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1、Unit 8 The Seasons and the weather Topic 1 Whats the weather like in summer?一、重点词汇 Four seasons 四季 _ 春天 warm and windy 温暖又多风 _夏天 hot and sunny 炎热又晴朗 summer vacation 暑假 _秋天【fall】 cool and rainy 凉爽又多雨 _ 冬天 cold and snowy 寒冷又多雪 winter vacation 寒假_ 暖和的 _炎热的 _凉爽的 _ 寒冷的构词法:a名词变成形容词 (在词尾+y,以重读闭音节结尾的词,就双写词尾

2、的辅音字母再+y) cloud - _ 多风的 rain -_多雨的 sun -_晴朗的 wind - _ 多云的 snow _下雪的 fog _有雾的b形容词变副词 (在形容词词尾+ly,以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词改y为i,再+ly) strong - careful - happy - bright - kind - easy - c动词变名词: farm- teach- act-春季活动:go on a picnic 去野餐 go fishing去钓鱼 go hiking 去远足 fly kites 放风筝 plant trees 种树 plant flowers 种花 pretty/

3、beautiful / lovely flowers 漂亮的花 夏季活动:go swimming去游泳 go boating去划船 eat ice cream吃冰激凌秋季活动:paint a picture 画画 pick apples摘苹果 pick fresh apples 摘新鲜的苹果 冬季活动:go skating去滑冰 make a snowman 堆雪人 play in the snow 在雪中玩耍 There is lots of snow. 有很多雪。 【lots of = a lot of snow/ water/money 不可数名词】 1、Whats the weathe

4、r like? = Hows the weather?.天气怎么样?练习: in winter in Beijing? 北京冬天的天气怎么样? cold and windy 有风而且寒冷。2、 Its + be +名词/形容词+to do/ for doing sth. “这是做某事的” 练习: 这很难说。 这是游泳的好季节。 这是登山的好季节。 3、learn to do sth. 学会做某事(未做) 练习: 她在学跳舞。 4、 snow V. N. 练习: 今晚可能下雪。 练习: 小孩们在玩雪。 rain V. N. 练习: It is outside. 练习: There was a h

5、eavy last night.5、 spring? 你为什么喜欢春天? there are beautiful flowers everywhere. I often go on a picnic with my family. 因为到处都有美丽的花朵。我经常和我的家人去野餐。6、 ? 你最喜欢的季节是什么? Spring / Summer/ Fall/ Winter ( is my favourite season ). 是春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。 ? 你最喜欢哪一个季节? Summer. I can go swimming every day. 夏天。我可以每天去游泳。 Winter.

6、I like snow. I often play in the snow. 冬天。我喜欢雪。我经常在雪中玩耍。7、 How are things going?事情进展得怎么样? Great!很好!/Not bad!还不错!/Just so-so.一般般/Things are going well.一切进展顺利。8、 What is the temperature, do you know?你知道今天气温多少度吗? The lowest tempeture is -8 and the highest tempeture is -2.最低温度是零下8,最高温度是零下2。(1)×

7、5;× 不用how many, how much(2) -8 eight degrees centigrade/celsius below zero = minus eight degrees centigrade/celsius. 美语 8 eight degrees centigrade/celsius 9、 It is nice and bright. 天气又好又晴朗 and 连接两个形容词的对等并列关系 但是第一个形容词是nice, good, fine 等词时,便具有了nicely, very 或quite 的副词作用。这种强调性质的习惯在英美口语中使用的相当广泛。10、r

8、emember to do sth. 未做(记得去做) forget to do sth.未做(忘记要做) remember doing sth. 已做(记得做过) forget doing sth.已做(忘记做过)eg: 我记得我打扫过房间:I my room. 我记得我要去打扫房间: I my room. 我忘记今天下午要给我妈妈打电话:I my mom this afternoon.我忘记今天下午已经给我妈妈打过电话了:I my mom this afternoon.11、be in,wear,put on,dress穿,戴be in(宾语为有关衣服和颜色的词)和wear(穿戴,表示状态

