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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit1 Living in Harmony 1. Yes, I have lost my ticket to the concert, but I wouldn't have time to go _. A) in any caseB) in caseC) if so D) for short 2. It was the first time in her life that she had ever _ marriage to the public. A) said B) spoken ofC) told D) wanted 3. The majorit

2、y of parental attitude tends to distance their children _ other countries' culture. A) against B) about C) from D) to 4. Although her aunt appeared to be indifferent to others, she was _ worried by Hubert's position. A) genuine B) honestly C) true D) genuinely 5._ a good objective test with

3、many multiple-choice questions requires a great deal of time and thought. A) Construct B) ConstructingC) Constructed D) Constructive 6. He made a good preparation in advance and finished the work _ with high quality. A) for an instant B) at an instant C) in an instant D) with an instant 7. The US al

4、ways has a finger in the business of other countries, desiring to have power _ others. A) on B) overC) under D) in 8. It was _ who arrived there first, despite our detour(弯路) on the way. A) us B) we C) our D) ours 9. Several people thought the speaker had dealt with the subject very thoroughly, _ wa

5、s hardly the impression I got. A) what B) that C) which D) who10. Was _ at the air battle on June 8, 1994, _ was led by Captain Johnson, _ Peter lost his life? A) it; when; that B) that; that; whoC) it; which; that D) it; which; when Topic Writing 1. 大学合校的优势2. 合校带来的一些问题3. 谈谈自己的看法Unit2 The Value of L

6、ife1.1. The country which was badly hit by the earthquake _ to the United Nations for aid. A) called B) pleaded C) appealed D) begged 2. Many countries have been in recession for a long time; therefore, a lot of people look forward to economic _ in the coming year. A) propertyB) prosperity C) popula

7、rity D) possibility 3. Ms. Lin is a loving and caring teacher, but so far her students have shown little _ for what she has done for them.A) consciousness B) wisdom C) apprehension D) appreciation 4. This new type of surgery is popular because the recovery time is much shorter than that required in

8、_ surgeries.A) controversial B) superficial C) confidential D) conventional 5. The university Susan was admitted to has been noted for making research in science and technology a high _.A) priority B) judgment C) privilege D) principle 6. Living in a highly _ society, you definitely have to arm your

9、self with as much knowledge as possible.A) tolerant B) permanent C) favorable D) competitive 7. The 70-year-old professor sued the university for age _, because his teaching contract had not been renewed.A) difference B) commitment C) discrimination D) employment 8.In fact, some elderly people are q

10、uite happy to _ their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. A) reveal B) reflect C) release D) remark 9. All the employees have to _ to the rules and regulations of the company.A) confirm B) confront C) confine D) conform 10. Please present your VIP Card and sign on the bill in

11、 order to enjoy the _ special discounts.A) respecting B) respected C) respective D) respectableTopic Writing 1.社会实践的积极作用2.社会实践可能带来的负面影响3.提出建议Unit3 The Road to Success 1. _ college student works part-time jobs after entering the university. A) A lot ofB) Many C) Many a D) Plenty of 2. I use the book

12、almost every day, so I put it _ I can find it easily. A) the placeB) the place where C) where D) at which 3. _ every three people who agree, you'll find five who don't. A) To B) With C) For D) Of 4. The person I trust most was a friend _ I had grown up in my hometown.A) who B) that C) whom D

13、) with whom 5. The picture is _ being taken care of since it is very valuable. A) worth B) worthy of C) worthy to D) worthy 6. She uses her car _ for going to the shops as she lives far away from downtown. A) mostly B) almost C) nearly D) practically 7. I heard my landlady _ stealthily up to my door

14、 when I was lying in bed.A) climbing B) creeping C) crawling D) slinking 8. The progress of the work was affected by _ interruptions.A) continual B) consistent C) continuous D) ceaseless 9. She was so angry that she felt like _ something at him.A) to throw B) throwing C) to have thrown D) having thr

15、own10. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A) there being a chance B) there to be a chance C) being a chance D) to be a chanceTopic Writing 1.面试是毕业生找工作不可缺少的环节2.成功面试的原则(衣着打扮、言谈举止、专业知识、相关经历)3.结论Unit4 Optimism and Positive Thinking 1. He is a man that can be easily _ from his work

16、.A) distracted B) abstracted C) extracted D) disregarded 2. The speaker is a well-known scholar, so I anticipate _ much from the lecture.A) to derive B) derive C) deriving D) derived 3. I've told you what the situation is; you must act _.A) therefore B) accordingly C) consequently D) frequently

