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1、Operation and Maintenance Manual(Electrical-Distribution Board)维 护 操 作 手 册(电气-配电箱)Project Name: Andreas Stihl Powertools(QingDao) New Plant项 目 名 称: 安德烈斯蒂尔动力工具(青岛)有限公司新建厂房Construction Company: Shanghai Changjiang Züblin JV施 工 单 位: 上海长江旭普林建筑工程有限公司Submitted by:编 制 单 位:Date:日期: Table of Contents目 录

2、1.0 General Description of Project工程概况 2.0 Main Materials Used in Project工程主要材料构成3.0 Improtant Notices during installation of distribution boards配电箱安装注意事项:4.0 Ambient Conditions and Notices for LV Distribution Boards:低压配电柜使用环境、注意事项5.0 Instructions to Operation and Maintenance for LV Distribution Boa

3、rds低压配电柜操作、维护说明:6.0 Trouble Shooting常见故障及处理方法:Maintenance Manual维护手册1. General Description of Project工程概况:Project name : Andreas Stihl Powertools (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. New Production Project项目名称: 安德烈斯蒂尔动力工具青岛有限公司新建厂房项目Employer: Andreas stihl Powertools (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.业主: 安德烈斯蒂尔动力工具(青岛)有限公司General

4、contractor: Changjiang zublin JV总包方: 上海长江旭普林建筑工程有限公司Subcontractor: The Fourth Construction Co., Ltd. of China Electronics System Engineering专业承包公司: 中国电子系统工程第四建设有限公司Scope of Contract: LV Distribution System承包内容: 低压配电系统。Started: Apr. 1, 2006 Completed: Jun. 21, 2006工程开竣工日期: 2006-4-1至2006-6-212. Main M

5、aterials Used in Project工程主要材料构成: In this project, the distribution boards can be divided into two kinds, one is LV switchboard, of which the body is from Zhenjiang Moller and inner components from German Moller, while the other is MCC, of which the body is from Shanghai Huatong and inner components

6、 from ABB.本工程配电柜为镇江默勒电气有限公司和上海华通输配电有限公司产品。可以分成低压开关柜及MCC控制柜两类。低压开关柜为镇江默勒成套配电柜,内部器件为德国默勒公司产品。MCC柜为上海华通输配电公司产品,柜体为德国施奈德产品,内部器件为ABB产品。 Description of Functions of Each Distribution Boards各配电柜主要功能描述:S/N序号No. of Distribution Board配电箱编号Location位置Detailed Datas and Description of Functions详细参数和功能描述16ALFuel

7、oil pump house 190190燃油泵房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图2AMHV distribution room高压配电室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图34AL1Material packaging room390-01-01-01材料包装间Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图44AL2Waste collecting roo

8、m390-01-02-01 废料收集室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图54AP1Waste collecting room390-01-02-01 废料收集室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图6KTJ2Waste collecting room390-01-02-01 废料收集室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图74AP2Back-up ser

9、ver room hall 1390-01-60-01 备用服务器房门厅1Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图94ALE2Back-up server room hall 1390-01-60-01 备用服务器房门厅1Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图10EPS(30KW)Back-up server room hall 1390-01-60-01 备用服务器房门厅1Refer to systematic drawings and

10、 wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图11Exhaust fan control box in back-up server room备用服务器室排风机控制箱Back-up server room hall 1390-01-60-01 备用服务器房门厅1Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图12UPSBack-up server room hall 2390-01-61-01 备用服务器房门厅2Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系

11、统图、接线图134ALE2Back-up server room hall 2390-01-61-01 备用服务器房门厅2Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图144AL8Back-up server room hall 2390-01-61-01 备用服务器房门厅2Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图154AP3Lobby room390-01-80-01 休息室Refer to systematic drawings and wi

12、ring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图164AL4Lobby room390-01-80-01 休息室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图174AL5FM factroy490-01-01-01 FM车间Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图184AP4Boiler house490-01-20-01锅炉房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图1

13、9XH1Boiler house490-01-20-01锅炉房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图20Soft water control box软化水控制箱Boiler house490-01-20-01锅炉房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图214AL6Boiler house490-01-20-01锅炉房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图22

14、4ALE3Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图234AT1Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图244AT2Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Refer to systematic drawings and wir

15、ing drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图25PS1 Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Sprinkler pump control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings喷淋泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图26WY1 Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Sprinkler pump control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings喷淋泵控制箱 见配

16、电箱系统图、接线图27WY2 Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Fire protection control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings消防稳压泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图28XF1 Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Fire protection control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings消防泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图2

17、9QW Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Submersible pump control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings潜污泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图30PS2Fire protection pump house490-01-50-01 消防泵房Diesel sprinkler pump control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings柴油喷淋泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图31XF2D

18、iesel pump house490-01-30-01 柴油泵房Diesel fire protection pump control box, Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings柴油消防泵控制箱 见配电箱系统图、接线图334AL7490-01-60-01 Room for future 490-01-60-01 预留房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图344ALE4Generator room490-01-70-01 发电机房Refer to s

