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1、Table 4Number of diV erentially expressed probes (genes at P <0.01 and log fold change of >2.0 between salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive geno-types under control and stress conditionsGenotypes/GenesControl UpMI 48CSR 27MI 48 versus CSR 27b Bulked- sensitive RILsBulked- tolerant RILsBulked sensi

2、tive versus bulked tolerant RILsGenes in QTL intervalsa b c dcSalt-stress aDown 39690 (64(2dTotal 79899 (70(2Up 7945421,37124 (1612 (1123 (16(2Down 1464631,03615 (939 (3322 (14(1dTotal 94010052,40739 (2551 (4445 (30(34029 (6150mM NaCl at seedling stageTaking signals from MI 48 as baseTaking signals

3、from bulked sensitive RILs as base1 common gene(Table4. The disproportionately high number of underexpressed genes in the control tolerant bulk was mainly dueto contamination with seed residues in the seedlings of sen-sitive RILs used for RNA extraction, as most of these genesrepresented seed storag

4、e proteins, e.g., glutelin, prolamin,albumin, or seed-speciW c hydrolytic enzymes, e.g., amy-lase, protease, lipase, and glycosidase (Table S1. This alsoshowed the extremely sensitive nature of the microarraytranscriptome proW ling system. There was no such contam-ination in the samples of salt-stre

5、ssed seedlings as theydid not show diV erential expression of any seed-speciW c genes. There were only 45 probes (30 genes diV erentially expressed between the tolerant and sensitive RIL bulks ascompared to 2,407 diV erentially expressed probes betweenCSR 27 and MI 48 under salt stress, which shows

6、nearly60-fold enrichment of the potential candidate genes(Table4.Co-localization ofdi V erentially expressed genes in the QTL regionsThree of the 30 diV erentially expressed genes between theRIL bulks under salt stress were co-located in the QTLregions mapped in the present study. The random distrib

7、u-tion of 30 genes in the whole rice genome of 389 Mbp(IRGSP 2005 predicts one gene per 12.9 Mbp, or100.6cM of total 3,019.5cM of the present genetic map,whereas eight QTLs regions represented 25.5 Mbp and120.3cM. Hence, there was no signiW cant enrichment ofthe diV erentially expressed genes in the

8、se QTL regions. Wefocused on those QTLs harboring diV erentially expressedgenes because all the salt ion concentration parametersmapped in this study may not necessarily be related to theW eld level salt tolerance. On the other hand, all the QTLsfor the salt tolerance trait of the genotypes may not

9、bemapped in this study due to lack of knowledge about suit-able phenotyping parameters. A non-random distribution ofdi V erentially expressed genes on the rice chromosomalregions in response to salt stress has been reported in earliertranscriptome proW ling study by Walia etal. (2005. In thepresent

10、study, twelve of the thirty diV erentially expressedgenes between the RIL bulks were clustered on chromo-somes 1 and 10 (Fig.2, while the remaining eighteengenes were distributed in the rest of the genome. Clusteringof W ve genes on chromosome 10 between markersHvSSR10-25 and RM5352 predicts possibi

11、lity of yetunmapped QTL in this region (Fig.2c. In fact, we did havetwo QTLs with LOD scores of 1.8 and 2.0 in this region onchromosome 10 for K+ and Na+/K+ ratio in straw, but theywere on the borderline of signiW cance in the present study.There is a published report on QTLs for Na+ uptake andshoot

12、 length in this region of chromosome 10 by Sabouriand Sabouri (2008. In addition to the three diV erentially expressed genes under salt stress that were co-located inthe QTL regions, one more gene diV erentially expressedbetween the tolerant and sensitive RIL bulks was identiW ed under control condi

13、tion, making in total four genesco-located in the QTL regions (Table5.Annotation ofdi V erentially expressed genes co-located in the QTL regionsAmong the four diV erentially expressed genes located inthe QTL intervals, an integral membrane protein DUF6homolog (Os01g19290.1 in the QTL qNaSH -1.1 on c

14、hro-mosome 1 was constitutively down regulated in the tolerantRILs (Table5. Similarly, expression of ATP synthaseepsilon chain gene (Os12g19430.1 in the QTL qNaSV -12.1 on chromosome 12 was down regulated in the tolerantRILs, both constitutively as well as in response to salt123Y TIGR Gene Id. (LOC

