已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第四题矩形覆盖矩形覆盖(存盘名NOIPG4)问题描述:在平面上有 n 个点(n <= 50),每个点用一对整数坐标表示。例如:当 n4 时,4个点的坐标分另为:p1(1,1),p2(2,2),p3(3,6),P4(0,7),见图一。这些点可以用 k 个矩形(1<=k<=4)全部覆盖,矩形的边平行于坐标轴。当 k=2 时,可用如图二的两个矩形 sl,s2 覆盖,s1,s2 面积和为 4。问题是当 n 个点坐标和 k 给出后,怎样才能使得覆盖所有点的 k 个矩形的面积之和为最小呢。约定:覆盖一个点的矩形面积为 0;覆盖平行于坐标轴直线上点的矩形面积也为0。各个矩形必须完全分开(边

2、线与顶点也都不能重合)。 输入:键盘输人文件名。文件格式为n kxl y1x2 y2. .xn yn (0<=xi,yi<=500) 输出:输出至屏幕。格式为:一个整数,即满足条件的最小的矩形面积之和。 输入输出样例d.in :4 21 12 23 60 7屏幕显示:4分析【题解一】1、本题的难度较大。如果你这样认为:即在假定已用i个矩形(面积和满足最小)覆盖所有点的基础上,穷举所有2个矩形合并成1个矩形(条件是:在所有合并方案中使合并后面积最小),从而使矩形个数减少为i-1那就错了,可是却可以通过前4组测试数据!正确的做法是对不同的K值分别进行计算,好在K值较小,否则.讨论:k=



5、K=1,2,3)程序清单$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V+,X+,Y+$M 65520,0,655360program NOIPG4; const maxn=50;maxk=3; type rect=record定义"矩形"数据类型 l,r,t,b:word;矩形的左边,右边,下边,上边距坐标轴的距离 end; vxy=record定义"点"数据类型 x,y:word;点的横、纵坐标 end; var ju:array1.maxkof rect; v:array1.maxn,0.2 of vx

6、y;v0:vxy; n,k,i,j,ii,jj:byte;f:text;filename:string; Smin,temp:longint; function intersect(jui,juj:rect):boolean;判断两矩形是否有公共点 var b1,b2,t1,t2,l1,l2,r1,r2:word; begin b1:=jui.b;b2:=juj.b;t1:=jui.t;t2:=juj.t; l1:=jui.l;l2:=juj.l;r1:=jui.r;r2:=juj.r; intersect:=(l2<=r1) and (l2>=l1) or (r2<=r1)

7、 and (r2>=l1) or (l2<=l1) and (r2>=r1) and (t2<=b1) and (t2>=t1) or (b2<=b1) and (b2>=t1) or (b2>=b1) and (t2<=t1); end; function area(ju:rect):longint;求矩形的面积 var temp:longint; begintemp:=ju.b-ju.t;area:=temp*(ju.r-ju.l);不能直接写成area:=()*(ju.r-ju.l);因为这样可能会溢出! end; procedure

8、 insert(v:vxy;var ju:rect);将点放入矩形 begin if v.x<ju.l then ju.l:=v.x; if v.x>ju.r then ju.r:=v.x; if v.y<ju.t then ju.t:=v.y; if v.y>ju.b then ju.b:=v.y; end; procedure init;初始化 begin write('Input filename:');readln(filename); assign(f,filename);reset(f);readln(f,n,k); for i:=1 to

9、n do begin read(f,vi,0.x,vi,0.y); vi,1.x:=vi,0.x;vi,1.y:=vi,0.y; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do按横坐标升序排列各点,存入vi,0 for j:=i+1 to n do if vi,0.x>vj,0.x then begin v0:=vi,0;vi,0:=vj,0;vj,0:=v0; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do按纵坐标升序排列各点,存入vi,1 for j:=i+1 to n do if vi,1.y>vj,1.y then begin v0:=vi,1;vi,1:=vj,1;vj,

