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1、Module 1 Unit 1  Im Sam.课题:Unit 1   课型:New教学目标:1、基本能听懂会说:“Hello, Hi, Goodbye, bye-  bye”2、学会运用句型“Im”进行自我介绍。3、初步感知本册书中的主要人物: Sam,Amy,Lingling , Daming,并注意Sam和Amy的正确发音。教学重点:1、学会并运用Hello,Hi进行相互间问好打招呼。2、引导学生使用Im 句型进行自我介绍。教学难点:1、要求学生注意Im中m的发音,不要吞音,发音要到位。2、强调Goodbye和Bye-bye的正确发音。教学课时:1

2、课时教具:单词卡片、头像图片及姓名卡片、录音机教学过程:一:Warmer1、 Listen and sing the ABC song .2、 Say the letters one by one.二、New lesson1、Tell students: From today, we begin to learn our books. First, lets meet our friends in the book. Look, theyre coming.(教师带上不同的头饰,跟学生打招呼)Hello, Im Daming.Hello, Im Lingling.Hello, Im Sam.H

3、ello, Im Amy.(教师运用肢体语言及声音变化让学生明白意思,并着重强调Sam和Amy的发音。)2、Practice教师将句型:Hello, Im _.写在黑板上,教学发音,着重强调Im的发音。然后让学生仿照句型作自我介绍。教师及时给予表扬和奖励,激发学生的热情和积极性。3、Text告诉学生:开学的第一天我们的四个小朋友在校门口相遇了,让我们一起去看一看他们是如何相识的吧。1)Listen and point, then answer the questions:When Sam said: Hello, Im Sam. What did Daming say?When they we

4、nt home, what did they say?(用汉语翻译一遍)(强调读书方法-指读,要求作到“眼到,手到,口到,心 到”,体会其英语句意。)2)Ask several students to answer the two questions, and teach:Hi (介绍和Hello的联系与区别)Goodbye/Bye-bye板书并针对两词进行分组和个别操练,以矫正发音。3) Listen point and say for three times4)Read in pairs, then ask some pairs to act it out.三、PracticePart 3

5、. Ask students to say “Hello” say “Goodbye” to their partner.Then ask some pairs to act.四、Summary1、Meet the four friends again, revise their names.2、Point the important sentences and lead to read again.五、Homework1、 Read the words and remember their Chinese meaning.2、 Listen and read the text for 5 t

6、imes ,then recite it.六、板书Hello, Im_. - Hi, _.Goodbye,_.- Bye-bye_.Units 2 how are you?教学目标:1、 熟练掌握对话。how are you ?Im fine, thank you. And you?Im fine, too.2、 能听懂,认读单词how, are , you , Im ,I ,am , fine ,thank ,too ,Mr.教学重难点: 重点:how are you ? Im fine, thank you.难点:能在不同的场合正确运用不同的问候语。教学用具:录音机,单词图片,字母卡片,课

7、件。教学方法:讲授法,自主探究法,小组合作法,游戏法教学过程:一、 复习导入1、 复习字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk.老师出示卡片,让学生认读并找出相应的大小写字母卡片。2、 看图片复习单词:bag, dog, fish, giraffe, pencil, Cake, key, hand, bike, jeep,叫学生个别认读后全班跟读。 3、 给出情景让学生自由对话,鼓励学生尽量多的使用学过的句子,如问候语、介绍自己的姓名、问对方名字、告别等。二、介绍新对话 1、出示课本上的的情景对话图片listen,look and say (1),放录音让学生听两遍

8、。2、让学生猜,图中人物都说了些什|么,鼓励学生认真听大胆回答。3、将how are you ? Im fine, thank you.写在黑板上,讲解how are you ?意为你好吗?表现对别人的关心,常用于较长时间未见的熟人之间。可以用fine. Im fine. Im OK. Very well .(很好)来回答。并要向问的人致谢说Thank you .学着使用how are you ?或And you ?及Im fine ,too.3、 教学时先让学生跟着磁带朗读,然后分角色小组朗读。三|、练习巩固 1、先补全Lets practise中的对话,然后让学生同桌两人练习对话几遍,抽查