15、no. Os01g17214.1Os01g19290.1Os01g19860.1Os12g19430.1_H垁|餀U_Z I鵉<瞿鉣_啷烕 朹8_VsY賠宊stress. Expression of two genes located in the QTL regionswas up regulated in the tolerant RILs under salinity stress.These were (1 major facilitator superfamily antiporter(Os01g17214.1, and (2 cation chloride cotranspo

16、rter(Os01g19860.1 located on chromosome 1 in the QTLregions qKLV -1.1 and qKSH -1.1, respectively. There wereno diV erentially expressed genes between the tolerant andsensitive RIL bulks in the QTL regions of chromosome 8mapped in the present study (Fig.2b. DiV erential expres-sion of the four genes

17、 co-located in the QTL regions identi-W ed using microarray experiments was also validated usingqRT-PCR. The results of two experiments were consistentexcept that the magnitude of diV erential expression wascomparatively lower in case of RT-PCR (data not shown.Allele frequencies ofthe QTL markers in

18、extreme tolerant and susceptible RILsDiscussionQTL mapping studies have resulted in identiW cation of hun-dreds of chromosomal intervals associated with complextraits such as drought and salinity tolerance in crop plants(. However, only in a fewinstances has it been possible to

19、positively identify thefunctional alleles of genes underlying the QTLs. One123dEarlier, Ammar etal. (2009 used an F2 mapping popula-tion from the CSR 27/MI 48 cross for mapping salt ion con-centration parameters to identify 25 signiW cant QTLs for 17di V erent salt tolerance parameters on chromosome

20、 1, 2, 3,and 8. However, they were unable to do repeat phenotypingdue to transient nature of the F2 population. Here, a RILpopulation from the same cross was used for mapping ninesigni W cant QTLs for Na+, K+ and Cl¡ ion concentrationsand SSI for percent spikelet fertility on chromosomes 1, 8,a

21、nd 12. The QTL intervals on chromosomes 1 and 8mapped in the present study were at similar positions tothose identiW ed by Ammar etal. (2009. Besides this, theirmap was based on only 79 SSR makers, whereas in thepresent study 149 SSR and SNP makers were used for themap construction, and salt concent

22、rations in straw and SSIfor yield, grain number and spikelet fertility were newphenotypic parameters. Use of RILs allowed repeated andreliable phenotyping in the present study. Out of the nineQTLs, the chromosomal location of W ve parameters coin-cided with previously mapped QTLs for salt tolerance

23、traitsand four QTLs were novel to this study.Comparing our results with earlier genetic mappingstudies, the QTL for high Na+ concentration in straw con-tributed by CSR 27 was located on chromosome 1 nearSALTOL locus mapped earlier for salt tolerance in rice vari-ety Pokkali (Gregorio 1997; Bonilla e

24、tal. 2002. The tol-erant variety CSR 27 accumulated more Na+ in the straw atmaturity, whereas the sensitive variety MI 48 accumulatedmore K+ in this tissue. Thus CSR 27 was able to eV ectively partition more of the absorbed K+ into vegetative stem andreproductive tissues and more Na+ into mature ste

25、m and old133leaves to avoid the salt damage, due to protective role of K+(Cakmak 2005; Zhu etal. 1998. The Na+/K+ ratio in thestraw of CSR 27 was nearly three times higher than MI 48.The SALTOL QTL also aV ects the Na+/K+ ratio in rice tis-sues, but the gene(s for salt tolerance underlying this QTLi

26、s not cloned as yet. The SKC1 gene responsible for salt tol-erance in rice variety Nona Bokra by K+ ion homeostasisis also located within the SALTOL region (Ren etal. 2005, indicating that this region of chromosome 1 is consistentlyassociated with QTLs for salt ion concentration in diV erent studies

27、 involving diverse genetic backgrounds. At present,W ve linked markers, RM 8094, RM3412, RM493,RM10748, and RM10793 have been identiW ed in a 1.3 MbpSALTOL -SKC1 region on rice chromosome 1 for breedingapplication and W ne mapping of the region is in progress(Thomson etal. 2007.'箅_k 祥譥籣阓tCo乏騙贒Us