9、)的意思相同。都是表示穿着(什么东西)的意思。例如:I am in a shirt. 和I am wearing a shirt. 例如:I am in blue. 和I am wearing blue. dress是:给(某人)穿衣。宾语为人或是反身代词。例如:Dress your son. 给你儿子穿衣服。Dress yourself. 你自己把衣服穿上。put on(宾语是有关衣服)是:把(某一件衣服)穿上。例如:I am going to put the shirt on.我打算去把衬衣穿上。练习:She is her coat.她正在穿大衣。 She is a new dress t

10、oday.她今天穿了条新裙子。 The mother is her daughter.那位母亲正在给她女儿穿衣服。12、 只有复数形式没有单数形式的词:太阳镜: 短裤: 长裤: 剪刀: scissors 眼镜: 13、 later on 以后,后来,其后,随后 get fine 天气变晴朗 连系动词:get turn look变得练习:Im going out 我过一会儿要出去。 When winter comes,it is colder and colder.冬天到来时,天气变得越来越冷了。 Her face red.她的脸变红了。 The dress nice on you.这裙子穿在你

11、身上真漂亮。14、It is very hot. It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily.天气很热,经常下雨,有时雨下得相当大。rain/snow: heavily, hard, heavy wind: strongly/hard/strong eg: 下大雪 下大雨 大雪 大雨 刮大风 大风 eg: It rained heavily on July 21st, 2019, in Beijing. = There was 15、 come after “在之后到来” come before “在之前到来” come back to life

12、 复苏,复活 come out 开花,出版,发行eg: Slowly, the city began to 慢慢地,这个城市又出现了生机。 秋天在冬天之前来临 夏去秋来 The flowers begin to 花儿开始开放了。The book will next month.这本书下个月出版。16、be busy doing sth.= be busy with sth.eg: 我正忙着做作业。【注意】be busy = have no time 但have no time to do sth. 没时间做某事eg: Im now. = I have now.我现在没有时间eg: I have

13、 我没时间做作业。17、 Winter lasts from December to February.last V. 持续 接表示时间段的名词或短语last long / four years 持续很久/持续四年 last adj. 最近的,上一个的,过去式last night/ Tuesday /month / summer /year18、 remember to do记得去做(未做) remember doing sth记得做过(已做)forget to do忘记去做(未做) foget doing sth忘记做过(已做)like to do 喜欢做 enjoy doing sth喜欢

14、做want to do 想要做 be busy doing doing sth忙于做would like to do 想要做 How about/what about doing sth做某事怎么样?need to do 需要做 why dont you do 为什么不learn to do 学习做 why not do为什么不try to do 尝试做 let do让某人做某事be sure to do 一定要做 had better do最好做某事Its + adj. + to do sth.做某事是怎么样的 情态动词can/could/may/might do be glad/nice/

15、happy to do sth. 很高兴做某事19、take a walk (with sb.) (与某人)散步 eg:Id like to my father after dinner.我喜欢饭后和我父亲散步。20、see sb doing sth. eg: 我看见他正在过马路。 see sb do sth. eg: 我经常看到他在打篮球。 hear sb do sth. 看到全过程或经常性习惯性的看到 eg:你听到他出去了吗? hear sb doing sth. eg:我听见她正在教室唱歌。 21、hope V. 希望 hope to do sth./hope for sth. hope

16、 that + 从句eg: 我希望快点看到你。 我们希望星期天天气好。 我希望你跟我一起玩。 n. 希望 eg: You are my best hope.22、know about 知道,了解(详细情况)二、用正确的动词形式填空。1.The children are _ (run) there now.2.-I _ up at half past six this morning. (get )-My father always _(come) back from work very late.3.My mother _ a lot of fruit yesterday afternoon