10、1:=v0; end; end; procedure solve;核心计算 begin smin:=maxlongint; case k of 1:beginK=1的情形 ju1.b:=vn,1.y;ju1.t:=v1,1.y; ju1.r:=vn,0.x;ju1.l:=v1,0.x; smin:=area(ju1); end; 2:for jj:=0 to 1 do beginK=2的情形 flag=0,1的情形 ju1.b:=v1,jj.y;ju1.t:=v1,jj.y; ju1.r:=v1,jj.x;ju1.l:=v1,jj.x; for i:=2 to n do begin inser

11、t(vi-1,jj,ju1);将第i-1点放入矩形1 ju2.b:=vi,jj.y;ju2.t:=vi,jj.y;将第i至n点放入矩形2 ju2.r:=vi,jj.x;ju2.l:=vi,jj.x; for ii:=i+1 to n do insert(vii,jj,ju2); if not intersect(ju1,ju2) then begin如果两矩形不交叉 temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; end; 3:begin for jj:=0

12、to 1 do begin flag=0,1的情形 ju1.b:=v1,jj.y;ju1.t:=v1,jj.y; ju1.r:=v1,jj.x;ju1.l:=v1,jj.x; for i:=2 to n-1 do begin insert(vi-1,jj,ju1); ju2.b:=vi,jj.y;ju2.t:=vi,jj.y; ju2.r:=vi,jj.x;ju2.l:=vi,jj.x; if intersect(ju1,ju2) then continue; for j:=i+1 to n do begin insert(vj-1,jj,ju2); ju3.b:=vj,jj.y;ju3.t:

13、=vj,jj.y; ju3.r:=vj,jj.x;ju3.l:=vj,jj.x; for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,jj,ju3); if intersect(ju2,ju3) then continue; temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; end; flag=2的情形:先竖直划分大矩形;再在右矩形中水平划分 ju1.b:=v1,0.y;ju1.t:=v1,0.y; ju1.r:=v1,0.x;ju1.l:=v1,0.

14、x; for i:=2 to n-1 do begin for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,0;所有点按横坐标升序排列,存入vi,2 for ii:=i to n-1 do将点i至n按纵坐标升序排列,存入vi,2 for jj:=ii+1 to n do if vii,2.y>vjj,2.y then begin v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vjj,2;vjj,2:=v0; end;结果:所有点先按横坐标升序排列,然后点i至n按纵坐标升序排列 insert(vi-1,2,ju1);将第i-1点放入矩形1 ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y;

15、将第i点放入矩形2 ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x; if intersect(ju1,ju2) then continue; for j:=i+1 to n do begin insert(vj-1,2,ju2);将第j-1点放入矩形2 ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y;将第j至n点放入矩形3 ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=vj,2.x; for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3); if intersect(ju2,ju3) then continue; temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k

16、do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; flag=3的情形 for j:=3 to n do begin for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,0; for ii:=1 to j-2 do for jj:=ii+1 to j-1 do if vii,2.y>vjj,2.y then begin v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vjj,2;vjj,2:=v0; end; ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y; ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=v

17、j,2.x; for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3); for i:=2 to j-1 do begin ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y; ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x; for ii:=i+1 to j-1 do insert(vii,2,ju2); ju1.b:=v1,2.y;ju1.t:=v1,2.y; ju1.r:=v1,2.x;ju1.l:=v1,2.x; for ii:=2 to i-1 do insert(vii,2,ju1); if intersect(ju1,ju2) or intersec

18、t(ju2,ju3) or intersect(ju1,ju3) then continue; temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; flag=4的情形 for j:=3 to n do begin for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,1; for ii:=1 to j-2 do for jj:=ii+1 to j-1 do if vii,2.x>vjj,2.x then begin v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vj

19、j,2;vjj,2:=v0; end; ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y; ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=vj,2.x; for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3); for i:=2 to j-1 do begin ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y; ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x; for ii:=i+1 to j-1 do insert(vii,2,ju2); ju1.b:=v1,2.y;ju1.t:=v1,2.y; ju1.r:=v1,2.x;ju1.l:=v1,2.x; f

