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1、 冠词与数词1. Here is an example. = An example follows. 下面我们举一个例子。2. A watt is the unit of electrical power. 瓦特是电功率的单位。3. The voltage between the base and the emitter is small. 基极与发射极之间的电压很小。4. is a parameter. 是(一个)参数。5. X is a variable. X 是(一个)变量。6. All the aircraft here were imported from abroad. 这里的飞机

2、都是从国外进口的。7. Both the instruments are good in quality. 这两台仪器的质量都很好。8. This average velocity is just half the final velocity. 这个平均速度正好是末速度的一半。9. In electrical engineering, such a large unit is seldom used. 在电气工程中,很少使用这么大的单位。10. What an ambitious plan (it is) ! 这是一项多么宏伟的计划!11. This is so sensitive a de

3、vice that it can measure the slight change in pressure.这台仪器如此灵敏,它能测出压力的微弱变化。12. Aluminum is not as good a conductor as copper. 铝的导电率不如铜高。13. This is too complicated a problem for us to go into. 这个问题太复杂了,我们(在此)不加讨论。14. a few tenths of a percent 千分之几15. By varying VBE only a few hundredths of a volt,

4、the base current (基极电流) can be changed significantly (明显地). 只要使VBE变化百分之几(零点零几)伏,就可使基极电流产生明显的变化。16. This is only a few thousandths of the heat of vaporization (汽化热). 这仅是汽化热的千分之几。17. 3 parts in 106(ten to the sixth power) 百万分之三 18. one (a ) part in 104 (ten to the fourth power)万分之一19. 5 parts per (in

5、one) billion 十亿分之五20. Their difference is 10 parts in a million / per million / in 106. 它们之差为百万分之十。 21. This star is about one-quarter the size of the earth. 这个星体的体积约为地球的1/4。22. The length of this helical antenna (螺旋天线) is five times its diameter.这个螺旋天线的长度是其直径的5倍。23. The resistivity of aluminum is 1

6、.6 times that of copper. 铝的电阻率为铜的1.6倍。24. The wire (导线) is five times longer than that one. 这根导线比那根长4倍。25. The wire is five meters longer than that one. 这根导线比那根长5米。26. In this case both the pulse spacing (脉冲间隔) and the group length (脉冲组长度) are increased by eight times. 在这种情况下,脉冲间隔和脉冲组长度均增加到8倍。27. Fr

7、om 1970 to 1974 the production of transistor radios was increased 6 times.从1970年到1974年晶体管收音机的生产增加了5倍。28. Req (等效电阻) should be larger than the transistor input impedance (输入阻抗) by a factor of 5 to 10.等效电阻应为晶体管输入阻抗的5-10倍。 连词与代词1. Small switches control lamps and radios.小型开关用来控制电灯和收音机。2. A change of cr

8、op and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land in good condition. 更换作物以及使用优质肥料,能使土地保持良好的状态。 3. This computer is large and complicated. 这台计算机大而复杂。4. We take a long piece of power wire, and we need a straight piece of iron.我们取一根长的电线,并且需要一块条形铁。5. A sodium wire (钠丝) will burn in chlorine (氯气) an

9、d produce salt.钠丝会在氯气中燃烧(从而)产生盐。 6. And something unusual happened. 于是出现了异常现象。7. Before we do this, we should pause and consider. 在做此之前,我们应停下来考虑一下。 8. Accuracy is expressed as absolute error or relative error. 精度可以表示为绝对误差或者相对误差。9.Variations (变化) in sound cause variations in the strength, or amplitud

10、e (振幅), of the radio carrier waves.声音的变化引起无线电载波的强度,即振幅的变化。10. The unit of impedance (阻抗) is evidently one volt per ampere or one ohm.显然阻抗的单位是每安培1伏特,即1欧姆。11.It is important for the reader to learn and understand the basic concepts and operations (运算方法) presented here, or the development (论述) and the

11、applications of later topics will be difficult to comprehend.读者学习和理解这里讲解的基本概念和运算方法是非常重要的,要不然后面题目的论述和应用将难以理解。 12. Because of its simplicity (equal to “Because it is simple”), the circuit is widely used in power supplies. 由于该电路很简单,所以广泛用于各种电源之中。13. Wherever these high-energy particles come from, their

