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1、Can you describe (say something about) the school life in China after watching the flash? Do you know of any differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?Can you try to give some reasons for the differences?titletitleWhich parts of school life in the UK do you think the

2、author will talk about in the article?Listen to the article and finish Part A.For one year.Read the article and do Parts C1&C2 Part C1 1.What time do British Schools usually begin? 2.What time do they usually end.? 3.On average, how many students are there in a class in the UK?About 9 a.m.About

3、3:3o p.m.29 students4. Why did Wei Hua4. Why did Wei Hua find her homework find her homework difficult at the beginning of her study in the difficult at the beginning of her study in the UK? UK? Because all the homework was in English .Because all the homework was in English .5. On Tuesdays, what di

4、d Wei Hua5. On Tuesdays, what did Wei Hua do in the do in the evening? evening? She had an extra French class.She had an extra French class.6. What do British students usually eat after 6. What do British students usually eat after their main meal? their main meal? Lots of desserts.Lots of desserts.

5、 7. Which British city did Wei Hua7. Which British city did Wei Hua go to? go to? Manchester.Manchester.Part C2 (T or F)Part C2 (T or F)1. Wei Hua1. Wei Hua likes the school hours in the UK. likes the school hours in the UK.2. Chinese schools encourage students to 2. Chinese schools encourage studen

6、ts to work hard. work hard.3. Wei Huas3. Wei Huas favorite teacher was Miss favorite teacher was Miss Burke. Burke.4. British students have fixed classrooms and 4. British students have fixed classrooms and classmates.classmates.5. British students can only study two 5. British students can only stu

7、dy two languages: English and French. languages: English and French.6. British students eat a lot of fruit.6. British students eat a lot of fruit.7. Wei Hua7. Wei Hua enjoyed playing football. enjoyed playing football.Are the following aspects of school life mentioned in the article? teachers, class

8、mates, friends, teachers, classmates, friends, homework/assignments, subjects, homework/assignments, subjects, grades, timetable, activities, grades, timetable, activities, school facilities, school facilities, host family, food, hobbies, host family, food, hobbies, customs, traditions, festivalscus

9、toms, traditions, festivalsTry to find the main idea of each paragraph in the shortest timePara1:Para2:Para3:Para4:Para5:Para6:Para7:Para8:school hoursattending assemblyteachers and classhomeworkimproving English and cookingsubjectsfoodluck to experience the lifea general idea certain informationtit

10、les and headingsthe first and last sentences of paragraphsthe first and last paragraphspictures and chartsScan the text forkey words and phrase,Dates, etc.Do not need toread the whole text.experienceexperience(1)un. (1)un. 经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能 (2)cn. (2)cn. 经历经历(3)vt(3)vt体验,经历体验,经历(4)exper

11、ienced adj(4)experienced adj有经验的,经验丰富的有经验的,经验丰富的你教英语有很多经验。你教英语有很多经验。那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历。那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历。你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗?这种工作需要有经验的人。这种工作需要有经验的人。You have had much experience in teaching You have had much experience in teaching English. English. The car accident was a terrible experienceThe car

12、 accident was a terrible experience to him. to him. Have you experienced real hunger? Have you experienced real hunger? This work calls for an experienced man. This work calls for an experienced man. as as schools in China begin before 8a.m.schools in China begin before 8a.m. as as可表示多种意义。可表示多种意义。 (

13、1) (1) 表示时间,意为表示时间,意为“一边一边一边一边”, “, “随随着着”。 (2) (2) 表示原因,意为表示原因,意为“因为因为”。 (3) (3) 表示让步,意为表示让步,意为“尽管,虽然尽管,虽然”。 (4) (4) 象象一样一样, ,如如一样一样 When at Rome When at Rome,do as the Romans do. do as the Romans do. 我们边走边淡。我们边走边淡。 我们随着年龄的增长变得更聪明。我们随着年龄的增长变得更聪明。 因为明天我要走,我给你买了件礼物。因为明天我要走,我给你买了件礼物。 Hard as he tried

14、Hard as he tried,he did not pass the exam.he did not pass the exam.入乡随俗。入乡随俗。As we walkedAs we walked,we talkedwe talkedAs Im leaving tomorrowAs Im leaving tomorrow,Ive bought youIve bought youa presenta presentWe get wiser as we get older.We get wiser as we get older.他虽然很努力,但这次考试没及格。他虽然很努力,但这次考试没及格

15、。 attend attend (1)vt.(1)vt.出席,参加出席,参加(2)attend (on) sb(2)attend (on) sb. . 照料某人,看护某人照料某人,看护某人(3)(3)注意注意, ,仔细听仔细听你参加昨天的会议了吗你参加昨天的会议了吗? ? Did you attend the meeting yesterday?Did you attend the meeting yesterday?有两位护士看护着她。有两位护士看护着她。 She has two nurses attending (on) her.She has two nurses attending (