20、or ii:=2 to i-1 do insert(vii,2,ju1); if intersect(ju1,ju2) or intersect(ju2,ju3) or intersect(ju1,ju3) then continue; temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; flag=5的情形 ju1.b:=v1,1.y;ju1.t:=v1,1.y; ju1.r:=v1,1.x;ju1.l:=v1,1.x; for i:=2 to n-1 do be

21、gin for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,1; for ii:=i to n-1 do for jj:=ii+1 to n do if vii,2.x>vjj,2.x then begin v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vjj,2;vjj,2:=v0; end; insert(vi-1,2,ju1); ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y; ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x; if intersect(ju1,ju2) then continue; for j:=i+1 to n do begin insert(vj-1

22、,2,ju2); ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y; ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=vj,2.x; for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3); if intersect(ju2,ju3) then continue; temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii); if temp<smin then smin:=temp; end; end; end; end; end; begin主程序 init; solve; writeln(smin); end.点评:压轴题 据说

23、,本次复赛主要是前三题的竞争,可见本题能得分的人相当少,但是K=1应该说是送分的,K=2也是比较容易的。通过测试,发现在K=3的第4、5组测试数据中仅用到了flag=1的情形,也就是说,只要写出flag=1的程序段就OK了(没写flag=0,2,3,4,5的同学偷着乐?)。【题解二】具体方法是将每个点极角排序然后就是一个经典的DP了:fi,j,k=min(fi,j,k,fi,t,k-1+st+1,j)另外注意要DP两次因为可以是横着的也可以是竖着的具体实现参见以下代码:var  n,m,i,t,ans,last:longint;  x,y:array1.

24、51 of integer;procedure sort(l,r:integer);var  i,j,mid,t:integer;begin  i:=l;j:=r;mid:=x(l+r) shr 1;  repeat    while(xi<mid) do inc(i);    while(xj>mid) do dec(j);    if i<=j then   

25、60;  begin        t:=xi;xi:=xj;xj:=t;        t:=yi;yi:=yj;yj:=t;              inc(i);dec(j);      end; &#

26、160;until i>j;  if i<r then sort(i,r);  if l<j then sort(l,j);end;procedure qsort(l,r:integer);var  i,j,mid,t:integer;begin  i:=l;j:=r;mid:=y(l+r) shr 1;  repeat    while(yi<mid) do inc(i);    while

27、(yj>mid) do dec(j);    if i<=j then      begin        t:=xi;xi:=xj;xj:=t;        t:=yi;yi:=yj;yj:=t;          

28、0;   inc(i);dec(j);      end;  until i>j;  if i<r then qsort(i,r);  if l<j then qsort(l,j);end;function hight(l,r:integer):integer;var  i,smax,smin:integer;begin  smax:=0;smin:=maxint;  

29、for i:=l to r do    begin      if yi>smax then smax:=yi;      if yi<smin then smin:=yi;    end;  hight:=smax-smin;end;function min(x,y:longint):longint;begin  if x<y then

30、min:=x else min:=y;end;procedure Dynamic;var  j,k,p:integer;  s:array1.50,1.50 of longint;  f:array1.50,1.50,1.4 of longint;begin  for i:=1 to m do    for j:=1 to m do      for k:=1 to n do   

31、60;    fi,j,k:=300000;  for i:=1 to m do    for j:=i to m do      begin        si,j:=(xj-xi)*hight(i,j);        fi,j,1:=si,j;  

32、60;   end;  for p:=1 to m do    for i:=1 to m-p do      begin        j:=i+p;        for k:=2 to n do       

33、60;  for t:=i to j-1 do            fi,j,k:=min(fi,j,k,fi,t,k-1+st+1,j);      end;  ans:=min(ans,f1,m,n);end;begin  assign(input,'t4.in');reset(input);  assign(out

34、put,'t4.out');rewrite(output);  readln(m,n);  for i:=1 to m do    readln(xi,yi);  xm+1:=maxint;ym+1:=maxint;  ans:=maxlongint;  sort(1,m);  t:=x1;last:=1;  for i:=2 to m+1 do    if x

35、i<>t then      begin        qsort(last,i-1);        t:=xi;        last:=i;      end;  Dynamic; 

