1、Compliments1.Thank you for sharing with us your recent wonderful experience you have had with our Airport Representative, Mr XXXX.We are proud to hear that Mr XXXX took the initiative to find a wheelchair for your elderly mother. We have forwarded your letter to him and have extended your message to
2、 all our staff. We believe that this will serve to encourage our staff to provide quality service.At Shangri-la, we aim to delight all our guests. We appreciate your time and effort and hope you would continue to give us your feedback.2.Thank you for taking time to write and share your recent pleasa
3、nt experience at Shangri-la. We are glad to know that our room attendant was considerate and thoughtful in locking your safebox during the cleaning process. The locking of the safe box was carried out properly and according to the established procedures in the hotel.We have conveyed your appreciatio
4、n to the Housekeeping team. I am sure it serves to encourage and motivate everyone in our hotel to continue with their good practices and attitudes toward delivering service excellence to our guests.3.We are happy to hear that you have received your telephone set. We are also glad to know that you w
5、ere impressed with our staffs demonstrated professionalism during your stay with us.At Kerry Centre Hotel Beijing, guest satisfaction is our top priority and the key drive to delight our guests.I would like to thank you for your feedback. We value patrons like yourself who help us to continuously im
6、prove our service.Thank you for taking time to write and share your positive experience during your recent stay with us.We commit ourselves in providing high level of service by“going extra mile”to delight our guests. Nothing pleases us more than to receive compliments from our guests.We look forwar
7、d to welcoming you back to our hotel.4.We appreciate you letting us know how excited you were in receiving the photo with a frame from our Housekeeping team. We have conveyed your compliments to the Housekeeping team. This will certainly boost their morale further to continue to provide quality serv
8、ice to our guests.At Shangri-La, we strive to deliver excellent service to all our guests.5.We appreciate you letting us know how much you were delighted by our staffs extra mile service during your recent stay with us.We are glad to hear that Mr. Jake (designation) had gone out of his way to source
9、 for the eye-contact solution for you. We have conveyed your appreciation to him.We are pleased with the demonstrated professionalism of our staff and commitment towards our companys philosophy“Shangri-La hospitality for Caring people”。We believe this incident has great motivational impact on all of
10、 our staff.Thank you once again, for taking the time to share your positive experience. Please continue to provide us with your valuable feedback as it helps to further improve our services.We appreciate you letting us know of your pleasant experience you had with our Receptionist Ms. Lily.We are gl
11、ad to hear that Ms. Lily had provided you with personalized services during stay with us. We have conveyed your appreciation to her.Ms XXXX, we thank you for your feedback. We believe that this will serve to encourage our staff to continuously work towards providing a high standard of service.6.Than
12、k you for sharing with us your wonderful experience you had at the recent Villa Annual Event. We are happy to know that you have enjoyed our services.We value your patronage and will continue to provide excellent service. Please continue to share with us your feedback.Complaints1.Thank you for your
13、letter of Nov 15 expressing your feeling of disappointment over the noise from the water cistern during your recent stay. Please accept my sincere apologies.It must have been frustrating for anyone who is unable to sleep due to the noise, especially in the stillness of the night. Our engineering tea
14、m has identified and reported that the noise was caused by air trapped inside the float valve. We have rectified and are continuing to monitor the situation.We assure you of our efforts on solving the issue and also like to ensure that your next stay with us is more comfortable and rewarding.We want
15、 to thank you for your patience and understanding. We do care about your business and want your trip to Beijing to be fulfilling. As a gesture of our goodwill, your three nights stay at China World Hotel will be taken as with compliments.Once again, my sincere apologies to you.2.I am very sorry to l
16、earn from your letter over your sleepless night you had during your last stay with us.We have identified that the noise from the water cistern was caused by air trapped inside the float valve. All rooms located within and beside the float valve will not be released until the issue is completely reso
17、lved.We apologize again for the inconvenience you have had experienced. We have waived one night room charge from your bill. We thank you for your patience and understanding. We do care about your business and our best wishes for your trip to Beijing.3.Thank you for your letter dated XXX and sharing
18、 with us your unsatisfactory experience during your recent stay. We certainly understand how frustrating it is to have a sleepless night, especially for a business traveler.Our Chief Engineer has investigated and rectified the water cistern system. As a gesture of our goodwill, we have waived your 3
19、 nights room charges.We care about your business and are genuinely committed towards our long-standing relationship. It is our aim to keep improving our level of service.Once again, we apologize and thank for your patience and understanding.4.I am really concerned about your unpleasant experience wi
20、th us during your recent stay in our hotel.Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience that you had experienced. It must have been unbearable and frustrating to have sleepless nights due to the noise from the water cistern.I have immediately summoned the Engineering team to rectify the problem.
