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1、Co-analysis of work in the triadic supervision of preservice teachers based on neo-Vygotskian activity theory: Case study from a French university institute of teacher training  Original Research ArticleTeaching and Teacher EducationThis paper investigates the effect of oligopolistic rival

2、ry on spillovers in financial reporting. Using an event study methodology and focusing on global airlines, we find that firms experience discernable abnormal stock price reactions at the announcement of unexpected earnings by rival airlines. The extent of the price reactions is related to the extent

3、 of rivalry between the announcing and non-announcing firms, among other factors. Our empirical evidence, which is inconsistent with the contestable markets hypothesis, confirms an association between the stock market performance of players in a global industry and the extent of inter-firm rivalry i

4、n the product market.Conflict management styles in Hong Kong industries  Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Project ManagementArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Background3. Research design 3.1. Measurement of earnings surprise and abnormal returns3.2. Existence of earnings in

5、formation transfers across national borders3.3. Factors influencing transnational earnings information transfers3.4. Data4. Results 4.1. Descriptive statistics4.2. Existence and determinants of transnational information transfer5. ConclusionAppendix 1. Computation of rivalry index among global airli

6、nesReferencesCorporate capital structure in turbulent times: a case study of the US airline industry  Journal of Air Transport ManagementThis paper shows how industry and university cooperation is used to enhance manufacturing education in Mexico and Spain. The Tecnológico de Monterre

7、y (Mexico) and the Universitat de Girona (Spain) have exchanged engineering education experiences and established similar industry-university mechanisms to enhance manufacturing education through (a) cooperation with the consumer and durable products industry and (b) cooperation with the manufacturi

8、ng technology products industry. Also, this paper describes the general structure of the mechanisms and associated case studies in Mexico: (a) development of a manual press for souvenir manufacturing, (b) die and mold development projects, (c) high-speed milling for industrial design prototyping; an

9、d in Spain: (d) development of a power tool for polishing and (e) development of a mechanical press for license plate manufacturing. The cooperation between industry and university has shown significant benefits for manufacturing companies and for engineering students. These benefits are described i

10、n some detail.Financing universal primary education: An analysis of official development assistance in fragile states  Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Educational DevelopmentThis paper examines the financial sector preconditions for the successful development of a high te

11、chnology sector. It argues that there is a close relation between types of activities undertaken in different countries and their institutional structures. A distinguishing characteristic of the financing of high technology firms is their evolving pattern of control by different investor groups. Whi

12、le stock markets are an important component of the development of the most successful firms, they are not the most common. Regulation is a significant influence on institutional structure. The degree of risk taking by financial institutions and the diversity of their investments are affected by trad

13、e-offs between competition and stability and the emphasis placed on minority investor protection. For the most part, Europe has opted for high levels of investor protection and low levels of diversity; if it wishes to stimulate high technology sectors, it may have to change this balance.Article Outl

14、ine1. Introduction2. Comparative financial systems3. Ownership and control4. Comparative institutional advantage5. The financing of high technology industries: the pre-IPO stage6. The post-IPO stage7. Policy implications8. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences窗体顶端global markets for finance, goods, a

15、nd services, a variety of decision makers need to assess companies from numerous countries on a common basis. Differences between national and international accounting principles and practices make such a task difficult, if not impossible. This article considers the contribution of previous research

16、 to resolving this problem. Much of the earlier work in this area has used metrics based on a broad database of companies from many different industries and worked out conservatism indices based on a comparison of profit levels of companies reporting in two generally agreed accounting principles and

17、 practices (GAAPs). While useful, this does not address the problems of conversion for any one industry or company. In order to examine the implications of GAAP differences for international comparisons, a case study approach is adopted, considering two of the major players in the European steel ind

18、ustry. Accounting information is produced for both companies under their domestic GAAPs and under United States (US) GAAP, thus allowing for an analysis based on a common, US, GAAP. As a part of this analysis, a time series approach is taken. The article concludes that there are additional factors t

19、hat may affect the evaluation of relative conservatism and the financial comparison of individual companies even when carried out on a common GAAP basis.Article Outline The Need for Company Appraisal The Case Study: Background Data Sources Conservatism Indices Ratio Analysis Return on Equity Conclus