36、0;for i:=1 to m do    begin      t:=xi;      xi:=yi;      yi:=t;    end;  sort(1,m);  t:=x1;last:=1;  for i:=2 to m+1 do   &#

37、160;if xi<>t then      begin        qsort(last,i-1);        t:=xi;        last:=i;      end;  Dynamic;&#

38、160; writeln(ans);  close(input);close(output);end.【题解三】  好吧,我承认,此题真正地震撼了我,我无语。   K明明是1到4的取值,由于数据最大K为3,然后所有的做法竟然都是分情况模拟!K=1时如何,K=2时有哪些分的情况。(上下分,左右分),K=3的时候6种情况。    每次都要排序X,Y坐标,算面积。$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V+,X+,Y+$M 65520,0,655360prog

39、ram NOIPG4;const maxn=50;maxk=3;type rect=record定义"矩形"数据类型          l,r,t,b:word;矩形的左边,右边,下边,上边距坐标轴的距离        end;        vxy=record定义"点"数据类型    

40、      x,y:word;点的横、纵坐标        end;var ju:array1.maxkof rect;      v:array1.maxn,0.2 of vxy;v0:vxy;      n,k,i,j,ii,jj:byte;f:text;filename:string;      Smin,temp:lon

41、gint;function intersect(jui,juj:rect):boolean;判断两矩形是否有公共点    var b1,b2,t1,t2,l1,l2,r1,r2:word;    begin      b1:=jui.b;b2:=juj.b;t1:=jui.t;t2:=juj.t;      l1:=jui.l;l2:=juj.l;r1:=jui.r;r2:=juj.r;    &

42、#160; intersect:=(l2<=r1) and (l2>=l1) or (r2<=r1) and (r2>=l1) or (l2<=l1)           and (r2>=r1) and (t2<=b1) and (t2>=t1) or (b2<=b1) and (b2>=t1)           or (b2>

43、=b1) and (t2<=t1);    end;function area(ju:rect):longint;求矩形的面积    var temp:longint;    begin      temp:=ju.b-ju.t;      area:=temp*(ju.r-ju.l);    end;procedure insert(v:vxy;var ju:rect)

44、;将点放入矩形    begin      if v.x<ju.l then ju.l:=v.x;      if v.x>ju.r then ju.r:=v.x;      if v.y<ju.t then ju.t:=v.y;      if v.y>ju.b then ju.b:=v.y;    end;pr

45、ocedure init;初始化    begin      write('Input filename:');readln(filename);      assign(f,filename);reset(f);readln(f,n,k);      for i:=1 to n do begin        read(f,vi,

46、0.x,vi,0.y);        vi,1.x:=vi,0.x;vi,1.y:=vi,0.y;      end;      for i:=1 to n-1 do按横坐标升序排列各点,存入vi,0        for j:=i+1 to n do         

47、; if vi,0.x>vj,0.x then begin            v0:=vi,0;vi,0:=vj,0;vj,0:=v0;          end;      for i:=1 to n-1 do按纵坐标升序排列各点,存入vi,1        for

48、j:=i+1 to n do          if vi,1.y>vj,1.y then begin            v0:=vi,1;vi,1:=vj,1;vj,1:=v0;          end;    end;procedure solve;核心计算

49、60;   begin      smin:=maxlongint;      case k of        1:beginK=1的情形            ju1.b:=vn,1.y;ju1.t:=v1,1.y;      

50、0;     ju1.r:=vn,0.x;ju1.l:=v1,0.x;            smin:=area(ju1);          end;        2:for jj:=0 to 1 do beginK=2的情形     

51、;       flag=0,1的情形            ju1.b:=v1,jj.y;ju1.t:=v1,jj.y;            ju1.r:=v1,jj.x;ju1.l:=v1,jj.x;         

52、60;  for i:=2 to n do begin              insert(vi-1,jj,ju1);将第i-1点放入矩形1              ju2.b:=vi,jj.y;ju2.t:=vi,jj.y;将第i至n点放入矩形2      &#