21、 We will ensure that this will not happen again.We care about your business and want your trip to Beijing, and in particular your stay in our hotel to be satisfying, Therefore, please accept our one night complimentary stay voucher to be used for your next visit. We are looking forward to seeing you
22、 soon.Best wishes and regards.5.Thank you very much for your comments. I can understand the extent of your discomfort last night owing to the noise. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced.The Engineering team has been working on this issue since yesterday morning. The
23、noise was caused by air trapped in the float valve. It has already been rectified now.As a gesture of goodwill, I would like to offer your 3 nights stay with us as complimentary from our hotel. We have already deleted the charges from your credit card.I hope that this isolated experience would not i
24、n any way affect your future patronage of our hotel. I am looking forward to welcoming you on your next visit. Please contact me directly at XXXXXX or by fax XXXXXX to book your next visit with us. I assure you that you will have a pleasant stay with us.6.I am sorry to hear that you had sleepless ni
25、ghts during your recent stay at our hotel. Currently the Engineering team is working on the water cistern system.We appreciate you giving us the feedback, which helps us to improve our service level. We reassure you that this will not happen again. As a gesture of goodwill, your three nights stay at
26、 our hotel will be with compliments.Your support is important to us. We are anxious to continue the long standing relationship that we have established. Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies.Best wishes and we look forward to your next stay with us.7.Thank you for your letter of XXXX sha
27、ring your unpleasant experience with us. We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced due to the noise from the water cistern. I can understand how frustrating it is not to have a good night rest.I have directed the issue with the Engineering team for their immediate rectification. Mr. XX
28、XX, we ensure you that such an incident will not happen again. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you back soon.8.Thank you for your letter of 18 Dec 2002,expressing the unpleasant experience during your recent stay with us.We are sorry that you had sleepless nights. W
29、e fully understand how important it is for a business traveler to have a quiet, peaceful environment to have a restful night.We would like to inform you that the water cistern system has been fixed. We assure you that this will not happen again.Your support is important to us. Please do give us anot
30、her chance to provide you with the “Shangri-Las warm hospitality”.In appreciation for your understanding, please accept our(Mala fill in)丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINA尊敬的周小姐:您好!首先非常感谢您对丁山香格里拉大酒店的惠顾。由于住店期间的不便,给您带来了不必要的麻烦。请允许我代表酒店向您表示万分的歉意。您的感受使我们深感不安。请相信我们一定会在今后的工作中努力改进。再次感谢您对我们酒店的大力支持,今后
