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1、英语学习讲义好好努力梦想终会实现5一、听力测试(共三节第一节共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)所下面5个向霞。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项.所完每个问题后,你都有5杪钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题.每个问题便读一遍:L. A. For bihine.2. A. It 's jibout liiHtory.3. A. I like iL4. A. All right.5. A. Two,B. T II stay ;it liome.B Krom the library.B. I ni figB. In (Ik empty box调B. The) r&

2、lt; deliciousC. Till cv busy.( Lasl week.C It s (iujiny.C. III do it now.Cl like it第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)一下雨7段对话.等段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A. R、(?三个选项中选出 最作选项 听完每段时话后你都仃1。一冲的时间来IE小行为小题和阅读小 小题 7 盘对话仅茸一遍* 6. W hat can we know about tlie storvH>A. Ils fuiiny.B. It 8 nuA ing.Ct Ils7r litre ;ue (he uvo speakers

3、probably ?A. In a bookstore.B In thw lihniiyC, In the cliissroom,5, VTiat -s Sam going to do tonight?A. Go to 3 疝心ma.B. atch a bawketbll gnme. C. PLiv basketball.9. here me the 中心派山? probbh ?A. (hi a (rain,B. In Ihe cinemaC, (hi ti bus.10. Hox will the num 歌 to Changchun',A. By trainEi. By car,C

4、. Eh, plaiu.H. hat does the tmn me,in *A. He knows much about the city.B. lie can help I lit oinan iiiul lier cell pliotie.C. Hiey won't get lost with the help uf the 3G cell phone.12. AAIiat 由as Ihe man think nf ycmlh ncvuK,A.B. Romantic.C. hist so-5;o.第三节(共13小题,每小噩1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白*每段对话或独门后仃

5、几个小憩r从题中所给的A、B* C三 个选项中选出最佳选才 听每段时话和独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题.每小题5秒钟: 听完后,春小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两J民断下面一段材料,回答第。至15遨。13. Wliat dg& the girl like doing?4 Wakhinj? TVB. Pliiying(sporVi.C RwadbigI 4一 hat does ihe girl dreatn of being in ths tiiture?A. A fillerB. .i artistC A fwtba 11 player.15. Wind can we k

6、noiv about the boy?A Hu w;iim tn work tor a tnious magazineB Ik ull pla> foutlxdl ith Juliu themC Lionel Messi is his favorite sports star.听下面一段材料,回答16至18题.3一 W hat does Jack have to do before taking the tup13A. Bux clothesR, Ha c a good 3lecp.C. Ha c a nice mbi17. What's the gather Like ther

7、e duiins I he suinmet?A. ei cool.B. xx cold.C try iiol.ISL Hindi isn't the man going to prep jig for tlie winter?A. SomeB. Some sweaters.C. A hM.听F而一段材料,回答19至22题19. V here did ihe woman go lasl night?A. Tu 3 school. B. To a hotspitil.C. Toi iUiiianL20. hat s wrong with the woman Last night?A She

8、 hikd the exam.8. Sh4 had a MtomaLliah.Ch She couldn't finish herhomenoL-k by herself21. W hat docs the man nd% is。the woman to do to improve her math?A Ask tliu Icauhcr tor help.B. Give up niaUtC. Take an atter-school class.22. Rhkb one is TRIT?A Ihu KutUiiU Will SU仁 A JuchH lllCll.R Hie vvoiiK

9、in QliKMi't think thul nuitli is inipuriant11 The limn will help the woman with her nmtli.听卜面,段材料,问答23至25题.23. here did ihe IraHic accident happen JA. In the middle of a streetB. At u conitir of the street.C. bi a sclinol.24. kit ClHl 匚 Ljluw the uiun”A Ik was hit by a carB. He 0iiLd renkmber no