9、几组同学的练习效果。 2、回答接龙:叫几组自愿的学生用自己真实姓名进行对话,练习使用新句型,并且进行接龙。如下: S1问S2: Good morning /Hello,_,How are you? S2回答: Im fine, thank you. And you? S1: Im fine, too.对说的好的组及个人进行表扬,鼓励大家积极参与。 3、游戏:老鹰捉小鸡。老师戴上老鹰的头饰,再选一名同学当鸡妈妈,其他组员戴上自己准备的小鸡头饰站好,师生一起玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,被老鹰抓到的小鸡要回答老鹰提出的问题how are you?如果回答正确将再得到一次回到鸡妈妈怀抱的机会,否则将被告老鹰吃

10、掉。四、课堂小结五、作业布置 1、在作业本子上把我们今天学过的对话写一遍2、练习册lesson3第3、4、5题。Module2 Unit1 Im Ms Smart.教学目标1学习目标语句      Hello, Ms Smart.      Im Daming.      How are you?      Im fine. And how are you?2.能口头运用Hello, Ms Sma

11、rt. Im Daming.这类语句 向新老师介绍自己的名字。3.能在图片提示下整体识别单词boy, girl, too, Ms.教学重点1.  能口头运用Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming.向新老师介绍自己的名字。2.  能在图片提示下整体识别词汇boy, girl, Ms, too.教学难点     To act the conversation.      To speak and act fluently.教具准备  &

12、#160;  Pictures, cards, tape, recorder, masks.教学过程Step 1 Warmer.1.     T: Hello. Im Ms Han.Ss: Hello, Ms Han. (Show the card and teach Ms.2.   让学生用 Im句型作自我介绍,全体学生用Hello.同他打招呼。Step 2 Presentation1.   T: 看到我们学得这么热烈,有几个小朋友也跑来和大家一起学习了。Please say hello to thes

13、e friends. (Take out the masks of Sam, Daming ,Amy and Lingling.)Ss: ( Say hello to them)T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. ( Point to a boy and say) You are a boy, too. ( Teach the word boy)T: ( Touch a boys head )Boy. ( Touch two boys heads ) Boys. ( Point to many boys ) boys( With the same method

14、teach girl and girls.)T: ( Take up the masks ) They are boys and girls. (Stress boys and girls. Then teach and )T: Team 1, please stand up.Ss: (The students of Team 1 stand up)T: They are boys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please. Are you boys and girls?Ss: Yes.T:  Sit down, please. Team 1, Team

15、 2 and Team 3, boys hands up.Ss: ( Boys hands up.)T: Team 4, girls say How are you?.Ss: ( Girls are saying it.)Then play a turtle game and practice boy , girl, boys and girls.2.   T: Boys and girls , are you tired ? Lets sing a song , OK ? ( 设计意图:1. 因为学生年龄比较小,注意力保持的时间不会太长,所以唱首歌放松一下。2. 引出Ho

16、w are you句型。)(The teacher say How are you to individual student then lead out Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.)Then play a chain game.Step 3 The text1.   T: ( Show the mask of Ms Smart) Oh, here is a new face. 她是谁呢?       Ss: Ms Smart. &

17、#160;     T: You are right. Read after me please. ( 3 times)       T: ( Put the mask on my head) Good morning, boys and girls. Im Ms Smart.       Ss: Good morning , Ms Smart.       T: M

18、s Smart 是 Sam和Amy的母亲,也是书中四位主人公的英语老师,她和全家人从英国到中国来工作学习。现在我们一起来看一看课堂上的情景吧。3. Look at the picture and listen.T: Do you know? This is Ms Smarts first English class. Listen and watch it. What happened?T: Is this boys name Ming?Ss: No.T: whats his name?Ss: Daming.T: Yes. Ms Smart called the wrong mane

19、. He is not Ming. His mane is Daming. So the other boys and girls all laugh.3.Listen, poit and repeat.4. Review the words.Step4. Practice戴头饰分角色表演Step5. Homework1. Listen and repeat the tape four times2. Prepare Unit2Module2 Unit2 Whats your name?教学目标1.学习目标语句Good afternoon.Whats your name?&

20、#160; Im Sam.The new words: whats, your, name, afternoon, Mr.2. 能口头运用Whats your name?这类语句询问他人姓名,并能运用I'm Sam这类语句讲进行回答3.能在图片提示下整体识别单词whats, your, name, afternoon, Mr 教学重点1.能口头运用Whats your name?询问他人姓名,并能运用Im Sam.进行回答这类语句。2. 能在图片提示下整体识别单词afternoon, your, Mr, whats, your, name. 教学难点 &#

21、160;    Speak and act fluently.教具准备     Pictures, cards, tape, recorder, masks.教学过程     Step 1 warmer     首先用Hello, boys and girls.向全班同学打招呼,然后带领学生用Hello,.How are you? Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.来进行对话,复习

