1、目录Table of Contents1 范围61 Scope62 引用标准62. Normative references63 职责83. Responsibilities84 采购84. Purchase85 验收95.1 验收项目95.1.1 包装检验95.1.2 质量证明书检验95. Acceptance inspection95.1 Inspection items95.1.1 Packing inspection95.1.2 Inspection of quality certificates95.1.3 外观检验95.1.4 成分及性能试验105.2 检验结果的认可105.3 验
2、收标记105.1.3 Exterior inspection105.1.4 Composition and performance test105.2 Approval of inspection results105.3 Inspection mark106 入库106. Warehousing117 库存保管117.1 存放条件117. Storage117.1 Storage conditions117.2 库存期间的检查127.2 Inspection during storage128 出库128. Distribution129 使用过程中的管理139.1 一般要求139. Man
3、agement during use149.1 General requirements149.2 烘干、保温及清理149.2 Drying, heat insulation and cleaning149.3 识别标志159.4 焊接材料的回收159.3 Identification mark159.4 Recovery of welding materials159.5 回收的焊接材料的烘干169.6 焊剂的重复使用169.5 Dry of recovery welding materials169.6 Repeated use of welding flux16焊接材料质量管理规程Cor
4、porate Management Rules for Welding Material Quality Control1 范围本标准规定了焊接材料,包括焊条、焊丝、焊剂、合金粉末、衬垫及焊接用气体等,在采购、验收、库存保管及使用过程中的管理要求。为了保证焊接材料的使用性能,应具备必要的贮存、烘干、清理设施,建立可靠的管理规程并严格执行。本标准适用于焊接生产中,上述这些焊接材料的质量管理。1 ScopeThis Standard specifies management requirements of welding materials (e.g., welding electrode, we
5、lding wire, welding flux, alloy powder, backing and welding gas) during purchase, acceptance, warehousing and use. In order to ensure service performance of welding materials, necessary storage, drying and cleaning installations shall be made available, and reliable management specifications shall b
6、e established and strictly observed.This Standard applies to quality management of the said welding materials during welding operation.2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。GB/T5117-1995碳钢焊条GB/T5118-1995低合金焊条GB/T983-1995不锈钢焊条GB/T984-2001堆焊焊条 2. Norma
7、tive referencesThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard.At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encourage
8、d to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.GB/T5117-1995Carbon steel electrodesGB/T5118-1995Low alloy steel electrodesGB/T983-1995Stainless steel covered electrodesGB/T984-2001Hardfacing electrodes for shielded metal arc weldingGB/T 1381492
9、 镍及镍合金焊条GB/T 156201995 镍及镍合金焊丝GB/T14957-1994熔化焊用钢丝GB/T8110-1995气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝GB/T10045-2001碳钢药芯焊丝GB/T17493-1998低合金钢药芯焊丝GB 424285 焊接用不锈钢丝GB/T5293-1999埋弧焊用碳钢焊丝和焊剂GB/T 1381492 Nickel and nickel alloy covered welding electrodesGB/T 156201995 Nickel and nickel alloy wires for welding rodsGB/T14957-199
10、4 Steel wires for melt weldingGB/T8110-1995Welding electrodes and rods for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steelGB/T10045-2001 Carbon steel flux cored electrodes for arc weldingGB/T17493-1998 Low alloy steel flux cored electrodes for arc weldingGB 424285 Stainless steel wires for w
11、eldingGB/T5293-1999 Carbon steel electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc weldingGB/T12470-2003低合金钢埋弧焊用焊剂GB10433-2002电弧螺柱焊用园柱头焊钉GB/T4842-2006纯氩GB/T6052-1993工业用二氧化碳HG/T2537-1993焊接用二氧化碳 CCS 规范 材料焊接部分DNV 规范 材料焊接部分ABS 规范 材料焊接部分GL 规范 材料焊接部分BV 规范 材料焊接部分LR 规范 材料焊接部分GB/T12470-2003 Low-alloy steel electrodes
12、and fluxes for submerged arc weldingGB10433-2002Cheese head studs for arc stud weldingGB/T4842-2006 Pure argonGB/T6052-1993 Commercial liquid carbon dioxideHG/T2537-1993Carbon dioxide for welding purposeCCS - Rules for materials and weldingDNV -Rules for materials and weldingABS - Rules for material
13、s and weldingGL - Rules for materials and weldingBV - Rules for materials and weldingLR - Rules for materials and welding3 职责3.1 设计部根据各项目的特点和要求制定材料准备单。3.2 物资部根据材料准备单负责采购相关事宜,并且负责材料的入库保管和出库。3.3 质管部负责来料验收和现场的使用监督。3.4 各生产使用部门负责焊材的领用、保管和发放回收事宜。3.5 对业主规定有特殊要求的项目,要根据业主的规定要求修订具体项目的管理规定,并监督执行。 3. Responsibi
14、lities3.1 Design Department shall make a material requisition based on the features and requirements of each project.3.2 Procurement Department is responsible for making purchases according to the material requisition and for warehousing materials and sending materials out of warehouse.3.3 Quality M
