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1、. 第二十讲九年级上 Modules 79一、单项填空1.As we all know, Mount Huang is the of Anhui Province.  A. purposeB. progressC. prideD. ability2.2019预测It is better not to tell her the news, because she may be it. A. surprising; surprised atB. surprising; surprising at C. surprised; surprising atD. surprised;

2、surprised at 3.2019预测Why are you so at Tom?  Because he broke my newly-bought camera. A. strictB. pleasedC. mad D. bored4.Did Sun Yang's training programme a lot of his time? Yes, that's right.A. set upB. take upC. grow upD. look up5.Please be careful! The bottle is full hot water.

3、  A. byB. ofC. forD. with6.My grandmother enjoys newspapers after dinner every day, and she often tells me something new in the world.  A. looking upB. looking forC. looking atD. looking through7.It is said that a new road in the mountain village in the coming year.  A. buildsB. is bu

4、ildingC. will be builtD. was built8.2019潍坊The photos that won first prize in the competition will be on the website. A. put awayB. put offC. put upD. put on9.2019合肥蜀山区一模What do you think of talk shows?. They're boring. A. I can't stand themB. I love themC. I'm not sureD. No pro

5、blem10.You can put together the model plane quickly if you follow the . A. instructionsB. instrumentsC. interviewsD. inventions二、完形填空2019预测So far, people have invented so many things that have changed our life. The first great 1 is one that is still very 2 today the wheel. It has made it easier

6、 for us to carry heavy things and 3 the long way. For hundreds of years after that, there were 4 inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800's, the world started to 5. There was little unknown land in the world. People did not have to explore much any more. They

7、began to work in order to make life better.  During the second half of the 19th century, many great inventions were made. 6 them were the electric light and the radio. These 7 have become a big part of our life today.  The first part of the 20th century 8 more great inventions: the helicop

8、ter 直升机 in 1907, the sound film, and the jet plane in 1910. This was also the time 9 a new material was first made. Nylon 10 in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wore.  1.A. inventionB. foodC. instrumentD. animal2.A. uselessB. impossibleC. importantD. comfortable3.A. sailB. flyC. move

9、D. happen4.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few5.A. changeB. increaseC. appearD. break6.A. AboveB. ThroughC. BetweenD. Among7.A. bothB. allC. eitherD. none8.A. describedB. sawC. choseD. accepted9.A. whenB. howC. whyD. what10.A. put upB. picked upC. came outD. put out三、补全对话2019安庆一模A: 1 B: What? Fl

10、ying cars? That's impossible.A: Many companies have been trying to make safe ones.2 B: Really? I know nothing about it.A: 3 B: What's it like?A: It is nearly 6 meters long and seats two people. It has wings that fold. 4And it can turn into an airplane in just seconds. B: It is

11、 very expensive, isn't it?A: Yes, around one million yuan.B: Wow! 5 A. It's reported that one of them plans to sell the flying car.B. So the driver can park it like a car.C. How fast it is!D. Have you heard of flying cars?E. But anyway, it's worth the price.F. Can they fly high?G. A

12、ctually, they are not exactly a new idea.四、阅读理解AWhen on the ground, the Paravelo is a common bike with a trailer 挂车 and a fan. But in fact, it is a flying bike. If you like, it can take you up to about 1,200 meters high and it can reach a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. John Fode and Yannick Read f

13、rom Britain invented the Paravelo the world's first flying bike. They spent two years making it. They believe their flying bike will change the way people travel for work, leisure 休闲 and adventure 冒险. The Paravelo has GPS, and you don't need a pilot's licence to fly it. It also can be fo

14、lded and put in a small place. Mr Read said, "If you want an adventure, but have no money for a helicopter, then the Paravelo is for you. It just costs 10, 000, the same for a small family car."The Paravelo uses biofuel生物燃料 and makes no pollution. What's more, it has a tent inside its

15、body, and you can go camping anywhere. Cool! 1.What is the Paravelo? A. A car.B. A flying bike.C. A trailer.D. A fan.2.The Paravelo can reach a speed of per hour.  A. 1,200 metersB. 2,100 metersC. 4,000 metersD. 40,000 meters3.How long did John and Yannick spend making the Paravelo? A. One year