10、thing,C. He is in the pol瓜耳 station now .25. V ht docs tlie man kx)k like?A. He is about L65 inters in heiriit B. I le ms wearing 口 p.iii of n;d trouserC. ,. lit ik ahoul 20 yeai old二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题I分,满分15分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,排15分) ?6, - (donld you please help me takeoul the Hash /Ar A pleasLire B. Good

11、luckC. SuieD. Yes, 1 could27. - Don't thr<»w the waste into that box.A. A cs. I will B, Sorry. I won 1 C. No problem II Ctf course nol28 - Shall I give v'ou a ride 於 you look so tired0Th ;i iik you_.A. t my otler B. t conldn t k hettor C Don i mention it I). Do ax mhi like29. * Does

12、your son take a lot of ifkr噌chool activities?No. he onhfootball (raiiuii once a weekA. takesB. is takingC. has UkenD. took30. - Wliy do you look so tired,-Because I computer games ;111 weekend,A. playR am >laying C. playedD. 5ill play31. Did yciu watch the football imkh an TA last niiiht? >-I

13、xvjnted to, but my motlivr her fi)oritc TV piogiaiiime,A, watclKd B. would watch C, was watching I), has watched32. -Mv trousers are too small and old. *1 Why not buy a new?A. oneB, copyC, coupleL). pair33. - How <an wemuch men邙 for Ihe sick hoy tomnrrow?et飞 g<> to the pad. befbe ihe sun .

14、Many iople v ill exercise lhere nnd lhe mighiA. raixcst BT raist; rises( rise; raisesD. rise: nses34. - Did the old num live?Yeti, but lie doesn't 晶 1.A. alone; alone B. lonelv; lonelxr C. alone; lonehD. luiitdv: aloueV*-IV!ir -35 Is that Linda speaking-far a moment I 11 get hi?r.A. Hang onB. Ha

15、ng outHan upD. Han? off36. Wc all want to be haid-workinj? students. 4-"Ycv. but soiuctiincs c ncud a irum out tcachci's or qui parcjiE.A. knowledge B skillC, pullD. push37. - Do voi» do chores at home?Yes. I tvo ailcmoons ihe houses ork e tjry w cek.A. make,.inB. fit. jnluC, put. .int

16、oD. tak巳to3粒-Will you go shopping hMiioncw?Yes it rains.A. IfB. UntilC WliikD. I Tnless39, Look at the dark clouds. Fm al raid it rain soon.1 think so. and wu h;i e to slay at home loda.A. mustB. nwvC canD, should40, Aiiiy will take pnrl in the high jump in two hours.Really? Lets go and cheer her on

17、! I'm sure.A. tlial slie will wmLi. how will she train herulf ti)r it( who is the first to jumpD. if shers pleased 环】th the result英语学习讲义三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题I分,满分15分) business man w:is deep in debt (伉 £i) and con Id see no way out. He on 律 park heneh and didnt kn皿41 to da.Suddetdy an old man 42

18、. A仕cr listening to the busincHsman. the okl man 43 out w chuck wild said to the husinu即man:,口ks this 44, Meet me heu onu vcmr latur fioni .tixkn and xou can 45 it back to me at thal time " Then, Ihc old iikhi walked avaThe businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D Rock

19、efeller, then one of themen ui the world 1'1 urn pav oil all m debts unniediateh :L he ihousrht with a smile. But instead. hu decided to put the check in hi0 47 . Jusl know ing it vas there that would give him the 4S to work out a wa to e hi、business, he ihouuht.J7CTheft the businessman stalled

20、to do business aain. starting from 49 , Through his etthrl*、hu got out of debt and as inakuig inoiie once agaurOne year 5“ he came back to the park with the check. The old man there. But just ai the businessman was about to hand over the check,35 I appeared and led the inanaway. She said the old man

21、 had just 52 troin the hospital and was always telling people hu ivas John D. Rockefeller.Thu bus mews num just stiHul (here, yreatlv 53. Suddeiik. he realized that it wasn't theinoiiev 山at had 54 his Hie ai otuid. It xs as his h -lonnd sell -confidence " | L ) that had given him the power