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35、恠e埣確吮鬫?蓶kB%嵾0$_O鉥甫?郷琠亝1_n詿薏g蟼eV猒_zXWY逊搥?J昅滶_R緗蒮麹_峎_O?I肞僓_%貆顲z_z粪礭淿 鹊_t俤雸-?_j2垾_c祂羝!蟴_G繽p遻颻嶡v_鋍煪榑揰?鬔-絔?廮宁僟薩y渣s傀旽颻:0_t氄恌_/!艖_教閄Y_!圌J4匄_姐 _C+?y疋g萄裣?傇V_?槲*9濆0 鐟&?乡趔hq 顜JHr+_籦睁 涬痬婿遹?矦>.蕥?開5牐_N_v_B繂匝予uT>萻? 揇 bf筐尚呏n8u嶛w_嵮魦乢懃'鑐/;?_GB_渪鬏瘆跗豢鏑?圉镘 揙q镣?(_膏縵袙? 綺饟沖?B泽缥E 溷 ?_+ 礯 鲄脟 晁 /+%?# 麵賍 _ 狭 _ 乷碲

36、 _ 貪 |N_4_ 駾幚 x_ 鷪 y 挽 1_ 彻 _ 僙贅 n 瞺蟔潊 _. 膽 g 琺 b 秀 A 萸醎槛 w 芲 T?I8 嵬瑐揰 F_ 圳蝔狰 =_/_?G 门 ?_ 队 Z_ 佐璤 y_G 抇牽廮 鎗 _ 镀 Qe 孯椗 鹿鎋賲 7sao 呋桽 #'1 鄏隍 y 盻疝綏 ._ 類 =_ 匛 p 鈅 ? 篝晴亐 ?B_ 魅 _A 捎 8_ _5 繠 b 嵑慱 nz 吇 _Q 尯 B_?.EB$ 案 p_ 媉 6 樫 _B 鹳 ? 醷蠃渵没奧達 p_ 茓 _ 漞 _q 溽 臞翈 _;X 媞 5?_P2zBi _ 侐 d 巰 # 郷琠 _ 闳 _o_IQf 閅汱 餿 _pM?

37、澏 rI_G_G 灗坲擾 _ 索 奯 _ 螔 ? 龑蜃 6H 谳螐 _G 殉 ! 噆鷂 ? 郷 8_G? 蜾 + 莀麩 n 絖曁 _ 瑅篲玙 ?Q_? 蝳 |? 厂 J 莾瞘牺鴂 _ p 徏 _4 稺 a 觃 p 徏亄 | 雟磙踔 ? 奛 d 鵢 O 0 弑澚 ozQ_ 胑 ?j 最甍 _w 魉 ' 冪 <_ 钲 _ 意 > 糭 G 繽榑 _? 朎 _w9S 迀 v!9h 堏绌 _? 鐔沧 g5_ 酫 v? 訍 # 郷 L_ 乁 _yS h 錩蹪 N 盻陰 q 淞 K_YE 缛 _m 僋 T0 缛髊 ? 郷 8_ 筥皾 _ 啕鄛 &? 薙 _y 疴睒 _/!Aq 兜

38、 .9< 咄 F? 积仅 _A_ 鈅 VyMX _T 鉶 =l? 呕 z? 襙 ; 複翍 '_? 僞详槦垮 ? y|y UUs 徏 ? 篧 dz_h._ 壗 D 屩 ? 顟譥钡 嗳 C 陀竉 _dl 佁勜釀坯蔸蘘 * 鈪巁 _ 叩 v$_ 醔 8_ 绤 _ 讽 rXv 噰 = 開 _ 差痝 N 沐噹 g 薩芲嵊 ? 忉 u 奃纝 ? 侒莀佷 _hO 箘 ? 鬫讌 _K ?n 繽 WC 尓莛 訌 樛 B 洔蛘 . S 賷袳 e 鵋 "_ 济鋬鱛 _| o 倜 _ 古 _z 擾 N? 寪 蔤 _ 羹 _ 藆 M_?s_? 绹 _ 媫 Y 礐 t 娏 6UI 惄 ?p_4 鞦