12、collisions (v. collide) with the atoms of our upper atmosphere give rise to the formation of showers of new particles.无论这些高能粒子来自何方,它们与我们大气层上层原子的碰撞形成新的粒子雨。14. Aikens machine (艾肯机) was limited in speed by its use (from use) of relays (继电器) rather than electronic devices. 艾肯机的速度受到了限制,因为它使用的是继电器而不是电子器件。

13、15.These equations are called differential equations (微分方程), and their study (study them) forms one of the most challenging branches of mathematics.这些方程称为微分方程,对于它们的研究形成了数学中最有挑战性的分支之一。16. Many scientists have been working at the theory of magnetism since its discovery (discover it). 自从发现了磁以来,许多科学家一直在

14、研究磁的理论。 名词与动词1. In a few years we will have a computer the size of a watch. 几年后我们就会有手表那么大小的计算机了。2. Vector A has a magnitude n times that of B. 矢量A的大小为矢量B的n倍。3. Wires one hundredth the diameter of a silk thread are used to connect the components in the chip(芯片).人们使用一根丝线的百分之一那么粗细的导线来连接芯片内的各个元件。4. All

15、these tools have been heat treated. 所有这些工具都已经进行了热处理。5. This signal is cable connected to the receiver.这个信号通过电缆传送到接收机。6. The garbage door opener(开关) is radio controlled. 该垃圾门的开关由无线电控制。7. A pyroelectric detector (热电型探测器) is temperature sensitive. 热电型探测器对温度敏感。8. It may happen also that the cells of the

16、 blood donor are dissolved or go into solution, a most dangerous condition. 也可能会发生这样的情况:供血者的细胞被分解,即溶解,这是极其危险的一种情况。9. All forces fall into one or the other of these two classes, a fact that will be found useful later.所有的力均属于这两类中的某一类,在以后会发现这一点很有用。10. In this case, VCE=0.12V, a value close to our assum

17、ption of 0.1V.在这种情况下,VCE=0.12V,这一数值比较接近我们的假设值0.1V。11. Once a rural nation, the United States has become increasingly urban since the beginning of this century. 美国曾是一个农业国,它自本世纪初以来已逐渐城市化了。12. One of the foremost pioneers in the development of military electronics, Westinghouse has produced over 35,000

18、 radars for air, sea, ground and space applications.西屋公司是研制军事电子设备最重要的先驱者之一,它为陆、海、空和太空应用制造了35000多台雷达。13. the dependence of Y on X Y对X的依存关系 14. the motions of the planets around/round the sun 行星绕太阳的运行情况 15. the variation of the conductivity (导电率) of a metal with temperature 金属的导电率随温度的变化情况16. the defin

19、ition of electric current as a flow of charges 把电流定义为电荷的流动 17. The total amount of charge (电荷) remains constant. 电荷的总量保持不变。18. The input voltage goes negative and the energy stays constant.输入电压变为负,而能量保持不变。19. In such a case, the log (圆木) will not lie motionless, instead, it will begin to rotate. 在这种

20、情况下,该圆木不会保持静止不动,相反,它要开始滚动了。20. In everyday life, forces seem to be transmitted by “direct contact”.在日常生活中,力似乎是靠“直接接触”来传递。21. Radio proves to be a wonderful means of communication. 无线电证明是极好的通信手段。22. There seem to be two kinds of electric charges. 电荷似乎有两种。 副词与形容词1. User data are usually associated wit

21、h an application (应用) such as accounts(账目) receivable. 用户数据通常与某一应用有关,例如所能接收到的账目。2. No (None of the) text books available have mentioned this. 现有的教科书都没有提到这一点。3. Its highest speed possible is 140 kilometers per hour. 其可能的最高速度为每小时140公里。4. Nothing new is presented in this course book. 这本教科书中没有介绍新内容。5. L

22、et us consider a case a bit more complex. 让我们来考虑更为复杂一点的情况。6. This text is a help to digital designers both new and old. 本教科书对新老数字设计人员都有帮助。7. The moving point B describes a line, straight or curved, in the plane (平面).动点B在平面内描绘了一条线,这条线可能是直线或是曲线。8. In this case the signal waveform can be transmitted un