20、ion Further Research References58Trace element geochemistry and surface water chemistry of the Bon Air coal, Franklin County, Cumberland Plateau, southeast Tennessee  Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Coal Geology, Volume 67, Issues 1-2, 3 May 2006, Pages 47-78Stephen A. Sh

21、aver, James C. Hower, Cortland F. Eble, Elizabeth D. McLamb, Karen Kuers Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (1768 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     59The role of financial development in

22、economic growth: The experiences of Taiwan, Korea, and Japan  Original Research ArticleJournal of Asian Economics, Volume 17, Issue 4, October 2006, Pages 667-690Wan-Chun Liu, Chen-Min Hsu Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (252 K)   |   Related art

23、icles  |  Related reference work articles     60Determining factors of the development of a national financial center: the case of China  Original Research ArticleGeoforum, Volume 35, Issue 5, September 2004, Pages 577-592Simon X. B. Zhao, Li Zhang,

24、Danny T. Wang Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (328 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     61Recycling revenue from an international carbon tax to fund an integrated investment programme in

25、sustainable energy and poverty reduction  Original Research ArticleGlobal Environmental Change, Volume 18, Issue 3, August 2008, Pages 521-538Pat Hyder Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (381 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related

26、 reference work articles     62Japanese-airport benchmarking with the DEA and endogenous-weight TFP methods: testing the criticism of overinvestment in Japanese regional airports  Original Research ArticleTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Revi

27、ew, Volume 40, Issue 6, November 2004, Pages 533-546Yuichiro Yoshida, Hiroyoshi Fujimoto Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (294 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     63Financial development

28、and stock returns: A cross-country analysis  Original Research ArticleJournal of International Money and Finance, Volume 24, Issue 6, October 2005, Pages 891-912Harris Dellas, Martin Hess Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (202 K)   |   Related arti

29、cles  |  Related reference work articles     64Financial analysts' reports: an extended institutional theory evaluation  Original Research ArticleAccounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 30, Issue 4, May 2005, Pages 331-356Timothy J. Fogarty

30、, Rodney K. Rogers Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (383 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     65Adopting electronic medical records in primary care: Lessons learned from health information

31、 systems implementation experience in seven countries  Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 78, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 22-31D.A. Ludwick, John Doucette Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (346 K)   |   R

32、elated articles  |  Related reference work articles     66A canonical correlation analysis of carrier financial strategy: The case of airline deregulation  Original Research ArticleTransportation Research Part A: General, Volume 21, Issue 3, May 1987

33、, Pages 179-190Michael R. Crum, Daulatram B. Lund, Howard E. Van Auken Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (1138 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     67Construction trial of a practical educa

34、tion curriculum for game development by industryuniversity collaboration in Japan  Original Research ArticleComputers & Graphics, Volume 34, Issue 6, December 2010, Pages 791-799Koji Mikami, Taichi Watanabe, Katsunori Yamaji, Kenji Ozawa, Akinori Ito, Motonobu Kawashima, Ryota Takeuchi

35、, Kunio Kondo, Mitsuru Kaneko Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (2598 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     Graphical AbstractResearch Highlights The first 4 year university curriculum for g

36、ame development. Long term (3 years) workshop is suitable for game development. Skillful students are produced.68Development and psychometric testing of the Belongingness ScaleClinical Placement Experience: An international comparative study  Original Research ArticleCollegian: Journal of

37、the Royal College of Nursing Australia, Volume 16, Issue 3, July-September 2009, Pages 153-162Tracy Levett-Jones, Judith Lathlean, Isabel Higgins, Margaret McMillan Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (171 K)   |   Related articles  |  Rela

38、ted reference work articles     69Interaction analysis in a Learning by Doing problem-based professional development context  Original Research ArticleComputers & Education, Volume 55, Issue 3, November 2010, Pages 1357-1366Roisin Donnelly Show preview 

39、60;|   Purchase PDF (176 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     70Financing patterns around the world: Are small firms different?  Original Research ArticleJournal of Financial Economics, Volum

40、e 89, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 467-487Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Vojislav Maksimovic Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (778 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     71In