19、ystematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图35AL04Western-style food making area030-01-81-01 西餐制作区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图36AL04-1Canteen030-01-70-01 厨房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图37AL04-2Ventilator room030-02-70-01 通风机房Refer to

20、systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图38AL04-3Canteen030-01-70-01 厨房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图39KTJ1Ventilator room030-02-70-01 通风机房Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图40AL03Techincal room020-01-10-01 技术室Refer to systematic drawings

21、 and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图41ATMTechincal room020-01-10-01 技术室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图42ALTechincal room020-01-10-01 技术室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图43AP5Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、

22、接线图44AP6Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图45AP7Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图46AP8Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图47AL1-8Logistics Building配货区Refer to syste

23、matic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图48AL1-9Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图49AL1-9aLogistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图50AL1-10Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电

24、箱系统图、接线图51AL1-10aLogistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图52AC15Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图53AC23Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图54AC24Logistics Building配货区Refe

25、r to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图55AC32Logistics Building配货区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图56AC33Logistics Building, air conditioner配货区 空调机Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图57AC34Logistics Building, air conditioner配货区 空调机Refe

26、r to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图58AC35Logistics Building, air conditioner配货区 空调机Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图59AL02Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图60AL02-1Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to sy

27、stematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图61AL02-2Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图62AL01-1Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图63AL01-2Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to systematic drawings

28、and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图64AL3Office area400-02-70-01 办公区Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图65AP3-1Grid 10 on Technical Gallery设备平台 10轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图66AP3-3Grid 10 on Technical Gallery设备平台 10轴Refer to systematic drawings and w

29、iring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图67AC3-1Grid 10 on Technical Gallery设备平台 10轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图68N-FCGrid 10 on Technical Gallery设备平台 10轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图69N-AHUGrid 13 on Technical Gallery设备平台 13轴Refer to systematic drawings

30、and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图70AL1-2Grid 13 on Technical Gallery设备平台 13轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图71AL3-1Grid 13 on Technical Gallery设备平台 13轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图72AP1Grid 15 on Technical Gallery设备平台 15轴Refer to systematic drawi

31、ngs and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图73AP2Grid 15 on Technical Gallery设备平台 15轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图74AL01Grid 17 on Technical Gallery设备平台 17轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图75Distribution box for fan in air compressor空压机风机配电箱Grid 17 on Te

32、chnical Gallery设备平台 17轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图76 AL1-1Grid 19 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图77AL1-3Grid 19 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图78AL1-4Grid 1

33、9 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图79AL3-2Grid 19 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图80ALE3-1Grid 19 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图81ALE3

34、-2Grid 19 on Technical Gallery设备平台 19轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图82AP3Grid 20 on Technical Gallery设备平台 20轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图83AP4Grid 20 on Technical Gallery设备平台 20轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图84A

35、P9Grid 20 on Technical Gallery设备平台 20轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图85AP10Grid 20 on Technical Gallery设备平台 20轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图86AP3-2Grid 21 on Technical Gallery设备平台 21轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图

36、87AC3-3Grid 21 on Technical Gallery设备平台 21轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图88AC3-4Grid 23 on Technical Gallery设备平台 23轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图89AC3-5Grid 25 on Technical Gallery设备平台 25轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系

37、统图、接线图90AC3-6Grid 31 on Technical Gallery设备平台 31轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图91N-P-FCGrid 31 on Technical Gallery设备平台 31轴Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图92AL3-3Server room服务器室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图93AEESer

38、ver room服务器室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图94Exhasut fan control box in server room服务器室排风机控制箱Server room服务器室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图95UPSServer room服务器室Refer to systematic drawings and wiring drawings见配电箱系统图、接线图3. Improtant Notices durin

39、g installation of distribution boards配电箱安装注意事项:1) The earthing for metal frame and foundation of distribution board must be reliable, and the door must be connected with earthing teminal by knitted soft copper wire.配电柜的金属框架及基础型钢必须接地(PE)或接零(PEN)可靠,配电箱的开启门必须与接地端子间用软编织铜线连接。2) Electric shock protection

40、inside distribution board must be reliable.配电箱内应有可靠的电击保护。3) The A-B or P-E insulation resistance must be larger than 0.5 M in feeding cables, and larger than 1 M in secorday circuit.盘柜间线路的线间和线对地间的绝缘电阻值,馈电线路必须大于0.5M,二次回路必须大于1M。4) Installation of lighting panels shall comply with the following regulat

41、ions.照明配电箱安装符合下列规定:a) Neat wiring and no twisted joint; tight wiring and no damage to cores and no break. The wires connected to the terminal cannt be more than 2 nos, and all accessories such as lossing washer are complete.箱内配线整齐,无绞接现象。导线连接紧密,不伤芯线,不断股。同一端子上导线连接不多于2根,防松垫圈等零件齐全。b) The switches shall