31、如在任何方面能为您效劳,请随时与我联系。期待着您的再一次光临。您诚挚的 段志铃 客务部总监二零零三年六月二十七日Dingshan GardenHOTELNANJING CHINA尊敬的肖永良先生:您好!首先对您六月二十八日早晨在酒店总台结帐时所遇到的不愉快,我谨代表酒店向您表示深深的歉意。我对您的投诉极为重视,专门召集有关部门开会通报情况,并责令酒店前厅部、安全部查清问题所在。我认为,如属员工业务技能欠佳、工作责任心不强所致,我们将进一步加强培训和教育。若属员工个人思想意识和道德品质问题,我们将依照有关政府法规追究其法律责任。您所反映的情况酒店前厅部、安全部正在进一步调查和审理之中。肖先生,酒
32、店十分重视您的投诉意见,并感谢您的诚恳批评。我们一定会给您一个满意的答复。再次向您表示歉意,并衷心期望您的再次光临。总经理:李春金2001年7月2日Dingshan GardenHOTELNANJING CHINAJune 23,2001Mr. &Mrs. Alfred CuiRoom: 610Dear Mr. & Mrs. CuiAt the outset, allow me to apologize to you and your wife for the inconveniences caused during your important day. I can trul
33、y understand how you feel.It was truly our mistake and the way our manager had handled the problem. As a manager, I felt partially responsible for the actions of my staff. I have also discussed this with the related department heads and corrective measures will be taken to ensure such incidents will
34、 not happen again.Mr. & Mrs. Cui, thank you for informing me about the incident. We treat this incident seriously and do hope you can indulge us on this occasion.Once again, please accept my sincere apologies and I like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the staff and I, our congratulations
35、on your special day.Please do hesitate to contact me directly if I could be of service to you.亲爱的崔先生,崔太太:首先,请允许我对您和您太太深表歉意,在您们的大喜之日所引起的不快。我完全理解您及您太太的感受。这一事件是由于我们的过错及有关经理的处理方式不当引起的。作为酒店领导,我个人对此也应承担部分责任。我与酒店相关部门经理讨论了这件事,并将 采取相应的改正措施以确保类似的事件不再发生。崔先生崔太太,谢谢您将此事知会我,请相信酒店定会严肃认真地对待这件事并希望得到您的谅解。再一次,请接受我本人对您与
36、您太太的真诚道歉,并借此机会恭祝您及您太太新婚愉快,白头偕老。如果您还需要我为您们提供什么服务,请随时与我直接联系。Yours sincerely,Henry Leecc:Mr. Jin Jian Ping/ Mr. Tsai Ming Yu/ Mr. Steven Foo丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINANovember 30, 2001Dear Mr De LeonThank you for selecting the Shangri-La Dingshan, Nanjing.We have received your comment ca
37、rd and glad that your visit was apparently a success and it was a pleasure to take care of you. Having said that, we apologize for the limited facilities in the health club. I would also like to inform you that we will have a new health club in the phase 2 opening in May 2002.At the same time, thank
38、 you for your comment on the waiter and waitress in the Coffee Garden, also the employees of Shangri-La Dingshan.Thank you again for letting us have the benefits of your comments as they are great assistance. We look forward to welcoming you back again.Yours sincerelySteven FooRooms Division Manager
39、丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINA植田贤司先生 二00一年八月二十九日Room 4021尊敬的植田贤司先生:您好!来信收悉,首先请接受我诚恳的歉意,对于您的感受让我深感不安,本人向您表示万分的歉意。针对我们在服务中所发生的问题,令您及您的家人感到不快,我已就此事与前台及公寓等各有关部门主管进行了会议讨论,我们会就此类事件做出妥善的处理,就您及您的家人的感受,请再次接受我诚挚的抱歉。就您的住家阿姨登乘班车,如在这个星期六能有座位安排,我们会尽早通知您。感谢您一直以来对我们的大力支持,今后如在任何方面能为您服务,请随时联系我。您诚挚的何强饭店经理餐
40、饮抄送:符泽福房务总监丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINAAug. 7, 2001Ms. Daphne TsuiUnit 5, 17/F, 9 Wing Hong St.Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon,Hong KongDear Ms. Tsui,Thank you staying with us during your recent trip to Nanjing and for taking up your time to complete our questionnaire.I am most concerned that
