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1、好啊Hey.好Hey.要是我没出现So how were you planning on getting home你准备怎么回家if I hadn't shown up?从这块偏僻的不毛之地How do you get anywhere from here?能去哪里Middle of nowhere.是啊 所以特地选这里造监狱Yeah, that's where they build them.他们还会给巴士时刻表They give you a bus schedule.谢谢你来接我Thanks for coming.小事一桩No problem.黑吃黑第二季 第五集Bansh

2、ee S02E05你还好吧You okay?这感觉没想象得那么好It doesn't feel like you think it would.重获自♥由♥的感觉吗Getting out?对Yeah.不过你应该能理解But you would know.无论哪种情况下Yeah, reentry's a bitch改变环境的滋味都不会好过under any circumstances.你一定很想念孩子们You must be missing your kids.有时候躺在床上Sometimes in bed我会想象他们小时候一旦睡不着I

3、'd pretend that they'd crawled into my arms like they used to就会钻进我怀里的场景when they were little and they couldn't sleep.蒂法♥正♥在经历一些事Deva's going through some stuff.她需要妈妈的陪伴She needs her mom.麦克斯呢And how's Max?在我看来 他全部心思都花在滑板上From what I can see, he's all abou

4、t his skateboard.你马上就能亲眼见到了You'll see for yourself soon enough.能先停下来吃个饭吗Can we stop somewhere to eat?我饿坏了I'm starving.好吃吗Good?你还记得监狱伙食有多难吃吗How much do you remember about prison food?记得有一次You know, there was this one time是监狱长生日it was the warden's birthday,还是纪念日之类的记不清了anniversary, somethin

5、g, I don't know.他决定给我们特别优待He decided he wanted to give us a special meal, right?所以他让厨子给我们做了大块牛排So he has the cooks make us these big steaks.挺好吃的Pretty good.-还有土豆和派做点心 -是吗- With potatoes and pie for dessert. - Mm.说来有意思 有的人狼吞虎咽It's funny- some guys, they just inhaled it.毕竟很久没吃过好东西了I mean, it h

6、ad been so long since.还有一些人把东西端回餐桌坐下Other guys, they took it back to their tables and sat,看着它 然后开始哭泣looked at it, just started crying.我能理解I get it.接着还有一群人Then there was these other guys他们拿过牛排扔到墙上who took the steak and threw it against the fucking wall.就像在说让这个鬼地方去死吧Like telling the place to go fuck i

7、tself, you know?肖恩 回来Sean, get back here.-我拿到了 -还给我- I got it! - Give it back!-太不公平了 -你应该起到表率作用- That's so not fair. - You're supposed to be setting an example.我早就说不该这么做I told you this was a bad idea.跟你说 这次我站在肖恩这边I got to tell you, I'm with Sean on this one.他没把东西分给别人He wasn't sharing

8、.好吧 那你支持女孩吧Sure, take the girl's side.没错 我就是这么想的Yeah, that's what I'm doing.女妖镇也可以这样的This could be Banshee.但是感觉不一样Mm, but it doesn't feel the same.天哪 竟然有这个Oh, my God. I can't believe this.蒂法有个一模一样的 她可喜欢了Deva had one just like this. She loved this thing.她睡觉抱着 上学也带着一起去She slept wit

9、h it, took it to school with her.她小时候我们一起读过最后的独角兽We read "The Last Unicorn" together when she was little.那是她最喜欢的书It was her favorite book."如果可以 我愿进入你的梦乡"I would enter your sleep if I could在梦乡里守护你."and guard you there."还有什么来着uh, something something."但你若不梦到我 我是无法进入的&

10、quot;"But I cannot enter unless you dream of me."就是这句There you go.你也读过最后的独角兽 You read "The Last Unicorn"?在监狱时读的In prison.当时里面有个小图书馆There was a small library.怎么了What is it?没事Nothing.告诉我Tell me.我.I just.我不在的日子 以为自己知道错过了什么The whole time I was away, I thought I knew what I was missin