17、. (buy)4.Listen! Who_(sing) in the music room? Oh. Mary _(sing) there.5.They _ a meeting yesterday. ( not have)6.- _ you _ ( have) any color pens? -Sorry, I dont have any. 7.She likes eggs, but she _ (not like) bread.8.My mother _ (tell) me a story every night.9.- How much meat _ you _ (want) ? - A

18、kilo, please.10.Someone _ (be) in the next room. 11.There _ (be) a pen and two erasers in the pencil- box.Unit 8 Topic 1考试题 .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.A.It was cloudy.B.It is fine.C.It was Saturday.( )2.A.No, he takes an umbrella.B.Yes, he takes a raincoat.C.Yes, he does.( )3.A.Yes, it snowed.B.No

19、, it doesnt.C.Yes, it is.( )4.A.I dont like cold weather.B.I like warm weather.C.Its too cold.( )5.A.Yes, it was.B.Yes, it is.C.Yes, it does.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读一遍。(5分)( )6. A.Its rainy.B.Its cold.C.Its hot.( )7. A.-4.B.-5.C.-6.( )8. A.Its rainy.B.Its snowy.C.Its windy.( )9. A.Summer.B.Spring.C.Wi

20、nter.( )10.A.Two months.B.Three months.C.One month.听短文,完成下列表格。短文读两遍。(5分)CityWeatherTemperature11. Sunny and warm5-7TokyoRainy12. New York13. 14. Sydney15. 20-25.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.Whats the weather like?A.Snowy.B.Rainy.C.Foggy.( )17.Whats the woman doing?A.Getting in a taxi.B.Getting out of

21、a taxi.C.Getting on the bus.( )18.How many boys and girls can you see in the picture?A.A boy and two girls.B.Two boys and a girl.C.A boy and a girl.( )19.Where are the children going?A.Going to school.B.Going shopping.C.Going home.( )20.Can you see any planes in the sky?A.Yes, I can.B.No, she can.C.

22、No, I cant.单项选择。(10分)( )1.What is the weather _ in fall?Its cool.A.forB.likeC.asD.at( )2.Look! It is _ . Lets play in the park.OK. Letgo.A.sunnyB.cloudyC.coldD.rainy( )3.It _ and some boys are making a snowman outside.A.snowB.is snowingC.snowyD.is sunny( )4.Its hot in summer. Its a good season _ swi

23、mming.A.atB.inC.toD.for( )5.It is very cold outside. Youd better _ warm clothes.A.to wearB.wearC.wearingD.wears( )6.Its raining now, so you need _ an umbrella with you.A.to takingB.takesC.to takeD.taking( )7.Does spring _ from March to May in China?Yes, it does.A.lastB.lastsC.to lastD.lasting( )8.Wh

24、ere does Tom plan _ for his summer holiday?Bei Daihe.A.goB.goesC.to goD.going( )9.Please remember _ me the weather report tomorrow, Xiao Ming.OK. No problem.A.tellB.toldC.tellsD.to tell( )10.Is the weather in England different _ that in Australia?Oh, let me see. Yes, it is.A.fromB.toC.withD.for.情景交际

25、。(5分)根据对话的情景从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Last Sunday I went to the zoo. What about you?A.Would you like to go with me?B. Hows the weather today?C. The temperature is 21.D. I was in hospital.E. It was warm.F. What was the weather like today?G. I was at home all day.B: 11 What was the weather

26、 like last Sunday?A: 12 Why not play soccer?B: I had much homework to do.A: And what are you going to do this afternoon?B: It depends on (依而定) the weather. 13 A: Its sunny and warm. 14 B: The weather is good. Im going to fly kites.A: How interesting it is!B: Yes. 15 A: Great. Id like to.完形填空。(10分)In

27、 Britain(英国), winter is not very cold 16 summer is not very hot. There is not a great difference 17 summer and winter. 18 is this?Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island(岛) country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea 19 warm air to Britain.