23、distorted.在这种情况下,该信号波形能不失真地进行传输。9. Even if a student can follow every line of every example in this book, that doesnt mean that he or she can solve problems unaided. 即使学生能够看懂本书中每个例题中的每句话,这并不表明他/她就能独立地解题。10. The property makes substances different from each other. 这一性质使物质各不相同。 11. Light, durable, sim

24、ple and inexpensive, this device is warmly received by users. 由于这种设备重量轻、经久耐用、结构简单、价格低廉,所以很受用户欢迎。 12. Free from the attack of moisture, a piece of iron (铁块)will not rust fast. 如果铁块不受潮,就不易生锈。13. The change in elevation (高度) is very small relative to the diameter of the earth.高度的变化相对于地球直径来说是很小的。14. An

25、emf (电动势) is not induced in case a conductor is moved parallel to the lines of force (磁力线)。 若使导体平行于磁力线运动,则不会感应到电动势。15. I5 is zero, independent of the applied voltage(外加电压). I5为零,它与外加电压无关。16. The brain must keep in touch with the world around. 大脑必须与外界保持接触。17. We start at the point (X0,Y0) and go to a

26、 point (X1, Y1) nearby.我们从点(X0,Y0) 开始移动到附近的一点 (X1, Y1)。18. The task ahead will be arduous. 面临的任务将是艰巨的。19. The scientists 50 years ago could not do this. 50年前的科学家不可能做到这一点。20. Two people five meters apart are unable to hear each other due to the noise made by machines. 两个相距5米的人由于机器发出的噪音而不能互相听清对方讲话。 介词

27、1. There are many components in this device. 在这台设备中有许多元件。2. We shall use real numbers throughout this text, with one important exception.除了一个重要的例外之外,在这整本教科书中我们将使用实数。3. These are batteries for mobile phones. 这些是手机电池。 4. This vector(矢量) represents the velocity of the ball at point A.这个矢量表示该球在A点的速度。(介短

28、作定语)5. We place the ball at point A. 我们把该球放在A点。(介短作状语)6. The MKS system(千克米秒制) is also in common use. 千克米秒制也是常用的。7. One of the most valuable ways of representing functions is by graphical representation(曲线表示法). 表示函数的最有价值的方法之一是利用曲线表示法。8. Energy is defined as the ability to do work。 能量被定义为做功的能力。9. Tha

29、t equation is not true/ does not hold / is not valid except in this special case. 除了在这种特殊情况下外,那个等式是不成立的。10. It is possible to use the energy from within the earth. 我们能够利用来自地球内部的能量。11. The moon is between the sun and the earth. 月球现在位于太阳和地球之间。12. Laboratory work is considered of great importance to th

30、e students of engineering. 实验工作对于工科学生非常重要。13. If you let your pencil drop to the floor, you can see gravity in action(起作用). 如果你让铅笔掉向地面,你就会看到重力在起作用。14. The product is usually coated with tin or silver. 通常这种产品的表面镀以锡或银。15. A hammer is a tool for knocking nails into wood. 榔头是用来把钉子敲入木头的工具。16. A body in e

31、quilibrium (平衡状态) must be either at rest or in motion with constant velocity. 处于平衡状态的物体必定处于静止状态,或者处于匀速运动状态。17. The relationship between x and y is known as the solution to the equation. X与Y之间的这种关系称为该方程的解。18. The transmission of electric power over a long distance will cause some loss of energy. 长距离传

32、输电力会损失掉一部分能量。19. On rearranging(整理) the above equations, we obtain the following set of equations(方程组). 整理以上等式,我们可以得到下列方程组。 动词不定式1. It is now possible to convert sunlight directly into electricity. 现在能够把太阳光直接转变为电。2. In practice it is common to be required to find out the functions of a given angle.在

33、实践中,通常要(我们)求出已知角的函数值。3. In this case, it becomes increasingly difficult to grasp their actual sizes.在这种情况下,越来越难以掌握它们的实际尺寸。4. It seems possible to find out the current I3. (我们)似乎能够求出电流I3。5. It takes sunlight about 8 minutes to reach the earth. 阳光到达地球需要大约8分钟的时间。6. It requires a strong magnetic field t

34、o magnetize these substances. 磁化这些物质需要一个强磁场。7. It remains now to measure the two parameters. 现在有待于测量这两个参数。8. It suffices (=It is sufficient) to give one example here. 这里举一个例子就够了。9. It is desired to solve the equation for the unknown. 要求解这个方程求未知数。10. It is left as a problem to prove the equation hold

