



1、总则该指南旨在保证IPMT与PDT能够在整个开发周期过程中,全面考虑业务与项目的所有方面。IPMT与PDT团队应当用这些问题为决策评审点的评审作好准备。PDT团队应该在会前与相应的IPMT成员共同审阅提议,并确保在事先商定好的时间将DCP材料提交给所有IPMT成员。概念决策评审点Y/N 该业务计划是否体现了足够的业务潜力,有望形成可行的产品包?对市场的理解Y/N 是否已经理解了市场,是否已定义并选出了目标细分市场?是否采用PDC和/或SPAN/FAN方法对吸引力进行了优先级排序? Y/N 是否确认了客户需求?Y/N 所选细分市场是否支持并与公司的业务愿景、使命、目标和战略相一致?Y/N 采用了

2、哪些方法从客户那里收集需求(直接和间接)?产品包Y/N 该概念阶段业务计划真的具有竞争力吗?Y/N 是否已经对该产品包进行了定义,使其体现出业务机会的特征(传统与新兴或新市场相比)?Y/N 是否做出了SPAN(战略地位分析)图,对产品包进行描述和说明,支持市场细分计划?Y/N 是否定义了促使客户做出购买决定的驱动因素?Y/N 是否确定了市场中的竞争产品包(到GA时)?如何打败它们?Y/N 我们的计划是否足以验证该产品包是客户所需要的产品包?Y/N 是否定义了该产品包的主要竞争性差异?这些差异是否有意义?Y/N 是否定义了该产品包的易用性目标? Y/N 华为是否有针对这些细分市场的其他产品包?该

3、产品包是否与它们有冲突?Y/N 是否考虑了跨产品/产品线的需求?Y/N PDT使用的是否是经签发的产品包DCP模板?Y/N 是否已明确了PDT所有主要成员且已到位?业务潜力(相对其他产品包而言)Y/N 该产品包业务计划是否可盈利?Y/N 这项投资是否与本领域现有投资相协调?Y/N 是否确定了业务风险?Y/N 是否明确了该市场上华为其他跨产品线,以及产品线产品包?相对于该产品包,它们是如何定位的?Y/N 该产品包在目标细分市场上属新的/升级产品包,还是与其他产品包共存? 开发计划Y/N 是否可制定一个具有可接受风险的开发计划?Y/N 该产品包的范围和定义是否足够清晰、肯定,可以转入到下一个阶段?

4、Y/N PDT的业务计划是否包含项目初步的时间进度表以及计划阶段的目标日期和主要里程碑?Y/N 是否明确了主要风险及其潜在的影响?Y/N 对于该产品包,是否考虑了公司和/或业务领域的环境目的与目标?Y/N 是否能够获得人力资源?他们是否具有完成下一阶段工作所必需的技能和经验?若没有,如何获取实施下一步工作所需的资源与技能?Y/N 是否已确定了完成计划阶段工作的主要PDT人力资源?Y/N 如果这是一个“关键”项目,是否给PDT分配了一名经认证的项目经理或指导者?Y/N 是否已经审视过以前项目的经验教训总结,并在制定该项目的业务计划时做出了考虑?Y/N 分销渠道Y/N 针对选定的细分市场,现在是否

5、具备有效的渠道?Y/N 是否选定了要用的渠道?Y/N 是否需要新的渠道?若需要,是否已经准备好了建立新渠道的计划?Y/N 是否需要解决一些战略问题,比如业务伙伴、技术许可、联盟、OEM等? 计划决策评审点Y/N 建议产品包能否被及时开发,推向市场并赢利?具有竞争力的产品包(渠道与客户)Y/N 对于渠道和客户,所定义的产品包是否具有竞争力和吸引力?Y/N 是否理解了细分市场和客户的购买标准?市场调研与客户反馈是否支持它们? Y/N UCD 数据能否体现出华为的产品包相对于业界最佳的竞争力水平?Y/N 该产品包能否如预期地在GA/发布点保持充分的竞争优势?竞争优势能否持续保持下去?Y/N 是否验证

