



1、Act 1伐木工:I am a poor woodcutter. I live with my wife and two children, Hansel and Gretel.【我是一个贫穷的伐木工。我与妻子和两个孩子汉塞尔和格蕾特,生活在一起。我妻子是他们的继母】(turning to his wife)We have little food. What can we do? 【(转向他的妻子)咱们没什么吃的了,怎么办呢?】继母:Our family is very big. Lets take the children into the forest, and then leave th

2、em there.【咱们家里人太多了。我们把孩子们带到森林里去吧,然后就把他们留在那儿】伐木工:No, we cant do that !【不,我们不能那样做!】继母:Theres no other way.【没有别的办法了。】伐木工:(sadly)Than, OK. ( Hansel and Gretel hear them.)【(难过地)那好吧(汉塞尔和格蕾特听见了他们说的话)】格蕾特:(in fear)Im afraid, Hansel.【(害怕地)汉塞尔,我怕】汉塞尔:Dont worry. I have an idea. Ill pick up some stones and dro

3、p them along the path. (The next day, the family is in the middle of the forest.)【别怕,我有办法。我去捡一些小石子,把它们沿路扔下。(第二天,一家人来到了森林中央)继母:My lovely children, lie down here and rest. We will cut some wood. Wait until we come back.【我可爱的孩子们,在这里躺下休息一会儿吧。我们去砍些木头,等我们回来】汉塞尔和格蕾特:Yes, Mom.(Hansel and Gretel fall asleep

4、and wake up at night.)【好的,妈妈。(汉塞尔和格蕾特睡着了,晚上才醒来。)格蕾特:Mom and Dad have not come back. Im so afraid! 【(哭起来)爸妈都没回来,我好害怕!】汉塞尔:Dont cry. Look! The stones shine in the moonlight. We can follow them.【别哭,看!小石子在月光下发亮呢。我们可以顺着它们走回去】Act 2继母:The children are back ,But we have no food! We must take the children de

5、ep into the forest. Then they cant come back home again.【孩子们回来了,可是我们没有吃的了!我们必须把他们带到森林深处去。这样他们就没法再找回家来了】伐木工:OK. (Hansel and Gretel hear them.)【好吧。(汉塞尔和格蕾特听见了他们说的话)】格蕾特:Hansel, Lets go out and pick up stones.【汉塞尔,我们出去捡小石子吧】汉塞尔:Oh, no! I cant go outside, Mom locked the door.【不好!我出不去了,妈妈把门锁上了】(next morn

6、ing)伐木工:Children, lets go to the forest.【孩子们,我们出发去森林吧】继母:Here is a piece of bread. It is your lunch.【这里有一块面包,是你们的午餐】 (The family goes deep into the forest.)【一家人走到了森林深处】继母:Rest here .We will come back soon.【在这儿休息吧,我们很快就回来】汉塞尔和格蕾特:Yes, Mom.【好的,妈妈】(Hansel and Gretel fall asleep and wake up at night.)【(

7、汉塞尔和格蕾特睡着了,晚上才醒来。)】格蕾特:Mom and Dad have not come back again.【(哭起来)爸妈又没回来】汉塞尔:Dont worry. I dropped bread crumbs along the path. The moon is up. We can follow the bread crumbs.【别担心,我在路上扔了面包屑。月亮升起来了,我们就可以沿着面包屑走回去】格蕾特:But I cant find the bread crumbs.【(四处找)可是我没找对面包屑啊】汉塞尔:Oh, no !Maybe the birds ate the

8、m all.【哎呀,不好了,可能鸟儿把它们都吃掉了】格蕾特:We are lost! I am hungry and tired【我们迷路了!我又饿又累】汉塞尔:Me ,too. I cant walk anymore.【我也是,我再也走不动了】Act 3汉塞尔:Look! There is a house! It is made of bread and cakes!【看!那儿有座房子!它是用面包和蛋糕做的】格蕾特:Wow! This window is made of sugar,Its so yummy!【哇!这个窗户是的、糖果做的。真好吃】(A witch comes out of t

9、he house.)女巫:Who is eating my house?【是谁在吃我的房子?】汉塞尔:Sorry,We are very hungry.【对不起,我们太饿了】女巫:Oh,poor children! Come into my house.【哦,可怜的孩子!到我的房子里来吧】汉塞尔和格蕾特:Thank you.【谢谢您】女巫:I will fatten them up and eat them .【我要把他们养胖了吃掉】(next morning)女巫:Witch:Gretel,wake up!your brother is in the cage.Make some food

10、for him.When he is fat,I will eat him!【格蕾特,醒醒!你哥哥在笼子里,给他做些吃的。等他长胖了,我就要把他吃掉】格蕾特:(哭起来)Oh,no!【哦,不!】女巫:Hansel,eat this food.When you are fat ,I will eat you!【汉塞尔,把这些东西吃了,等你长胖了,我就要吃掉你】(Everyday Gretel cooks for Hansel.)女巫:Hansel,stretch out yourfinger .Let me feel your finger.【汉塞尔,把你的手指伸出来让我摸一摸】汉塞尔:She i

11、s blind. I will hold out a thin chicken bone.【它是个瞎子,我递一根细细的鸡骨头出去吧】女巫:You are still thin.I waited for a month. I cant waitany longer!Tomorrow Iwill cook Hansel.【你还是很瘦。我等了一个月了,再也等不下去了。明天我就要把汉塞尔煮了吃】格蕾特:Oh,no!【哦,不】女巫:Shut up,orI will eat you , too!【闭嘴,不然我把你也吃掉】(The witch heats a big pot and an oven.)女巫:

12、I will cook Hansel in the pot.AndI will cook Gretel in the oven. 【我要用这口锅煮汉塞尔。而且我要用炉子烤格蕾特】Gretel ,look into theoven . Is it heated?【格蕾特,去看看炉子里面,它烧热了吗】格蕾特:I dont know. How can Ido it ?【我不知道。我要怎么做】女巫:Oh,silly girl. Look into the oven like this.【哦,蠢丫头!像这样往炉子里面看】 (Gretel pushes the witch into the oven)女巫

13、:Ugh!啊格蕾特:I tricked you! Ha-Ha !【我骗到你啦!哈哈】格蕾特:The wicked witch is dead!【坏女巫死了】汉塞尔和格蕾特:Hooray!【好哇】格蕾特:Hansel, here are some jewels and money.【汉塞尔,这儿有一些珠宝和钱呢】汉塞尔:Wow, lets take them with us.【哇,我们把它们都带上吧】(Hansel andGretel come to a river.)格蕾特 :How can we cross the river? There is no boat .【我们怎么过河呢?没有船啊】汉塞尔 :Look! There is a little duck.【看,那儿有一只小鸭子】汉塞尔和格蕾特:Little duck, will you take us across the river ?【小鸭子,你能载我们过河吗】小鸭子 :OK, children.【可以,孩子们】(Hansel and Gretel arrive athome )伐木工:Oh, Hanseland Gretel ,youre back. Your stepmother


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