22、学过的语言。     Step 2 Presentation1.T:(看表)Now itsin the afternoon.(出示单词卡片学习afternoon)T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon,Ms Han.T: Say “Good afternoon” to your neighbors.在黑板上画一条地平线,用一个自制的太阳来练习“Good morning”和“Good afternoon”.2. Put the picture on the blackboard. Have

23、the students look at it.   T: (Point Mr.Li) Is he Mr Liu?   Ss: No.   T: Is he Mr Wang?   Ss: No.   T: Is he Mr.Li?   Ss: Yes.   T: Right. He is Mr.Li. Read after me: Mr.Li(读三遍)   Ss(学生跟读)   T:Zheng Yu hao, say

24、 good afternoon to Mr,Li, please.   Zheng: Good afternoon, Mr.Li.   T: Good boy. Sun Yiming, Say it again.   Sun: Good afternoon, Mr.Li.   T: You did a good job. Oh, this girl, excuse me, whats your name?(同时出示卡片name,让学生也看一下汉语。)   Ss: Im.  

25、T: Please say good afternoon to Mr.Li.   S: Good afternoon, Mr.Li.   T: Oh, this boy, whats your name?   S: Im   T: Please read the word.   S: (读三遍)   T: How do you ask somebodys name? Who can tell me?(指名说,同时板书Whats your name?)  

26、说明:Whats 是What is的缩写形式,同时出示这两个词的卡片并领读。   然后用说唱的形式练习Whats your name?边拍手边说。Step 3 Practice   Play a game. Seeking friends: 把Ms Smart, Amy, Sam, Lingling, Daming的头饰分发给六位同学,并请其他同学也选择一张人物的图片作为自己的名片,然后走下来采访学生,运用句型Hello. Whats your name?如果找得不对,就说“Goodbye”,找对了,就使用句型How are you?来问候,然后第二个人

27、继续寻找,在规定时间内看谁找的朋友多。Step 4 说唱歌曲Step 5 Homework1. Listen and repeat the tape four times.向爸爸、妈妈用英语问候。Module 3 unit 1 point to the door.一、Warming up execises:1.  Free talk: Goodmorning, boys and girls. How are you?Whats your name?2. Listen and do: Stand up,boys/girls/boys and girls. 

28、Sit down,boys/girls/boys and girls.(根据指令做动作)二、Prepasition:1.  板书:Stand up. Sit down.(1) T: Stand up./Sit down.Ss: Do the actions and say “Stand up. /Sit down”(2) T: Do the actions.Ss: Say according to the actions.(3) Practise in pairs.2.Four pictures: Amy, Sam, Daming, Lingling.T: Loo

29、k! Whos this?Ss: Amy/ Sam/ Daming/Lingling.T: Point to Daming.(老师做动作,帮助学生理解意思。)板书:Point to  (图:指向。)T: Point to Amy.Ss: Do the actions and say: Point to Amy.  Etc.3. In pairs: S1: Point to Amy.          S2:Do the actions.4. Check up.5.&

30、#160;Now point to the door.(简笔画)指向一种物品,前面要加thePoint to the door.(领读)doorT: Point to the window.Learn to say: window. Point to the window.The same methods: blackborad desk bird6.  T: Point to the door/ window/ blackborad / bird.Ss: Do the actions and say: Point to the door/ window/ blackbor

31、ad / bird.7. T: Do the actions.Ss: Point to the door/ window/ blackborad / bird.8. Practise in pairs.9.Computer: Learn to sing a song. Please stand up.10. Listen to the recording : Dialogue.Read the dialogue in parts. 三、Homework: Listen to the recording after class.Unit 2 point to the

32、 desk.【教学目标】1、语言技能与知识目标()能听懂会说单词desk 、chair 及句型Point to the并能做出正确的反应。()能听懂会读本课的对话。会读课文。()通过学习本课的句子、单词,将学生的学习活动和生活实际相联系,  培养学生的学习兴趣。2、运用能力目标:能用Point to the!对别人正确发出指令和听懂并执行听到的指令。【教学重点、难点】重点:听懂并说出desk 、chair 及 句子Point to the! 并能对别人发出指令和听懂并执行听到的指令。难点:熟练、灵活、正确地发出指令和执行指令。【教具学具准备】录音机、单词卡片(door  w

