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1、( 英语 )学科课时计划 主备人:徐子萱 总序号_1_课题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 课型Listening and speaking教师宋桂霞第 1 课时教学目标1, 能够掌握课标要求的四会词汇:anyone, anywhere, anything, 2, 学生自由谈论假期活动,进一步巩固一般过去时态3, 让学生了解如何使用一般过去时态和不定代词评价任务1. 通过学生自己拼读和磁带跟读,小组互读,掌握单词读音。(检测目标1)2. 通过师生互问互答假期活动,学生能够充分运用一般过去时态。(检测目标2)3.通过表演对话、创编对话,大部分学生学会表达一般

2、过去时态.(检测目标3)重点、难点Talk about the activity in the summer vacation 。Consolidate the Simple Past Tense教法学法Talk in pairs, listening and speaking.教学板块教师活动学生活动设计意图Step I:Leading-in Step2 Match the activities with the pictures in 1aStep3: Practice listening (1b,1c 2a,2b)1.The teacher gave an example about t

3、he summer vacation 2. Then students talk in pairs .Look and match 1b Ask students to read the names in the box Tell the Ss to look at the pictures and say what the person did in each picture. Tell Ss they will hear three conversations. People talk about what they did on vacation. Then play the tapeF

4、ree talk with the students about their summer vacation.Let students read the phrases in 1a first and let one students try to explain them in Chinese .Students read after the teacherThe students: Tina went to the mountains for her vacation Students listen the tape and fill in the blanks 教师描述暑假,学生感知一般

5、过去时态学生小组讨论,练习一般过去时态听前教师讲解听力技巧,通过听力练习,学生理解一般过去时态Step 4 Group work 1c and 2c Step5 role play the conversation Step6Homework2a:Play the tape the first and let students only listenPlay the tape again. Let them try to match 1. The teacher explain the instructions to the students .2. Work in groups to rol

6、e play the conversation. Students can talk about the activities from the chart in 2b or other activities. The teacher can move around and give help.Ask two of the students to act out the dialogue Show some questions on the screen, and ask them to answer1. students read the example in the speech bubb

7、le.2. Work in groups and practice the tentThe questions :Where was Helen last month?Where did she go with?Who did she go with ?What did Rich do?学生通过对话和表演练习,巩固语言知识点,学会表达一般过去时态教学反思成功之处:学生对于动词短语不陌生,专有名词也很注意了写法。 听力题做的效果很好,匹配的准确程度超过了我的预想。不足之处:有的同学对于已经学过的有些动词的过去式忘记了,尤其是不规则动词,很多同学因为假期放假没有复习和巩固。改进措施:下节课上课前把

8、假期的学期初检测当中涉及的不规则的过去式测试一下。 近期要反复运用这些过去操练实际的题。有必要把一般过去时一起复习一下。( 英语 )学科课时计划 主备人:徐子萱 总序号_2_课题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation课型Grammar and exercise 教师宋桂霞第 2 课时教学目标1, 能够掌握课标要求的四会单词:wonderful, few, most, something, nothing, everyone, myself, bored2, 学生自编对话,巩固一般过去时态3, 让学生掌握一般过去时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式.评价任务1. 通过

9、听磁带复习和听写单词巩固所学单词,并学习新的词汇。(检测目标1)2. 通过检查学生口头作业,检测学生一般过去时态的,并巩固所学知识点.(检测目标2)3. 通过语法学习和做习题,掌握一般过去时态的变化句型。(检测目标3)重点、难点Can use The Indefinite Pronouns with some ,any ,no, every freely.教法学法PPT ,exercise paper教学板块教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 presentation Step2 ReviewStep 3listening The teacher reads every word and ex

10、plains the meaning of each word. Let students repeat the words twice. Then give students two minutes to remember the words.Review the dialogue , and show the dialogue about your vacation.1. Learn the adjectives according to the pictures.2. Look through the instruction Answer the questions.and fill i

11、n the blanks .(1c,1d,1e)Remember the new words.Show their dialogues in the class.Correct each other. 记忆游戏,学生快速记忆词汇对话复习巩固上节课所学知识点Step4 Explanation and cooperationStep5 Practice.Step6 Summary Step7 Homework1. The form of The Indefinite Pronouns with some ,any ,no, every.2. The usage of The Indefinite

12、Pronouns with some ,any ,no, every.3. Practice Finish 3a 3b1. I cant hear anything = I can hear _.2. There is _ on the floor. Please pick it up.3. Did _ go to play basketball with you ?4. I phoned you last night, but _ answered it.5. I dont think _ telephoned.6. Why dont you ask _ to help you ?7. If

