



1、 英语短文改错题解题方略英语短文改错题考查学生的英语综合能力,的确有一定的难度。但是,我们也可以归纳总结出一些解题方法和技巧,提高本大题的得分率。一、多词现象 1学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误Serve (for) sb; return (back ) to; marry (with) sb; follow (after) sb; go (to) upstairs/ downstairs; go (to) home/ here/ there; make him (as) our monitor; enter (into) the room; repeat (again) the text; 2.

2、 某些表示时间的短语前面的介词是多余(必须去掉介词)如:(on) one day; (in) this week; (in) next month; (in) last year; (on) tomorrow;3. 有些动词短语后面跟宾语(名词或代词)时就要加介词of;如果后没有宾语,就不要介词of如:Dont look out.- Dont look out of the window.The food has run out. -The poor person has run out of his food.If you dont go , I will go instead (of ).

3、 如果后句是I will go instead of you就对了.He walked in front (of) . 如果句子是He walked in front of me就对了.4. 多一连词1) 英语中有些从属连词不能同时使用,改错时都是去掉后一个Because-, so-; Though-, but-; If-, so/ and /or-2) 另外还有:The more-, (and) the more- ; I dont know (that) whether-等等5定语从句中多一代词(定语从句中的名词已经由前面的关系代词取代,后面再用是多余的错误的),比如:I saw the

4、boy whom you met (him) on the way.I like the book that I bought (it) last week.6.多一冠词By (a/the) bus/ plane/ ship/ air/ land ; play (the/ a) basketball/ football, play (the) chess; At (the) first/ last; have (the/ a) lunch; (a) plenty of people.二、缺词现象1、缺介词:listen (to) music; look (at) your book; be a

5、fraid (of) sth; be present(at) the meeting; be sure(about) it; thousands(of) workers; dozens(of) eggs; scores(of) books; She came on foot rather than(by) bus.He is looking for a room to live(in). She doesnt have a friend to rely(on). I need a pen to write (with).2、缺连词1)、并列句缺连词。如:It began to rain,(an

6、d/ so) we had to cut off the trip.He was very tired,(but) he went on working. She likes watching TV,(while) I like reading. 2)、名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)中的连词不可缺少。(That)I will help you is certain. My suggestion is(that) you read English loudly in the morning. We heard the news(that) our team had won the

7、match.3、缺代词1)、充当定语从句主语的关系代词不能缺少。The accident(that) happened last night was very serious.The boy(who) talked to you is my brother.2)、缺物主代词。 You should try(your) best to study math.We do(our) homework every day. 4、缺be动词. 1).She(was) afraid of dogs when she was young.2).She(is) very beautiful.(都是误把形容词用

8、作动词了)3).He has(been) asked to write in English.(被动句中缺助动词be).5、完成时中缺助动词have/ has/ hadWe(have) lived here since 1993. 6.缺一冠词Its(a) success/ failure/ pity/ shame/ surprise/ shock.(抽象名词具体化).(a) knowledge of, such (a/an) tall/old man; so nice (a) meal;(a) great many books-many a book(许多书); play (the) pia

9、no/ violin/ guitar 7.缺小品词to1).不定式充当各种成分,一般都不能缺少to.She came here (to) see me. He asked me not (to) go there. I have something important (to) tell you. They were made (to) do heavy work.2).为了避免重复前面的动词(动词可以省略但是to不能省) “Would you like to join us ?” “Yes, Id love/ like (to).附: 一、短文改错题解题口诀 一致性,二词类;三多四少五搭配

10、六句七语八非谓;九看逻辑对不对二、短文改错的解题方法要象做完形题那样,先通读一遍,掌握其大意看第一遍时不必非要把错误找出来,因为有些错误要根据上下文才能看出来 在看第一遍时通过语感就能看出来的错误,可以先在试卷上改正过来 第一遍看完掌握其大意后,再结合上下文、情景、时态、人称、固定搭配、特殊句型、从句的引导词等进行推敲 三、短文改错三原则 1、错误以改动最少为原则这是指每行只能对某处(或者两处)进行改动。可以是增词、减词、改词,但无论是何种改动,只能是增加一词,减少一词或把一个词改成另一个词。 2、实词以改变形式为原则 在改错中,实词的处理一般只是改变它的形式,而不能改变其词义,也不能改成另一