15、anagement Department is responsible for incoming inspection and supervision over field use.3.4 Each production department is responsible for the requisition, custody, distribution and recovery of welding materials.3.5 For each project specially required by the Owner, the management rules for the pro
16、ject shall be made according to the Owners requirement and the implementation of such rules shall be supervised.4 采购4.1 焊接材料的采购人员应具备足够的焊接材料基本知识,了解焊接材料在焊接生产中的用途及重要性。4.2 焊接材料的采购应依据订货技术条件,按择优定点的原则,在合格供应商中选择采购。在可能的条件下,尽量配套采购。4.3 特殊焊接材料,或有特殊技术要求的焊接材料,应按焊接主管人员指定的供货单位采购。4.4 焊接材料的采购,确保供货方,生产企业已建立可靠的质量体系,具备可
17、满足我方生产需求的生产能力。4.5 焊接材料的供货方应提供焊接材料的质量证明书(说明书)或合格标记,船级社证书,并保证其所提供的焊接材料产品符合有关标准或供货协议的要求。4. Purchase4.1 Welding materials purchasing personnel shall have adequate basic knowledge on welding materials and learn about the purpose and significance of welding materials in welding operation.4.2 Welding mater
18、ials shall be purchased from qualified suppliers who offer quality products with reasonable prices according to technical ordering specifications.4.3 Special welding materials or welding materials with special technical requirements shall be purchased from suppliers designated by welding supervisor.
19、4.4 The supplier or manufacturer of welding materials shall have established a reliable quality system and enjoy the production capability of satisfying the Companys demands.4.5 The supplier of welding materials shall present the quality certificate/specifications or mark of conformity or classifica
20、tion certificate, and ensure that its welding materials and products conform to the requirements of relevant standards or supply agreement.5 验收5.1 验收项目焊接材料的验收内容应依据焊接产品的制造规程、焊接产品的种类、船级社要求、业主技术条件要求及实际需要确定。5.1.1 包装检验检验焊接材料的包装是否符合有关标准要求,是否完好,有无破损、受潮现象。5.1.2 质量证明书检验对于附有质量证明书,船级社证书的焊接材料,核对其质量证明书,船级社证书所提供的
21、数据是否齐全,并符合规定要求。5. Acceptance inspection5.1 Inspection itemsInspection items of welding materials shall be determined in accordance with manufacturing specifications and types of welding products, classification society rules, Owners technical conditions and actual requirements.5.1.1 Packing inspecti
22、onCheck and make sure the package of welding materials meets the requirements of relevant standards, is sound, undamaged and not damped.5.1.2 Inspection of quality certificatesFor welding materials furnished with quality certificates or classification certificates, check and make sure the data as pr
23、ovided in such certificates are all complete and meet specified requirements.5.1.3 外观检验检验焊接材料的外表面是否污染,在储运过程中是否产生有可能影响焊接质量的缺陷,识别标志是否清晰、牢固,与产品实物是否相符。5.1.4 成分及性能试验如需要,应按技术要求进行焊接材料复验,根据有关标准或供货协议的要求,进行相应的试验。5.2 检验结果的认可焊接材料的检验方法及检验规则一般应根据有关标准,船级社规范要求确定。必要时亦可由供需双方协商确定。焊接材料经验收检验后应出具检验报告,并经有关职能部门认可。5.3 验收标记验
24、收合格的焊接材料应在每个包装上做专门的标记。5.1.3 Exterior inspectionCheck and make sure the exterior of welding materials is uncontaminated, free of any defect that occurs during storage or transportation and is likely to affect welding quality, and that their identification marks are clear and fast and consistent with
25、actual conditions of the products.5.1.4 Composition and performance testIf necessary, welding inspection shall undergo re-inspection in accordance with technical requirements or corresponding tests as required in relevant standards or supply agreement.5.2 Approval of inspection resultsThe methods an
26、d rules for inspection of welding materials shall be generally determined in accordance with the requirements of relevant standards and classification society rules. If necessary, such methods and rules may be determined through negotiation by the buyer and the seller.After acceptance inspection of
27、welding materials, an inspection report shall be issued, subject to approval by relevant functional departments.5.3 Inspection markEach package of accepted welding materials shall be properly marked.6 入库存放焊接材料的库内可根据需要,划分为“待检”、“合格”及“不合格”等区域,各区域要有明显的标记。验收合格的焊接材料应进行入库登记。其内容包括:a) 焊接材料的名称、型号(或牌号),或内部移植代号