33、indow  blackboard  desk   chair)、句型卡片(Stand up!   Sit down!  Point to the!)小鸟头饰、课文中主人公插图、多媒体课件。【教学过程】Step 1  Warming  up1、Sing English songs(1)Hello,hello,            (2)Good morning,Sam.2、GreetingsT:

34、Good  morning, boys  and  girls.Ss: Good  morning, Miss wu.T:Hello!  How  are you?Ss:Im fine, thank you.T:Whats your name?Ss:Im  xxx.T:Hello,  xxx.(老师和该学生握握手。)(老师多和几个学生进行操练)Step 2 Revision and lead in new class.1、幻灯片出示旧知的单词卡片,认读。(屏幕出示:door, window, blackboard,

35、 bird, please和point to等图片)T:You are very clever! Look, can you say these things in English? Try!Ss: Practise  these  words.2、T:Now,  let's  play  a  game,  ok?(教师先展示一组:屏幕上出示一些单词,5秒后单词消失)Can  you  remember  these words in 5  seconds?  Le

36、t's  have  a  try.Ss:(学生发言之后,屏幕上再次呈现,并让全班同学练读单词,逐渐由易到难,有梯度地加深、加宽。请学生练读单词并跟随老师拼写。)3、Say  and  do  the  actions.(1) T:(教师头戴小鸟头饰)Look here, now I become a bird ,my name is  Tweet-tweet.  Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Tweet-tweet.(2) Tweet-tweet: Now please

37、listen to me and do the actions. Ok?(“小鸟”发出指令:Stand  up, please.  Point  to  the  window.Point to the  door.  Point  to the  blackboard.  Now, Point  to  the  desk.)(3) 教师此时指向一张书桌,Say:Oh, it's  a  desk.(4)Teach new word:

38、desk.(指名读、齐读、开火车读、升降调读等多种形式读单词。)4、T:Today,lets continue learn  Module 3 Classroom  Unit  2  Point  to  the  desk.板书课题:Module 3 Classroom       Unit  2  Point  to  the  desk.T: Now please look here and follow me

39、.(同时教师点击鼠标出示课题)Ss: Read after teacher 2 times.T: thank you ! Sit down ,please.Step  3  New  teaching1、T:  First,  let's  listen  to  the  tape. Open  your  books ,  turn  to  page  12.  Listen  and  point.&

40、#160; Ss: Listen  and  point.(听音指图)2、T: Stop!  Hands  down.  Do  you  remember?  What's  this?(教师指向一把椅子)Teach new word: chair.(指名读、齐读、开火车读、升降调读等多种形式读单词。)T: Desk and chair are our good friends .今天我们学会了它们的英文名,你想对它们说些什么呢?以后我们要怎样对待它们?Ss_3、Learn the text.T

41、:Listen  to the  tape  again . Listen、point  and  follow  it.This  time,  follow  me, please.Listen  again,  read  after  it.4、T:Practise  in  pairs .  One  says , the  other  points.(教师先找一个同学做示范)5、(教师戴上小鸟

42、头饰)T:Hello, boys  and  girls.  I'm  Tweet-tweet.  Now, you  say and I  point. Who  can  say?(找一个同学做示范)T:Who  wants  to  be  Tweet-tweet?(让更多的同学参与进来,练习发指令并执行指令)6、T:Now , boys  and  girls .  Let's  have 

43、a  match  .Ok?(每组选派一名学生代表到黑板前面,面向同学们,前边的同学不许看,屏幕上出示了6个本课涉及到的实物图片,教师指向某幅图的时候,图会闪动,然后鼠标立即离开图片,全班同学说:Point  to 、Point  to 、Point  to the.四名同学听到后,立即跑向屏幕抢指图,获胜的同学加分,并给予奖励。)7、(课前在墙上粘上了大明等四个小朋友的头饰)T: You are very clever !Now please stop! Boys  and  girls,  our 

44、friends  Daming、Lingling、Amy and Sam are in my classroom . Where are they? (学生找到后,教师向学生发出指令:Point to Daming. Point to Lingling. Point to Sam. Point to Amy. Point to the desk. Point to the chair.)8、教师询问一些同学的姓名,指向教室内的一些物品,而后发出指令并请同学执行指令。例如:T: Whats your name? (询问某位同学姓名)Ss:Im  xxx.T:Poin

45、t  to  xxx.Ss: Point  to  xxx.T:Point  to  the TV.Ss: Point  to  the TV.Step  4 Practice1、Listen and say,then sing.T: This time let's  have  a  rest. Learn  to  sing  a  song. Ok?First, just  listen  carefu