41、you are not satisfied with some of our services and facilities. The specific matters that you have pointed out to me have been discussed with the department heads concerned, our new Health Club will be ready by the end of the year. We hope you will indulge us on this occasion.Ms. Tsui, we want you k
42、now that we valued your business and you are very important to us. My team and I look forward to welcoming you back to Shangri-La Dingshan, soon.尊敬的徐小姐:首先感谢您入住丁山香格里拉大酒店并用您宝贵的时间填写宾客意见书。我注意到您对我们的某些服务及设施不尽满意。我已与相关部门经理讨论过您提及的方面,我们将在年底完成新的健身中心,在此希望得到您的谅解。徐小姐,您是我们的重要客人,感谢您对我们的支持与理解。丁山香格里拉大酒店的全体员工期待您的再次光临。
43、Yours sincerely,Henry LeeGeneral Manager丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINA尊敬的周小姐:首先感谢您入住丁山香格里拉大酒店并用您宝贵的时间填写宾客意见书。我注意到您对我们的某些服务及设施不尽满意。我已与相关部门经理讨论过您提及的方面,在此希望得到您的谅解。正是通过您的意见,我们才能纠正不足之处。同时我也注意到您对我们的客房服务员王莉玲小姐工作的认可,我会将您的意见转达给我的员工,以此鼓励我们更加完善、提高我们的服务水平。周小姐,您是我们的重要客人,感谢您对我们的支持与理解。丁山香格里拉大酒店的全体员工期待您
44、的再次光临。此致! 李春金丁山香格里拉大酒店二00一年八月二十一日丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINADear Ms. ZhouThank you for staying at Shangri-La Dingshan, Nanjing.We are pleased that you have enjoyed your stay with us and have taken note of your comments. We want you to know that we value your business and you are impor
45、tant to us.We look forward to welcoming you back to Shangri-La Dingshan, Nanjing soon.尊敬的周斌小姐:首先感谢您惠顾丁山香格里拉大酒店,并在此入住愉快。我们注意到了您的宝贵意见,作为我们的重要客户,我们感谢您对我们的不断支持,并期待您再次光临丁山香格里拉大酒店。谨祝安康!Yours sincerely,Henry LeeGeneral ManagerDingshan GardenHOTELNANJING CHINA4 June 2001Wilhelm EiseleMAHLE (Nanjing) Piston
46、Go. LTDDear Mr. Eisele,We are pleased to inform you that you will be able to enjoy the special room rate of RMB100 nett during your stay-out period.As discussed, it will be effective from 5 June morning for a period of four weeks. We will secured your room during the time you are away. We trust you
47、will understand that this is a one time special arrangement and this arrangement is strictly between Dingshan Garden hotel and your goodself.Let me know if you have any queries.Best regardsHenry Leecc:Steven Foo丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINA尊敬的隋军先生:您好!感谢您再次光临丁山香格里拉大酒店,首先对于您在上次住店期间遇到的不愉快表
48、示深深的歉意。昨天,与您就此事进行了面谈,首先衷心感谢您能谅解我们员工因工作失误给您造成的损失。目前,酒店在进一步对此事件进行处理,希望在近期给您一个满意的答复。再一次,请接受我本人对您的真诚道歉,并借此祝愿您在丁山香格里拉住店愉快!总经理:李春金2001年7月12日丁山香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La DingshanNANJING, CHINA尊敬的寺泽辉彦先生:您好!首先感谢您写信给我。对于事先未能告知您酒店洗衣费调价一事,我感到非常地报歉。这是酒店方面考虑不周之处。对此,我已与酒店有关部门经理讨论过此事,并将采取相应的措施以确保类似的事情不再发生。您是酒店的重要客人,您对酒店洗衣费调
49、价一事的想法,我完全理解。酒店非常重视您的意见,经研究决定给予您与您的家人特别的优惠,请您相信您会得到物有所值的服务。寺泽先生,感谢您对酒店的长期信任与支持。正是通过您的意见,才使我们不断纠正不足。最后,再次感谢您对酒店长期的信任与支持,并希望继续得到您的支持,如果您还需要我为您做些什么,请随时与我联系。最诚挚的谢意! 总经理:二00一年七月十七日Dingshan GardenHOTELNANJING CHINA尊敬的隋军先生:您好!首先请允许我谨代表酒店,对于您在住店期间所遇到的不愉快表示深深的歉意。这一事件的发生是由于我们员工工作上的失误所引起。对于您的投诉我极为重视,专门召集有关部门开会
50、通报了情况,并责令酒店前厅部、安全部要查清问题所在。目前,此事件酒店前厅部、安全部正在进一步调查之中,我希望能在最短的时间内,约您一个满意的答复,请相信酒店定会严肃认真地对待此事。再次向您表示歉意,恳请得到您的原谅。客务总监:符泽福2001年7月5日Judy Duan To: SLDN-DM/SLI_SLDN/Shangri-LaShangri-La04-05-09 18:29 cc:Subject: ComplaintsJudy Duan Director of RoomsShangri-La Dingshan, Nanjing90 Cha Ha Er Road, Nanjing, 210003, ChinaTel:(8
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