11、g.可事实证明 我只知道一半而已Turns out, I only knew the half of it.买♥♥下来送给她吧You should buy it for her.-这是威望的模型对吧 -好眼力- This a Revell? - Good eye.你也是模型迷吗You a modeler?以前是Once upon a time.-多少钱 -10美金- How much? - It's 10.谢谢Thank you.以前我不该因为飞机模型种类的事嘲笑你的I wouldn't have pegged you for the

12、 model airplane type.我小时候When I was a kid,跟父亲一起度过的唯一时光about the only time I spent with the old man-就是做飞机模型building model planes.我认识你这么久了In all the time I've known you,你这是第一次提到你父亲you've never once mentioned your father.是吗Really?那现在也没必要提There's no reason to start now.怎么了What is it?没什么It

13、9;s nothing.没事Nothing.监控摄像头 在右上角 可旋转Security camera, upper right-hand corner on a swivel.晚上行动的话那个形同虚设Won't do them any good if they get hit at night.你这是离开太久了You've been away too long.看到镜头外♥围♥那圈没有See that ring around the outside lens?那是LED灯 可以在黑暗中照到人That's LED lighti

14、ng. Finds you in the dark.但是橱窗里那个威廉摄像头But that Vicon in the window display.-那是摄像头吗 -对 无线摄像头- That's a camera? - Yeah, it's wireless.想切断信♥号♥♥绝对没问题It's no problem throwing off the signal.小菜一碟Totally Mickey Mouse.瞧瞧这语气Listen to you.是的Well, it is.要是保险柜也是这个质量Y

15、ou know, if the safe is the same make,抢这里就真是小儿科了this place would be child's play.如果前面出师不利了But if you get jammed up front.旁边还有条小巷There is an alley running behind the whole block.他们肯定有门通向那里I'm sure they have a door to it.瞧瞧你这语气Look at you.怎么What?那辆车That car.-被跟踪了吗 -我不知道- A tail? - I don't

16、know.-但你之前就注意到了 -两次- But you've tagged it before? - Twice.在哪Where?下条街 右边的街区附近Next street up, down a block to the right.-司机呢 -没看清 车窗贴膜了- The driver? - Couldn't see. Tinted windows.我去把车开到前面来I'll bring the truck around front.好Right.-在我们后面 -我知道- Behind. - I know.在这等着Wait here.不好意思 有什么事吗Excus

17、e me. Is everything okay?对不起 我以为是我朋友的车Yeah, sorry. I thought this was a friend of mine's car.介意搭把手吗Would you mind just giving me a hand?-好的 -谢谢- Yeah. - Thanks.看来我东西又买♥♥多了Guess I got too much stuff.谢谢Thanks.你要去哪Where are you going?高速公路在那边Turnpike's that way.我们可以稍微绕下道Yea

18、h, I thought we could take a little detour.我想给你看点东西Something I want to show you.是什么What is it?个把钟头就能完事了Won't take more than a couple hours.除非你急着想回家Unless you're in a hurry to get home.家Home.等等Wait.送你样东西I got you something.我们以后就去那里It's where we're going.我们的家It's our house.是那栋房&

19、;hearts;子It's the house.我想着我们也许可以I figured we could, I don't know,在这里藏身disappear here.我的天 你买♥♥下来了Oh, my God, you own this?现金全款Paid cash.为了房♥子税收还专门开了个户Set up a trust for the taxes.只是想让你看看这里Just wanted you to see it.当时是个好计划It was a good plan.我一直在想You know, I

20、9;ve been thinking.或许我该向前看了It's probably time for me to be moving on.自从我来了女妖镇Ever since I got to Banshee,事情就.things have-我让你的情况更糟了well, I've made things worse for you,你的家庭也是your family.我并不是故意这样I mean, that wasn't the plan,但事情就那么发生了but that's what happened.你试图警告过我You tried to tell me.