6、了该产品包对客户和渠道的吸引力?Y/N 该产品包是否仍然符合华为战略?业务潜力Y/N 这个业务计划是否仍有充分的业务发展潜力?Y/N 是否确定了该产品包预计的盈亏均衡点?Y/N 对该产品包的投资是否符合IPMT制定的投资决策标准?Y/N 对产品机会的财务分析是否已经足够详细,可以对该计划进行评估?(销量,投资回报率和税前收入)Y/N 相对于风险和所需的资源,是否有足够的预期收益(市场份额,利润率和投资回报率)?Y/N 是否已制定了FAN(财务分析)图来描述并证明该产品包能够支持华为财务计划?Y/N 产品包业务计划业务摘要模板是不是包含在DCP材料包之中的最终业务计划的一部分? 开发计划Y/N

7、计划是否满足了向客户承诺的需求?GA前是否会有ESS交付?Y/N 开发计划是否切实可行?Y/N 在最终产品包/解决方案业务计划(O/SBP)及支撑文档中是否对产品包进行了清楚的定义?Y/N 项目范围是不是已根据市场和需求分析做出了更改?Y/N 是否有计划验证该解决方案是否是客户所需的解决方案?Y/N 是否是按IPD流程来运作的?Y/N 是否已有项目管理流程?Y/N 是否已验证IPD流程能否满足关键的质量和交付目标?Y/N 在最终业务计划中列出的总体进度是否是基于对所需要的工作量的充分理解?能否抓住市场机会窗 ?Y/N 该产品包的上市计划是否优于华为之前的产品包上市计划?与主要竞争对手相比呢?与

8、业界最佳相比呢? Y/N 是否制定了计划,并有足够的资源来满足世界各地客户的全球化需要(英语文档)?Y/N 是否有支撑市场机会窗内产品包的营销与销售资源?Y/N 是否有Beta, ESS或ESP等早期交付需要?开发计划是否支持这类交付?Y/N 是否需要功能的子集用于Beta和/或ESS?该计划是否能支持交付前对功能子集充分的测试?Y/N 是否制定了计划,满足执行正式发布和发布流程所要求的最终期限? Y/N PDT经理是否理解和同意项目状态报告的方法和频率(DCP会议除外)?Y/N 有没有更改、问题及争议管理流程?Y/N 从以前项目中吸取的经验教训是否应用到了该项目中?Y/N 是否确定了后续阶段

9、的PDT成员?是否分配了PDT资源?Y/N 计划是否考虑了所有关键利益相关人的意见?Y/N 对于所有已确定的关键依赖关系,在IPMT和PDT中是否有跨部门的代表(或协调人)?Y/N 是否是采用公认的预测方法来确定资源需求的?是否考虑到了意外情况? Y/N 是否已分配了足够的营销与技术支援资源(技能及资金)来在市场机会窗内形成和支持产品包 ?Y/N 市场计划中是否已完成了发布活动与交付计划的框架?Y/N 对超出IPMT权力之外,但项目所需的外部资源、华为资源以及依赖关系,有没有做出承诺的计划?如何管理这些资源? Y/N 在质量、可用性及可服务性方面有投资吗?该产品包是否有一些新的挑战性的质量目标

10、?如果有,是否已经制定了实现目标的计划?Y/N 质量计划中是否已经准确地反映出了该产品包的质量目标?质量计划中是否说明了应如何完成这些目标,以及它们是否符合已经过认证的ISO规范?Y/N 产品包的现场故障率是否将比当前在现场运行的产品的故障率低?是否会比竞争对手低?Y/N 是否作出了决策,在设计中优化共用部件的使用和CBB/重用原则?Y/N 是否已验证有足够支持该产品包的子部件(硅、技术器件、构件模块、代码许可、子系统等)来满足批量要货预测?Y/N 客户服务与支持计划是否包括了该产品包中的非华为要素?Y/N 营销计划Y/N 是否定义了发布活动和交付计划?是否确定了发布主题/信息和需要验证的假设