39、悉愲 T 鵲 l> 瑥釺 _5kY 譢羟囂崃 鞱嗝 m"? 鷂 ? 宊侌 9 絳鋶 瀇 " 繥 _ 雦 G 眍蜩 _V_ 屇 _v_ 顮靰 ' 礊 _Q 霏 _ 尜嗅珊 .l 睜躴垌昣 j 崩 3 饌 Y 瘉 #? 蓒岿犇 _ ( 荇 (W_Sh_cO 桛 ? 達躝 ? Z?_ 贴 醎 1w 莀恕霬 ?-?w 莀癹 z>_ 妾須 >I?M 廍 _ 簕 6? 脰 6? 鏬磑 eD 卂瀇 : 姍 # 塤禉 ?_b 餩銫 皽廮 cB_ 勜峋魑 ?Qr$_ 踎 ?_ 蚠 yp 穀 RH 軤 os 靭 " 疤慓哶枆 /O 攜 w 鱊 ?O 紁鴓弦

40、8 菡萠 桹 ? 龜 ?z?V!? 腀蔩 q_? 犲 藡 Ia 捙莶 p 刜髶 Y 攏 2 鹓 : 臡忓胗勬 _ 犀 N&_ 趹 ES 顂绞 1_ 穼圔 k 檚菩 |rP 埁 _ 廯賷 p_Oao 颰轅 p 徏 1 鬫椓 _hA 牪鳕 _U 觃 鲈摤鋉 8x 俾谅 O 隹 _ 骚 *me_ 藣 5r 暐 _S 挚蹑洿 # 鐬 o 铹 D 劼臭 G 5 睙 kFl 僓 vUA 埍 ? 苿 _(B%_ 逇挋 ? 尐埑酕鎻 8_kC>? 娗胈轤 s 遭 Zg 幉 6'Ov 鮼 S 簻 齙 X 霰惦 _ W 甠怨漘豽 _ !_ 梍毨 疥前 _ 蠍盨 <1 敶濁 Sr 嚃岶

41、&| 扈蛀 h 慅 AG _L 唁湉蕪秷 & 撈 3 蕛繽 7 凢 ? 鶚 _P 圀 0(_.2 峗笤 _ 筳 p 邡 W 熓 0? 囋矚 C 筬 _ 娙侪鱛狔 # 幚 z_ 缊穇曺 _| 蘱 nW_O3?UDI_ 篲 V_ 滝 ?V 劯觜 nTz6zg 濂彳緘 r_ 帽 ?< 炥玺蓻 ?t_B_0, 儅 _ 縲燠 ? Ud 魟筲叾区已傳 嚇 y% 汎虬 _ 岮賙訚 yP. 阓 l> _F 僚 T/f 焈 'y 觲偹 _;_ 骭朻 m 蜁閆邗譡 n 吝蜞 C0/ 腳 ? 箿 h 媦 | 燬 6F 椉蔩 yZp! 湣 ?*9?_6_ 踎麾畔 _ 覮鷀 DN 淰

42、齙罵 US 颉 捸 ?j 巕鄽髋顖 I? 留 ?>_ 錾 ? 秳 bGn=? "O 郷鬍括 BXW 绵 _w_? 薖痮 %vL 坬 鋩 _p? 圎 _?/ 羆 d 幹绯倴 B 哯 N 骄踯樼艁肎 v 痹 Z| 槐前斘 5c5 耜 ,o, Bm 颻 ? 廮 N 酣 ? 認 hAh 宊 D_U 檎 ?k 墳 H 蓯旝鈳 鸰 怦伀疺 c 颻秦 &_B_ 媩钭 ?/ 玅 _t 鲒 _" 缛 _ 笓 xq 幚 :_B 箞 ? 梍闳訁敉 ?R 肽玾倨慦 f 罆 1 柕 腾诣 _ 蚠絢 _ 擾 U 氤篖 _ 煥匢愔竉 T 畠國濩咩 Ub 蜯 x* 讱 p 婳狐 衿咞 ? 斵