35、s/is true. 证明该等式成立就留作为一个习题。11. We find it difficult to solve the problem. 我们发现难以解决这个问题。12. These problems deserve to be further studied. (=It is worth studying these problems further.) 这些问题值得进一步研究。13. The function of this force is to move the body through a distance.这个力的作用就是使该物体运动一段距离。14. Energy is

36、the ability to do work. 能量是做功的能力。15. The television camera scans the subject to be transmitted. 电视摄像机对要发送的对象进行扫描。16. This is a special-purpose computer to solve only one kind of problem. 这是一台只能解一类题的专用计算机。17. “Weight” is a difficult concept to define. 重量是一个难以定义的概念。18. There are many types of instrume

37、nts to choose from. 有许多种类型的仪器可供选用。19. There are several ways to take an average. 取平均值的方法有几种。20. This body has no tendency to move or rotate in any direction.该物体没有朝任何方向运动或转动的趋势。21. The purpose to write this book is to give the reader a brief introduction to electronic computers. 撰写本书的目的在于向读者简要介绍电子计算机

38、。22. To be efficient most of the power must do useful work in the load.为了提高效率,大部分功率必须在负载上做有用功。23. In some applications, the closed-circuit television program is recorded on magnetic tapes to be played back at a later time. 在某些应用场合,闭路电视的节目被录在磁带上备以后播放。24. This can be done by dividing 139 by 100, to gi

39、ve 1.39. 这可以通过用100除139做到,从而得到1.39。25. Solar cells enable the power to be obtained from the sun. 太阳能电池能使人们从太阳获得能量。 26. American writer Alice Kahn is said to have invented the term to describe young people who spend a lot of time using computers. 据说美国作家爱丽丝·卡恩发明了这个词汇,用来描述在电脑前花大把时间的年轻人。 27. The Eas

40、t China Sea is reported to have an abundance of stored natural gas. 据报道,中国东海贮藏丰富的天然气。28. It is more difficult for heat to flow through a thick slab than a thin one. 热量流过厚板比流过薄板困难。29. Machines make it possible for us to develop a large force with a small one.机器使我们能用一个小力产生一个大力。30. A parallel circuit p

41、rovides more than one path for the current to flow through.并联电路提供了电流通过的多条通道。31. For a transistor to work normally, proper voltages must be applied to its electrodes.为了使晶体管能够正常工作,必须给它的各个电极加上适当的电压。32. It is possible for there to be a current in the circuit under such a condition.在此条件下电路中有可能存在电流。33. Pe

42、rhaps transportation and the means of communication have really made it possible for there to be an end to big cities. 也许(现代化)运输和通讯手段事实上已经使大城市消失成为可能。 名词与动名词 1. Wind is moving air. 风是运动的空气。2. Fig. 6 is a photograph of a freely falling body. 图6显示了一个自由落体的照片。3. Voltage is equal to current multiplied by

43、resistance. 电压等于电流乘以电阻。4. Speed is equal to distance divided by time. 速度等于距离除以时间。5. An increased bandwidth will also contain additional noise. 增加带宽,也会增加噪声。6. Often called a chain hoist(链式起重机), this device is used to lift heavy objects in factories. 这种设备通常称为链式起重机,在工厂用它来提起重物。7. Heat, being energy, can

44、 be measured in foot-pounds or joules or ergs. 由于热是能量,所以可以用英尺-磅或用焦耳或尔格来度量8. Silver is the best conductor, followed by copper. 银是最好的导体,其次是铜。9. The surface of the water becomes covered with waves. 水的表面布满水波。10. The iron bar has become magnetized. 这个铁棒已经磁化。11. The drivers object is to keep the automobil

45、e travelling in the center of a chosen lane on the road. 司机的目标是使汽车保持行驶在道路上所选车道的中央。12. This machine has its program stored in the computers memory.该机器把它的程序存储在计算机的存储器里。13. This (having been) done, the function becomes much simpler. 这样处理了以后,该函数变得简单多了。14. There are several basic laws governing these int

46、eractions, all of them discovered in the 19th century. 支配这些相互作用的基本定律有几个,它们都发现于19世纪。15. With friction present, a part of power has been lost as heat. 由于存在着摩擦,部分能量作为热量消耗掉。16. All present states are stable with no inputs present. 在没有输入的情况下,目前所有的状态均稳定。17. The earth is perhaps the only planet with life o