11、?Y/N 是否对每个确定的销售渠道的预计销量作出了承诺?是否制定好了销售激励计划?Y/N 是否考虑将支持与服务作为主要的差异?Y/N 是否做好了计划,对所有渠道的技术销售支持进行利用和宣传?如何对所有销售渠道的技术销售支持进行宣传?分销渠道Y/N 该计划是否能确保业务计划的迅速成功? Y/N 是否会有合适的渠道来发布和销售该产品包?按地域/细分市场来实现该业务计划? Y/N 是否已经按渠道制定了销售与技术支持培训计划?Y/N 是否明确了销售渠道冲突,并已制定计划来解决这些冲突?风险管理Y/N 是否制定了风险管理计划?并描述了对所确定的风险的应对措施? 可获得性决策评审点/早期销售支持决策说明:

12、(A) 只针对ADCP的问题(E) 只针对EDCP和GA的问题如果既没有标注A也没有标注E,那么可认为该问题是针对EDCP或ADCP。Y/N 该产品包是否已经做好正式发布的准备了?(A)Y/N 该产品包是否作好发货的准备了?业务展望Y/N 是否进行了需求追溯,以验证该系统实现符合已达成共识的需求?Y/N 是否直接同客户确认了该系统实现,测试产品包是否仍满足客户需求与期望?(A)Y/N 是否确认或更新了PDCP合同?针对GA和ESS,承诺的计划中是否反映了这项交付?Y/N 最终业务计划中的初始订单评估框架是否仍然可行? (A)Y/N 该产品包是否已确定了实现盈亏平衡的时间?并与竞争对手、业界最佳

13、以及以前推出的产品相比较,做出了分析? (A) Y/N 早期销售机会点状态是否支持该产品包的早期交付?(E)Y/N 初始定单是否没有变化?发货质量 (针对 EDCP和ADCP,这些问题适用于正在发货的产品,而不是整个GA水平的产品)Y/N 新产品包能比得上或超过以前产品的质量目标吗 ?Y/N 产品包的所有依赖关系是否已经准备就绪?是否理解并解决了系统集成方面的考虑因素?Y/N 是否通过IPD流程验证了设计稳定性?如何验证的?Y/N 是否有迹象,包括测试结果,显示该系统已经足够稳定?Y/N 要交付的产品是否成功完成了TR5?或者前面审批通过要交付的功能集是否通过了TR4A?(E)Y/N 产品包测

14、试结果和客户评估结果是否保证了该产品包的一般可获得性?给出证据。Y/N 该产品包是否已完成了所有的外部和内部认证要求? (A)Y/N 是否已实现在早期阶段确立的可用性、性能和质量目标?Y/N 从Beta,ESS,ESP和解决方案测试中得到的反馈是否支持GA和ESS的标准?对于GA',也要考虑达到GA水平。是否考虑了从Beta、ESP和解决方案测试中得到的反馈?UCD数据是否显示了华为产品包与主要竞争对手或业界最佳相比的竞争力如何?(A) Y/N 产品是否实现了质量目标,以确保客户在该产品包中比以前的产品包更少碰到故障?华为的知识产权是否得到了保护?Y/N 是否实现了可用性、性能和质量目

15、标?这些方面是否达到了客户的期望水平?Y/N 是否准备好了资料文档,支撑可获得性?发布与宣传计划 (A)Y/N 是否准备好了有效的发布与宣传计划?Y/N 用来与销售渠道和客户沟通的关键的行销主题和信息是否准备好了? Y/N 关键的组织是否做出承诺,并完全投入到了产品的发布之中?(华为的销售队伍、业务伙伴、独立软件开发商、媒体、顾问、任何其他相关组织 )Y/N 是否制定了发布计划的所有关键要素,并做好了执行准备?Y/N 是否制定了制作和分发市场行销材料的计划,并做好了执行准备? 该产品包的发布是否充分利用了网站?如果是,将如何利用 ?渠道搭建/落实 (A)Y/N 是否已完成了渠道搭建工作?Y/N

16、 是否制定了激励关键渠道的计划,并做出了承诺?(华为销售队伍、系统集成商、OEM、渠道伙伴、分销商、VARs(增值再售者)和网站)如何激励关键渠道?(华为销售队伍、独立软件供应商、系统集成商、渠道伙伴和再售者) 支持结构Y/N 技术与缺陷支持结构是否到位?Y/N 是否已实施了销售与技术支援人员的培训计划?Y/N 是否准备好了处理各销售区域和渠道中、或各ESS客户的缺陷和非缺陷问题的资源和计划?在各个销售区域和渠道中,如何处理缺陷? Y/N 在各个销售区域和渠道中,如何处理非缺陷问题?Y/N 是否有计划来处理跨产品销售问题和严重情况?如何处理? 是否有计划来处理跨平台销售问题和严重情况?如何处理