41、dustry characteristics and internationalization processes in small firms  Original Research ArticleJournal of Business Venturing, Volume 11, Issue 6, November 1996, Pages 471-487Håkan Boter, Carin Holmquist Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (1267 K)   |

42、   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     72Determinants of agricultural land rental market transactions in Bangladesh  Original Research ArticleLand Use Policy, Volume 27, Issue 3, July 2010, Pages 957-964Sanzidur Rahman&

43、#160;Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (210 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     73The role of the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in patient care, surgical education, research and faculty deve

44、lopment  Original Research ArticleThe American Journal of Surgery, Volume 190, Issue 5, November 2005, Pages 662-675Walter E. Longo, William Cheadle, Aaron Fink, Robert Kozol, Ralph DePalma, Robert Rege, Leigh Neumayer, John Tarpley, Margaret Tarpley, Ray Joehl, Thomas A. Miller, Douglas R

45、osendale, Kamal Itani Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (147 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles     74Why operatives engage in unsafe work behavior: Investigating factors on construction site

46、s  Original Research ArticleSafety Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2008, Pages 566-584Rafiq M. Choudhry, Dongping Fang Show preview  |   Purchase PDF (169 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles 

47、    75Tales of pediatric asthma management: family-based strategies related to medical adherence and health care utilization  Original Research ArticleThe Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 143, Issue 4, October 2003, Pages 457-462Barbara H Fiese, Frederick S Wamboldt Show p

48、review  |   Purchase PDF (202 K)   |   Related articles  |  Related reference work articles      results 51 - 75   5,757 articles found for: tak(Rental or PhD or Finance or Investment or Securities or Fina

49、ncial or Leasing or Co. or Ltd.) and (Preferential or treatment or "high-level" or talent or management or strategy or Leasing or responsible or industry or analysis or focuse) and (product design) or development or work or Air or shipping or coal or transportation or equipment or medical

50、or equipment or chemical) and (machinery or construction or international or trade or Study) and (related to) or professional or education or background or experience or spirit or professionalism or finance) Edit this search |  Save this search |  Save as search alert | 

51、0;RSS Feed 窗体底端Shaping inter-firm collaboration in new product development in the automobile industry: A trade-off between a transaction and relational-based approach  Original Research ArticleCIRP Annals - Manufacturing TechnologyJoint Forest Management (JFM), embracing the philosophy of

52、forest conservation and livelihood improvement through cooperation between state and civil society, has emerged over the past decades both as a specific paradigm of forest governance in India and as India's largest community forestry program. The JFM program, evolved during early 1970s covering

53、a few forest villages as a model for reversing the trend of degraded forest ecosystem through the active protection by local villagers. The JFM program is implemented currently by 106,482 Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMC) and it covers 22 million ha of forests spread across 28 constituent st

54、ates of India and union territories. JFM emerged against a backdrop of two centuries of centralised bureaucratic control over forest management in India. Centralized control during the 19th and 20th centuries failed either to conserve resources or to contribute substantially to the well-being of loc

55、al populations. However, inconsistent persuasions from decentralization policies in India under present forest policy (1988) have prompted people to analyse the theoretical basis for accepting that decentralization would bring improvements in forest ecosystem management. Still others have contested

56、the de facto rationale for decentralization (i.e., improved forest management) and have suggested that decentralization may be a manipulation by elites to serve their own interests or to shift power, for example from national to international agencies that have funded decentralization. Thirty years

57、from its inception, there are now concerns for the recent effectiveness of JFM (over the past 20 years) because it is a group action that is getting old and is perhaps losing some of its pioneering drive and innovativeness. Although JFM has been administered nationally, decisions on implementation d

58、etail have been left to the individual states, resulting in different strategies. The long history of JFM has also provided scope for experiences with it to change over time as well as between places. Given the range of experiences with and perceptions of JFM, as well as the importance of the object

59、ives JFM ostensibly serves, the time is ripe therefore for a retrospective evaluation to take stock of its actual achievements, its status and ways forward. The current paper seeks to provide such a review and analysis. The paper highlights design and implementation issues related to government resolutions, benefits-sharing and forest offences. It also assesses the critical design factors and key drivers responsible for i


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