



1、用心爱心专心-1 -Module 4 The n atural eleme ntsUnit 4 A visit to the Space MuseumiLan guage focus:Using nouns/noun phrase to identifypeople, animals, events, objects and activites.e.g. pla net, Earth.Using definite articles to refer to a cosmic object.e.g. the Sun.Using the present continuous tense to des

2、cribe an action taking place at the timeof speak ing.e.g. Miss Guo and her stude nts are watch ing a slide show in the Space Museum.Lan guage skills:Liste ningRecog nize differe nces in the use of inton ati onin questi ons,stateme nts,comma nds,and resp ond appropriately.Understand the speakers inte

3、ntion,attitude and feelingsthrough hi s/her choiceand use of Ian guage, gestures and facial expressi onSpeak ingUse appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speedto con vey inten ded meanings and feeli ngs.Use appropriate registers when speaking to familiarinterlocutors

4、such as teachersand peers.Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questionsor providingin formatio n on a topic. Mai ntai n an in teractio n by ack no wledgi ng, agree ing ordisagreeing, replying, asking questions, adding or giving examples, explaining and using formulaicexpressi ons w

5、here appropriate. Main ta in an in teractio n by ask ing and responding to othersopinions.Read ingScan a text to locate specific information by using strategies such as looking atheadi ngs and repeated words.Materials:Students Book 7B page 82Workbook 7B page 45Pre-task preparati onLan guage lear nin

6、g activity(This sect ion aims at providi ng stude nts with opport un itiesto practise theIanguage/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.1. Ask stude nts if they have bee n to the Space Museum. Ask them what they saw atthe Space Museum .In vite stude nts t

7、o tell the class about their experie nces at theSpace Museum; what they saw, what th ey did and where they went, etc.用心爱心专心-2 -2. Ask stude n ts what they know about the solar system. Ask them questi ons like:How many pla nets are there in our solar system? What are their n ames?3. In troduce the n

8、ames of thenine pla nets to stude nts. Make sure stude nts canpronounce and spell the n ames correctly.4. Students work in pairs to write the names of the planets in the correct order;start ing from the pla net closest to the Sun to the pla net farthest from the Sun.Get stude nts to discuss in pairs

9、.5. When stude nts have completed the task, have a few pairs give their an swers tothe class and the whole class checks the an swers together.6. Students work in groups. Invite each group to choose a planet in the solar system they would like toknow more about. Encourage students to go to library to

10、 find out some information on their chosenplanet. Ask students to share their findings inclass.Con solidati onWorkbook page 452Lan guage focus:Using adjective to make comparis ons.e.g. Jupiter is the largest pla net in our solar system.Using prepositi on s/prepositi onal phrases to in dicate positi

11、on/place/direct ione.g. Which is the closest pla net to the Sun?Lan guage skills:Liste ningRecog nize differe nces in the use of inton ati onin questi ons,stateme nts,comma nds,and resp ond appropriately.Liste n for specific in formati on.Understand the speakers intention, attitude and feelings thro

12、ugh his/her choice and use of Ian guage,gestures and facial expressi on.Speak ingUse appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speedto convey intended meanings and feelings. Openan interaction by eliciting a response by ask ing questions or provid ing in formatio n on a

13、topic. Maintain an in teract ionby ack no wledg ing, agree ing or disagree ing, repl ying, ask ing questi ons, addi ng or givi ng examples,expla ining and using formulaic expressi ons where appropriate.Read ingRead written Ianguage in meaningful chunks.Recog nize recurre nt patter ns in Ian guage st

14、ructure.Materials:Students Book 7B page 83Cassette 7B and a cassette playerWorkbook 7B page 46用心爱心专心-3 -Preparatio n:Cue the cassette.Pre-task preparati on1. Review the comparative adjective: largest, l on gest and smallest with stude nts.Introduce other comparative adjectives to students, e.g. clos

15、est, farthest, hottest, coldest, shortest. Youmay use pictures to con vey the meaning of the words tostude nts. Make sure stude nt know the form of the adjectives, the meaning and the pronun ciatio n.2. Play the record ing: Read, think and write. Stude nt liste n and follow in their books.Con solida