28、;b) 生产厂;c) 规格;d) 批号或炉号;e) 数量(或重量);f) 生产日期;g) 入库日期;h) 有效期(自验收合格之日起至规定的期限)。焊接材料入库后即应建立相应的库存档案,如入库登记、质量证明书、船级社证书、验收检验报告、检查及发放记录等。6. WarehousingThe warehouse where welding materials are stored will be divided into such zones as “inspection required”, “accepted” and “unaccepted” with different and conspi
29、cuous marks.Accepted welding materials shall undergo warehousing registration, including:a) Name, model number (or designation) or internal transfer code of welding materials;b) Manufacturer;c) Specifications;d) Batch number or furnace number;e) Quantity (or weight);f) Date of production;g) Warehous
30、ing date;h) Effective period (from the date of acceptance to a specified date).After warehousing of welding materials, corresponding storage archives shall be established, including warehousing register, quality certification, classification certificate, acceptance report, and inspection and distrib
31、ution records.7 库存保管7.1 存放条件7.1.1 焊接材料的储存库应保持适宜的温度及湿度。室内温度应在 5以上,相对湿度不超过 60%。室内应保持干燥、清洁,不得存放有害介质。7.1.2 焊接材料应按有关的技术要求和安全规程妥善保管。因吸潮而可能导致失效的焊接材料,在存放时应采取必要的防潮措施,如设置货架、采用防潮剂或去湿器等。品种、型号及牌号、批号、规格、入库时间不同的焊接材料,应分类、分批存放,并有明确的区别标志,以免混杂。7. Storage7.1 Storage conditions7.1.1 The storeroom of welding materials sh
32、all always have suitable temperature and humidity.Indoor temperature shall be above 5 and relative humidity shall not exceed 60%. The storeroom shall be kept dry and clean inside and store no harmful agents.7.1.2 Welding materials shall be stored in accordance with relevant technical requirements an
33、d safety regulations.Welding materials likely to fail due to dampness shall be provided with necessary moisture-proof measures, such as installation of storage rack or use of desiccant or dehumidifier.For fear of mixed storage, welding materials that differ in type, model number, designation, batch
34、number, specifications and warehousing date shall be stored under different categories and in batches and have conspicuous identification marks.7.2 库存期间的检查库存管理人员应具备有关焊接材料保存的基本知识,熟悉本岗位的各项管理程序和制度。定期对库存的焊接材料进行检查,并将检查结果作书面记录。发现由于保存不当而出现可能影响焊接质量的缺陷时,应及时报告质检,和相关部门,会同有关职能部门及时处理。7.2 Inspection during storag
35、eStorekeepers shall possess basic knowledge on storage of welding managers and familiarize themselves with all management procedures and systems for their respective posts.Check welding materials in stock periodically and record inspection results in writing.In case of any defect attributable to imp
36、roper storage and likely to affect welding quality, it shall be timely reported to quality management and associated departments for timely disposal along with relevant functional departments.8 出库8.1 为了保证焊接材料在其有效期内得到使用,避免库存超期所引起的不良后果,焊接材料的发放应按“先入先出”的原则进行。8.2 焊接材料的出库量应严格按产品消耗定额控制,并以领料单为出库凭据,经库存管理人员核准
37、之后方可发放。8. Distribution8.1 To ensure the use of welding materials within effective period and avoid bad consequence of expiration of storage life, the distribution of welding materials shall follow the “FIFO (first in, first out)” principle.8.2 The quantity of welding materials taken out of warehouse
38、 shall be controlled in strict accordance with product consumption data, and warehousing materials may be sent out of warehouse only against the corresponding material requisition and with the approval by storekeeper.8.3 库存超期的焊接材料库存期超过规定期限的焊条、焊剂、焊丝及药芯焊丝,需经有关职能部门复验合格后方可发放使用。复验原则上以考核焊接材料是否产生可能影响焊接质量的缺
39、陷为主,一般仅限于外观及工艺性能试验,但对焊接材料的使用性能有怀疑时,可增加必要的检验项目。规定期限自生产日期始可按下述方法确定:a) 材料供应商的焊接材料质量证明书或说明书推荐的期限;b) 包装密封良好的焊接材料为三年;c) 一般包装的焊接材料,及其他焊接材料为二年。8.3 Welding materials with expired storage lifeWelding electrodes, fluxes, wires and flux cored welding wires whose storage life expires may be distributed for use o
40、nly after they pass re-inspection organized by relevant functional departments.Re-inspection is generally aimed at checking if any defect likely to affect welding quality occurs to welding materials, and is usually limited to exterior inspection and process performance test. If there is any about se