17、4.I am not very familiar _ botanical names, which is beyond the scope of my study.A) to B) on C) upon D) with 5. It is known to all that metals _ when they are heated. A) expand B) extend C) expound D) expend 6. If you say that an action is _ someone, you mean that it is not a nice thing to do and s

18、omeone with their reputation or position should not do it. A) unworthy B) worthy of C) unworthy of D) worthy 7. As an efficient manager, he _ streamline the plant organization. A) endeavor B) endeavored to C) endeavored D) is endeavoring 8. While people may refer to TV for the latest news, it is unl

19、ikely that television sets _ the newspaper completely. A) replace B) have replaced C) are replacing D) will replace 9. Sir Williams, who is 80, has made it known that much of his collection _ to the local museum. A) is left B) had been left C) is being left D) is to be left10. They _ him out of hosp

20、ital till he's completely recovered. A) are not letting B) didn't let C) have not let D) will not letTopic Writing 1.什么是乐观和悲观?2.举例说明。3.我们应有的态度。Unit5 Moral Values 1.Voice training will be _ if you plan to go into the theater.A) to the advantages of you B) to your advantageC) to the advantages

21、 of yours D) to you advantage 2. The records _ to show an improvement in sales that didn't exist. A) were pretended B) were pretending C) were faked D) were lied 3. At such a young age, these innocent girls, who always take anything _, get _ easily. A) on trust, taken B) on the trust, taken C) o

22、n trust, took D) in trust, taken 4. I am quite _ your opinion that we need a more harmonious society. A) in agree with B) in agreement for C) in agreement with D) in the agreement with 5. Learning languages is a long, _ process with _ and it is too easy just to give up. A) gradually, ups and downs B

23、) gradually, up and down C) gradual, ups and downs D) gradual, up and down 6. He was a good runner so he _ escape from the police. A) succeeded to B) might C) was able to D) may as well 7. All _ is a continuous supply of fuel oil, which is fundamental to the development of every country. A) what is

24、needed B) that is needed C) the thing neededD) for their needs 8. I regret to inform you that your son has been _ to the police for breaking the street lights. A) handed in B) turned in C) handed out D) turned out 9. Only when your identity has been checked, _. A) you are allowed in B) you'll be

25、 allowed in C) will you allow in D) will you be allowed in 10._, mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A) However late is he B) However he is late C) However is he late D) However late he isTopic Writing 1. 目前越来越多的人受心理健康问题的困扰。2.分析人们产生心理健康问题的原因。3.你认为人们应如何保持心理健康。Unit6 Creative1. Successful

26、 students sometimes become so _ with grades that they never enjoy their school years. A) passionate B) involved C) obsessed D) immersed 2.The problem is that most local authorities lack the _ to deal sensibly in this market. A) anticipation B) perception C) prospect D) expert 3.Anne dreaded giving a

27、 speech before three hundred people; even thinking about it made her _. A) ambitious B) optimistic C) passionate D) anxious 4. Some words, such as "sandwich" and "hamburger," were _ the names of people or even towns. A) ideally B) relatively C) precisely D) originally 5.I had to

28、_ Jack's invitation to the party because it conflicted with an important business meeting. A) decline B) reject C) deny D) accept 6.Selling fried chicken at the night market doesn't seem to be a decent business, but it is actually quite _. A) plentiful B) precious C) productive D) profitable

29、 7. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes. A) by that B) at that C) in that D) on that 8. Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical _. A) obligations B) regulations C) observations D) consider

30、ations 9. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in _ populated areas. A) intensely B) abundantly C) highly D) densely 10. The mayor is a woman with great _ and therefore deserves our political and financial support. A) instinct B) integrity C) intention D) intensi

31、tyTopic Writing 1.简述牛奶风暴 2.你眼中牛奶问题产生的原因3.谈谈你的建议Unit7 Learning to Work Together1. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature. A) is heated B) will be heated C) be heated D) would be heated 2. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great

32、 disappointment. A) turned up B) turned in C) turned out D) turned down 3. The business of each day, _ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly. A) it being B) be it C) was it D) it was 4. He doesn't _ the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.