22、m 3chieve anything he 55 ,4L A. howB. whenC whatD. where42. A. looked upB. showed upC. put upD, yut up43. A. roteB. lu ukeC. cutD. dropped44. A. nukilt listC. paperD. mone*F45. A. ichiml< lakeC. hillldD. talk46, Ah wmaitcslB. pooicstCh happiestD. richest47. A. debtsl< MaleC. business!D. lent48

23、, A. moneyB. 1'i.hhIC. strengthD. idtjj49. A. c eivtliine wB. somethingC anythingD, nothingJ5U. A. catlkrLi. luterC. IxfbrcI), lak-5 L. A. museB. w oik<rC. playerI), b us uks small52. A. keptB. comeC. escapedD. gut53. A. interestedB.shuckedC mucdD. excited54. V chained1fB.lookedC cameD turned

24、55, 皿 aficrB. went aheadC.辛 ent alongD. went against四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分3。分) A阅读F面信息.根据内容选择最佳答案.Sorting waste around the worldDifferent countries are using different methods to sort their trash.UK: smart binA UK company has invented a x'smart bin" to help with garbage sorting. People just

25、need to drop their garbage into the bin. A camera and sensors 器)in the bin can tell what type of garbage it is and correctly sort it. The bin also compresses (压缩)the waste so it takes up less space.South Korea: food asideSouth Korea is using a method called "Pay For Your Trash1" to encoura

26、ge its people to reduce (M) food waste. When throwing away trashT people have to separate their food waste from their other waste and put it in a bin. The smart bin then weighs the food. People have to pay for their food waste by scanning (扫描)a barcode (条形科)on the bin. The more they throw away, the

27、more they pay.Japan: careful sortingJapan is leading the world in garbage sorting. They sort garbage sc carefully that even plastic bottles and their caps (瓶盖)go into different bins. Different types of paper products -newspapers, magazines and cartons (如板箱) also have their own bins. There are also f

28、actories that make bags, clothes and dolls out of recycled waste, TEENS56, How many countries are men(j(Hied in tile rup加'A, TwoR ThreeC. FourIK Ycdon*l know57, What can help sort garbage in the UK?A. Thu camera.B, The sensors,C. The smart bilkI). The company.58. South Koiua reduces food 据北式。b&g

29、t; asking its people to.A. separate Hk lood wasteB. scan 11k haruL>duC. weigh the foodI), pay for the food waste59. The wiitcf talks about diitcrent tliines hnviiw thir oavu bins EXCEP丁q-A. glassesBr plastic bottles C. ncwspairsD, magazines60. Weqan read the passagt;.好好努力.璧楣终中庭困 ertK匚mciiLIL in i

30、hc iiewispapcrC+ in a story IxiokI).加i TVB阅读卜.面柏文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案What do the stories of( iiiderella. Snow W hite, and Sleeping Beauty h;n e in cnnimoii? They are all stories coDected by two brothers. They are Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who were born in Gcnnainr in th。1780乱 Almost svcrybody knows Uksc sto

31、ries, but ths Brothers Griiiuii were more than just utory col ketorx.The Brothcis Griiiini arc most famous for thcii book. Childienk and Household Talcs. It coiitahix more thtn 211 folk tales from (jcnnany and France, The Brothers inter ed many storUcllers and wrote down ulial they heard. They were

32、excellent liifktori;uis bcciiuxu they preserved old stories for us+ Without the Brothers, these folk tales may luive disappeared.and adults all <a ci the world still enjoy these stories, ivliich arc exccllciit examples of fblkloru.Hsvevct. the Brothers Griimn ivcie not silv fnitKius for collectin

33、g folk (ales. They ako 事wstaged th Ursi ikrtnan diclionan. Though the started Uiu ditionaiA in 1838, (hex oMv finidied A tlwough F. Phe dictionary wasn't finished until 1960. When it was printed, it weighed murt: than *4 kiluqranm: Thtv also Hnnous ibi 科wk in linuugties. Tli wuru 口bit to _ - v -