46、lly.Secondly, Do  you  know  the  meaning  of  the  song?Tell me with your actions. Let's  sing  and  do  the  actions.Sing  again  and  again.2、Listen and point.(听一听,指一指。)  (1)老师请一个学生到教室前面,用布蒙上他的眼睛,然后扶着该学生在原地转几圈。(2)

47、老师或其他学生发出指令:“Point  to”蒙上眼睛的学生要执行指令,指向相应的物品。其他学生使用“Yes”或“No”判断他指的是否正确。Step  5  Homework1、Say  "Point  to"  with  your  partner  and  do  the  actions.2、在家中同家人做“I say you do or I do you say”的活动Module 4Unit1 Its red教学内容:Module4 Unit

48、1 主要识别并描述物品的颜色。教学目标:实记单词:red,blue,yellow,green,black,panda。认读句子:Its +colour描述事物的颜色,并会运用。教学重点:听懂,会说,会读五种颜色red,blue,green,black,yellow;并会用Its +colour描述事物的颜色。教学难点:主意now和green的正确发音。教具学具准备:    多媒体课件、奖励的小贴图、单词卡片。教学过程:Step1:GreetingsTs:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Step2:Warm-up(Sing the I

49、m Sam song)Step3: Presentation1. lead inTs:Everybody acts great. So today I will introduce a friend to you.Look,Do you know him?(你们认识它吗?) Ss:熊猫Yes,its a panda.a large manmal with black and white fur.His great dream is “he wants to take a colour photo”with red green and many other colours(它最大的梦想是想照一张

50、彩色照片,)Do you think it is possible?(你们认为可能吗?)Ts:But today he meets a magic animal.she likes changing cloths very much.(今天Panda 见到了一个神奇的朋友,她可以根据环境的变化改变自己的颜色)Do you know whats it?(你知道是什么动物吗?)Ts:Its a chameleon(简单的领读并练习,让学生感知)Ts:Now lets go to see the chamleleon changing colours. So today lets learn Mod

51、ule4 Colous Unit 1 Its red2. words learnred(touch and say)blue(大小声)before the game you are red group and you are blue group and lets have a match .if you are right,you will get one point,or you will lose one point. Are you ready?green(金手指) yellow(paper,scissor and stone) black( 分组读)3. sentence learn

52、 when I ask “What colour is it?”you should say “Its ”Now lets have a try .Look at this picture.So many different colours.(指着不同的物品让不同的学生回答)然后走下讲台通过学生身边的实例让学生回答什么颜色。4. text learnFirst,please be quiet and just listen.Now,read after me.Now This group is the Chameleon and this group is the Panda.read the

53、 text.5. game time板书设计:What colour is it?Its redblueyellowgreenblackModule 5 Unit 1 How many? 教学目标:1. 知识技能目标:学会认读 one, two, three, four, five等单词,并学会句型 How many? 2. 运用能力目标:会运用句型 “How many?” 询问数字,并懂得用数字回答。3. 素质教育目标:培养学生的互助合作意识。教学重点:单词one, two, three, four, five的发音以及句型“How many?”的用法是本课的教学重点。教学难点:单词thre

54、e, five的发音以及句型“How many?”的用法是本课的教学难点。教学任务:A:学习任务:How many?Count from one to five.B:运用任务:1. 边说边做。2. 炸弹游戏。3.给“爱车”上牌照。教学用具:“炸弹”道具、数字卡片、投影仪、录音机。教学步骤:一、热身(Warm-up):1. Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?2.Sing a song:Hello, Hello.二、复习(Review):I am a boy/ girl/ panda/ bird.三、新课呈现(Presentati

55、on):(1)新词呈现(Presentation of the new words)老师出示有5个小动物的图片,介绍说: How many? Count. 带领学生数One, two, three, four, five. 此时向学生分别呈现单词卡片 One to Five. 利用卡片教学生理解,认读。当教授three, five时,应重点示范读音并且纠正错误的发音。(2)新词练习(Practise)老师领读单词,学生掌握正确的读音。单词one, two比较简单可以采用大组操练和男女生比赛进行练习;单词three发音比较难以模仿,需要花大量的练习时间,提示学生用牙齿轻咬舌头练习发音。老师采用o

