



1、Teaching plan for Unit 6 ToysPeriod TwoClass 3,4 Grade 1 Teacher :张真居Teaching aims: 1) Use the prepositions in, on, under to talk about locations. 2) Get the pupils to recall the names of toys. 3) Use English to communicate with others when doing tasks 4) Use proper pronunciation and intonation. 5)

2、Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures. 6) Understand simple instructions and act accordingly. IPs&DPs: 1) Vocabulary: toy box bear kite ball bed doll robot 2) Stuctures: My/ The . is in/on/under the This is my Whats that? Thats a/an Whats this? Its What can you see ?

3、 I can see Whats in the room? Theres/ are Teaching methods: Audio-vidual method Situational method Eliciting method Aural-oral method Ask and answer method Intuitional method Multimedia methodTeaching aids: Computer word cards pictures real objects (toys) Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming-up1) Chan

4、t in Unit 2,3.2) Greetings between teacher and pupils. What day is today? Whats the weather like? How do you feel? How are you ? Are you happy?Step 2 Introduction 1) Introduce the topic toys. Animal riddles. elephant, rabbit, monkey.Then the teacher questions I have one thing. It looks the same as t

5、he monkey. But it cant climb trees. It cant move. What is it? Lead the pupils to say Its a toy monkey. 2) Present the topic toys. Get the pupils to see a toy shop saying I can see a brown bear. What can you see in the toy shop? (CAI)The pupils will respond I can see a ball. I can see two robots. I c

6、an see three dolls. .Step 3 Revision &Presentation1)Revise the names of some toys. A.Play a guessing game with the pupils. First, show a toy box. The teacher takes out the toys one by one from the toy box questioning Whats this/ that? What can you see? Then the teacher put the toys back into the toy

7、 box and ask the pupils to guess the toys by touching them instead of seeing them. B.Play a finding game. Show an apple tree with some words of toys on it. Get the pupils to pick apples and find the correct toys which according to the words on the apples. (The toys have been hidden in the classroom.

8、 E.g. The bear is in the toy box. The kite in on the desk. The robot is under the chair.)2) Present the prepositions When the pupils find the toys the teacher will question them Where did you find the toy? (If necessary, the teacher will speak Chinese.) Prompt the the pupils to respond The . is in/o

9、n/under the . 3) Teach the structures My . is in/on/under the . The teacher shows some toys and put them at different places saying This is my. My .is in/on/under the. E.g This is my bear. My bear is in the toy box. Encourage the pupils to repeat them .Step 4 Practice1)Ask and question.Get pupils to

10、 put their toys anywhere they like. Prompt them to say My . is in/on/under the . by questioning Wheres your toy?2)Play a missing game. First, the teacher hide some pupils toy secretly. And get her or him to find the toy saying My . is. Then get several couples to repeat the game by practise the stru

11、ctures Wheres your .? My .is .Step 5 Consolidation (CAI)1) Learn the structures There is/are.in/on/under the. Show a room in which there are all kinds of toys by questioning Theres a lion under the desk. Whats in the room? Some able pupils will respond There is/are.in/on/under the. Some less able pu

12、pils will say The .is in/on/under the.2) Play a magical game. The teacher magics the toys in the room away saying Where are the toys? Get the pupils to recall the locations of the toys by practise the structures The .is in/on/under the.Step 6 Fun time 1) Group work. The pupils are divided into six g

13、roups of eight. Each group will be given a big room picture and some small toy pictures. Get each one in the groups to put the toys in the room anywhere they like and talk about the room by practise the structures This is my . My . is in/on/under the . Then get some groups to come out and show their

14、 work.Step 7 Ending.1) Summary. Get the pupils to read the structures on the board.2) HW: A.Listen to the tape for Part A ,B and read after the tape. B.Draw a room and introduce it to your parents or friends.3) Sing a song toys. Toys in on underLayout: 课后反思这堂课可用“丰富”两个字概括。首先,语言丰富。除了本课重要的语言点 “The/ My is in/on/under”,我大胆地向学生抛出了“Wheres your” “ Whats in the room? There is/arein the ”在我引导下,学生也很快地在活动中应用上这些语言,收到不错的效果。其次,课件丰富。导入部分的动物猜谜游戏,那些可爱的动物一下子把所有的学生的注意力吸引住了,激起了学生学习的兴趣。还有丰富多彩的玩具展览看得学生心花怒放,魔术房屋看得学生目瞪口呆,这些生动的多媒体课件可谓是此堂课的“点睛之笔”,大大满足了孩子们新鲜、好奇感。最后,教学活动丰富。各种各样有趣的游戏


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