



1、牛津版四年级英语易错题Company Document number : WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT一、选择题1. He's a teacher. He teaches very.good .well .good shake hands little Amy .A. with big ship is sailing GuangZhou .A. forboys of class one running on the playground .often watch tevevision Saturday.has the tall man gotA. How m

2、any B. How much there7 This is for you .A. a half apple a apple an apple8 . He is often late school.A. for 'd like to talk Mr. Green after class .A. about B. off C. with*s talk the tiger.A. toB. with C. aboutbrother can playA. a guitar B. guitar C. the guitar dog is chasing the duck . The duck i

3、s the dog .A. beside B. in front of C. behind your uncle He's a drive .A. do .do B. does.does .do many are there in the basketsThere are fourB. tomatoesyour favorite pet now .C. with you like orange juiceA. any 's tired hambutgers18. I go to school foot.is office block near the marketB./yoi

4、like to playB. cards card father is talking my class teacher now .A. at are in the playground .A. run are very largefish farm , we can do the fishing*s time do the cleaningA. to B. in C. for are cleaning the classroom. Don't walk the classroomplants are longB. rooster the Knife sharp blunt it

5、9;s sharpis there in the glass There's a little . many old much can dance and sing. *选词填空1. please(get )up .Wendy . Ok , I(get) up now2. What is(day)lt's Sunday.3. Let him(draw) and(paint) on the walll.4. Don't(eat) the cake .5. IVs good at(eat) and(sleep)6. Are you a student -Yes , I am

6、 . Peter and I are(pupil)7. Mary is(sit) in the music room now . Her friends are(dance) for (she)8. David like to(drink) Coke No, he(like)(drink) milk.9. Put the(tail) on the paper(donkey) They are grey . Then put (they) in the desk .10. What do(you) brothers do TheyYe(waiter)11. 1 like(peach) ,but

7、my mother likes(stawberry)12. Look at our new(toothbrush).13. Can Eddie(fly) the kite in the park14. Look at the baby . He's(cry) now .15. (there be not )any flour in the packet.16. Is he(jump) in the playground No. he's(run) now .17. There aren't(some) tea in the cup .18. May I have(som

8、e) soup19. Lets(walk) on the beach now .20. We donft like(drink) Coke , we like orange juice .21. Jim(swim) in the river No , he isn't.22. let(he)make the birthday cake with you ,please .23. (there be) two cupboards in the kitchen24. what shape(do)your brother(like) best25. What(do) your aunt(do

9、) She is a nurse .26. We like(walk) at the beach .27. Peter and Danny(has not )any long rulers .28. What Alice(like) She(like)new(dress )29. (there be )any sour lemons on the plate介词填空(1) A. beside1. There is a big tree the river't readthe sun .'t standthe chair.little girl is playing a nice

10、 doll.is my deskmate .Her bag is my bag .sports shoes are the bed .(2) on with beside behind under in's the class time . Donft talk your classmate .can see a rainbow the sky .is sitting me now .put your dirty football the table .and I are having lunch together. Mike is me .'s a big apple . T

11、here are many big apples the tree . to with of into on1, don't angry your dog .can see many chicks the farm .*t jump the fountain.packet is full orangesvisit my grandfather every Sunday .1. Th plane is flying the moutain .2. The trees are the top of the mountain,.I can't see green leaves eve

12、rywhere , ship is sailing Hainan.are many apples the tree . A bird is the tree .句型改写1. He can draw some nice pictures .(般疑问句)2. There is a glass in Miss Fang、room(划线提问)3. I don*t like grapes (划线提问)4. Does Kitty like to eat meat (肯定句)5. Mix some flou门n the bowl (否定句)6. . She is doing her homework at

13、school (复数句子)'s haft past ten(划线提问)用两种方式1.1 get up at seven o'clock (划线提问)9 . Those long thin felt pens are Mrs Green's (划线提问)10 . The good boy is sleeping in the bedroom(划线提问)The good boy is sleeping in the bedroom(划线提问)The good boy is sleeping in the bedroom(划线提问),s cold and dry in win

14、ter (划线提问)两种方式does her homework at six o'clock .(划线提问)13 The girl of class six can sing in the music room(改为一般现在时),ve got three bottles of chocolate milk (划线提问)are walking to school now .(换种说法,意思不变),s bicycle is small and red (划线提问)17. Those houses are big and clean (单数句子)classmate are running in the playground (划线提问)19. Are these recorders your teacher&#


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