已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、冠词(a,an,the , 方位介词的用法I 、冠词分为不定冠词(a, an ,定冠词(the ,和零冠词。一、不定冠词(a/an的用法:a 用于辅音前; an 用于元音前。请注意以下 2点:1. 拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音开头的单词 hour'n , honest, honor 等单词的拼写虽然 以辅音字母 h 开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母 an 。可熟记下面这句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. (一小时前,一位诚 实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。2. 拼写以元音字

2、母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词 useful 'ju:sful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed'wn'aid, one-way 等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用 a 等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头。可熟记下面这句话:In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a usual tool. This is a usual thing. (在一所大学

3、里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的 冠词 a, an两种帽,单数可数名词要;选帽只要听读音,不看字母能做到;元音因素来开头,一定需要选 an 帽;辅音因素带 a 帽,记住规律莫乱套。 1 特指双方熟悉,上文已经提及;世上独一无二,方位西洋乐器;某些专有名词,外加复数姓氏;序数词最高级,习惯用语要特记。 下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前;专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前;颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。注意:当 school, church, market, bed等表示 “ 处所 ” 的名词指的不是具体的地点时, 前面通常不用加冠 词,表目的go to scho

4、ol去上学 go to bed 去睡觉 go to church 去做礼拜 in hospital 住院in bed 生病卧床当加上定冠词 the, 意义就又不一样了go to the school 到学校去 go to the bed 到床边去 go to the church 去教堂 in the hospital 在医院 in the bed 睡在床上常见的这类名词有:bed , university , sea , class , school , hospital, home, town, market等。 三、课堂针对训练1. 冠词的针对训练2填入适当的冠词1.we'll

5、make _ card for our English teacher.2. The bus is running about seventy miles_ hour.3. Mary is interested in _ science.4. Some people don't like to talk at _ table.5. Last night I went to_ bed very late.6. Don't worry. We still have _ little time left.7. What _ beautiful day! And what _ fine

6、 weather!8. In _ winter it is cold in _ Beijing and warm in _Shanghai.9. John is_ cleverest boy in his class.10. We can't live without _ water or _ air.II 、 方位介词: 3 一、用 in 表时间的场合(1表示 “ 在某年 /月 /季节 ” 这个含义时,须用介词 in 。例如:She came to this city in 1980.他于 1980年来到这个城市。It often rains here in summer.夏天这里常

7、常下雨。(2表示 “ 从现在起一段时间以后 ” 时,须用介词 in 。例如:They will go to see you in a week.他们将在一周后去看望你。I will be back in a month.我将在一个月后回来。(3表示 “ 在某世纪 ” 时,须用介词 in. 例如 :This machine was invented in the eighteenth century.这台机器是在 18世纪发明的 .Great changes took place in the twenty-first century.21世纪发生了巨大变化 .4(4表示 “ 在某年代或特定世纪

8、某年代 ” 时,须用介词 in 。例如:This incident happened in the 1970's.该事件发生在 20世纪 70年代。The Anti-Japanese War broke out in the 1930's.抗日战争爆发于 20世纪 30年代。除此之外, morning / evening / afternoon 三个词也常跟介词 in 连用。例如:Don't watch TV too much in the evening.晚上看电视不要太多。They sometimes play games in the afternoon.他们有时

9、在下午做游戏。二、用 on 表时间的场合(1表示 “ 在具体的某一天 ” 或 “ (在具体的某一天的早上、中午、晚上 ” 等,须用介词 on 。 例如:Jack was born on May 10th,1982. 杰克生于 1982年 5月 10日。They left on a rainy morning.他们是在一个雨天的早上离开的。He went back to America on a summer afternoon.他于一个夏天的下午返回了美国。(2表示 “ 在星期几 ” 或 “ 在星期几的早上、中午、晚上 ” 等,须用介词 on 。例如:We don't go to sc

10、hool on Saturday and Sunday.我们星期六和星期天不上学。What time do you get up on weekdays? 你在平日什么时候起床?I heard this story on Saturday morning.我是在星期六的早晨听到这个故事的。(3表示 “ 在某一节日 ” 时,须用介词 on 。例如:We usually eat mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival.我们通常在中秋节吃月饼。Mr Hu received a card on Teachers' Day.胡老师在教师节那天收到了一张卡片。注意:当 m

11、orning,evening,afternoon 被 of 短语修饰,习惯上用 in, 而不用 on. 例如:in the early morning of September 10th 在 9月 10的清晨;in the late afternoon of September 12th 在 9月 12日的傍晚。三 用 at 表时间的场合(1时间的一点、时刻等。如:They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten oclock, at daybreak, at dawn .(2较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的