13、 you want _ , please let me know.8. Shall we get _ to drink ?9. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your ears.10. Theres _ in the box. Its empty.1.Finish the homework on the paper.2.Make sentences with the words:Something yourself3.Read the text by themselves.Write down the phrases ,something good , any

14、thing to say,find out the rule1. Write down a sentence “something is wrong with my watch.”Find out the rule2.2. Do the exercise by themselves ,then check the answers in pairs.Have a little test to check if they can master them.Check in class,then explain some difficulties.Check each other if they ma

15、ster the knowledg 习题检测,巩固学生对时态的应用和句型的变化形式教学反思成功之处:学生对于听说课很熟悉,操练起来很上手,2d的对话也能很快的上手,读出味道,体会语境。 3a,3b的独立做题解决问题的能力有所提高。不足之处:有一部分同学对于不定代词区分人称和事物的用法不够清晰明了。改进措施:要在近一学期的做题的时候强调不定代词的用法,尤其是后置定语的用法还有不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数的情况。( 英语 )学科课时计划 主备人:徐子萱 总序号_3_课题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 课型Reading教师宋桂霞第 3 课时教学目标1,

16、能够掌握掌握课文里面的重要短语和句子结构2, 能够阅读长篇幅的文章,提高阅读技巧并能够深刻理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力和语言表达能力3, 通过了解Jane的一次度假经历,让学生能够对自己的一次假期经历做出详细的描述评价任务1, 通过仔细阅读,学生找出文章的短语和重难点,2, 通过快读、仔细阅读,提高阅读技巧,大部分学生能够理解文章。3, 通过完成2e任务、和简单的复述课文,学生能够描述自己的度假经历重点、难点Can read a long article and understand it deeply教法学法Task-based approaches.教学板块教师活动学生活动设计意图Step

17、1: before reading Step2 : while-Reading 1. Before reading :Step 3 Language pointsDiscussion 2a First ask the students to discuss the questions with their partners:What do people usually do on vacation?What activities do you find enjoyable?1, ask students to read Janes diary entries fast, and let the

18、m to answer the two questions in 2a 2, ask students to read again and complete the conversations about Janes strip to Penang using the information in the diary entries. Ask students to read in groups and then try to find out the language points. Explanation to the text.Arrive in/at =get to =reach De

19、cide to do sth=make a decided to do Feel like doing =want to do Too many, too much , much tooBecause of Students discuss 2aStudents read the first time quickly and finish 2aRead again and finish 2dStudents work in groups and find out the language points. Then make sentences with them.阅读前讨论,猜测所要学习的内容

20、。通过完成阅读任务,重点在阅读策略的渗透,提高精读能力。学生们讨论语言点,并造句巩固。Step 4. Post readingStep 4. Practice Step 5 . HomeworkAsk students to read carefully and try to retell the article. The teacher can draw a mind map to help the students 2e: Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in he

21、r diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 学生复述课文,提高能力。教学反思成功之处:学生对于日记的格式还是接受得很好的,对于过去时不再那么陌生和忘记。 对于解决阅读题前学生都能够对文章进行流利的朗读。不足之处:2c的表格填充于文章还是有一定的出入的,没有把词性对应,同时没有按要求去答题。改进措施:在用阅读文章解决问题的时候,指导学生能够找到答题的关键句,然后再分析怎么答题适合问的方式去回答。( 英语 )学科课时计划 主备人:徐子萱 总序号_4_课题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacat

22、ion课型Writing教师徐子萱第 4课时教学目标1, 学会用目标语言,表达一般过去时2, 用一般过去时学会表达假期经历评价任务1. 通过完成书中的半开放性作文,学生能够了解本单元作文写作格式和基本的写作思路。2. 学生能够学会用一般过去时描写旅行见闻和所做的事,以及感受。3. 通过互评来巩固现在所学的时态,句型和知识点。重点、难点Can write a travel diary with the help of 3a,3bMaster the way of writing a diary.教法学法Imitating writing教学板块教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Revisio

23、nStep 2 : Practice writingStep3: ask and answer 3bStep 4: WritingStep 5 Step6 HomeworkAsk several students to retell Janes diary entries. Show some key words if possible. This step helps to train students oral English.Writing 3a:Show some pictures on the screen, such as Tiananmen Square, the Place Museum, a Beijing hutong. Ask the students what they know about these places. The show some words and ask the students to describe. Key words:Hot and sunny tired take some photos delicious beautiful learn


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