53、160;       ju2.r:=vi,jj.x;ju2.l:=vi,jj.x;              for ii:=i+1 to n do insert(vii,jj,ju2);              if not intersect(ju1,ju2) then b

54、egin如果两矩形不交叉                temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii);                if temp<smin then smin:=temp;    &#

55、160;         end;            end;          end;        3:begin          

56、60; for jj:=0 to 1 do begin flag=0,1的情形              ju1.b:=v1,jj.y;ju1.t:=v1,jj.y;              ju1.r:=v1,jj.x;ju1.l:=v1,jj.x;       &

57、#160;      for i:=2 to n-1 do begin                insert(vi-1,jj,ju1);                ju2.b:=vi,jj.y;ju2.t:=vi,jj.y; &#

58、160;              ju2.r:=vi,jj.x;ju2.l:=vi,jj.x;                if intersect(ju1,ju2) then continue;          

59、      for j:=i+1 to n do begin                  insert(vj-1,jj,ju2);                  ju3.b:=vj,jj.y;ju3.

60、t:=vj,jj.y;                  ju3.r:=vj,jj.x;ju3.l:=vj,jj.x;                  for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,jj,ju3);  &#

61、160;               if intersect(ju2,ju3) then continue;                  temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii);    

62、              if temp<smin then smin:=temp;                end;              end;  

63、;          end;          flag=2的情形:先竖直划分大矩形;再在右矩形中水平划分          ju1.b:=v1,0.y;ju1.t:=v1,0.y;          ju1.r:=v1,0.x;ju1.

64、l:=v1,0.x;          for i:=2 to n-1 do begin            for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,0;所有点按横坐标升序排列,存入vi,2            for ii:=i to n-1 do将点i至n按纵坐标

65、升序排列,存入vi,2              for jj:=ii+1 to n do                if vii,2.y>vjj,2.y then begin           &

66、#160;      v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vjj,2;vjj,2:=v0;                end;结果:所有点先按横坐标升序排列,然后点i至n按纵坐标升序排列            insert(vi-1,2,ju1);将第i-1点放入矩形1 

67、60;          ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y;将第i点放入矩形2            ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x;            if intersect(ju1,ju2) then continue; &

68、#160;          for j:=i+1 to n do begin              insert(vj-1,2,ju2);将第j-1点放入矩形2              ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y;

69、将第j至n点放入矩形3              ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=vj,2.x;              for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3);           

70、;   if intersect(ju2,ju3) then continue;              temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii);              if temp<smin then smin:=temp;  

71、          end;          end;          flag=3的情形          for j:=3 to n do begin       

72、;     for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,0;            for ii:=1 to j-2 do              for jj:=ii+1 to j-1 do         &#

73、160;      if vii,2.y>vjj,2.y then begin                  v0:=vii,2;vii,2:=vjj,2;vjj,2:=v0;                end;&#

74、160;           ju3.b:=vj,2.y;ju3.t:=vj,2.y;            ju3.r:=vj,2.x;ju3.l:=vj,2.x;            for ii:=j+1 to n do insert(vii,2,ju3); &

75、#160;          for i:=2 to j-1 do begin              ju2.b:=vi,2.y;ju2.t:=vi,2.y;              ju2.r:=vi,2.x;ju2.l:=vi,2.x;&#

76、160;             for ii:=i+1 to j-1 do insert(vii,2,ju2);              ju1.b:=v1,2.y;ju1.t:=v1,2.y;            

77、0; ju1.r:=v1,2.x;ju1.l:=v1,2.x;              for ii:=2 to i-1 do insert(vii,2,ju1);              if intersect(ju1,ju2) or intersect(ju2,ju3) or    

78、60;           intersect(ju1,ju3) then continue;              temp:=0;for ii:=1 to k do temp:=temp+area(juii);            

79、0; if temp<smin then smin:=temp;            end;          end;          flag=4的情形          for j:=3 to n do

80、 begin            for ii:=1 to n do vii,2:=vii,1;            for ii:=1 to j-2 do              for jj:=ii+1 to j-1 do                if vii,2.x>vjj,2.x then begin 


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