17、?Y/N 该产品包/解决方案能否大量制造、销售及支持?(A)Y/N 技术支援是否成功完成了TR6子流程对照检查表?(E)Y/N 是否准备好了迁移计划,让客户承诺升级到GA水平的产品包?(E)Y/N 是否确立了客户对ESS级别产品的正确期望值?(E)Y/N 是否已做好了客户返修件维修的准备?交付 Y/N 是否准备好了定单履行计划,来支持新产品包?Y/N 制造是否为批量发货做好了准备?(A) Y/N 是否有足够的硬件来支持ESS?(E)Y/N 所有ESS的发货量是否超过了PDCP头12个月销量预测的10?(E)Y/N 硬件是不是至少达到了SIT水平?(E)风险Y/N 业务和技术风险是否可接受?是否

18、制定好了风险应对计划?Y/N 是否确定了主要的业务风险?是否制定好了相关风险规避计划,并就责任人达成一致意见?是否确定了主要的技术风险,并制定了相应计划?是否制定了相应的风险规避计划,并就责任人达成一致意见?是否准备好了合适的生命周期计划,并确定了活动责任人? 生命周期决策评审点停止生产DCPY/N 该产品是否正接近计划的停止生产日期?Y/N 未来3个月内是否计划发布替代产品?Y/N 采购是否仍能从华为供应商处获取关键部件?Y/N 是否有足够的库存或计划库存来支持预期销售?Y/N 该产品若继续留在市场上,是否仍能为华为获得利润?Y/N 生产成本的增加是否已超过了预计成本,且无法追回?Y/N 是

19、否制定了计划来利用部件库存和成品库存?Y/N 是否为停止生产后客户返修件继续维修准备了相应条件?停止销售DCPY/N 该产品是否到达了计划的停止销售日期?Y/N 该产品在其细分市场的市场份额是否正在减少? Y/N 是否存在或规划了替代或后续产品包,让客户向其迁移?Y/N 该产品若继续留在市场上,是否仍能为华为获得利润?Y/N 销售额是否多个季度低于预期水平?停止服务DCPY/N 该产品是否接近承诺的停止服务日期?Y/N 华为是否能继续获取用于服务的关键部件?Y/N 服务利润是否已降至低于预期?Y/N 服务费用的增长是否已超过预期水平,且无法恢复?Y/N 华为是否有其他产品,供现有客户向其升级?

20、Y/N 是否有在计划的停止服务日期之后,仍需处理的客户保修承诺?GeneralThis guide was prepared to ensure IPMTs and PDTs consider all business and project aspects throughout the development cycle. These questions should be used by IPMT and PDT teams in preparation for Decision Check Point reviews. The PDT team should review the pro

21、posal with the appropriate IPMT members prior to the meeting, and ensure that the DCP package has been sent to all IPMT members on the agreed-to schedule.Concept Decision CheckpointY/N Does the business plan have enough business potential to be viable as an offering?Marketplace UnderstandingY/N Is t

22、he market place understood and are target markets segments defined and selected? Was the attractiveness prioritized using PDC and/or SPAN/FAN method? Y/N Have customer requirements been validated?Y/N Can the selected segments be aligned with and support the business vision, mission, goals, and corpo

23、rate strategy? Y/N Which techniques of collecting requirements from customers (both directly and indirectly) have been used?OfferingY/N Is the Concept business plan genuinely competitive?Y/N Has this Offering been defined in order to characterize the business opportunity (traditional versus emerging

24、 or new market)?Y/N Were SPAN (Strategic Positioning Analysis) charts developed to describe and justify an offering in support of a segment plan?Y/N Were the drivers of the customer purchase decision defined?Y/N Were the competitive offerings in the market identified (at the time of GA), and how wil

25、l they be beaten? Y/N Are there sufficient plans to validate this offering in the eyes of the customer? Y/N Are the offering's key competitive differentiators defined and meaningful? Y/N Is the ease of use objectives for this offering defined? Y/N Are other Huawei offerings addressing these mark