28、In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring 20 air to Britain.The winds from the west(西部) blow 21 Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest(西南部). They are wet(湿的) 22 . They bring rain to Britain all the year. Britain has 23 rain all the year. The west of Britain

29、is wetter than the east(东部). The winds must blow over the highland(高原) in the west. They drop more rain there. The east of Britain is drier(更干) than the west.The four seasons are 24 three months long. Winter is in December, January and February. Spring lasts 25 March to May. Summer is in June, July

30、and August. Fall is in September, October and November.( )16.A.orB.butC.andD.so( )17.A.betweenB.fromC.withD.in( )18.A.WhatB.WhyC.HowD.Where( )19.A.carryB.takeC.bringD.get( )20.A.coolB.coolerC.warmD.warmer( )21.A.overB.underC.atD.on( )22.A.rainB.rainsC.windD.winds( )23.A.manyB.a lotC.a lot ofD.a few(

31、 )24.A.everyB.bothC.allD.between( )25.A.fromB.inC.atD.on.阅读理解。(30分)(A)根据表格中所提供的信息选择正确答案。( )26.On Sunday, April 27th youd better _.A.take the dog for a walkB.visit the zooC.stay at home and read a good bookD.go to the beach (海滩) for a swim( )27.The sunniest (阳光最充足的) days were _.A.Saturday and Tuesday

32、B.Tuesday and WednesdayC.Tuesday and FridayD.Monday and Wednesday( )28.Friday, May 2nd was _.A.sunny all day B.cold and windy all dayC.sunny in the morning but cloudy in the afternoonD.rainy in the morning and cold in the afternoon( )29.Which day has a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon?A.Thursday

33、.B.Monday.C.Saturday.D.Friday.( )30.Wang Jian flew his kite on a day that was windy in the morning but wet in the afternoon. He probably did this on _ .A.Monday, April 28thB.Saturday, April 26thC.Thursday, May 1stD.Tuesday, April 29th(B)It is a beautiful spring morning. There isnt a cloud, and the s

34、un is warm but not too hot. So Mr. Green is surprised when he sees an old man at the bus stop with a big strong black umbrella in his hand.Mr. Green says to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain today?”“No,” says the old man,“I dont think so.”“Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the su

35、n off you?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. Green looks at the big umbrella again, then the man says, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. So I really need a walking stick(拐杖). When I carry a walking stick, people will say, Look at that poor man.And I dont like that. When I

36、carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, Look at that foolish man. ”( )31.Where does Mr. Green meet the old man?A.In the bus.B.Near the bus stop.C.At the bus stop.D.In a big shop.( )32.How does Mr. Green feel when he sees the old man with an umbrella in his hand?A.He feels worried.B.He fe

37、els surprised.C.He feels happy.D.He feels sad.( )33.What color is the old mans umbrella?A.Black.B.Blue.C.Brown.D.White.( )34.What is the weather like?A.Cloudy.B.Rainy.C.Fine.D.Windy.( )35.What do people think of the old man when he carries an umbrella in fine weather?A.He is very strong.B.He is very

38、 foolish.C.He is very poor.D.He is healthy.(C)With the change of different seasons, people will need different types of clothes.When school begins in autumn, it is a little colder than in summer. Its cool. So at this time of the year, people often wear something such as long sleeve shirts(长袖衫), jean

39、s and sneakers(帆布鞋). In November it becomes much cooler. Winter usually comes in December. It becomes colder and colder in the last two months. And outer wear becomes a very important part of peoples wardrobe(衣柜). Jackets, sweaters, hats, and gloves(手套) can also keep people away from the cold weathe

40、r. Spring is usually from March to May. In spring, the weather changes again and becomes warm and pleasant. People begin to take off those thick clothes and wear cool clothes. With the summer months coming, people often wear shorts, T-shirts or something else to keep cool. The hottest month is August. Dont forget sunglasses and sunshades(遮阳伞), for they are both what you need in the hot sunny season.根据短文内容,完成下列表格。SeasonsClima


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