16、on) her. 她生病而没上课。她生病而没上课。 She was sick so she didnt attend her She was sick so she didnt attend her class.class.注意听他说话注意听他说话. . Attend carefully to what he is saying. Attend carefully to what he is saying.respectrespect(1) n.(1) n.尊敬,尊重,珍视,重视,关心尊敬,尊重,珍视,重视,关心( (与与forfor连用连用) )(2) vt(2) vt. . 尊敬,尊重,留

17、心,注意,对尊敬,尊重,留心,注意,对珍视珍视 respect+respect+n.+forn.+for 因因尊敬某人尊敬某人他很尊敬他的老师。他很尊敬他的老师。他因善良而倍受尊敬。他因善良而倍受尊敬。我们尊重你的隐私。我们尊重你的隐私。我们尊他为伟大的领袖。我们尊他为伟大的领袖。 earnearnwin respectwin respect受到尊敬受到尊敬 show respect for shshow respect for sh尊敬某人尊敬某人 givegivesend ones respects to shsend ones respects to sh问候某人问候某人 respect

18、 oneselfrespect oneself自重自重He has great respect for his teachersHe has great respect for his teachersHe is greatly respected for his kindness.He is greatly respected for his kindness.We will respect your privacyWe will respect your privacyWe respect him as a great leaderWe respect him as a great lea

19、derachieve vtachieve vt. .(1)(1)完成完成( (事情事情) ),成就,成就(2)(2)达成达成( (目标等目标等) ),赢得,赢得 ( (名声等名声等) )achievement n.achievement n.I achieved all I had hoped to do today. I achieved all I had hoped to do today. 今天我已完成我想做的事。今天我已完成我想做的事。No one can achieve anything without No one can achieve anything without eff

20、ort. effort. 没有人能够不努力就有所成就。没有人能够不努力就有所成就。他达到了目标。他达到了目标。 He achieved his goal.He achieved his goal. 通过努力我们可以获得成功。通过努力我们可以获得成功。 Well achieve success by working hard. Well achieve success by working hard. averageaverage(1) adj. (1) adj. 平均的,平常的平均的,平常的(2) n. (2) n. 平均,平均数平均,平均数on (theon (thean) averagea

21、n) average平均地平均地 above (the )averageabove (the )average平均水平以上平均水平以上below (the) averagebelow (the) average平均水平以下平均水平以下 你们班上女生的平均年龄是多少你们班上女生的平均年龄是多少? ? Whats the average age of the girls in your Whats the average age of the girls in your class? class? 他只是个普通的学生。他只是个普通的学生。He is just an average student.

22、He is just an average student. 你知道如何计算平均数吗你知道如何计算平均数吗? ?Do you know how to work out an average?Do you know how to work out an average?prepareprepare准备,预备准备,预备(1) prepare+n(1) prepare+n准备准备(2) prepare+for+n(2) prepare+for+n为为做准备做准备(3) prepare+sb(3) prepare+sb+to do+to do使某人做准备去做使某人做准备去做(4) prepare+to

23、(4) prepare+to do do准备做准备做(5) be prepared for(5) be prepared for 为为做好了准备做好了准备(6) be prepared+to(6) be prepared+to do do 准备好要做准备好要做 学生们正为期末考试做准备。学生们正为期末考试做准备。 我要教她准备面对困难。我要教她准备面对困难。 你已准备好去旅行了吗你已准备好去旅行了吗? ? 现在我们已为考试做了充分的准备。现在我们已为考试做了充分的准备。The students are preparing for the final The students are prepa

24、ring for the final exam.exam.Ill prepare her to face the difficulty.Ill prepare her to face the difficulty.Have you prepared to go on a trip?Have you prepared to go on a trip?We are well prepared for the exam now.We are well prepared for the exam now.Finish Part D and Part E individually.Do Parts A1

25、 and A2 on page 78 in Workbook so as to be familiar with the usage of the words and expressions in the text.Suppose you have a chance to interview Wei Hua. Apart from the things you have been told, what other information would you like to know about her life and study in the UK? Some other post-read

26、ing Some other post-reading activities for you to choose activities for you to choose from.from.1. 1. Suppose you are Wei HuaSuppose you are Wei Hua and you are and you are making a call to tell your Chinese classmates a making a call to tell your Chinese classmates a day of school life in the UK.da

27、y of school life in the UK.2.Suppose you are studying in the UK, what 2.Suppose you are studying in the UK, what subjects will you like to take if you can choose? subjects will you like to take if you can choose? Why? Do you think it necessary for the Why? Do you think it necessary for the students

28、to learn more languages? Why or students to learn more languages? Why or why not? why not? l post-reading activities More information about school More information about school life in the UK.life in the UK.What subjects do you learn?Subjects studied in Key Stage 2 (5 -11 year olds)Subjects studied

29、in Key Stage 2 (5 -11 year olds)English, Mathematics, Science, Information English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology (Computers), Religious Education Technology (Computers), Religious Education (RE), Design and Technology, History, (RE), Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Mu