11、个实词,更不能随便添删。例如:Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. 析把wonderfully改为wonderful。wonderfully是副词,不能作定语。有些学生把wonderfully改为good,这样虽然意思上对了,但是却削弱了语气。 3、原意以保持不变为原则一般应遵循保持句子原意的原则,即不能改变文章或作者所表达的意思,包括其语气和上下文的逻辑关系。只对短文中的用词错误、语法错误、行文关系错误进行改正,且要小改而不大改。例如:Modern people know more about health, have better f

12、ood, and to live in cleaner surroundings. 析去掉to。因为and连接的是三个并列的谓语动词know,have和live。部分学生误将and去掉而保留了to,to live in cleaner surroundings成了目的状语。这样改,从语法角度看是正确的,但是句子的结构和意义却变了,故不是正确答案。 四、 短文改错的常见命题内容. I、英语的屈折附加成分(即以词形变换作为表示语法关系的主要手段)1. 现在时第三人称单数 ;2. 时态 ;3. 被动语态 ;4. 动名词;5. 分词 ;6. 不定式; 7. 名词复数 ;8. 代词 ;9. 比较形容词

13、;10. 词性的变化 (从一类词派生另一类词)11. 英语中的一致现象 (一致包括动词与其主语的一致, 称谓的一致,主从句中时态的一致等). 12. 英语中的平行结构现象 (在表达平行概念时, 要使用相同的语法结构, 平行结构常借助于并列连词and, or, not only.but also等。) 13. 连接词and, but, so , or相互变换 14. 词性的变化 (从一类词派生另一类词是英语学科的又一显著特点。不同的句法功能要求使用与之相适应的词性) eg: A player's native language is not importance. important 1

14、5.误把形容词当动词They eager to know everything about (China and asked me lots of questions.) were 六、 改错题常见错误设置(特殊情况除外) 1.连词的考查:butand/ so(相互转换);and-but; or-and; but-and/ so .2.连系动词(特别是be )后用形容词(而不是副词)作表语,假如be动词后是以ly结尾,那么去掉ly; 而实义动词(即行为动词)后面要用副词(词尾ly形式)作状语.如:He looked happy just now.-He looked at me happily

15、 just now. 3.关于that(一)、后跟动词时: (1)若前面没有逗号,把that变成what; (2)若that 前面有逗号,则把that变成which; (二)、位于句首的thatA).句型That is + adj to do sth中的that通常变成 It (作形式主语) ;B). 位于句首的“That +动词-”从句,把That变成What;C). 在句型I think/ find that +形容词 to do sth中,that要改为it(作形式宾语)(三)、如果that前面既无逗号后又不是动词,那么就不变(也可以看情况变成其它疑问词). 如:He said that

16、 he would come here soon.(句中的that不变); She asked that she could borrow my bike.( 把that变成whether)4名词的单复数的考查:one of 后面的名词以及different后面的名词用复数形式,而same后面的名词要用单数形式(且same前面必须用冠词the),另外(a) few; several; many后面名词用复数形式。5.关于late. 1).表示时间段的名词后面要用later, 如five days late-later; 2).动词后面要用late,如He came/ arrived latel

17、y -late , 3).名词前面要用latest, I dont know the late news-latest 6遇“ more + 比较级”这种情形 ,要把more变成much (或删掉). 7.遇information; equipment; furniture; advice 后面加s时,要把s去掉(不可数名词没有复数形式);advice前面有an时,把an删掉; fun前有a时,删掉a。8.误把形容词当动词 They eager to know everything about (China and asked me lots of questions.) were 9.误把介

18、词to当成动词不定式,应该把to后面的动词变成动名词(V-ing). 1) Looking forward to receive your reply.(改为 receiving ) 2) Im used to get up early in the morning.( 改为getting ) 3) He devoted his time to study all the subjects.(改为studying )10.表示情感的动词可以后缀ed或者ing变成形容词。主语是人,后面用ed形式作表语;主语是事物时,后用ing形式作表语。在名词前面常用ing形式作定语。11.英语短文中,如果Beside后面有逗号,则改成Besides; specially改成especially;Unfortunate或Fortunat


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