1、Starting Line8 Unit13 Lesson73Travel Plans(人教版 新起点英语)一、 本课教学内容分析本节课是新起点英语四年级下册第73课,是Travel Plans这一单元的第一课,课题类型为新授课。这一课讲的是与旅游有关的一些景点,及询问并回答某人假期旅游计划的交际用语。学生在二年级上册第6单元Beijing接触过一些与旅游主题相关的词汇,这些是学生的已有认知基础。本课将学习与旅游计划有关的以下单词和词组:travel plans, beach, swim, Mount Tai, see the sunrise, Shaolin Temple, learn Wus
2、hu, West Lake, take pictures, safari park, see wild animals, vacation。除个别词外,其他生词都是成对出现的,即有一个旅游景点的生词,就有一个与之相对应的去该景点做什么的生词。学生在以前的学习中曾接触过swim, see, animals这些词汇,本单元要求学生四会(听、说、读、写)掌握它们。另外,专有名词的第一个字母要大写,关于这一点,教师在教学中要注意提示学生。本课学习与旅游计划有关的以下交际用语:“Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I want to go with
3、”。本节课所需课时为1课时,40分钟。二、 本课教学目标分析知识与技能:1) 能够初步听懂、说出、认读本课与旅游计划有关的12个单词和词组:travel plans, beach, swim, Mount Tai, see the sunrise, Shaolin Temple, learn Wushu, West Lake, take pictures, safari park, see wild animals, vacation。 2)能够初步听懂、说出、认读本课与旅游计划有关的交际用语:“Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I w
4、ant to go with”。 3)能够初步询问别人的旅游计划,并能正确回答别人对自己旅游计划的提问。 4)能够仿照范例,填写几句关于自己的旅游计划的句子。能力与方法:能够在本课谈论旅游计划的学习活动中,积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流。情感态度与价值观: 1)通过本课的学习,了解我国一些较著名的旅游景点,感受我国丰富的旅游资源,从而激发热爱祖国的情感。 2) 通过本课的学习, 使学生关注到在游览的过程中需要遵守规则,保护环境。 三、教学过程与教学资源设计:教学内容:Starting Line8 Unit13 Lesson73 词汇:travel plans, beach, swim, Mou
5、nt Tai, see the sunrise, Shaolin Temple, learn Wushu, West Lake, take pictures, safari park, see wild animals, vacation 句型:Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I want to go with.教学重点:1)与旅游计划有关的12个单词和词组。 2)询问并回答某人假期计划去哪里,去做什么的交际用语。教学难点:1)与旅游计划有关的12个单词和词组的音、形、义。 2)safari, wild, mount, sunrise
6、这几个单词的正确读音。教学资源:简易多媒体教学环境ppt。教具准备:1)学生准备:教材、学生卡片、旅游指南、旅游计划卡。2)教师准备:课件、教师卡片、旅游指南、旅游计划卡、旅游计划展示纸、磁贴、U盘、黄白粉笔。教学过程:Step1. Warming Up1. Greeting 2. Revision. 设计意图: 通过ppt的形式复现以前学过的与旅游话题相关的词汇,词汇包括:二年级上册第6单元北京名胜的词汇。通过复习,为学生后面的学习做好热身和铺垫。Step2. Leading-inT: Boys and girls, have you ever been to these places?S:
7、 Yes. / No.T: Where have you been to?S: . . .T: Miss Tian wants to go travelling this summer vacation. Do you want to know where I want to go?S: Yes.T: (PPT)Look, this is my travel plan. “This summer vacation, I want to travel in China with my friends. Firstly, I want to go to the safari park with m
8、y friends. We want to see wild animals there. Secondly, I want to go to the West Lake with my friends. We want to take pictures there. Thirdly, I want to go to Mount Tai with my friends. We want to see the sunrise there. Fourthly, I want to go to Shaolin Temple with my friends. We want to learn Wush
9、u there. Finally, I want to go to the beach with my friends. We want to swim in sea. Generally, I want to go to the safari park, the West Lake, Mount Tai, Shaolin Temple, and the beach with my friends this summer vacation.” This is my travel plan.T: So this class were going to learn “Unit13 Lesson73
10、 Travel Plans” . (板书课题)(新授单词:travel plans)设计意图: 本环节为引入主题过程中的整体输入。通过展示教师本人的旅游计划,一是引发了学生的好奇心;二是激发了学生的求知欲;三是为后面新知的学习做了必要的铺垫,尤其是为学生在下一环节做第73课A部分的听力题起到了很好的辅助作用。Step3. Learning New Words and Phrases1. 听力输入 T: (PPT)You know where I want to go this summer vacation, but what about Bill, Lily, Joy, Binbin and
11、 Yaoyao? Do they want to go travelling this summer vacation? If they do, where do they want to go and what do they want to do there?T: Later, were going to listen to a short passage about it. Before listening to it, first, please open your books and turn to page 42. Look at part A. Listen and number
12、. Ill give you 15 seconds to have a quick look of this part. Please begin.(PPT)(学生快速浏览A部分内容。)T: Time is up. Please try to get the key words and then number these pictures. Well listen to it twice. The first time, ready? Go!(教师播放两遍听力材料。)设计意图: 本环节为以听为主的整体输入。在上一环节的基础上,学生完成这一听力题会较为顺利。我在设计上注重学生学习策略的引导:带着