43、 sB 廯 o_ 鶀 _ 共 _ 韘 > 嗌 _ 侎 " _a 氳殈癬挦 ? 偊 ' 恵 < 芲 ,+F 娎祓 ?/_ 袺觃 _ 昣 V 椾 _1_ 茦勄 _ 觔 Q>cO_ 乆哣 ? 桵 _L 矉 ? 鬓 w_F 咈 _ 耿 ?YO 噳 U 飈 ?_AV> 窮 &?/ 赺 p_? 欣喫繉稉 kN? 鵢 挗 73_ 褛 r 娬蹉 ? 襉蠲 +* 蝊 8j 嫯 l 复 _R 勫葡 I7 擢 ?_ 卂琦 s 鐔颹 ?V 购 P 鉜垗睡震 BZ 夅尲顟 _8x 騞幚 $_ 罉 ?R. 齒 D D 搵 8 噣 IB 怉 h 蹱 E 芚嚡 _?N_ 驑曵

44、 /_0| 锱 FW 嫒 ?_ 譺抇 _8 澹 pS.p+I 抯 _?a_? 踎 &_ 奯 G 瀬 F 泠 _p 菐 _!_t 雧 _J 炂 _5_ 椭鸔嬀 I 翬 X 镥貜 _Fo 屷 _2d/rZ 狜 $ 唽 自 k 猾 l 妐 _ 蝽飅茴 _ 慱 R 鳷曹繽 _ 臣 ,_ 暱 ?_ 缰猶 _ 玙 Z 濿 璩 T_n 谨 9 鄩 _G 繽 _ 丣 _j_!? 胈 QW_ 釀 ? 矑 9 勔 _SMq? h_ 螼芲 WH_?k 黍愦 a_ 飡 z5* 鏎 c 僰鷄 : 挆鈅 8_ 嶡乢 _ 婈苺 /%_? 隷 qt 澥 mM, 沼 % 攁 _ - 朹褒 ? 枪 ( 焩 ?I 櫨 &g

45、t;NBcC 闕 lv 鵯惸 53 鵖巰 # 郷 ?: 琐灿 D 換 ? 嘷 ? 鸱 ?;? 楠 1? 襏 +4'_ 郉 _ 夾燳墡 ?B 夕 $20D_ 佐 !(? 嶓璄 >?P 轤厭 y S&wc_ 辳 _ 临倅 ? 蝠 谮 q 藶 =k 邖痦 #G%a 獫媪 _ 衪輄靇 _?qHK 炲 _ 路 ? 损 H?_I_ 羉 9 煘 M 沟礯 RA 魅 _A 捎 8_ ? 騙 n_ 闳 C? >>p? W_ 輤 o 黵 Dx?Q?W 栄 _c_J?_ 匏 ,u_ 潗 X, 婗 s_k 猾 V(0ZpH 巭 =?_ 悙 ? 鸰 c 报 襙髃 矆 趾沪 o 吶 _8

46、_cG? - 岳慻 l 鸽馊 #J 椭 _? 几 Z_i 墚 b 犽銛 _.I9? 蚰 _h 躶祵翅 _y .?G_nr 乬 湪 z? 蝥犵 ?_C? _f_P 剡 ? 疊缇 < 咭滯絖轤簪 Z 甠揮 Jd 擶 篜 JM 桧 _c_?M 攗 謋 n_ 瀏獢 _? 徱 j5? 蝥 oa?< 暑 ? 螓 x 褞 ?#_ 絖 Le 拼 _ f 牏 _ 躣 越聭 'b5q 淞 ? 硞 D y< 劾懅譥 z 羥 _ 弟 p 荡哶 M 嗴渝 k 祊 &A 魅 K5_ 魘 _ 乶 _ 粦钲 靇 冏 ?7? 貇蛰 d 踉 _F 爹 / 间奅 nZ 蜏姘滙砡蝵榕 1k 穇 r_

47、F? 壔 _?_S 棍 ?_ 鬺 _ 紡 x 严婎 P 耞 8swI 暏汄覶坩漡籽襳 x0 遬胹 v_ 乫 _ 樍旂 .? 橆 D 諰 $ 妾矪鑏 Q?_ 垁骠 gN 焈 LO2ZG 覾鯈劭 s+ 鞪瀇 b 贗 #$_ 筥 j_ 坼 ;z? 轤谖 y 浸 琠彷社鬫 FE 炘 _H 媉挹 dX_ 茡 ?| 歘 N6 璯透鏙 a_97* 搻 =F_Z 厖 _ 8s 鮛完 _8sq 禵 ? 達蜈 _ 樉薠 R 瑋 / 靇鍝 ;X/ 抇 搆 _ 颼煖 _ 粨 k? 嶡 /_ 鳭 ?m_l 陆搽 ? 薩旬 a_ 嬺漶 _( 螞 ?E u 鈧广 %X 瘠箩驆 S 揰軔 ! 顱蟀 8 噞 A? =9q_ 鶇

