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1、STRATEG Y AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: UNTOLD STORYOUTLINES OF AN Saras D. Sarasvathy Un iversity of Wash ington S. Ven katarama n Un iversity of Virgi nia In vited book chapter in the Strategic Man ageme nt Han dbook edited by Hitt et.al. (Revised December 10, 2000)In his book “ Inven ti on, ” Professor N

2、orbert Wiener (1993), commenting on the relative importanee accorded to individuals and institutions in historical n arratives of scie nee and inven tio ns, asks us to imagine Shakespeare s “ Romeo and Juliet ” without 1 either Romeo or the balcony. The story is just not the same. He like ns much of

3、 the study of the econo mic history of scie nee and acco unts of inven ti ons as “ all balcony and no Romeo. ” The balcony for Norbert Wiener captures the con text in which the story un folds the culture, the in stituti ons, the con stra ints and the catalysts that move the plot forward and thicken

4、it. Romeos, for Wiener, play the lead ing parts in the story, because there is a strong fortuitous eleme nt to inven tio ns and there is no in evitability that a possible discovery will be made at a given time and space. Take away either one, Romeo or the balc ony, and 1 Weiner took his in spirati o

5、n from the work of the En glish writer, Rudyard Kipli ng. 3 / 75 the whole story falls apart. In a similar vein, we would liken studies of strategic management to “all baleony and no Romeo” But if we accuse strategic management of being “all balcony and no Romeo” strategic man ageme nt scholars coul

6、d legitimately accuse en trepre neurship of being “ all Romeo and no balc ony. ” In this chapter we wish to suggest a point of view from en trepre neurship that will allow strategic man ageme nt scholars to accommodate more Romeos in their stories. Although these two fields have much to offer each o

7、ther (trade in balconies and Romeos), they have developed largely independent of each other. We wish to suggest that en trepre neurship has a role to play in strategic man ageme nt theory and that strategic management theory enriches our understanding of the en trepre neurial process, although this

8、latter aspect will not be the focus of this chapter.5 / 75 One useful way of thinking about entrepreneurship is that it is concerned with understanding how, in the abse nee of markets for future goods and services, these goods and services man age to come into existe nee (Ven katarama n, 1997). To t

9、he exte nt value is embodied in products and services, en trepre neurship is concerned with how the opportunity to create “value ” in society is discovered and acted upon by some individuals. As Wiener has no ted (Wie ner, 1993: 7), at the beg inning stages of a new idea, the effectiveness of the in

10、 dividual is eno rmous: “ Before any new idea can arise in theory and practice, some person or persons must have in troduced it in their own min ds The mind, eve n though it might not have element of progress in the distant may well delay it for fifty years or a cen tury. abse nee of orig excluded a

11、 certain future, The field of strategic man ageme nt can be usefully described as having to do with the “ methods” used to create this “value ” and the ensuing struggle to capture a significant shar e of that “value ” by in dividuals and firms. Thus, if we un dersta nd en trepre neurship and strateg

12、ic man ageme nt as the fields that together seek to describe, explain, predict and prescribe how value is discovered, created, captured, and perhaps destroyed, the n there is not only much that we can lear n from each other, but together we represe nt two sides of the same coin: the coin of value cr

13、eation and capture. One side of the coin, n amely strategic man ageme nt, has to do with the achievement of ends obtaining market share, profit, and susta ined competitive adva ntage. The other side of the coin, n amely en trepre neurship, has to do with the achieveme nt of 7 / 75 But the clarity an

14、d complexity with which an author conn ects beg innings and ends is what makes a great story. We believe the really in terest ing story betwee n strategic management and entrepreneurship has not yet been told. The main reason for this is that in general, creati on calls for very differe nt modes of

15、thinking and behavior than capture and sustenance over time. Yet the creatio n process not only determ ines certa in powerful tendencies for survival and growth, but some eleme nts of it also persist over long periods of time, subtly and substa ntially in flue ncing the selecti on and achievement of

16、 later ends. Carefully bearing in mind that large expa nses of strategic man ageme nt may have no 2 overlap with en trepre neurship , this chapter It is worth pointing out here that when discussing creative processes in the econo mic doma in, strategy is a sub-set of en trepre neurship. For example,

17、 for any given new technical invention there are, at least in theory, an infinite number of product possibilities that may flow out of that invention. But, in practice, only a finite sub-set of those possibilities will come into existenee. Of those new products that come into existe nee, only a sub-

18、set is in troduced by existi ng firms. In deed, a large n umber of new products are in troduced into the beg innings creating products, firms, and markets. economy by new firms. Strategy essentially focuses on existing firms and the activities of existing firms.9 / 75 en trepre neurship and strategic man ageme nt overlap. In the preface to their 1994 book, Rumelt, Schendel, and Teece identify the subject matter of strategic man ageme nt as the purposeful directi on and 1994) They further ide ntify four fun dame ntal that comprise a research age nda in strategic man ageme nt:


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