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1、学习必备 欢迎下载被动语态:态下动被动语态语动被动语态1. .srtec retrWrt t rfe r t eter t eso Wetfo WW2. .kerwty ootWeeyt terytc osteri tyrrT3. .srtec retWrrte steroite Wtfo WWs r4. ttertsrW t r etecct erto se .5. .kertW r re tWeero tor et oot ert ri Wtdwter三、按要求语写下动句子,一空一词。(1X30=30分)I. Is tea grow n in South Chins?(语动被动语态)peo

2、pletea in South China2am given a birthday present by my parents every year (同义句转换)A birthday present by my parents every year3. The work is going to be finished in two days.对戈U线提问)How the work going to be finished ?4. The childre n will si ng an En glish song.语动被动语态 )An English song by the children.

3、5. You need n't do it now.语动被动语态)It by you now.6. People use metal for making machines.语动被动语态)Metal making machines.7. He made me do that for him.语动被动语态)I that for him.8. They are watch ing the football match.The football match by them.9. Did they build a bridge here a year ago?语动被动语态)a bridgehe

4、re by them a year ago?10. They have sold out the light green dresses语动被动语态)The light green dressesout.II. We call the game“ Lianliari语动被动语态)The game “ Lianliankan ” by us.被动语态带省to的不定式作宾补的被动语态:动词+ sb + do sth .口诀:感使动词真叫怪,to来to去记心怀,被动语态to离去,被动语态to回来动词: make / let /have /see /hear /feel /watchmake sb d

5、o sth sb + be +made to do sth1. We listen to the teacher carefully in class.2. Welaughed at him .3. The man killed a tiger.4. Mother often makes me do some housework.5. We saw him run in to the classroom.6. The boss made the workers work all day.7. We can repair this watch in two days.8. They should

6、 do it at once.9. He made the boy work for two hours yesterday.10. Mother n ever lets me watch TV .动词+ sb(间宾)+sth(直宾)口诀:如遇双宾语,一般变间宾,若态直宾变,to /for间宾连。11. Jack gave Peter a Christmas prese nt just now.12. S he gave me a pen.13. My father bought me a new bike.14. He gave me a bookIa book by him. A book

7、me by him .15. My mother made me a cake .Ia cake by my mother A cakeme by my mother .16. He took away the box.一、单项选择:()1. En glishin Can ada.A.speaksB.are spoke nC. is speak ingD. is spoke n()2. This En glish songby the girls after class.A. ofte n sings B. ofte n sang C. is ofte n sang D. is ofte n

8、sung()3. This kind of carin Japa n.A, makesB. madeC. is maki ngD. is made()4. New computersall over the world.A. is usedB. are usingC. are usedD. have used()5. Our room mustclea n.A. keepB. be keptC. to be kept D. to keep()6. A new houseat the cor ner of the road.A. is buildi ngB. is being built C.

9、bee n built()7. Doctorsin every part of the world.A. n eedB. are n eedi ngC. are n eeded()8. Japa nesein every coun try.A. is not spoke n B. are spoke n C. is speaki ngD. be buildi ngD. will n eedD. is not speaki ngA. have not writte nB. have not bee n writte nC. has not writte n D. has not bee n wr

10、itte n()9. These papersyet.()10. The sports meeti ngbe held un til n ext week.A. did n'tB. won'tC. is n'tD. does n't()11.the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it. A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are()12.these desks be needed? A. Will B. Are C. Has D. Do()13. Whyto talk about it yesterday

11、?A. did n't a meet ing holdB. was n't a meeti ng heldC. was n't held a meeti ngD. a meet ing was n't held()14. Who was the book? A. write B. wrote C. written D. written by()15. Wherethese boxes made? A. was B. were C. is D. am()16. The flowersoften.A. must be water B. must be watered

12、 C. must wateredD. must water()17. The books mayfor two weeks.A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep D. borrow()18. The teacher made himhis homework. A. to do B. do C. did D. done()19. The boystreets without pay ing in the old days.A. was made to clea n B. made clea nC. made to clea n D. was made clea n(

13、)20. These childrendan ce.D. saw toD. brokenD. were writ ingA. were seen to B. were seen for C. were seen()23. Please pass me ano ther cup. This one.A. is broke nB. is break ingC. broke()24. The story booksby the writer in the 1960s.A. are writte nB. were writte nC. are writi ng()25. What timethe do

14、orevery day?A. does; closedB. does; closeC. is; closedD. /; close()26. The applevery sweet.A. is tastedB. tasteC. tastesD. are tast ing()27. Youmore beautiful in the light blue shirt.A. seeB. watch C. lookD. look at()28.How dirty the tables are! They need.A. to clea nB. clea nC. clea ningD. clea ned

15、()29. The broken bikehere by Mr Smith.A. can mendB. can men dedC. can be mend D. can be men ded()30. The old bridge in my hometownn ext mon th.A. is going to be rebuiltB. will rebuiltC. are going to be rebuiltD. are going to rebuilt()31. The playat the theatre next Sun day.A. is going to be show n B

16、. will show n C. will show D. is show n()32. Now these magazinesin the library for a long time.A. have kept B. are keep ingC. have bee n keep ing D. have bee n kept()33. Teain the south of Chi na.A. grows B. is grow nC. were grow nD. will grow()34. Wet clothes are ofte nup n ear a fire in rai ny wea

17、ther.A. hangB. han gedC. hanging D. hung()36. Old people must be looked after well andpolitely.A. speak to B.spokenC. speak D. spoken to()37. Old people must.A. look after well B. be looked well after C. looked well after D. be looked afterwell()38. Janeto sing us an America n song last Saturday.A.