34、 - - - - 1 一.describe omc of the histoiy of (rctman language.Though we remember the Brothers Grimm for their collection of folk talcs, they wae also respected historians, hbranaiis, professors and linguists61. Jacob and ilhehu Grimm wrote the first Gennan.A, dictioiian'B. hi就orvC folk takD. lanc

35、uaficwJ-62. Thu Brotliei Grinun were mteiestcd in.A. naliireB. languageC. in匕rviewingD. country life63.1 'h。Brothers CTiinun were not regarded as,A. historiansB.librariansC. professorsD+ stontellers64. From the passage, v c know th;»l Ilie Bio (hers GriiiiniA. disliked each otherB, finished

36、 rhe dictionaiv-C. achieved a lotD. loved travelling65. VMiat is the mam idea of the passageA. The Brothers Grimm collected folk tidesB. Folk talcs can be verv intcrestiiisi,C. The Brothers Grimm did much more than collecting folk talcs.I). I he (iennan dictiniKiry took a long time to write.C阅读卜面短文,

37、根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Oue afternoon, I went into an art luuseiun nliilc waiting for my husband. I hu>ed to enjoy the %、inks of art quietly,A young couple uulked ill front of me and talked iibout the paintings bctuucn thcniscl eH nil the time. Hie Lady did almost al) the talking, but the man kept li就citing

38、 to lici; I 山ought flic nmn was veiy patient because nobody would like to be bothered wliik enjoying the paintings.I met them sexral tunes as 1 moved through the diiicrcnt ioolils of the ait imisciini. Each time I heard her talking. I niovud way quickly.I was piiving tbr some eifts m the museiini sh

39、op when the couple MFlktd slowJv to the exit, time 1 heard her talking. 1 moved quickly.I was: paying for some gifts at rhe museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit. Before thev left, the own tnok out a cane. Thun he tapped his to the coatroom to got tha jacket lor his u iie.rrHe is ;】b

40、raxe man, N the worker of the shop said. 1THe decided 口。1 to change his life hix eyeK gul hurl. 1 hough he is hlind nm* he neer given up. He and hix wile come here whenever there is a new art sliow. frrBut what can he get out of the art? He can't sec!,f I asked.J"You arc wrongr Ik scciy a l

41、ot more than ou and I da" The worker swid, "lis u-ife ckciibcs each pa mt mg so he can see it hl lus iiiiud."I fell silent Then I realized that I Icand something about patience, courngc 孤id love tliat day.66. W hen I saw the man keep listening, 1 thought he was very:A. boredH. impatie

42、ntC* relaxedD. patient67. The underlined w ord meaiiA.A. mapB. walking slick C. giftD. coat1. .1 tell si kilt because TA. I was aiuioycd by tlic Avoman who was talkingth* timeB I was touched by u hai the w orker saidC. I was (liat thewcnl avaH 一 J 一 "WI), I was sorry for the man69. Wc can infer

43、 irom the story that .A. tlic ounu nun was not born blindR the l oun口 man knew noihin<r about art(' the witt dcscnld scich pninlmg so Ihu n】un uould see itD. thd young man cninc to the museum bccauise hiwife wiintcd to70. The best title of the passage can be.好好努力梦想终会实现9A. A Strange (?tnipleB.

44、 I lie Blind ManC, Patience. Courage and TxweD, Silence in the Museum五, 根据所给的汉语意思完成句子。(每题2分.共L0分)7L我们看见他独自站在那里,不知做什么是好。We saw hmi thre ilonc, not what to do.72 .电脑技术使得很多人在家便可办公Computer tcclinology possible for many fKople to work at home73 .你确认一下他几点到达好吗?('onId vonwhat time he's arriving74不要把父母从你的生活中赶出去,Don't


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