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1、Unit10 SectionB(1a-1d)名师教案【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版七年级下册 【单元名称】Unit 10 Id like some noodles.【课时】Section B 1a-1d(第2课时)【课型】 Listening and speaking(听说课)教材分析本单元的核心话题是谈论食物(Food),教材内容围绕着描述食物名称和份量展开,让学生学会运用would like表达自己想要吃的食物以及份量。Section B 部分在Section A基础上,进一步深化关于点餐的主题内容和语言表达,1a-1e 的听说活动,不仅增加了词汇的输入,让学生熟悉更多的食物名称,还创设了

2、生活中常见的打电话订餐的情景,通过真实的语言交际,让学生感悟本单元的功能项目,丰富语言输入的内容,同时教材中根据所听内容完成表格的任务,还有助于训练学生通过听来提取信息的能力。教材首先通过1a和1b完成新单词扫清任务,让学生新增porridge, dumpling, pancake, onion等词汇。学生在达成能听说这些新增食物的名称后,教材将听说任务拔高到另外一个层次,要求学生通过听1c,提取关键信息,填入单词或短语到表格的空白区域。同时,1c听力任务的设计,模仿了一个真实的电话点餐的情景,新增地址等信息。这在Section A的基础上,丰富了目标语言,给学生提供了更加真实、可操作、可模仿

3、的语言学习情景,让学生充分理解到什么叫“学以致用”。通过本课时的学习,在听力技能上,学生能通过“速记、简记”等听力策略,比较准确的获取听力材料的关键信息,从而完成听力任务,提高听力信息获取能力。例如:学生能听懂食物名称和份量,one large bowl of beef noodles with carrots。在语言技能上,通过听后的小组对话练习,学生能根据话题内容进行分角色在情景中表演对话或改编对话。在情感态度上,学生能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流和运用。 教学目标语言知识目标:识记并熟练运用下列单词和句型单词 :dumpling, porridge, onion, fish, panca

4、ke.句型:I like/dont like.2. 通过这一话题下的定式话轮操练和听力练习,学生能运用输入的话轮结构进行语言输出,正确描述自己对食物的喜好。A: I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.B:I don't like onions, green tea or partridge.语言能力:1. 通过听力抓关键词chicken, fish, cabbage, twelve dumplings, beef and carrot dumplings, address等食物名称,学生能够比较准确的获取听力材料的关键信息。2通过对本对话的话轮

5、学习,学生能分角色对于彼此喜爱的食物名称进行询问,并能将目标语言运用于实际生活。 情感态度价值观:1.尊重不同的饮食喜好。2.能运用would like礼貌性地询问和表达食物名称份量等。文化意识:了解中西方文化中饮食文化的不同。 教学重难点教学重点:,1.能听说本课时重点单词如:chicken, fish, cabbage, twelve dumplings, beef and carrot dumplings,address2.运用like/dont like/would like表达对食物的喜好。3通过“速记、简记”等听力策略完成听力任务,提升信息获取能力。教学难点:听懂听力材料的信息,并

6、能根据语音语调的不同和关键信息的捕捉,对不同人物的外貌描述,较为轻松地完成听力练习里的习题。遵循对话的话轮结构,替换信息改变对话并展示。建议教法情景交际法,任务型教学法,听说课的“3P”教学模式: P-呈现(头脑风暴,词汇短语的语言输入)P-操练(1.机械操练2. 听力训练)P-运用application(语言输出)设置情景意义操练 设计听后活动任务,先模仿再迁移总结,听后设置任务提升学生语言运用能力教学流程(详见相应教学设计)教学价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。2 在听前和听中强调对学生听力技能和策略的逐步渗透3.遵循语言学习规律,体现从“欣赏-模仿

7、-再创”的语言输入到输出的搭支架的阶梯式学习过程。步骤过程措施 (教师活动与学生活动) 目的持续性评价1预备与激活先期知识Step 1Greeting andLeading in (2mins)Revise the food words by pictures.以图片的形式,以旧带新。学生积极参与课堂,在后续听说活动中,能听懂porridge, fish, orange tea等词汇。2 获取新知识Step 2Warm-up(2mins)Revise the conversation:A:What would you like?/ What kind of vegetables/meat wo

8、uld you like?B: Id like通过单词复习,过渡到句子对话复习,为接下来谈论对食物喜好埋下伏笔。学生能熟练运用这两个句型谈论食物的喜好。2获取新知识Step 3Pre-listening(6mins)1.Look at the food on the table. Can you name them?2.Read the numbered list of words in 1a and repeat.3.Ask students to match each word with a picture. Write the letter of each food picture in

9、 the blank in front of the correct word.4.Check the answers.5.Read again the food on the table in 1a.6.Please circle the things you like and put an X in front of the things you dont like.7.Read the dialogue on the right in 1b.8.Work in pairs . Tell each other what you like and dont like.A:I like dum

10、plings, fish and orange juice.B:I dont like onions, green tea or porridge.Keys of 1a: b g a h c e i d f为1c的听力作铺垫准备和搭支架,这样通过直观图片和单词匹配的方式,能让学生更容易记住食物单词,也为1c的听力活动扫清了一部分词汇障碍。学生是否能轻松进行词汇与图片的匹配,并能听懂这些词汇在听力中的句子。2获取新知识 Step 3While-listening(12mins)1. Read the eight words again in 1a.T says, “ You will hear

11、a conversation. A boy is ordering food from a restaurant. As you listen, please circle each of the words in 1a that you hear. When you hear, you can write down the capital letter of the word, anyway make a note in a simple and effective way”.2.Play the recording the first time, students only listen.

12、3.Play the recording a second time, listen and complete the food order form.4.Correct the answers.Keys of 1b: 教材中这部分听力任务难度较大,因此对听力任务做了改编,并为学生做了听力技巧的指导,降低了听力难度,使他们可以有的放矢。同时,掌握听力任务所涉及到的食物类词汇,为后续的单词填写任务做好准备。通过指导学生采用记录单词首字母的方法,有效提高学生听力中获取关键信息的能力。学生能在听力过程中,采取合适的听力策略完成听力任务。3深度加工知识4评价学生学习Step 4Post-listeni

13、ng)(15mins)Step 5SummaryStep6Exercises1. Look at the order form.2. T: Work in pairs. Student A, you work in the House of Dumplings. Ask student B questions and fill out the order form.A: Hello, House of Dumplings.B: Hello! I want to order some food, please. A: Sure. B: Id like chicken, fish and cabb

14、age, please.A: Uh-huh. B: And twelve dumplings.A: What kind of dumplings would you like?B: Beef and carrot dumplings, please.A: OK. What else?B: Umm Id like some soup, too.A: OK. What kind of soup would you like?B: Tomato soup. A: OK. One tomato soup then. Would you like any drinks? B: One large gre

15、en tea and two small orange juices. A: OK. Whats your address, please?B: 15 North Street.A: And whats your telephone number?B: 398-2845.A: 398-2845?B: Yup. A: Thank you. Thatll be 65 yuan. Summary:Exercises:1. She would like some _.A. banana B. beef C. grape D. pear2. Im thirsty. Please give me _ wa

16、ter or _ orange juice.A. some; an B. some; aC. some; some D. any; any3.-Would you like some _? -OK.A. apple B. bread C. pear D. banana4.The fridge is empty. There is _ food left.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 5.-Would you like some _? -Yes, just one. A. apples B. bread C. pear D. beefs6.There is _ meat left, please buy some. A. a little B. little C. a few D. fewHomework 1. Read the conversation in 1c and repeat it.2.完成SectionB (1a-1d)练习题。通过复述听力材料,让学生复习这一完整的点


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