47、n it. 地球也许是存在着生命的唯一行星。18. In erecting a receiving aerial (接收天线), attention must be paid to the factors affecting reception. 在安装接收天线时,必须要注意到影响接收的那些因素。 19. The process is called discharging the charged body. 这一过程称为使带电体放电。20. We know of the earths acting as a big magnet. 我们知道地球的作用像一块大磁铁。 比较级和最高级1. Soun

48、d travels much more rapidly in hydrogen than in air. 声音在氢气中传播要比在空气中快得多。2. A set of rules enables us to calculate slopes far more easily.一组规则使得我们能更加容易地计算出斜率。3. There are a great many more compounds than elements. 化合物的种类要比元素多得多。4. The accelerating force(加速力) becomes smaller as the body approached the

49、center. 随着物体趋近于中心,加速力变得越来越小。5. That cable is as long as 100 miles. 那根电缆长达一百英里。6. The chip is as thin as a few tenths of a millimeter. 这块芯片薄达零点几毫米。7. The collector-emitter (集电极-发射极) saturation voltage (饱和电压) may be as large as 1 to 2 volts for high-power transistors(高功率晶体管).对于高功率晶体管来说,集电极-发射极之间的饱和电压可

50、能高达1至2伏。8. There are as many designs as there are designers. 有多少个设计人员,就有多少种设计方案。9. The closer the plates (平板)are to one another, the greater amount of charge (电荷) is held.平板相互靠得越近,则保持的电荷量越大。10. The higher the body is lifted, the more potential energy (势能)it possesses.该物体被提得越高,它具有的势能就越大。11. The skin

51、effect(集肤效应)is greater the higher the frequency.频率越高,集肤效应就越大。12. The particles move more freely the higher the temperature. 温度越高,粒子就运动得越自由。 否定与插入语1. No wire has no resistance. 没有导线是没有电阻的。(导线都有电阻。)2. Neither force (= Neither of the two forces) can exist without the other. 这两个力均不能离开对方而存在。3. None of th

52、e four planets is/are habitable. 这四颗行星都不适合居住。4. Both instruments here are not good in quality. 这里的两台仪器的质量并非都好。5. All the data are not to be checked. 并非全部数据都要核对。6. Velocity, we have noted before, is a vector. 我们在前面已经注意到,速度是个矢量。7. In this case IC varies little with VCE, which we think is very importan

53、t. 在这种情况下,IC基本上与VCE无关,我们认为这一点很重要。8. Now we connect a conductor charged with, let us say, positive electricity, to the ground.现在我们把带有比如说正电的导体接地。9. The current in an inductor (电感器)lags the voltage by 90°or, what is the same thing, the voltage leads the current by 90°电感器的电流滞后于电压90°,或者换个说

54、法,电压导前电流90°。 定语从句1. There is not a single substance but has resistance to the flow of electrons. 没有哪种物质对电子的流动没有阻力。/ 任何物质对于电子的流动都有阻力。2. The specimen(样品) is in the form of a ring on whose surface the wire is wound. 样品的形式是在其表面上绕有导线的一个环。3. In the electron tube, the negative electrode is heated to t

55、he point where it emits electrons.在电子管中,负电极被加热到它释放电子的程度。 4. These equations are special cases where X0 and T0 are both zero. 这些等式是X0和T0均为零的特殊情况。5. The blood circulatory system is the system whereby blood is pumped to all the body tissues. 血液循环系统就是把血液压送到人体所有组织中去的系统。6. All that one should do is to adj

56、ust the resistance.人们所应做的就是调整这个电阻。7. Computers are the most efficient assistants that man has ever had. 计算机是人类曾有过的效率最高的助手。 8. The meter (that) we use to measure pressure is known as a pressure gauge(压力计). 我们用来测量压力的仪表称为压力计。 9. Iron is one of the metals (which) we are familiar with. 铁是我们最熟悉的金属之一。10. These vectors (矢量) are not added (in) the way (in which) numbers are added. 这些矢量的相加方法不同于数字相加的方法。11. The damped oscillation (阻尼振荡)depends on the time (when/at which) the switch is closed. 阻尼振荡取决于开关闭合的时间。12. The res


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