very cold 。2. The good news made me sad.3. Birds fly.4. My brother passed it to me.5. I will buy a gift for Tom.6. My father is a lawyer.7. We are cleaning the classroom.3 .判断句子正误.把错误的句子改为正确的句子。1. My aunt lives Guangzh

48、ou.2. He showed the photos me.3. Teacher Wang teaches English for us.4. I like rock music.5. His name Charlie.6. Judy is listening to .陈述句练习1. 将下列陈述句改成肯定句或否定句。2. This is my bicycle.3. I m gdoaot English.4. He hasn t finished the job yet.5. Tom doesn t go to school by bus.6. We live in Beijing.7. He

49、has no sisters.8. The baby is not sleeping now.9. It s going to rain this evening.2 .根据中文意思.连词成句。1. 他每天吃三顿饭(has, every, he, three, meals, day)2. 这部电影很有趣。( is, this, interesting, film, very )3. 我不喜欢运动。( sports, I, like, don t)4. 史密斯夫妇今年搬去上海了。( last, the, Smiths, Shanghai, moved, year, to)5. 他不会说法语。(

50、she, speak, French, not, can)6. 他打算把车卖了。( is, going, his, he, to, car, sell )7. 我的历史老师已经写了两本书。( teacher, history, written, books, already, my, two, has )8. 她们明天不会离开。( tomorrow, leave, going, are, not, they, to )3 .找出下列句子的错误.并改写成正确的句子。1. I did lose my wallet yesterday.2. John don t like rock music.3.

51、 The soup smell terrible.4. He must knows the chairman.5. We are going to not hold a party.6. The sun doesn t rise in the east.7. Mice can t swim.只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 疑问句练习 1. 将下列各句改成一般疑问句。1. Andy is hungry 。2. Frank comes from England 。3. I can t speak English。4. We will go camping tomorro

52、w morning 。5. She hasn t read the novel yet.2.对下列各句划线部分提问。1. Teacher Zhang asked him a question.2. The children are playing in the park.3. It s My uncle s car.4. I will leave Beijing next week.5. Mary was late for school because her bike was broken.3. 将下面的反义疑问句补充完整。2.Herry broke the window.?4.They don t know the truth.6.You can sing English songs.?1 .You are a good dancer.?2 .She is washing clothes.?5.Grandpa hasn t found his glasset.s_y_e?4.根据中文意思.连词成句。1. 你最喜欢哪个城市. 上海.广州还是北京?(like. you. Shanghai. Beijing. which. or. Guangzhou. best. city. do )2 .这是谁的猫


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