26、et segments and does this offering conflict with them? Y/N Have cross-product / cross-product line requirements been taken into consideration? Y/N Are the approved offering DCP templates being used by the PDT? Y/N Are all key members of the PDT identified and available?Business Potential (relative t

27、o other offerings) Y/N Is there a profitable business plan for this offering? Y/N Does this investment fit with current investments in this area?Y/N Have the business risks been identified? Y/N Have the other Huawei Cross-Product Line and Product Line offerings in this market been identified and hav

28、e they been positioned against this offering? Y/N Is this offering a NEW /UPGRADE/GOING TO CO-EXIST in the target market segment? Development PlanY/N Can a development plan be created with an acceptable risk?Y/N Is the scope and definition of the offering sufficiently clear and stable enough to move

29、 into the next phase?Y/N Does the PDT's business plan include a preliminary project schedule and target date with major milestones for the Plan Phase?Y/N Are the key risks and their potential impacts been identified? Y/N Have corporate and/or division environmental objectives and targets been ta

30、ken into consideration for this offering?Y/N Are resources available and do they have the necessary skills and experience to complete the next phase? If not, how will the resources and skills be obtained that will be needed for implementation?Y/N Have key PDT resources been identified to conduct the

31、 plan phase?Y/N If this is a key project is there a qualified Project Manager or a mentor assigned to the PDT?Y/N Have lessons learned from previous projects been reviewed and considered during creation of this project business plan?Distribution ChannelsY/N Do effective channels exist for the select

32、ed market segments?Y/N Have the Channels, which are to be used, been selected?Y/N Are any new channels required? And if so, are the plans in place to create them?Y/N Are there any strategic issues to be resolved such as partnerships, technology licensing, alliances, OEM, etc.? Plan Decision Checkpoi

33、ntY/N Can the proposed offering be made and marketed profitably, in a timely manner?Competitive Offering (channels and customers)Y/N Is the defined offering competitive and attractive for channels and customers?Y/N Is the market segment and customer buying criteria understood and is it supported by

34、market research and customer feedback? Y/N Does the UCD data show the competitiveness of the Huawei offering vs. the best of breed offering?Y/N Is the offering expected to provide sufficient competitive advantage differentiation at the time of GA/release? And will the competitive advantage be sustai

35、nable? Y/N Has there been validation of the offering attractiveness to customers and channels? Y/N Does the offering continue to fit with Huawei strategies?Business PotentialY/N Does the Business Plan still have enough business potential?Y/N Has expected time to break even been determined for the of

36、fering?Y/N Does the investment in this offering fit within the investment decision criteria guideline established by the IPMT?Y/N Is the financial analysis of the opportunity sufficiently detailed to assess the program? (volumes, ROI, and PTI)Y/N Are the anticipated benefits (market share, profitabi

37、lity, and ROI) adequate for the risk and resources needed?Y/N Have FAN (Financial Analysis) charts been developed to describe and justify this offering to support Huawei financial plans?Y/N Are the Offering Business Plan Business Summary templates a part of the Final Business plan included in the DC

38、P package? Development PlanY/N Have customer committed requirements been addressed in the plan? Will there be any ESS delivery prior to GA?Y/N Is there a realistic development plan?Y/N Is the offering clearly defined in the final O/SBP and supporting documentation?Y/N Has the scope of the project ch

39、anged based on market and requirement analyses?Y/N Are there validation plans for this solution in the eyes of the customer?Y/N Is the IPD process being followed?Y/N Is there a Project Management process in place?Y/N Has the IPD process been validated to meet the key quality and delivery targets?Y/N

40、 Is the overall schedule as documented in the final business plan based on a sound understanding of the work required, and does it meet the market window?Y/N Is the Time to Market plan of this offering better than previous Huawei offerings, vs. key competitors, and best of breed? Y/N Are plans and r

41、esources in place to meet the globalization (English language documentation) needs of worldwide customers?Y/N Are marketing and sales resources available to support the offering within the market window?Y/N Is early delivery needed for Beta, ESS or ESP? Does the development plan support such deliver