48、 _ 鍤 >_%O 鉥 U:M P 鍪 岬熐 ?=_ 櫍 q 溽 _ 巄爋蠧豘 f 韅 hc 沵鄯籫 It 皅 _# 尀 ! 憗 _ 佐淹鋉 :_ 絖鄘嵱 V9 鎶焈 ? 爈 + 5 ? 轋辶劰 V? 鯻綡 ? 歙 mc 闳 _/? 蚴 X 剢 : 玛 p 鲀 h? 廰罞 _ 僖 _;D 惂匙壅齛 _ 憅暿 ?_ 玙 ? 东 _ 輪礯 _-Owa ? 玺 _ 贌 u_ 俖 滚 g_rX| 氙 2_S=_ 嗼 ?+_ 卼 /L v"!? 籝 >afa_ 梒 0A_ 襳送逿薁 znL"c 籗 C 紈鈅 _y rJ0* 趡 y 兄 ? 瀪 _ _3_ 捍 m?X 暸

49、? 礯宗硯裚颳 ?0n 譠 _ _u 跏 _*K 瀩 . 缛 _ 瑊 xA 嶡 ;_ 哆 v 舀 _, 猱音鶱蒻 J 淜覭 _ 墆儫鋉 烕醑鴂櫐 Ohf 埅躝 _ 扸 賍 ? 套 R_$?uy_y 閺 1 支婰杩 ; 鲰 c 軔 ? 鱙捭 u_G_ 髋 竉 釔 "_ 蝊 ?4 苩 嚪従峗 _? +_+_CK 蟷 ?_V?"& 熡 '? 灂 # 癬 _VM 掵 _ 熠綃 =Q 鬉 s 悏売 8 鹅 _hV?< ? 氅請 K5| 憏 ? c 妖耞 S? 幖酙 G_ 釛 /_ '_P 獿 P 霑 V/B? BcF 潪 ; 裚谵 Wa_> 幖 牉

50、轤 _ 礯蔩 魬杞 n 円 K 伡 _ 僟 Ld< _+ 檁餩 ? ; 邯嶤 q 鋉 闪 P 餩 Y_7?oU 祌溲 u#B 論 t_ 鮸絖 ?PCW2_ 嬤簞 4a 耤褫 #o?H/ 輄葏 _vx? 勳酬 Y_?6?e 櫉筥玮鷂 2? 濄荠痿遜 2e 潝焳 V_s 誮 _ vM; 朸 . 鲞 y 梫 1_j 碳仨檒穹堪 4" 懫 F 屈 2-3_ 鍬梒鼿迬雛闂 ? 嶞駺 呮聟妅 j? 騦 wc.?_?_e 缰 ?x?GD_ 鴂 7#j 屨溘蓏鲜 1c5 _$ 粙 = 謣髌沖襰墂崍 5tW? 泫簶 _ 罊 A 沖 ?:*fv 韊渍匛 錩 c? _ 簍 ?vlE/? 斐 = 鳉

51、_ 早鬹祓 ? 郷 8_M_ 燻蔩 _7?3 蝦鹋淿溍珁闳 +? 釒踤 _ 讌漘 ? 囅?刜肩 酋趵羅g蠝嵢蔩q幖>棂硯#郷宊_,磝儯軲羅u9_醘!GW幖録偖0皞禵s=N苘囅閟#禊;_幚琠X栎W8?囌?艎&!_襘vL1墠,窠胤_邠瀉V肀幨?iyO<鷂蚙f孪W_佐 鯗_G哶_'F0建?鰥垕?_,铌 箊_菐_-O_?噺5颵戱?.vjE儋殿熬慱_鄨_?膄E?_艂銭礂?鈅宊_魅_?鋄g?L睶杰,S_b?,X凣蘩鮛qvW栮_ _鞚鉎哥踸dW_賍ae抇_簔?_創奯瑟<箯?_彠wM?L喏R_亴_岓訖甭胛郝啱_6AY_蓍玗?_?_塨骭_竉R恄_牟.阓瓋闃眳?y枦_懟鍙够?A_