56、ne by one的形式,重点训练和纠正每个学生的发音;单词four发音容易掌握,用two by two的形式进行机械操练。单词five,老师提醒学生用上牙齿轻轻的咬住下嘴唇,练习/v/的发音。(3)游戏(Game)边说边做。老师用拍手,做动作来让学生练习单词。拍手说one,伸出左手说two,伸出右手说three, 将手举过头顶拍手说four, 左,右手摊开说five.老师做动作,学生说单词,根据学生情况老师逐渐加快动作的速度。炸弹游戏。将单词卡片贴在黑板上。学生如果看见单词卡片下有“炸弹”就只能拍三下手,然后又继续读其它的单词。(4)新知呈现(Presentation of the new

57、sentences)老师指着数字图片反复问学生句型 How many?学生根据数字回答。老师提问:Guess, what the meaning of “How many?” is.请学生用中文进行回答。(5)句型操练(Practise)句型How many以Step by step的形式进行操练。老师将全班同学分为两大组或者男生,女生两部分。老师出示数字卡片,一组同学负责问:How many? 另一组同学根据老师手上的图片进行回答。请一个同学到讲台上来,背对老师。老师出示数字卡片,其他同学提问: How many? 请讲台上的同学猜数字。四、巩固和扩展(Consolidation and e

58、xtension)老师画一辆轿车在黑板上,告诉学生这辆轿车是属于他的,请他为自己的爱车加上牌照,牌照的数字为五位数,数字必须由1到5组成。请学生自己写牌照,并读给同学们听。五、家庭作业(Homework)1、将所学的数字说给家长听;2、用How many?提问,并做回答。Module5 Uint2 Nine girls? 教学目标 :知识目标:掌握单词nine 、 ten  、eleven、  twelve  ,会用数词回答“How many”的问题和会用“How many”提问物品数量。能力目标:通过情景对话、游

59、戏、小组合作交流等,达到师生互动、生生互动,使每个学生能参与课堂活动,在听、说、做当中学会英语和运用英语。情感目标:在交流与合作中,让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣,感觉到英语就在我们的身边。 教学重点:1.认识和会读nine 、ten 、eleven 、twelve;2.学会回答How many?的问题和用How many?进行提问。教学难点:1.用How many ?进行提问;2. nine 、ten 、eleven 、twelve的正确发音。教学过程:一.热身复习1.师生问候。A:How are you? B: Im fine,thank you.and how are you? A

60、: Im fine too,thank you。2.表演唱please stand up3.复习之前学过的内容。师说生指。Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the six . Point to the eight.4.师生问答。A:what colour is it? B:It isA:How many boys? B:seven. 设计意图:让学生都动起手来,学生办着节奏拍手对要新学的歌曲先听,会打下良好的基础,第二遍边打节奏边打手势加深对歌词的理解。二.现与导入T: Wonderful! Now I want to find

61、some pupils come to the front .Who wants ? (找 8个孩子)T: look, how many ? Lets count ,ok? (学生跟着老师一起数 one two three four five six seven eight.)T: Very good .Now I want one more child ,who wants?(一名同学加入这8名同学的队伍中)T: Now , look again ,how many?S: one two three four five six seven eight-生自己数到八,并给与肯定增强自信心,教师

62、引出,eight and oneis nine,学习nine在游戏的同时教师说出相应的英语单词书写在黑板上便于学生区别。同样的方法学习ten,eleven,twelve设计意图:合理利用身边的熟悉的教学资源,让学生自己参与,自己发现知识 是提高和保持学生学习兴趣的重要手段。这样的课堂会比较灵活展现知识,同时消除学生的紧张情绪。3.练习(课件出示)A:How many boys? B:ten A:How many dogs? B:eleven.A:How many cats? B: twelve.4.趣味操练小组内一起数手指,一人说数字,另外两人数,也可以两个人合作。一人或两人出示手指,另外一人数,并用How many?问答。三.学习课文1让学生读故事。用汉语对故事内容进行提问。例如:这件事发生在哪里?图2中为何Ms Smart那么吃惊?图4中为何MsSmart笑了?2放录音,每句之后暂停并让学生跟读。3再放一遍录音,让学生指出相应的图片,并跟读。4.师生分角色朗读课文。设计意图:用不同的方式操练新授单词,使单一枯燥的单词操练于各种变化之中,让学生饶有兴趣的参与学习,让学生充分感到学习、记忆单词的快乐,体验有方法学习才会轻松。四.巩固练习1.在几张大的纸上写出到5几个数字,把它们摆放到教室四周。告诉学生师将说出数字,他们必须指向正确的数字。T


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