30、sic and Physical Education Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education (PE).(PE).The National Curriculum at Key Stage 3The National Curriculum at Key Stage 3 includes English, Mathematics, Science, Design includes English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, IT, History, Geography, and Tec

31、hnology, IT, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Music and PE. Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Music and PE. In addition to the National Curriculum, RE is In addition to the National Curriculum, RE is also taught and, for secondary pupils, Sex also taught and, for secondary pupils, Sex

32、 Education.Education.At Key Stage 4At Key Stage 4 students have to study English, Mathematics, students have to study English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, a Modern Science, Design and Technology, a Modern Foreign Language, IT and PE. RE and Sex Foreign Language, IT and PE. RE and Se

33、x Education are also taught, although parents can Education are also taught, although parents can choose not to let their child study these subjects.choose not to let their child study these subjects.How long is your school day?How long is your school day?Our School starts at 8:55 with registration.

34、Our School starts at 8:55 with registration.At 9:10 we go to assembly. In assembly we sing At 9:10 we go to assembly. In assembly we sing songs, listen to a story and pray.songs, listen to a story and pray.Our first lesson begins at 9:20.Our first lesson begins at 9:20.We have break time from 10:20

35、until 10:35. We have break time from 10:20 until 10:35. During break time, the children have a snack and During break time, the children have a snack and play games out doors.play games out doors.Afterwards, we go back in for another lesson Afterwards, we go back in for another lesson until lunch at

36、 12:00.until lunch at 12:00.Afternoon lessons begin at 1:10 and end at 3:15, Afternoon lessons begin at 1:10 and end at 3:15, when the children go home.when the children go home.We do not have a break in the afternoon.We do not have a break in the afternoon.At 9:10 am the children go to assembly in

37、our At 9:10 am the children go to assembly in our main hall. They sit on the floor in rows with the main hall. They sit on the floor in rows with the youngest children at the front and the older youngest children at the front and the older children at the back. As the children enter the hall childre

38、n at the back. As the children enter the hall they listen quietly to the music playing. Each week they listen quietly to the music playing. Each week has a different musical theme and the children are has a different musical theme and the children are asked to listen out for particular things. These

39、 asked to listen out for particular things. These assemblies are a time for assemblies are a time for us to gather together to us to gather together to celebrate the achievementscelebrate the achievements of our children and of the of our children and of the school as a whole.school as a whole.Our c

40、lassrooms are large and every classroom, in the main teaching block, has its own resource area. In all classrooms there is an CD Rom computer, overhead projector, white board and flip chart. Each class is well resourced for all curriculum areas. First LessonFirst LessonThe first lesson of the day be

41、gins at 9:20 am and The first lesson of the day begins at 9:20 am and lasts for an hour. Our morning lessons are usually lasts for an hour. Our morning lessons are usually LiteracyLiteracy (English) or (English) or NumeracyNumeracy (Mathematics). (Mathematics). Each of these lessons last for an hour

42、.Each of these lessons last for an hour. Break Time (Recess) Break Time (Recess) The children have their morning break from 10:20 - The children have their morning break from 10:20 - 10:35 am. Our children bring a snack from home to eat 10:35 am. Our children bring a snack from home to eat in the pl

43、aygrounds. This snack is usually a packet of in the playgrounds. This snack is usually a packet of crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits. crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits. The children play games on either of our two The children play games on either of our two playgrounds, adventure playground

44、 or in the summer playgrounds, adventure playground or in the summer term, they play on our large playing field. Football is a term, they play on our large playing field. Football is a very popular game but the children also play many very popular game but the children also play many other games, so

45、me of which haveother games, some of which havebeen around in school playgroundsbeen around in school playgroundsfor many years. for many years. At the end of Break Time the At the end of Break Time the duty teacher blows a whistle. Theduty teacher blows a whistle. The children stand still and wait

46、to be children stand still and wait to be told to line up in their class lines. told to line up in their class lines. Lesson TwoLesson TwoWe now have an hour and fifteen minutes We now have an hour and fifteen minutes before lunch time. The first fifteen minutes before lunch time. The first fifteen

47、minutes may be spent giving the children their weekly may be spent giving the children their weekly spelling test, times tables test or used for spelling test, times tables test or used for mental mathsmental maths. . The children will The children will then have a Literacythen have a Literacy or Nu

48、meracy or Numeracy lesson lesson before Lunch time. before Lunch time. Lunch Time Lunch Time (from 12 noon to 1:10 pm. )(from 12 noon to 1:10 pm. )Most children bring their own packed lunch from home. Most children bring their own packed lunch from home. A packed lunch usually consists of sandwiches

49、, fruit, a A packed lunch usually consists of sandwiches, fruit, a drink and a packet of crisps. Some children will have a drink and a packet of crisps. Some children will have a school dinner cooked in our school kitchen.school dinner cooked in our school kitchen. While the children are waiting to have their lunch or While the children are waiting to


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