52、羅1蠄毦 ?蛟p確?_讠D_ !骭_侀!0鍻玺衉愗t定_y偁湪EM试?X飾h圄TXT_5I癬?疇>O嵐华崵趇G畨r鋙卼V歗_塤(H_!蚊鴒_螯Wj7?/_邞g鈅宊_8段?g"蛴裙:山妕琒&?_歘蜛Q嚼煙F欶;?痳(Yq赡開黛O嵐粬9騢鹪_h 鴶泏0軚_ok魅?6鮣_乛_绤俒5Y暸d俖A 縚g?l涿趒豞_駠讕? W躽L_?悪7懣P_?堧琔嚱m"獑憼_?滏籍?谒_q_?哖F矮b!膩 獡 ?_冂?l嫭鯯脲=?M*l侍蔔d骭S純瑌锐傢k规旃歯趺_痏斄騿k鷄p鯮_乿_?p_G犵_瓋僳 m(衟B蜰羠_?aO_I錃緆cyzG =_菐 _S0東湵g?M_滅鑏 _ ?a甅Q乌騪

53、M?杞G_憺uA渞Y黐_孎I$n?B最_崸?8c_踎L鞥獇_椎_鈿平撰6v_:萒_#_鯻轝4vW笶荙9膽._.黖._綝_ 追 ?0$_薩y赺禸窏Hqd鮀稚殳驁囦/駲_T?齙 _泿匼訓_礢枩tt鸭X戈康_,泞嗦鉕獫匠奭耞貼c盂垭?A_舨醛濿哶u喤l:P霳诰V5觃穷_ 藵濻鸰饤浀燮_ 胆鷿;锝?蘝衦幖_?_伡_斮?%塉逖莀 蟑1摉渑h_筥绬嫤a艰?循蚡_e?_?旨0啈_喎_艒榮鷂=*?乡酏_藄p_謱?'>鎋R骭?耞閲#郷4 繲_绘鳕y鞾G8須_5_脣>_k_佐傾韄9_?繽R押替賍_莮m煡5侫E衤_亯 _痏z_9?熵?鯃_佐_閫.鎋_PJ_?y_0聅樏 _饀?Q|曫?麻u_珼糅T

54、輚P裌_ _?徰瀒?焲2墄馊3_L缛K偑g鈅宊_HU%"寷 牄?$d?7_萑焈 煨亍q 峗絖+雅嫙峓涛覊_ON-:福棬|泉啧_G?m8?陁佥痥?閩N_倰 _?绖最奋麺綺7驤旃蟔_訽S湘鶬x暝酝讵fW?柮"诳虘嘷_K_c?麽?7聻?袔_6C?E遫鄱-bN?3_j;瀊_稁_F i籣璤y高风?_鑹鬮?齙 _嶡=_?媜錩 僚林v焆糭耱孜 謑兤椙_4w莥ó_9f 樞僓+G*K 鉓鐌_牓(?8_岪橿脁6膏鸅T_黖袖1i _4y键x頿-"_7O赳 拑l凐_餡|yF懟袽埠颟鹃 W 膿醎W蠳_C Sd晩&栆殇鋲?吗?D磗g槺検R筥_毳K?蛼?蛉燋_K_E浒_,7?

55、鐃贽炟_圓_窥Z_粯糣<儚 邜瘿坅傾_i漤邠?洆誋榮D 韂c_鯂r 裗_p'77_宱;Z?gBx:阭yD?車?NCR鮔 枆kr鬫晠i鞳 _柸篯粀_w鲱踇藴c_蔩b涔O#?#藀鎋佐乵渖_伨_?俣;? .夸氒沋/b孃侺鲖_wEJi_f趓?剕喻m晤?UeJ梍鵩?鷺鎽_柯辀玙_砐_嫝f币爹広?!眑c鐱_J齏_m&沥霦埶F鮛撾_p鋆鞴_巰#0q_决誣O见顁%> 縮隒?囝镛? _'w&鉏奯齑TV验_E| ?_> 籌C7郱聀Q頮譾 挴蔩捰K灌擧槣 h菺m絷?_AZ_D_鯝辄箂 _逎|?予谐u_E賍(?呴3昫n腛.8s县_ _宊?&莃q?d槈r皌EB屰

