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1、期中大闯关Class: Group: Name: Evaluation:'侦以下是老楠们为你概理的期中、.希学&能二认点就.没4白走的路.每-瑚。镣数 F®uig?Starter Ml-4一、句型转换'1. These arc apples.(改为单致句).2. The bananas are yellow.(对划级部分提何)the bananus?3. How is the wciithcr in Harbin in summer*,1 (I司义句转换) thein Harbin in summed4. I like swimming bcM. (Pl 义句

2、转换)5. His hiber is fine.(划钱提M) ?6. There an forlv chairs in llteir chssnx)m.( tO线提何)in their cigroom?二、用所份词的适当形式填空:I. Whai colour(be) the cani?2. Whai about(play! football after school?3. (you) football cloches an? on lhe desk. 4. Please put<they) books away.5. (We)English teacher is Mrs. Green.

3、We all like(she)6.1( is time(have) a break.7.How<bc) your grandparents?翻砰旬子I1. 他在七年饭5班.王老怖的班.2. 你母亲Al#欢的顿色地什么? Ifavouritc)3. 伦敬的秋天天气何么样? 4. 这些鸟是什么貌色,,是线色,<what colour)欢听音乐.(liMcn)Moduk 1一、看音标与单询:I. wo2. (jia3.1'evriwA n|4 (fo:M|S.年级6.首郁7.慌后的8.城就9.小的10.我们的_二、句型转换:(I > My parents arc real

4、ly busy this ycar.(ft 般梃问句.并作否定回答)(2) My favourite day of a week is Friday.(对划线部分 18) (3>That is an English boy.(变为It敖句)_(4) Lucy's aunt is a doctor.(对场线部分梃何(5> He comes from America. (改为殷登何句.弁H:否定回答) 三、或点句式翻译(1) 去购物您么样? (What about)(2) 4t些橙汁冬么样? (What about ) (3) 英国的甘部是什么?(thecapital of)

5、(4>)EJti是我的名,史密斯姓我的姓,(TunySmith>(»株迎来到七年级六班.(welcome)他最。处的运动是通足球.炮战喜爱的运动是打篮球.(fmwiriiexport)Moduk2-、课本必肖句式M2U1 1.好大的一个家庭啊12. -这是你的妹妹叫? _是的.这是她.3. -这些人足你的机父林和外祖父母吗?-是的.他们是.4. 在她奔边的妇女是我沱爸的如州.5. 在保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁? M2U2 I.我爸爸是一个演员.我妈妈是剧院的经理2. 我Sfitt警察局工作,3. 地姓一所学校的英语老屿.4. 她和大明的蚂蚂在同一所履院工作,5. 我爸爸是北

6、京的一名公交车司机,二、适当形式填空1. PE and music arc my favourite(subject). 2. The police(be) al) in the room.3. Mr Gao always<play) baskeiball with us after school.4. My family<likel cakes.三、句型转换I .What docs the man do?(改为同义句)the man*s?/ the man?2. What a good day it is! (At) |nj 义句 the day is!Module3一、根据音标

7、写机诃1. Cfo:nitf 3 .sabns4. |laibrxiJ5. (world)6. Ikom'pjuaol7. |*nainti|8.|plcigraund|9.|O fisjIO.bildig)ll.(bitwi:n|I2.|gcitl13. Ibihaind14. midi二、用所给诃的话当形式雄空.I .There arc a lot of tall(build) in (he city.2. There arc eight(office) in my school.3. There iirc (四 I 五)amkrus in my ckiw4. -What(bc)i

8、n the box? There arc xotne book、.5. How many(library )are (here in your school?6.1 ain now in from of(he).7. Under (he 一(teacher) d心,(here is a ball, but you can(see )it.8. She(come) fkxn England. She is a new student.9. Tbday is her(sister)birthday. So Ann buys a big cake for(she).三、«l译句了I.你的英

9、国的学校是什么样的?(what. like)2. 在体0笛和餐厅中间足栋的教学楼.(bciwccn.and)3 .在墙上有张中国地图吗?4, 在我们班里有30个男生.5. W W在探场的左而,6. 在老师某上有_台电脑.7, 图Htft在探场左侧籍近校门口,10,在图书馆后面是学校办公室,Module4一、看音标与单询1(7沼1 if i:zj94101 )5. (§wi: t|6.|*brckhst7.|x m' po :cnt8.|n 'incinbo)9.(tf x ldron|10. ftai od|二、箪词的适当形式填空I.Hcnn1 often docs

10、sports, so he looks wry (health).Z.Thcrc arc lots of (candy) on the table.3. Remember _ _ (close) the door when you go to work.4. Thcrc arc some(texxh) in the child's mouth(喘).5. From here you can sec many (child) in the playground.6. He goes(shop) with his mother on Sunday.7. Sandy.(not cat) to

11、o much meat h*s no< good fbr you.8. My brother loves basketball. He plays very(good).9. bating more fruits and vegetables is good fbr your(healthy)*10.1( is imporUinl(lem)English well.三、句型转授1. Beef t$ healthy food. Ice cream isn't healthy fixd (合并句 f >Beef ik healthy t<x>dice ervam isn*t healthy2. We liave got some baiunas.<ft>J俄抵何句.并作否定叫答)you bananas?3 stay. do. it. to. fai. ivot. is. remember, well, get, and. ini|>oftant. healthy.(连词成Gj)4. He has got some rice.(对划技都分捉可 >he go<?5. We have got some beef in the fridge划线捉何)we in the fridge?四、翻译句子1. 我


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