16、.B. Two years.C. Three years.D. Four years. 4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The Paravelo is very expensive.B. Both John and Yannick come from the US.C. The Paravelo is good for the environment.D. The Paravelo is not convenient for people to carry.BDavid is in his school

17、 curling冰壶运动team in Scotland. He also plays for two clubs. Let's listen to his story and learn more about curling. "I first started playing four years ago when I was 10 years old. My father, my brother and sister all play curling and I often go and watch them play. I enjoy curling because I

18、 like the feeling of playing on real ice. I like it also because it is mentally challenging富于智力挑战的. During the play, you have to think about how to achieve your goal and how to beat the other team." "Sweeping清扫冰道is probably the most difficult part of the game. It is very important because

19、this decides the speed of the stone and whether you can keep it straight." "A game can go on for three to four hours and I play about three times a week. Some of my friends thought it was funny when I started curling. Then they tried it and now they play it, too." "Curling has be

20、come a Winter Olympic game since 2019. I would like to play at the Winter Olympics in the future. I would surely recommend 推荐curling to everyone, because it's different from other sports."5.Why does David enjoy curling?不超过20 个词6.What's probably the most difficult part of curling?不超过5个词7

21、.How long can a curling game last?不超过5个词五、书面表达2019海南改编你校校刊英文版正在开展以"I Like Reading"为主题的征文活动。请根据下表提示内容写一篇短文,介绍你对阅读的看法及个人的阅读情况。要求:1.语句通顺,意思连接,语法正确,书写标准;2.必须包含所给提示内容,并做适当发挥;3.行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4.不少于80词。短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数I Like Reading1.The importance of readingopen up one's mind,get more k

22、nowledge,.2.My reading habitwhen to readwhere to readwhat to read3.My favorite books.4.My reading plan.Reading makes a full man. It's important and necessary for everyone to read. Reading is a lifelong journey. I hope everyone can read as much as possible in the future.【参考答案】一、单项填空1.C【解析】句意:我们都知

23、道,黄山是安徽省的骄傲。pride意为"骄傲,自豪",应选C。2.A【解析】surprising意为"令人吃惊的",修饰物;surprised意为"惊奇的",修饰人。应选A。3.C【解析】结合答语可知问句是说"你为什么这么生Tom的气"。be mad at sb.意为"生某人的气",符合题意。4.B【解析】take up意为"占用时间,空间等",符合题意。5.B【解析】be full of意为"充满",符合题意。6.D【解析】此处是说,我的奶奶喜欢每天晚饭

24、后看报纸。look through意为"阅读",符合题意。7.C【解析】a new road和build之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态;再结合题干中的时间状语the coming year可知应用一般将来时的被动语态。8.C【解析】put up意为"张贴;建立",符合题意。9.A【解析】结合答语后句可知答话人忍受不了脱口秀。应选A。10.A【解析】句意:假如你参照用法指南的话,你会很快将飞机模型组装好。instructions意为"用法说明",符合题意。二、完形填空【短文大意】本文讲述了人类的创造史。1.A【解析】结合上下文可知此处是

25、说,第一个伟大的创造。故用invention。2.C【解析】此处是说,至今很重要。故用important。3.C【解析】结合上句中的wheel可知此处应用move。4.C【解析】结合上下文可知此处是说,之后的几百年,鲜有创造像汽车那样影响宏大。故用few。5.A【解析】此处是说,在19世纪早期,世界开场发生变化。故用change。6.D【解析】结合上句中的"many great inventions"可知此处指的是三者及三者以上,故用Among。7.A【解析】结合上句中的"the electric light and the radio"可知此处说的是两者,故用both。8.B【解析】此处是说,20世纪初期见证了更多伟大的创造。故用saw。9.A【解析】结合设空前的the time可知此处应用关系副词when。10.C【解析】此处是说,尼龙出如今1935年。come out意为"出现",应选C。三、补全对话15 DAGBE 四、阅读理解【A篇短文大意】本文介绍了世界上第一辆飞行自行车。1.B【解析】根据第一段的前两句可知选B。2.D【解析】根据第一段的最后一句可知选D。3.B【解析】根据第二段的第二句可知选B。4.C【解析


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