12、日子。如:He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night .注意:一、 at , in , on 的区别1. at表示地点:(1用于指较小的地方。如:I shall wait for you at the station.(2用于门牌号码前。如:He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road.2. in表示地点:(1用于指较大的地方。如:He lives in Shanghai.(2虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用 in 。商店、学校、机关等,若看作 一个地点(point

13、 用 at ,若看作一个场所(place 用 in 。如:I met him at the post-office.Im now working in the post-office.3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为 “ 在 上;在 旁 ” 。如:The picture was hanging on the wall.New York is on the Hudson Rive二. above, over, on, up表示 “ 在 上 ” 之间的区别1. above指 “ 上方 ” , 表示相对高度, 不一定在正上方, 其反义词为 below 。 如:Were flying ab

14、ove the clouds.2. over指 “ 在 正上方 ” ,表示垂直上方,其反义词为 under 。如:The bridge is over the5river. 3. on 表示“在上面”,与物体表面接触,与 beneath 相对。如: There is a map on the wall. The earth felt soft beneath our feet. 4. up 表示动作的方向往上,反义词为 down。如: Please hang the picture up. 三across 与 through 的区别 across 是介词,有“横跨,横穿,穿越”之意。acros

15、s 与 go/walk 等动词连用表示“穿过,越过, 横穿”的意思。 cross 基本同义, 与 也是表示从物体表面经过。 The Great Green Wall is across 如, the northwest of China.绿色长城横跨中国西北。Go across the road , you will find the post office on your left.横过这条公路,你会发现邮局就在你的左边。 through 是介词,“在.之中,透过”的意思,常与 go,walk 等动词连用,表示“穿越,横穿”等意 思。 主要表示从物体内部穿过。 如穿过森林、 隧洞等。 例句,

16、 two friends were walking through The the forest.这两个朋友正沿着森林走。The sunlight comes through the glass.阳光透过玻璃。 2.方位介词的针对训练 选择填空 ( 1. Children get gifts _ Christmas and _ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on ( 2 _ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street. A. In B. On C. At D. For

17、 ( 3 .A lot of students in our school were born_March, 1981. A. in B. at C. on D. since ( 4 .he suddenly returned_ a rainy night. A. on B. at C. in D. during ( 5. The train is starting_five minutes. A. in B. at C. for D.still ( 6 .Is the street too narrow for the bus to go _? A. through B. across C.

18、 on D. in ( 7. Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening. A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on ( 8. A mother camel was walking _ her son _ the desert. A. without; along B. with; through C. next to; pass D. beside; through ( 9 .The river runs_ the city. A. across B. through C. over D. from ( 1

19、0. It took us over an hour to walk_ this street. A. from B. through C. over D. across 复习巩固 一、选择填空 1. There is _ house in the picture. There is _old woman near_house. A. an; a; the B. a; an ; the C. the ; a; an D. a; the; an 2. He has already worked for _ hour. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 3. Alice is fon

20、d of playing _ piano. 6 A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 4.- Where is Jack? - I think he is still in _ bed, but he might just be in _bathroom. A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the;不填 D. 不填; the 5.When do you have _breakfast every day? A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 6.There is _ apple on the desk. A. a B .the C. an D.不填 7Gra

21、nny took one look at us her glasses A by B through C on D in 8. My brother joined the army A 1989, March B in March, 1989 C March,1989 D 1989, in March 9. People in the western countries enjoy a long holiday _ Christmas. A. at B. in D. for D. on 10. There is an accident _ the crossroads _ midnight _

22、 last night. A. atat不填 B. inatin C. onon不填 D. byonat 11. The twins got on well their classmates. A to B in C with D about 12 - When did Mr Green arrive in London? -He arrived there the evening of December 6th. A at B in C on D to 13.Mr Black will go back to England_. A .by air B .by a plane C. by tr

23、ains D. at a train 14.There is “h” in the word “hour”, but “h”doesnt make a sound. A. a ,a B. a, the C. the,an D .an, the 15.I want to try again. Please give me third chance again. A .a B. the C. an D. 不填 二. 句子改错。每句中有一个错误,请改正。 1. July is a seventh month of the year. 2. We wait here for half a hour.

24、3. Students often play the football after school. 4. Its an European wolf. 5. They often have a supper in a restaurant. 6. Smiths are talking happily. 7. Are you from the America? 8. Panda live in China. 9. On the Sunday we dont go to school. 10. Do you know richest man in the village? 三、阅读理解。 Exercising is good for our health. Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all n


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