13、问题听录音;听前15秒快速浏览;听时注意抓住关键词。2教授新词T: Now lets check the answer. Who is No.1?S: Bill is No.1.T: (PPT) Lets have a look at Bill. Bill wants to go to the beach.( 教授新词:beach;学生“开火车”读;用新词造句并板书:I want to go to the beach with my parents.)T: (PPT)Bill wants to go to the beach and he wants to swim there.( 教授新词:
14、swim;学生“开火车”读;用新词造句并板书:We want to swim there.)T: (Tr指着黑板上的新句) Lets read them all together.S: I want to go to the beach with my parents. We want to swim there.(以下8个新词的教授程序基本同上)设计意图:以part A 的听力题为线索,一一展开来学习10个新词及词组。这样,教学线索清晰,同时学生在学习新词时没有脱离语言环境,而且在接下来的造句环节,使学生知道了每个词应该如何应用。这样的设计可以把“学”与“用”较好的结合,另外,引导学生所造的
15、句子正是本课重点句型,在这样不断地感知中, 本课的新词及重点句都得以有效的强化。3. 巩固新词T: (PPT) Lets practice the new words and phrases. Please read them. (以PPT形式回顾刚学过的10个新词及词组。)设计意图: 为了对所学的新词做一个简单的梳理和回顾,特设计此环节。在PPT中同一词展示了不同图片,是为了稍稍拓展学生的视野,使学生对新词有较为全面的理解。4. 词汇游戏:Finding FriendsT:Boys and girls, lets play a game, OK?S: OK!T: (PPT) If I sho
16、w a picture “Shaolin Temple”, you please show the other picture “learn Wushu” and then read aloud as quickly as possible. Ill see who is the fastest.(Tr and Ss Ss and Ss<机动安排>)设计意图: 以游戏的形式再次巩固并练习新词。可以调动学生学习的积极性;游戏可以增加学习的趣味性;通过“找朋友”这一游戏,可以使学生感受到每一对儿词之间内在的意义联系。Step4. Learning Important Sentences
17、1. 新授句型1)T: (PPT)I like animals very much, so I want to go to the safari park first this summer vacation. I want to see wild animals there.T: (示范) Boys and girls , where do you want to go this summer vacation? S1: I want to go to . . . with . . . .T: What do you want to do there?S2: We want to . . .
18、 there.2) T: (PPT) My first question is “Where do you want to go this summer vacation?” (重点分析讲解这一问句,跟读正音;顺带教授新词:vacation) T: (PPT)You can answer in this way “I want to go to . . . with . . . .”T: (PPT)My second question is “What do you want to do there? ”T: (PPT)You can answer in this way “We want t
19、o . . . there.” 3) T: (PPT) Here is the dialogue of part B. Lets read after the recording sentence by sentence. (学生跟读录音;分组角色扮演)设计意图: 在新授句型环节,我重点对第一个问句“Where do you want to go this summer vacation?”进行了分析讲解,因为此句是本课新知;本句较长。通过对第一问句的分析,使学生的学习策略得以正确引导,也让学生对句中的意群得到感知。2.句型的巩固及拓展操练1)Pair WorkT: (Show the Tou
20、rist Handbook)Boys and girls, youve already got this Tourist Handbook, right?S: Yes.T: Lets have a look at this handbook. On the right side, you can see there are many famous places in China, You can choose the one that you like and talk about it. T: Now, according to this handbook, please ask and a
21、nswer in pairs and make your own dialogues. 2) Act Out T: Its time to act out your dialogues. Which pair wants to be the first? Pair1: . . . 设计意图: 在句型的拓展操练环节,我为了尽量避免机械的语言操练,补充了一份有意义的且对学生的语言操练很有帮助的拓展资料Tourist Handbook(旅游指南)。学生通过对这份Handbook的阅读,一来可以加强学生对已学的与旅游话题相关的词汇的复习和巩固,二来也可以适当地拓展一些与旅游话题相关的语言内容。这份语言
22、拓展资料对学生实现有意义的语言操练起到了很好的辅助和提高作用。Step5. Task (综合拓展)T: Im afraid everybody of you has got your own travel plan on your mind. Would you please write them down?T: (实投示范) Here is a travel plan written by one of my students. His/ Her name is XXX. He/She said: “I want to go to the United Kingdom with my gra
23、ndparents this summer vacation. We want to see Big Ben there. ”T: Boys and girls, can you do that? Can you write out your travel plans?S: Yes.T: OK, you can according to the Tourist Handbook and write out your own travel plans. Now, everybody please take out your “Travel Plan ” cards and then do it.
24、 Please start.(学生拿出旅游计划卡并进行填写。)T: If you finish, please come to the front and stick it on “Our Travel Plans” paper.(学生陆续把写好的旅游计划卡粘贴到教师事先准备好的展示纸上。)Teacher shows some travel plan cards and asks the students to read them out.设计意图: 在综合拓展环节中,我给每位学生学生通过完成这一任务,首先感受和体验了对于自己所学的新语言在现实生活中的应用。其次,从前面环节的“听”、“说”到最后环节“写”的输出,也是紧遵“听说领先”的原则设计的,这体现了教学设计上的层次性和递进性,同时也体现了学生习得语言的规律。第三,学生能勇于把自己的旅游计划贴到前面展示,体现了学生对掌握新知的一种肯定和信心,这是一
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