56、,黭?鷐 ?_G9?I端? e*H俸_痝頮_乢<_薧K|逝媷_螒7D3L E攊h(74V-艞痟拽_页俻稀?_醙攴猹C剂_F膽_,鼤c w_K#aM讗U_傜郷8_隕 饭u降汳閗忿_"_覞la(0蟫矏?瞋驊_虢_觾'懼 k_3y憥篮_X_e?y架I#傈緐_薼>y8壎伆_x烷_8_螢b瀇b竉jo蔀箄墉鱙_篝幚_类9F盶 "歰_C_渫_?蝭; 愆'_X/楛T橦剢S膑I巁j 搴彙玎_琠_珠_跨?0_阝匢j讠 饎砡S_晜b肶駒嵷醎GH<_嫚罞滢绹k鷣_麾_侓_?_K_ 竬_帏墴_&n_泷S#(空蝊_R艅蝺猹悯O?Ax啙R?Z 筥鉂梽C_醱钴蒧_

57、袉_+pM擤3xbG繽p_茙_,x _蔎炋G_? ?mr #?粅鵢+_湎I-碏_泹狢锨廗鎆弨牃k斌决戢HU_IG宱? _ s?|_<+G=_0蛡襨=e_茟_,掩_6p洹_灏?B|慒_炯2昽赺?_BIdx钭亢鱛?灶此見B羔繮_鯴d*o_萋璃q_U僩桻厡_躣溋糭賠迟PG俻蔈佐i粖珂_琠_?D蘂?隷_9鮛_P-(?0訳羿抇_铨导鞲鉥a?鐴蚄鳀蔠魃g_7柏 梌D_3 (_贖_eo焈?塾?IT焔鈅8_Mit渜xXm_! 瀇(柡k&腲煤猒l鷫w?Uz_*#墭k#瞞胈楷鴝箈 ?_滲筄_裚d-觃K哯6勯蓡_乕烥|澗蟺虩u_?p送吣&壒捒_+琤_鮟鋉?_ 蘣?鸬=鴂w":I*p0

58、敫缧! 弗l睉虄_y鄯_魩?蟙Zbc蟝_蚻? 箉S_m鄅梘姈錊 籿铼L澂絖?賷-鵢y铬H唇,G燺_畴b<銫终_緔?繽_恊8b/;?藘jh_赺_C投?,飔_芛裚錀蚨渝?眡/_筥B叽噐f_僟却恍P_Vl Y+_ o_麞=?q偺_鏊sM煻焫n嶡_D騶x阓?吽q椣嘷C_|x鷒_h_齹螪 廝觃_甠p#_4齬_ 脨鏷 喚_輱鰙? 價;坃眭歆n斤_?頮$廮宍x?I姏歄衉濫0_?轼剓蟕'ò訽F'w跏昮幖碹磕A_穇_宯鷦> 彥玷_tEv鼨鵽F桁Z臊岔Q朓疚嬶谧% 鴗曎觲E nN廮 _E|9f_?X?鯒S稻隴鍓Ko謠_g?B掯?恼候敋搏鶏rp蔷e驚_yZ3qM達?p_茙 棟P

59、q絼_8x棱僓_v诶盚.H$0?齙隑y_ _当C諩>孄?_!gg蚒?坹Y蔕k篲?朸+*N映搀?轟皴(琢l诘 昺靟挰音2<_u_僟|羰謚謃"_耐mN蟊倂迨U曀脷:"_>"U鯻堄鬞|U哞襙c液 A蜔q_:!? GP_?"_Q_#职腈釼 賍_|啃_蔩盗'_uE?鎋菐_E耄蚬/?._0冧37? 鹿_k豥颜L痏_%D? 邓B_迩 _憨噟沂?_ ?玟墦谙拒iU(?僳辮_UMbz 啄_訸_R盬_n鰀_ d淿紌M4韻淄.暏救F;j$'IP鰧w嫍?艺_=痥?澞3q_Z_?QN厷_硹s3&/鵋吮K蓴濦g蝊袽_? 耞吉_鯻N_K聕_戴(櫉=s鏋C達t?_溥 龏*j%V?p?|譺貽剁柕?蜣:螓 -佗踢_芆,Q慥dy篘x帐4(?2P_Qvo_9R.?_遄


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