18、called B. was asked C. told D. was said()39. Ifive minu tes to decide whether I should go or not.A. gave B. was givi ngC. had give nD. was give n()40. Really ?Jim the monitor?A. Did, choose to be B. Was, chose n to be C. Has, chose n to be D. Were, chose n to be17. tThe teacher is listened to by us

19、carefully in class.18. t He was laughed at by us.19. t a tiger was killed by the man .t i am ofte n made to dosome housework by mother.tHe was seen torun into the classroom by us.The workerswork all day by the boss.t i was give n a pen by her. t a pen was give n to me by her.t i was bought a new bik

20、e by my father. t a new bike was bought for me by my father.20. t The box was take n away by him.21. t This watch can be repaired in two days.22. t it should be done at on ce.23. t The boy was made to work by him for two hours yesterday.24. t i am n ever let to watch TV by mother.25. .A Christmas pr

21、esent was given to Peter by Jack just now.26. Peter was give n a Christmas prese nt by Jack just now.1).give / pass / show 与介词 to 搭配。give sb sthsb +be given sth 或 sth +be given +to sb .2).buy / make / cook 与介词 for 搭配。buy sb sthsb +be bought + sth 或 sth +be bought +for sb3由不及物动词(vi) +介词/副词+宾语的句子语成被动语

22、态时,介词或副词不能丢掉例:W e should speak to old people politely.t Old people should be spoke n to politely ( by us).4. see /hear /notice /keep +sb +doing sth句型中变被动语态时 doing 不变。I heard Tom singing just now Tomby me just now .5以动词短语作谓语的被动语态变被动语态时,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。We should take care of the old . The old should.有些词组

23、没有被动语态:sell well , write well ,ride well ,drive well wash well六、没有被动语态的动词:1. 没有被动语态的词,表示状态或特征的及物动词如cost, fit, have, suit等没有被动形式,另外,诸如happen = take place, break out爆发),break down(坏了)等不及物动词或 短语以及诸如result from(缘于),belong to, consist of等只用被动语态,而不用被动语态 2不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态:appear, die disappear, end (vi.结束),

24、fail, last, lie, remain, sit, spread (传播),stand, come true, fall asleep, .3 .大多数系动词:be , feel摸起来),sou nd听起来),look(看起来),smell(闻起来)taste (尝起来)等词无被动语态,它们的被动形式表示被动意义。例:T he skirt feels very soft.这件裙子摸起来很柔软。 Many cha nges have happe ned in our hometow n. The film lasted for 3 hours.被动语态配套练习一、单项选择。( )1. O

25、ne or two man-made satellitesin our country every year.A. have been sent up B. will be sent up C. is sent up D. are sent up()2. Our TV setyesterday.A. is repaired B. was repaired C. had bee n repaired D. would be repaired( )3. A new buildi ngin our school n ext year.A. will be built B. is built C. i

26、s being built D. has bee n built( )4. Many books on scie neesince I went to college.A. were bought B. have bee n bought C, will be bought D. are bought( )5. A won derful En glish talkby Mr Liu tomorrow.A. has bee n give nB. is give nC. is being give nD. will be give n( )6. Howthe Great Pyramid 金字塔)m

27、any years ago without moder n mach ines.A. is built B. would be built C. have been built D. was built( )Food and clothesby wome n.A is ofte n talk aboutB. are ofte n talkedC. are ofte n talked about D. ofte n talked about()8.the workyet ?A. is finished B. Will be finishedC. Has been finished D. Woul

28、d be finished( )9.Such filmsby childre n like you.A. must be not see nB. must not be see C. must not see n D. must not be see n( )10.Treesin win ter but in spri ng.A. not can be pla nted B. can be not pla ntedC. can ' t be plantedD. can not be plant( )11.This kind of carsin Japa n ten years ago.

29、A. can only be made B. could only madeC. be could only made D. could only be made( )12.Jack ofte n does thi ngs foolishly, so hesometimesby others.A. is laughedB. is laughed atC. was -laughedD. has been laughed at( )13.The bearto the zoo tomorrow morning.A. may be send B. may is sent C. may be sent

30、D. is may sent( )14 .In the past ten year, a lot of new buildi ngsin our city.A. are put up B. have put up C. have bee n put D. have bee n put up()15. Such filmsby childre n like you.A. must be not see nB. must not be see C. must not see nD. must not be see n二、用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空。1. Some top stude nts(send) to study in foreig n coun tries once a year.2. More and more schools(build) here later.3. Where are the apples? I thi nk they(eat) by those boys.4. Ma ny new things(invent) in the last ten years.5. All the shoes(sell) out last week.6. How longt


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