21、不管怎样 我不能一直当警♥察♥Anyway, I can't play lawman forever,是吧can I?是啊 但你能去哪儿Yeah, but where would you go?你能干什么What would you do?先离开吧Just go.或许会回来这里Maybe come back here.我不知道I don't know.我不能再这样对待周围的人了I just can't keep doing the things I've been doing to people.真的No more.真

22、不能了No more.我出来后 找到了你When I got out and I found you,你有了家 有了家人you had a home, a family.有了一切本该和我一起拥有的东西You had all the things you were supposed to have with me.我当时很受不了And that fucking killed me.然后我看到了蒂法Then I saw Deva.事实上我就是不想离开And the truth is I just didn't want to go.所以我说服自己So I told myself留下来 是为

23、了保护你that by staying, I was protecting you.-不受兔子伤害 -是啊- From Rabbit. - Yeah.后来我信了I mean, I believed it.我真信了I really believed it.但他一直都是在找我But he was always really after me.从来不是你It was never you.所以.So.我能为你做的最好的事 就是离开best thing I can do for you is to leave.怎么了What is it?可能没事 待在这里Well, maybe nothing. Sta

24、y there.-胡德警长 -拉辛探员- Sheriff Hood. - Agent Racine.走吧Let's go.联调局探员忽然来了The FBI dropped in for a visit.-我看到了 -霍普韦尔太太- So I see. - Mrs. Hopewell.恭喜.Congratulations你出狱on your release from prison.随便坐吧Sit anywhere.你没必要举着这个You won't be needing that.或许吧 你来这儿干什么Maybe. You want to tell us why you'

25、re here?听说你在狱里时有个人去探视过你Heard you had a visitor while you were inside.你知道了Oh, you knew?是的After the fact.你们不是很了解我You don't know me well.如果了解的话 你们就会知道搞垮兔子If you did, you'd know that putting Rabbit down就是我毕生追求了is pretty much it for me.为什么 你和兔子有什么深仇大恨Why? What is it between you and Rabbit?当我还是个年轻

26、探员的时候.When I was a young agent.用了些手段I worked a few angles.给兔子立了案Got Rabbit's case for myself.我以为我可以上上头条I figured I'd grab a few headlines,平步青云move up the ladder.但我过早逮捕了他But I busted him too soon.他的律师击溃了我His lawyers shredded me.让窃听证据未被采用Got my wiretaps thrown out.一周后 我的线人A week later, my conf

27、idential informant在阿斯托利亚被杀was murdered in Astoria还有他的妻子along with his wife和两个女儿and two daughters.我觉得So the way I see it,那些小女孩those little girls以及他之后杀的人and anyone else he's killed since then,都怪我they're all on me.你有烟灰缸吗You have an ashtray?我从没试着戒烟 太爱抽了Never even tried to quit. Loved it too much

28、.而现在他们告诉我 我的时日不多And now they tell me I don't have too much time left.六个月Six months.一年A year.我不知道我死了以后会怎样I don't know what happens to us when we die,但我不想背负着命案离去but I don't want to go out with all those deaths on my head.是啊 真感人Yeah, that's touching, but it但这还是不能解释你为什么跟踪我们still doesn

29、9;t explain why you're following us.我在等着她出狱Waiting for her to get out.我猜兔子也在等Figured Rabbit would be waiting, too.我依然这么认为I still think that.所以你把我们当成了诱饵So you're using us as bait?-完全正确 -但你错了- Exactly. - But you're wrong.他不会来的 他累了 倦了He's not coming. He's tired, worn out.-他放弃了 -你怎么看

30、 警长- He's given up. - What about you, Sheriff?你也相信兔子决定宽恕并遗忘吗You also believe our Rabbit has decided to forgive and forget?-不 -你觉得他比我更了解我父亲吗- No. - You think he knows my father better than I do?与他怎么想无关 是我这么想It's not about what he knows. It's about what I know.所以你准备守株待兔So when Rabbit shows

