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1、2020 届二轮复习 书面表达之靓点词汇替换 学案高分词汇替换大法 69 招, 掌握后英语书面表达轻松 22+!想要在英语写作中拿到高分,你需要了解这些点睛之笔换词!01词汇选取四大原则在正式进入换词大法 69 招的学习之前,我们先来了解一下书面表达词汇选取应遵循的四大原则:1. 难词优先only-merelyenough-adequate2. 短语优先join-take part inuse-make good use of3 . 具体词优先a good teacher-a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacherlearn-pick up (偶然学会)

2、 / master (掌握)I am good at English. - I won the second prize in the English speech competition.4. 大纲词汇衍生词优先He must be a doctor. - He is undoubtedly a doctor.He is very tall. - He is surprisingly tall.02经典换词大法 69 招为了方便同学们记忆,已经分类整理出五大专题,评价事件描述个人行为动作逻辑关系语法关系通通都有。专题一:评价一件事1. 好的 good优秀的 outstanding ,perf

3、ect , brilliant ,remarkable , distinguished , excellent教育性的,启发性的 instructive ,educational , enlightening 建设性的,有益的 constructive , helpful ,valuable ,useful 有意义的 meaningful2. 极好的,惊人的 great , surprising,extraordinary ,难以置信的, 惊人的, 令人震惊的 fantastic ,incredible ,unusual ,unbelievable ,exceptional marvelous

4、 ,notable ,noteworthy ,striking ,amazing , shocking , astonishing3. 坏的 bad糟糕的 terrible不理想的 undesirable不令人满意的 unsatisfactory4. 无趣味的,无聊的 uninteresting令人厌倦的 boring ,dull , annoying5. 难于理解的 difficult to understand抽象的,深奥的 abstract复杂的 complicated ,complex费解的 mysterious ,incomprehensible ,unintelligible 混杂

5、的,不清楚的,迷惑的 confused ,bewildered ,perplexed6. 好处 good side=好处,优点 advantage ,merit ,benefit7. 坏处 bad side=坏处,缺点 disadvantage ,defect ,drawback ,deficiency8. 必要的 necessary=必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable ,essential9. 很大 very big=巨大的 tremendous ,immense ,huge ,gigantic , giant ,enormous10. 很多 many= 不计其数的 countl

6、ess , endless , unlimited , innumerable , immeasurable , incalculable , numberless numerous11. 增长 grow=提高 improve ,increase , enhance ,raise ,12. 越来越(多)1) more and more+n.f students in growing numbers2) more and more +adjf increasingly important13. 很难 difficult= 有挑战性的 challenging14. 很重要 important= 至

7、关重要的 vital ,significant15. adj.=of+n.important f of great importancedifferent f of great difference beautiful f of amazing beauty wise f of outstanding wisdom useful f of great use16. 特殊的,特别的 special=具体的,明确的 concrete ,specific ,particular ,definite17. 和有关 be related to=, have something to do with与相联

8、系 be conn ected with, be lin ked to , be releva nt to18. 注定 it is decided that.=注定 be doomed to , be destined to19. 乐趣 fun=娱乐,乐趣 entertainment , amusement专题二:描述一个人20. 朋友 friend=熟人 acquaintance伙伴 associate , companion密友,知己 intimate ,confidant21. 勤奋的 hardworking=勤奋的,勤勉的 diligent ,studious ,industrious

9、22. 坚决的 decided adj=坚持不懈的 perseverant , persistent , relentless不屈服的 unyielding坚持的 insistent有决心的 determined ,resolute , resolved坚决的 firm23. 聪明的 clever=聪明的,有才智的 intelligent , bright ,wise ,brilliant24. 诚实的 honest=真诚的,诚实的,正直的 sincere ,truthful , genuine ,upright25. 美丽的 beautiful , pretty=迷人的,吸引人的 encha

10、nting , charming ,appealing ,fascinating , attractive26. 累的 tired=精疲力尽的 exhausted ,worn-out27. 开心的 Happy =joyful / delighted,low-spirited28. 不开心的 sad=沮丧的,失意的 frustrated ,discouraged ,depressed , downhearted ,disheartened29. 担心的 be/feel worried=忧虑的,不安的 anxious , uneasy ,troubled ,concerned ,restless3

11、0. 失业的 out of work=失业的 unemployed ,jobless31. 进步 progress=进步,成就,成绩 advancement ,achievement , accomplishment ,fulfilment32. 遇到(事) meet=碰到,遇到 come across , meet with ,confront33. we =We high school studentsWe teenagersWe ChineseWe Chinese young generation专题三:描述各种行为34. 使用 use =make good use of35. 学习 l

12、earn =pick up ( 偶然或轻松学到 )master (掌握)36. 适应 be used to=适应 be adapted to , be accustomed to ,be adjusted to37. 参加 join, enter=参与 participate in , attend ,take part in , go in for38. 注意 pay one ' s attention to=集中精力于 focus on ,center on , concentrate on 专心于 set one 's mind on39. 考虑 think about

13、sth/consider sth=take into account +sthtake into consideration +sth【例】 take into consideration other people's opinion.40. 做 do =开展,实施,做 practice , carry out , perform利用好时间精力去做 make good use of your time and effort to do完全有理由去做 have every reason to do忍不住做 can't help doing41. 能够做 can do sth wi

14、ll do sthbe able to do sthbe capable of doing sth42. 完成 finish=实现,完成 achieve , accomplish ,fulfill , complete43. 花时间做 spend time doing sth=,spare time to do sthmanage to do抽出时间做 set aside time to do sth ,put aside time to do sth44. 尽力做 try to ,work hard=努力做,尽力做 attempt to ,make efforts to ,endeavor

15、to ,45. 决定做 decide to do=决心做 be determined to do ,make up one ' s mind to do46. 想要做 want to=等不及,渴望 tend/intend to do sth be longing for doing sth. be thirsty for doing sth look forward to doing sth can't wait to do sth desire to do have the desire to do/for sth47. 喜欢做 like =love enjoy prefer

16、. be fond of + 物 be crazy about I appreciate your sense of humour.48. 应该做 should do= Had better do Be supposed to doWhy not doIf I were you, I would doIt is beneficial/helpful/meaningful for you to doDoing sth is another possible choice for you.Close atte nti on should be paid to that49. 有机会做 have a

17、 chance to/of=有机会的 stand a chance of ,have an opportunity to50. 重视 value=珍爱,珍惜,重视 cherish ,treasure ,have a high opinion of51. 把看作,当作 seeas=把看作,当作 regard as , consider as , look on as , treat as , view as52. 解释 explain=解释 account for , illustrate , clarify53. 想 think=想出,想到 sb come up with , sth/it c

18、ross one's mind , sth/it occur to somebody54. 认为 think = guessharbor the idea that.take the attitude that.hold the view that.55. 相信 believe =sb insist on sth坚持(某种观点)sb insist that.坚持做某事be sure that56. 需要 need =需要 call for , require , demand57. 知道 know =熟悉,知道 be acquainted with , be familiar with , be informed of58. 我们都知道 we all know =It is widely shared that.It is universally acknowledged that.59. 意识到 realize=意识到 become/be aware of, become/b


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