42、operate agilely and reliably and electricity leakage protection devices installed in circuits should have not more than 30mA spill current, and not more than 0.1s acting time.箱内开关动作零活可靠,带有漏电保护的回路,漏电保护装置动作电流不大于30mA,动作时间不大于0.1s。c) In ligting panel, the N and E shall be distributed through the installe

43、d bus bar wire.照明箱内,分别设置零线和保护地线汇流排,零线和保护地线经汇流排配出。d) To insall panels, allowed deviation in vertical direction is 0.15%.盘面安装垂直度允许偏差为0.15。4. Ambient Conditions and Notices for LV Distribution Boards:低压配电柜使用环境、注意事项1) Ambient conditions: upper limit is +40°C, and lower limit -5°C, when stored

44、or transported, -30°C is allowed.环境温度: 上限+40°C 下限-5°C(允许在-30°C时储运); 2) The height above sea level doesnt exceed 1000m.海拔高度不超过1000m;3) Relative humidity isnt larger than 90%, when the temperature is +25°C.相对湿度不大于90%(+25°C时); 4) The distribution board shall be located in

45、places which are free from fires, explosion, chemical corrasion and severe vibration.没有火灾、爆炸危险、严重污秽、化学腐蚀及剧烈振动的场所;5) Rollover, bottomup and severe vibration are not allowed.不许倾翻,倒置和遭受剧烈震动; 6) Measures shall be taken to prevent distribution boards from rain and gettiing damp.应防止淋雨,以免产品受潮; 7) Component

46、s or accessories are not allowed to dismantle at will.不得随意拆卸电器产品及零件。8) Temporary electrical devices are allowed to connect with distribution boards.不得随意接入配电箱内临时用电设备。9) To change the capacity of electrical devices at will is prohibited, and the capacity change must be consistent with the switches in

47、distribution boards.不得随意更改用电设备的容量,更换设备的容量必须于配电柜开关匹配10) Regular cleaning and maintenance for distribution boards shall be execuated.配电箱要定期进行清洁、维护11) Persons shall be specially assigned for parolling and inspecting engaged MCCs. 投入运行的MCC配电箱要定期派专人巡视、检查 5. Instructions to Operation and Maintenance for L

48、V Distribution Boards低压配电柜操作、维护说明:Before distribution boards are brought into service, please check and operate them as follows:配电箱在投入运行之前,请进行下列检查及操作1) Check any sundries, all components, and insulation.低压配电柜投入运行前,检查配电柜内有无杂物,柜内各个元器件目测正常,线路绝缘完好2) Check On and Off positions of all switches.检查各设备开关在断开位

49、置3) Check status of electrical devices to make sure that all valves stay in correct positions, whether open or close.检查配电设备状态正常,各阀门开、闭位置正确4) Check whether the working status of equipments is as set up, mannual or automatic.检查设备运行状态在设定的运行位置(手动、自动)5) Switch on main switches for energization.主开关合闸送电6)

50、Switch on equipment switches.设备开关合闸7) Make sure that the fans in distribution boards are working normally.确认配电柜散热风扇运行正常8) After equipments start running, observe the working status of all contactors and settings of transducers.设备投入运行,观察配电柜各接触器运行是否正常,变频器设置是否正确。9) Check working status of equipments.检查

51、设备运行状态是否正常。After distribution boards are running for one circle, half a year to one year in general, they shall be switched off, checked and repaired, if needed, to ensure normal operation of components, such as switches, contactors, etc.and the noraml life of equipments and to eliminate hidded trou

52、bles.配电箱在运行一个周期后(一般为半年至一年),要及时停电检修,以保证开关、接触器等元器件的正常运行,以保证设备的正常寿命和减少事故隐患。 The following procedures shall be followed to check and repair distribution boards periodically.配电柜的正常周期检修包括一下内容:1 Switch off distribution boards, and put up the mark for checking and repairing.配电箱停电,并挂检修标识牌。2 First confirm tha

53、t the power is off, and use cleaner to sweep off all dust inside distribution boards.开关柜的清理,请确认停电以后,将配电柜内的灰尘用洗尘器进行清理3 Check whether the wiring screws or fix screws are loose or not, if so, screw them down.检查配电柜内的接线螺丝、固定螺丝是否有松动并紧固。4 Check the aging of circuitry and elasticity of cable insulation.检查配电

54、柜内线路有无老化现场,电缆绝缘是否弹性良好。5 Check overheating, aging or any defects of connecting terminals. 检查接线端子有无过热,老化现象。并检查端子有无缺陷。6 The insulation resistance between phases and phase to earth shall be tested by megger, which should be over 0.5M, to eliminate hidden troubles caused by aging of insulation of part circuitry.要绝缘摇表摇测线路相间及对地电阻,绝缘应在0.5M以上,防止部分线路绝缘老化产生隐患。7 Take off the casing of breaker to check the abrasive wear of contacts, ensuring no obvious nicks, no overheating, good elasticity, and complete contact surface. If some contacts are damaged severely, they shall be replaced.将断路器外壳摘下,检查


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