31、 up, you plan to be there.对 将他绳之于法That's right. Then deliver him to justice.也就是说一枪崩死他By which I mean shoot him till he's dead.如果我们期间被杀 只能怨天吗And if we get killed in the process, that's just too bad?你们只能怨自己You don't have anyone to blame but yourself.你曾有近距离射杀他的机会You had him at point-bla

32、nk range.仔细想想You think of it,你们还应该感谢我保护了你们you should thank me for having your back.你听见了吗 我们应该感谢他Did you hear the man? We should be thanking him.-怎么样 -我们应该合作- How about that? - We should be working together.-不行 -为什么- We can't. - Why not?-因为我们不信任你 -你们应该信任- Because we don't trust you. - You sho

33、uld.尤其是你You of all people.为什么Why?首先 我知道你不是卢卡斯·胡德For starters, I know you're not Lucas Hood.嘿 嘿 嘿Hey, hey, hey.我的枪在大隔层里My gun is in the large compartment.我还在等着听你要说的话I'm still waiting to hear what you got to say.15年前 首都钻石公♥司♥15 years ago, Capital Diamond Company.什么I&

34、#39;m sorry?那天晚上 有两个贼闯了进去Two thieves broke in that night其中一个逃跑了and one got away.那个人一直没被抓到He or she was never caught.可你就没那么走运了 对吧But you weren't so lucky, were you?当时我看着那个警♥察♥邦纳审问你I was there watching that cop Bonner interrogate you.你什么都没说You didn't give him a thing.我们到现

35、在都不知道你的真名Hell, we still don't know your real name.后来我来到女妖镇Then I show up in Banshee你也在那and there you are.卢卡斯·胡德Lucas Hood.还是个警长A sheriff, no less.你把我弄糊涂了I think you must have me confused-不 不 别No, no, don't.别浪费我的时间Don't waste my time.你们的人在树林里挖出的尸体Those bodies your people dug up in th

36、e woods,有一具被偷了one of them was stolen.在采集DNA样本前Someone wanted that body gone有人想让那具尸体消失before any DNA trace samples could be taken.结果发现那个可怜虫死前Turns out there was more than enough DNA on the clothes在衣服上留的DNA已经足够了that poor sucker was wearing when he died.那个DNA属于一个叫卢卡斯·胡德的人And the DNA belonged to on

37、e Lucas Hood.跟执法部门里的其他人一样He had his blood profiled他的血液也有存档like everyone else in law enforcement.这令你挺有神秘色彩的 是吧So that makes you something of a mystery, doesn't it?能不能Would you mind帮我装点水putting a little water in this?他知道你是谁 你不能让他走He knows who you are. You can't let him leave.因为这事而死的人已经够多了Enoug

38、h people have died over this.那么So.你愿意合作吗can I count on your cooperation?不会再有人死了No more.我们帮你找到兔子So we help you find Rabbit.然后呢what happens next?找到之后 依我看You do that, as far as I'm concerned,下一个问题我就不必问了I never even have to ask the next question.什么问题What question?什么问题What question?就是你到底是谁Just who th

39、e hell you really are.-你没事吧 -没事- You okay? - Yeah.待着别动Stay there.我数到三On three.好吗Okay?妈的Shit.兔子Rabbit.他不会就此停手的He's never gonna stop coming.直到我们都死了Not until we're both dead.不会的Nope.有我在I'm here.-回来了啊 -是的- Back from the hill. - Yep.比预计的晚一天 是吧So you back a day late, aren't you?我们绕了远路Yeah, we took a detour.路上还好吗So how'd it go?有人想杀我们Someone tried to kill us.是兔子的人吗Was it Rabbit's people?他还咬着不放啊 怎么回事He's still out there, huh? What


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