



1、.五年级英语学情调查试卷三 班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_ 第一部分 听力20分1、 听下面的句子,写出每个句子所缺的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍,你将有5秒的时间写出答案。5分 1、I get up at _ in the morning. 2、I can _ _ _. 3、I like _ food. 4、They _ _ noodles for lunch now. 5、_ to our hotel.2、 听句子选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍,你将有5秒的时间选择答案。5分 1、A. Apple B. Rice C. Coke 2、A. Its 8:00. B. In 8:00 C.At 8

2、:00 3、A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you. C.Here you are. 4、A. I like rice. B. I can do the dishes. C.I am helpful. 5、A.I like China. B. I come from China. C.I am Chinese.3、 听下面5个对话,每个对话读两遍,每个对话后有一个问题,请选择正确的答案。你将有5秒的时间选择答案。10分 1、A. 8:30. B. 8:00 C. 7:00 2、A. He can do the dishes. B. I can do the dishes.

3、 C.He can do the homework. 3、A. Soup. B. Spoon C.Fork 4、A. Bookstore. B. Supermarket. C. Childrens Park 5、A. China. B. Chinese C.the USA 第二部分 笔试80分一、译一译。10分 play computer games _ sweep the floor _wash the clothes _ a pair of shoes _cook the meal _ 乘坐公共汽车_ 来自_ 远离_ 按时 _ 二、按要求写单词。10分w W w .child复数_ chi

4、ld同义词_ this复数_ old反义词_ come单三人称_ help形容词_ good最高级_ he宾格_have如今分词_ they形容词性物主代词_3、 问答对对碰。5分What can he do at home? Of course.Whats the time? He can sweep the floor.Would you give me some noodles? Its nine thirty.Who is the young woman in red? I come from the UK.Where do you come from? Thats my aunt.4

5、、 单项选择。10分 1、-_ do they like ? -They like hamburgers and rice A. Where B. What C. How 2、My mum is _ coffee. A. drinks B. drinking C. Drink 3、He_ every day. A. reading B. read C. reads 4、I _ have some soup. A. want B. want to C. wants to 5、Please pass _ the knife, Li Shan. A. he B. him C. his 6、_ you

6、 want to buy something? A. Do B. Are C. What 7、I go to bed _ ten in the evening. A. on B. at C. In 8、He likes _ basketball very much. A. plays B. to play C. play to 9、-Where _ your uncle come from ? -He _ from the USA. A. Does,comes B. Does,come C. do,comes 10、I would like to buy two _ of _ ? A. pai

7、r,shoes B. pair,shoe C. pairs,shoes五、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。5分 1、A. bike B. like C. milk D.time 2、A. go B. shop C. home D. close 3、A. sit B. pig C. city D. rice 4、A. use B. music C. student D. cut 5、A. try B. many C. cry D. Why六、按要求写句子。10分,每题2分1、I have lunch at 12:00.对画线部分提问 _ _ do you have lunch?2、 Can I he

8、lp you?同义句_ _ I do _ you?3、 My favorite food is dumplings.同义句 =_ is my favorite food. = I _ dumplings _.同义句4、 I want to by a T-shirt. I _ _ to by a T-shirt.5、 My aunt is from Australia.同义句 My aunt _ _Australia.七、连词成句,注意大小学和标点符号。5分1、 play too dont computer many games ._ _2、 help I my often mother do

9、the dishes ._ _3、 what drink your is favorite ?_ _4、is supermarket there near a here ?_ _5、 speak can a little she English ._ _八、把以下对话补充完成,把所选的句子完好的写在横线上。10分A: _ _B: Yes? Can I help you? A: Is there a supermarket near here? _ _B:Yes.A: _ _ then?B: Go along the street and you can see a hospital on th

10、e left. _ _A: Thank you. B: _ _A. I want to buy some fruits.B. Excuse me.C. You are welcome.D. Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?E. The supermarket is behind it.9、 阅读下面的短文,选择正确的选项。10分 These are my friends. Alex comes from France.He is young. He is short and strong. Willy is from the USA. He

11、 is short and strong, too.Mandy looks short and thin. And Susan is tall and thin.Im tall and thin, too.My name is Jason. We all like music. 1、Where does Alex come from? A. China B. The USA C. France 2、Who is from the USA? A. Mandy B.Willy C. Alex 3、Where is tall and thin? A. Susan B. Jason C. A and B 4、What does Mandy like? A. Sport B. Music C. Art 5、Who is short and strong? A. Alex B. Willy C


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