41、rvice performance of welding materials, necessary inspection items may be included.The specified period is any of the following periods of time as from the date of production:a) Period as recommended in quality certificate or specification of welding material supplier;b)The storage life of welding m
42、aterials with good packing and sealing is three years;c) The storage life of welding materials with ordinary packing and other welding materials is two years.8.4 受潮、变质的焊接材料对于严重受潮、变质的焊接材料,应由质检和有关职能部门进行必要的检验,并作出降级使用或报废的处理决定之后,方可准许出库。对于这类焊接材料的去向必须严格控制。8.4 Dampened, deteriorated welding materialsFor sev
43、erely dampened or deteriorated welding materials, quality management and relevant functional departments shall make necessary inspection and decide on concession or scrapping before such materials may be taken out of warehouse. The flow direction of those materials must be strictly controlled.9 使用过程
44、中的管理9.1 一般要求9.1.1 车间应设置专门的焊接材料管理员,负责焊接材料的焙烘、保管、发放及回收。9.1.2 使用管理职责车间的生产主管人员对焊接材料的管理及使用全面负责;焊接技术人员及车间检查员应对焊接材料的管理及使用进行必要的检查监督,确保焊接材料的正确使用,防止由于焊接材料管理不善而发生质量事故。9. Management during use9.1 General requirements9.1.1 The workshop shall have a welding materials management clerk who is responsible for drying
45、, custody, distribution and recovery of welding materials.9.1.2 Responsibility for use and managementProduction supervisor in the workshop assumes overall responsibility for management and use of welding materials;Welding technicians and workshop inspectors shall conduct necessary inspection and sup
46、ervision over the management and use of welding materials to ensure correct use of welding materials and prevent quality accident due to inappropriate management of welding materials.9.2 烘干、保温及清理9.2.1 烘干及清理焊接材料的场所应具备合适的烘干、保温设施,及清理手段。烘干、保温设施应有可靠的温度控制、时间控制及显示装置。仪器仪表应经过计量检定。9.2.2 焊接材料在烘干及保温时应严格按有关技术要求执
47、行。焊接材料在烘干时应排放合理、有利于均匀受热及潮气排除。堆高不超过70mm。烘干焊条时应注意防止焊条因骤冷骤热而导致药皮开裂或脱落。9.2.3 不同类型的焊接材料应分别烘干,避免混杂。9.2.4 焊接材料制造厂对有烘干要求的焊接材料,应提供明确的烘干条件。焊接材料的烘干规范可参照焊接材料说明书的要求确定。9.2 Drying, heat insulation and cleaning9.2.1 The site for drying and cleaning welding materials shall have adequate drying and heat insulating fa
48、cilities and cleaning methods. Drying and heat insulating installations shall have reliable temperature control, time control and indication devices. Instruments shall be measured and calibrated.9.2.2 Drying and heat insulation of welding materials shall be done in strict accordance with relevant te
49、chnical requirements.At the time of drying, welding materials shall be so reasonably placed to facilitate even heating and moisture elimination. The height of stack does not exceed 70mm.During the drying of welding electrodes, great care shall taken to prevent any crack in or shedding of electrode c
50、oating due to shock cooling and heating.9.2.3 Welding materials of different types shall be dried separately.9.2.4 If the manufacturer of a particular welding material has special drying requirements, it shall specify such requirements. Drying specifications for welding materials may be determined a
51、ccording to product specifications of welding materials.9.2.5 烘干后的焊接材料应在规定的温度范围内保存,以备使用。9.2.6 焊接材料管理员对焊接材料的烘干、保温、发放及回收应作详细记录,达到焊接材料使用的可追溯性。9.2.7 焊丝表面必须光滑、整洁,无油、锈及污物附着。9.2.8 真空包装焊接材料采用真空包装,按照焊接材料制造商技术规格书的规定,允许不进行焙烘的焊接材料,可直接使用,但必须在 4 小时内用完,或严格按照焊接材料制造商技术规格书的规定发放和使用。如果超过保存期,或发现真空包装破损,禁止使用。 After drying
52、, welding materials shall be kept within a specified temperature range.9.2.6 Welding materials management clerk shall record in detail the drying, heat insulation, distribution and recovery of welding materials to ensure the traceability of welding materials usage.9.2.7 The surface of welding wire must be smooth, tidy and free of oil, rust or filth.9.2.8 Welding materials with vacuum packingIf vacuum packing is adopted, welding materials that are allowed not to be dried according to technical specifica
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