33、A. obey B) conform to C) abide by D) agree to 5. The world is changing rapidly; our plans must change _. A) considerably B) immediately C) instantly D) accordingly 6.He was _ with a fine instead of being sent to prison. A) let down B) let alone C) let off D) let on 7. The public health programs asso

34、ciated with Beijing's hosting the 2008 Olympic and Paralympics Games should not be limited _ the six weeks in which the competitions take place. A) to B) with C) for D) on 8. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _ so formally. A) needn't dress up B) did not need have dressed up C)

35、did not need dress up D) needn't have dressed up 9. He wasn't asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _ insufficiently popular with all members. A) being considered B) considering C) to be considered D) having considered 10. _ for the timely investment from the general public, our

36、company would not be as thriving as it is. A) Had it not been B) Were it not C) Be it not D) Should it not beTopic Writing 1. 每个人都要有团队合作精神2. 从以下两方面加以论证 (1) 个人需要(如追求个人成功的需要、个人成长完善的需要等) (2) 社会需要3. 结论:基于协同合作的重要性,简要阐明我们应如何去做。Unit8 Adversity1.The 20th century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political

37、, economic and cultural _. A) transformation B) transportation C) transmission D) transition 2. The statistical figures in this paper are not _. You should not refer to them. A) vigorous B) accurate C) rigid D) fixed 3. It is necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge. A)

38、 intense B) tense C) intensive D) extensive 4.It has been reported that some officials _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A) exploit B) abuse C) overlook D) employ 5.Something unexpected happened in my company when I was on vacation, and the situation required that

39、 I _ there, so I had to end my vacation. A) am B) be C) being D) been 6. The room was _ from a kitchen _ a lavatory. A) transformed to B) changed into C) altered to D) converted to 7. Since I was not interested in the topic, it was _ a boring speech for me _ I fell asleep. A) so that B) such as C) s

40、uch what D) so as 8.Most of the news on the front pages of those newspapers _ the progress of the conference. A) concerns B) is concerning C) concern D) are concerned 9. Make sure that the wounded and dying _ good care of. A) have taken B) are taken C) has taken D) is taken10.The weeks of training _

41、 for sport writers as it is for basketball players and coaches. A) are often as tense B) are as often tense C) is often as tense D) is tense as often Topic Writing .1. 有人认为挫折是坏事。2. 大多数人不这么认为。3. 我的看法。答案一、 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. CTopic WritingSample PassageMerging of Universi

42、tiesA trend to merge universities seems to arise, which certainly brings many advantages to the students, the universities themselves and even the whole education industry.The merging of universities is a proper way to create first-class education organizations, as fine facilities and excellent staf

43、f can be selected to be made full use of. This would upgrade China's college education quality, which can in turn cultivate more talents for the society, and would also bring Chinese universities to fame, thus attracting international students from all over the world and bringing profits to the

44、education industry.However, seeing the advantages of merging universities, some universities have gone too far and ignored the careful plan and arrangement of the staff and students. What's more, the merging of universities would submerge the unique characteristics of the former colleges and ins

45、titutions, which is certainly a great loss to them. To be objective, authorities need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages when making the decision of merging universities. Careful plans should be made that the number of teachers, students and working staff is well balanced. It's also a

46、dvisable for the students who are entering colleges to choose carefully what kind of college education they are looking for and be certain it is the right one for them.二、1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. CTopic WritingSample PassageOn Social PracticeSocial practice has gained more pop

47、ularity in universities and colleges currently. Students are required to enter society and obtain their own understanding of it. Surely, social practice has many advantages. Firstly, social practice can offer students a precious opportunity to contact society and meet different kinds of people, thro

48、ugh which students can gain some valuable social experience to help them shape their future careers. Secondly, students can also apply what they have learned in class to practical work, thus improving their self-knowledge. Thirdly, social practice can bring them some financial reward as well and mak

49、e them more independent of their family. However, some problems may arise if no correct guidance is offered. For example, with strong desire to earn money, some students get overly involved in social practice, spending too much time working, thus neglecting their studies; while some others may get i

50、n touch with the dark side of society which is far beyond their control, hence, their future studies will be seriously affected. In order to carry out social practice effectively, students should first understand why they need social practice. It is commonly acknowledged that their studies on campus

51、 should be of initial importance, while social practice works just as an advantageous supplement, therefore, college students ought to try to strike a balance between social practice and their studies. 三、 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. ATopic WritingSample PassageHow to Succeed in a Job InterviewWhen applying for a job, many graduates have to have an interview with the employer before they are offered the job. Most of them, however, do not know how to succeed in such an interview. The following are some of the rules to abide by.First of all, to suc


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