42、y(s)?Y/N Is a subset of function needed for Beta and/or ESS? Does the plan support sufficient test of the subset prior to delivery?Y/N Are plans in place to meet the required deadlines for execution of the announcement and launch processes? Y/N Does the PDT Leader understand and agree with the appro

43、ach and frequency of project status reporting (excluding DCP meetings)?Y/N Are changes, issues, and dispute mgt. processes in place?Y/N Have lessons learned from previous projects been applied? Y/N Is the PDT membership in place for the subsequent phases? Are PDT resources assigned?Y/N Does the plan

44、 reflect input from all critical stakeholders?Y/N Is there cross-organizational representation (or interlock) in the IPMT and PDT for all identified critical dependencies?Y/N Were the resource requirements established using accepted estimating practices and was appropriate contingency included? Y/N

45、Are all the marketing and technical support resources (skills and funds) assigned sufficiently to create and support the offering within the market window?Y/N Has a Launch Activities & Deliverables plan outline been completed in the Market Plan?Y/N Are there committed plans for any needed extern

46、al or Huawei resources and dependencies that are outside the authority of the IPMT? Do plans include how these resources will be managed? Y/N Have specific investments been made in the areas of quality, usability, and serviceability? Does this offering have any new challenging quality goals? And if

47、so, are the plans in place to accomplish them? Have the offering quality objectives been accurately reflected in the Quality Plan? Does the Quality Plan state how these goals will be accomplished and do they comply with the ISO regulation that they have been certified?Y/N Will field failure rate of

48、the offering be less than current offerings in the field? Less than competition?Y/N Were decisions made to optimize use of common parts and CBB/Reuse principles in the design? Y/N Have all subparts (silicon, technology components, building blocks, code licenses, subsystems, etc.) supporting the offe

49、ring been certified to be available to meet the volume demand forecast?Y/N Does the customer service and support plan cover any non-Huawei elements in the offering?Marketing PlanY/N Has the Launch Activities & Deliverables plan been defined with themes/messages and proof points to be validated?Y

50、/N Are the anticipated sales volumes for each of the identified channels committed as well as the sales incentive plans to be put in place?Y/N Have support and services been considered as key differentiators?Y/N Are plans in place for the use of and communication of technical sales support for all c

51、hannels? How will the technical sales support for all channels be communicated?Distribution ChannelsY/N Does the plan ensure a rapid success of the business plan? Y/N Will appropriate channels be in place to launch and sell the offering? By Geography/Segment to achieve the business plan?Y/N Have tra

52、ining plans been developed for Sales and Technical Support by channel?Y/N Have the channel conflicts been identified and are plans in place to deal with the conflicts? Risk ManagementY/N Is there a risk management plan, including risk response actions for identified risks? Availability Decision Chec

53、kpoint / Early Sales Support Decision (A) Indicates the question is for ADCP only(E) Indicates the question is for EDCP & GA' onlyIf the question does not contain an A or E, then that question should be considered for EITHER an EDCP or ADCP.Y/N Is the offering ready to announce? (A)Y/N Is th

54、e offering ready to ship?Business OutlookY/N Has requirements tracing been conducted to verify that implementation meets agreed-to requirements?Y/N Has the implementation been validated with customers directly to test if the offering still meets customer requirements and expectation? (A)Y/N Is the P

55、lan DCP contract confirmed or updated? For GA' and ESS, was this delivery reflected in the committed plan?Y/N Is the initial order estimate, outlined in the final business plan, still firm? (A)Y/N Has the break-even time for this offering been determined and analyzed is comparison to competition

56、, best of breed, and previous offerings deployed? (A) Y/N Does the status of the Early Sales opportunity(ies) justify an early delivery of the offering? (E)Y/N Are the Initial Orders firm?Ship Quality (For EDCP and ADCP', questions apply to the product being shipped, not the entire GA-level prod

57、uct)Y/N Does the new offering equal or exceed quality targets of previous offerings?Y/N Are all of the offering's dependencies in place? Are system integration considerations understood and resolved?Y/N Has the stability of design been validated using IPD processes? Y/N Is there evidence, including test results, to show the implementation is sufficiently stable? Y/N Has the product to be delivered successfully completed TR5, or TR4A as previously approved, for the function set to be delivered? (E)Y/N Do the offering test results and customer evaluation tests warrant m


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