16、ti onGrammar Practice Book 7B page 13Lan guage focus:Using relative clause to describe people.e.g. I n eed some one who can do some importa nt experime nts.Using nouns/noun phrases to ide ntifypeople,ani mals,eve nts, objects andactivities.e.g. authors, pilots, nu rses, doctorsLan guage skills:Liste

17、 ningRecog nize differe nces in the use of inton ati on in questi ons, stateme nts, comma nds, and respo ndappropriately.Understand the speakers intention,attitude andfeeli ngs through his/her choice and use Ian guage, gestures and facial expressi on.Speak ingUse ap propriate intonation and stress,

18、and vary volume, tone of voice, and speedto con vey inten ded meanings and feeli ngs.Maintain an in teract ionby ack no wledgi ng,agree ing or disagree ing,repl ying,ask ingquesti ons, add ing or givi ng examples, expla ining and using formulaic expressi ons whereappropriate.Read ingRecog nize the p

19、rese ntati onof ideas throughhead in gs,paragraph ing,spaci ng,italics, bold print and punctuation.Scan a text to locate specific information by using strategies such as looking at headi ngs and repeatedwords.Materials:Students Book 7B pages 84 and 85Workbook 7B page 47.Pre-task preparati onLan guag

20、e lear ning activity(This sect ion aimsat providi ng stude ntswithopport un itiestopractise the用心爱心专心-4 -Ianguage/vocabularyneeded or become familiarwiththe backgroundfor the task thatfollows.1. Review the differentoccupations on page 84 of the Students Book with students.Make sure stude nts are fam

21、iliar with the meaning and pronun ciatio n of the words.2. Have students look at Read and think.Students are to work individually.Ask themto pla n their journ eys into space by select ing the most appropriate crew members.Stude nts have to decide how many people to allocate for each type of job and

22、who they are going totake with them on their journeys.3. When students have finishedselecting their crew members, ask a few students tobriefly explain their selection to the class.Con solidati onGrammar Practice Book 7B page 72Workbook page 474Lan guage focus:Using adjectives to describe people, ani

23、 mals, objects and con diti ons.e.g. British, American, Korean, Italian.AskingWhandHowquestionsto find out various kinds of specificin formati on about a pers on, object or an event.e.g. How many pilots have you chosen? / Whats his/ her nationarlity?Usi ng conn ectives to give reas on.e.g.I preferto

24、becauseLan guage skills:Liste ningRecog nize differe nces in the use of inton ati on in questi ons,stateme nts, comma nds,and respond appropriately.Understand the speakers intention, attitude andfeelings through his/her choice and use of Ianguage, gestures and facialexpressionSpeak ingUse appropriat

25、e intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to con vey inten dedmeanings and feeli ngs.Open an in teracti on by elicit ing a resp on se.Maintain an in teract ionby ack no wledg ing, agree ing or disagree ing,repl ying,ask ingquesti ons, add ing or givi ng examples, expla ining

26、 and using formulaic expressi ons whereappropriate.MaterialsStudents Book 7B page 85Workbook 7B page 48Pictures or Photographs of people of differe nt n atio nati ons.用心爱心专心-5 -Preparatio n:Bring pictures or photographs of people of different nationalities to class.Post-task activityWorkbook page 48

27、Con solidati onGrammar Practice Book 7B pages 73 to 745Lan guage focus:Using imperatives and direct ions.e.g. Write a report about your visit to the Space Museum.Using modals to make an offer or in vitati on.e.g. Would you recomme nd this visit to your schoolmates?Lan guage skills:Liste ningRecog ni

28、ze differe nces in the use of inton ati on in questi ons, stateme nt, comma nds,and respond appropriately.Understandthe speakers intention,attitude andfeelings through his/her choice and use of Ianguage, gestures and facialexpression.Speak ingUse appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to con vey inten dedmeanings and feeli ngs.Maintain an in teract ionby ack no wledgi ng, agree ing or disagree ing, repl ying,ask ingquesti ons, add in


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